John Ericson f52263ced0 treewide: Start to break up static overlay
We can use use `stdenv.hostPlatform.isStatic` instead, and move the
logic per package. The least opionated benefit of this is that it makes
it much easier to replace packages with modified ones, as there is no
longer any issue of overlay order.

CC @FRidh @matthewbauer
2021-01-03 19:18:16 +00:00

171 lines
6.3 KiB

{ stdenv, lib, buildPackages
, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, zlib, autoreconfHook, gettext
# Enabling all targets increases output size to a multiple.
, withAllTargets ? false, libbfd, libopcodes
, enableShared ? !stdenv.hostPlatform.isStatic
, noSysDirs
, gold ? !stdenv.buildPlatform.isDarwin || stdenv.hostPlatform == stdenv.targetPlatform
, bison ? null
, flex
, texinfo
, perl
# Note: this package is used for bootstrapping fetchurl, and thus
# cannot use fetchpatch! All mutable patches (generated by GitHub or
# cgit) that are needed here should be included directly in Nixpkgs as
# files.
reuseLibs = enableShared && withAllTargets;
version = "2.34";
basename = "binutils";
# The targetPrefix prepended to binary names to allow multiple binuntils on the
# PATH to both be usable.
targetPrefix = lib.optionalString (stdenv.targetPlatform != stdenv.hostPlatform)
vc4-binutils-src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "itszor";
repo = "binutils-vc4";
rev = "708acc851880dbeda1dd18aca4fd0a95b2573b36";
sha256 = "1kdrz6fki55lm15rwwamn74fnqpy0zlafsida2zymk76n3656c63";
# HACK to ensure that we preserve source from bootstrap binutils to not rebuild LLVM
normal-src = stdenv.__bootPackages.binutils-unwrapped.src or (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://gnu/binutils/${basename}-${version}.tar.bz2";
sha256 = "1rin1f5c7wm4n3piky6xilcrpf2s0n3dd5vqq8irrxkcic3i1w49";
stdenv.mkDerivation {
pname = targetPrefix + basename;
inherit version;
src = if stdenv.targetPlatform.isVc4 then vc4-binutils-src else normal-src;
patches = [
# Make binutils output deterministic by default.
# Bfd looks in BINDIR/../lib for some plugins that don't
# exist. This is pointless (since users can't install plugins
# there) and causes a cycle between the lib and bin outputs, so
# get rid of it.
# Help bfd choose between elf32-littlearm, elf32-littlearm-symbian, and
# elf32-littlearm-vxworks in favor of the first.
# For some reason bfd ld doesn't search DT_RPATH when cross-compiling. It's
# not clear why this behavior was decided upon but it has the unfortunate
# consequence that the linker will fail to find transitive dependencies of
# shared objects when cross-compiling. Consequently, we are forced to
# override this behavior, forcing ld to search DT_RPATH even when
# cross-compiling.
] ++ lib.optional stdenv.targetPlatform.isiOS ./support-ios.patch
++ # This patch was suggested by Nick Clifton to fix
# It can be removed when that 7-year-old bug is closed.
# This binutils bug causes GHC to emit broken binaries on armv7, and
# indeed GHC will refuse to compile with a binutils suffering from it. See
# this comment for more information:
lib.optional stdenv.targetPlatform.isAarch32 ./R_ARM_COPY.patch;
outputs = [ "out" "info" "man" ];
depsBuildBuild = [ ];
nativeBuildInputs = [
] ++ (lib.optionals stdenv.targetPlatform.isiOS [
]) ++ lib.optionals stdenv.targetPlatform.isVc4 [ flex ];
buildInputs = [ zlib gettext ];
inherit noSysDirs;
preConfigure = ''
# Clear the default library search path.
if test "$noSysDirs" = "1"; then
echo 'NATIVE_LIB_DIRS=' >> ld/configure.tgt
# Use symlinks instead of hard links to save space ("strip" in the
# fixup phase strips each hard link separately).
for i in binutils/ gas/ ld/ gold/; do
sed -i "$i" -e 's|ln |ln -s |'
# As binutils takes part in the stdenv building, we don't want references
# to the bootstrap-tools libgcc (as uses to happen on arm/mips)
NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE = if stdenv.hostPlatform.isDarwin
then "-Wno-string-plus-int -Wno-deprecated-declarations"
else "-static-libgcc";
hardeningDisable = [ "format" "pie" ];
# TODO(@Ericson2314): Always pass "--target" and always targetPrefix.
configurePlatforms = [ "build" "host" ] ++ lib.optional (stdenv.targetPlatform != stdenv.hostPlatform) "target";
configureFlags =
(if enableShared then [ "--enable-shared" "--disable-static" ]
else [ "--disable-shared" "--enable-static" ])
++ lib.optional withAllTargets "--enable-targets=all"
++ [
# Turn on --enable-new-dtags by default to make the linker set
# RUNPATH instead of RPATH on binaries. This is important because
# RUNPATH can be overriden using LD_LIBRARY_PATH at runtime.
] ++ lib.optionals gold [ "--enable-gold" "--enable-plugins" ];
doCheck = false; # fails
postFixup = lib.optionalString reuseLibs ''
rm "$out"/lib/lib{bfd,opcodes}-${version}.so
ln -s '${lib.getLib libbfd}/lib/libbfd-${version}.so' "$out/lib/"
ln -s '${lib.getLib libopcodes}/lib/libopcodes-${version}.so' "$out/lib/"
# else fails with "./ line 36: $out/bin/size: not found"
doInstallCheck = stdenv.buildPlatform == stdenv.hostPlatform && stdenv.hostPlatform == stdenv.targetPlatform;
enableParallelBuilding = true;
passthru = {
inherit targetPrefix;
meta = with lib; {
description = "Tools for manipulating binaries (linker, assembler, etc.)";
longDescription = ''
The GNU Binutils are a collection of binary tools. The main
ones are `ld' (the GNU linker) and `as' (the GNU assembler).
They also include the BFD (Binary File Descriptor) library,
`gprof', `nm', `strip', etc.
homepage = "";
license = licenses.gpl3Plus;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ ericson2314 ];
platforms = platforms.unix;
/* Give binutils a lower priority than gcc-wrapper to prevent a
collision due to the ld/as wrappers/symlinks in the latter. */
priority = 10;