John Ericson f52263ced0 treewide: Start to break up static overlay
We can use use `stdenv.hostPlatform.isStatic` instead, and move the
logic per package. The least opionated benefit of this is that it makes
it much easier to replace packages with modified ones, as there is no
longer any issue of overlay order.

CC @FRidh @matthewbauer
2021-01-03 19:18:16 +00:00

179 lines
6.1 KiB

{ lib, stdenv, fetchurl, pkgconfig
, abiVersion ? "6"
, mouseSupport ? false
, unicode ? true
, enableStatic ? stdenv.hostPlatform.isStatic
, enableShared ? !enableStatic
, withCxx ? !stdenv.hostPlatform.useAndroidPrebuilt
, gpm
, buildPackages
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
# Note the revision needs to be adjusted.
version = "6.2";
name = "ncurses-${version}" + lib.optionalString (abiVersion == "5") "-abi5-compat";
# We cannot use fetchFromGitHub (which calls fetchzip)
# because we need to be able to use fetchurlBoot.
src = let
# Note the version needs to be adjusted.
rev = "v${version}";
in fetchurl {
url = "${rev}.tar.gz";
sha256 = "15r2456g0mlq2q7gh2z52vl6zv6y0z8sdchrs80kg4idqd8sm8fd";
patches = lib.optional (! ./clang.patch;
outputs = [ "out" "dev" "man" ];
setOutputFlags = false; # some aren't supported
configureFlags = [
(lib.withFeature enableShared "shared")
] ++ lib.optional unicode "--enable-widec"
++ lib.optional (!withCxx) "--without-cxx"
++ lib.optional (abiVersion == "5") "--with-abi-version=5"
++ lib.optionals stdenv.hostPlatform.isWindows [
# Only the C compiler, and explicitly not C++ compiler needs this flag on solaris:
CFLAGS = lib.optionalString stdenv.isSunOS "-D_XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED";
depsBuildBuild = [ ];
nativeBuildInputs = [
] ++ lib.optionals (stdenv.buildPlatform != stdenv.hostPlatform) [
buildInputs = lib.optional (mouseSupport && stdenv.isLinux) gpm;
preConfigure = ''
export PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR="$dev/lib/pkgconfig"
+ lib.optionalString stdenv.isSunOS ''
sed -i -e '/-D__EXTENSIONS__/ s/-D_XOPEN_SOURCE=\$cf_XOPEN_SOURCE//' \
enableParallelBuilding = true;
doCheck = false;
# When building a wide-character (Unicode) build, create backward
# compatibility links from the the "normal" libraries to the
# wide-character libraries (e.g. to
postFixup = let
abiVersion-extension = if stdenv.isDarwin then "${abiVersion}.$dylibtype" else "$dylibtype.${abiVersion}"; in
# Determine what suffixes our libraries have
suffix="$(awk -F': ' 'f{print $3; f=0} /default library suffix/{f=1}' config.log)"
libs="$(ls $dev/lib/pkgconfig | tr ' ' '\n' | sed "s,\(.*\)$suffix\.pc,\1,g")"
suffixes="$(echo "$suffix" | awk '{for (i=1; i < length($0); i++) {x=substr($0, i+1, length($0)-i); print x}}')"
# Get the path to the config util
cfg=$(basename $dev/bin/ncurses*-config)
# symlink the full suffixed include directory
ln -svf . $dev/include/ncurses$suffix
for newsuffix in $suffixes ""; do
# Create a non-abi versioned config util links
ln -svf $cfg $dev/bin/ncurses$newsuffix-config
# Allow for end users who #include <ncurses?w/*.h>
ln -svf . $dev/include/ncurses$newsuffix
for library in $libs; do
for dylibtype in so dll dylib; do
if [ -e "$out/lib/lib''${library}$suffix.$dylibtype" ]; then
ln -svf lib''${library}$suffix.$dylibtype $out/lib/lib$library$newsuffix.$dylibtype
ln -svf lib''${library}$suffix.${abiVersion-extension} $out/lib/lib$library$newsuffix.${abiVersion-extension}
if [ "ncurses" = "$library" ]
# make libtinfo symlinks
ln -svf lib''${library}$suffix.$dylibtype $out/lib/libtinfo$newsuffix.$dylibtype
ln -svf lib''${library}$suffix.${abiVersion-extension} $out/lib/libtinfo$newsuffix.${abiVersion-extension}
for statictype in a dll.a la; do
if [ -e "$out/lib/lib''${library}$suffix.$statictype" ]; then
ln -svf lib''${library}$suffix.$statictype $out/lib/lib$library$newsuffix.$statictype
if [ "ncurses" = "$library" ]
# make libtinfo symlinks
ln -svf lib''${library}$suffix.$statictype $out/lib/libtinfo$newsuffix.$statictype
ln -svf ''${library}$suffix.pc $dev/lib/pkgconfig/$library$newsuffix.pc
# move some utilities to $bin
# these programs are used at runtime and don't really belong in $dev
moveToOutput "bin/clear" "$out"
moveToOutput "bin/reset" "$out"
moveToOutput "bin/tabs" "$out"
moveToOutput "bin/tic" "$out"
moveToOutput "bin/tput" "$out"
moveToOutput "bin/tset" "$out"
moveToOutput "bin/captoinfo" "$out"
moveToOutput "bin/infotocap" "$out"
moveToOutput "bin/infocmp" "$out"
preFixup = lib.optionalString (!stdenv.hostPlatform.isCygwin && !enableStatic) ''
rm "$out"/lib/*.a
meta = {
description = "Free software emulation of curses in SVR4 and more";
longDescription = ''
The Ncurses (new curses) library is a free software emulation of
curses in System V Release 4.0, and more. It uses Terminfo
format, supports pads and color and multiple highlights and
forms characters and function-key mapping, and has all the other
SYSV-curses enhancements over BSD Curses.
The ncurses code was developed under GNU/Linux. It has been in
use for some time with OpenBSD as the system curses library, and
on FreeBSD and NetBSD as an external package. It should port
easily to any ANSI/POSIX-conforming UNIX. It has even been
ported to OS/2 Warp!
homepage = "";
license =;
platforms = lib.platforms.all;
passthru = {
ldflags = "-lncurses";
inherit unicode abiVersion;