John Ericson f52263ced0 treewide: Start to break up static overlay
We can use use `stdenv.hostPlatform.isStatic` instead, and move the
logic per package. The least opionated benefit of this is that it makes
it much easier to replace packages with modified ones, as there is no
longer any issue of overlay order.

CC @FRidh @matthewbauer
2021-01-03 19:18:16 +00:00

62 lines
1.8 KiB

{ stdenv, fetchFromGitHub, valgrind, fetchpatch
, enableStatic ? stdenv.hostPlatform.isStatic
, enableShared ? !stdenv.hostPlatform.isStatic
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
pname = "lz4";
version = "1.9.3";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
sha256 = "1w02kazh1fps3sji2sn89fz862j1199c5ajrqcgl1bnlxj09kcbz";
rev = "v${version}";
repo = pname;
owner = pname;
# TODO(@Ericson2314): Separate binaries and libraries
outputs = [ "bin" "out" "dev" ];
buildInputs = stdenv.lib.optional doCheck valgrind;
enableParallelBuilding = true;
makeFlags = [
"BUILD_STATIC=${if enableStatic then "yes" else "no"}"
"BUILD_SHARED=${if enableShared then "yes" else "no"}"
# TODO make full dictionary
++ stdenv.lib.optional stdenv.hostPlatform.isMinGW "TARGET_OS=MINGW"
doCheck = false; # tests take a very long time
checkTarget = "test";
# TODO(@Ericson2314): Make resusable setup hook for this issue on Windows.
postInstall =
stdenv.lib.optionalString stdenv.hostPlatform.isWindows ''
mv $out/bin/*.dll $out/lib
ln -s $out/lib/*.dll
+ ''
moveToOutput bin "$bin"
meta = with stdenv.lib; {
description = "Extremely fast compression algorithm";
longDescription = ''
Very fast lossless compression algorithm, providing compression speed
at 400 MB/s per core, with near-linear scalability for multi-threaded
applications. It also features an extremely fast decoder, with speed in
multiple GB/s per core, typically reaching RAM speed limits on
multi-core systems.
homepage = "";
license = with licenses; [ bsd2 gpl2Plus ];
platforms = platforms.all;