John Ericson f52263ced0 treewide: Start to break up static overlay
We can use use `stdenv.hostPlatform.isStatic` instead, and move the
logic per package. The least opionated benefit of this is that it makes
it much easier to replace packages with modified ones, as there is no
longer any issue of overlay order.

CC @FRidh @matthewbauer
2021-01-03 19:18:16 +00:00

229 lines
7.9 KiB

{ lib, fetchurl, fetchpatch, fetchFromGitHub, callPackage
, storeDir ? "/nix/store"
, stateDir ? "/nix/var"
, confDir ? "/etc"
, boehmgc
common =
{ lib, stdenv, fetchpatch, perl, curl, bzip2, sqlite, openssl ? null, xz
, bash, coreutils, gzip, gnutar
, pkgconfig, boehmgc, perlPackages, libsodium, brotli, boost, editline, nlohmann_json
, autoreconfHook, autoconf-archive, bison, flex
, jq, libarchive
, lowdown, mdbook
# Used by tests
, gmock
, busybox-sandbox-shell
, storeDir
, stateDir
, confDir
, withLibseccomp ? lib.any (lib.meta.platformMatch stdenv.hostPlatform) libseccomp.meta.platforms, libseccomp
, withAWS ? !enableStatic && (stdenv.isLinux || stdenv.isDarwin), aws-sdk-cpp
, enableStatic ? stdenv.hostPlatform.isStatic
, name, suffix ? "", src, patches ? []
sh = busybox-sandbox-shell;
nix = stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
inherit name src patches;
version = lib.getVersion name;
is24 = lib.versionAtLeast version "2.4pre";
outputs = [ "out" "dev" "man" "doc" ];
nativeBuildInputs =
[ pkgconfig ]
++ lib.optionals is24
[ autoreconfHook
bison flex
lowdown mdbook
buildInputs =
[ curl openssl sqlite xz bzip2 nlohmann_json
brotli boost editline
++ lib.optional (stdenv.isLinux || stdenv.isDarwin) libsodium
++ lib.optionals is24 [ libarchive gmock ]
++ lib.optional withLibseccomp libseccomp
++ lib.optional withAWS
((aws-sdk-cpp.override {
apis = ["s3" "transfer"];
customMemoryManagement = false;
}).overrideDerivation (args: {
patches = args.patches or [] ++ [(fetchpatch {
url = "";
sha256 = "103phn6kyvs1yc7fibyin3lgxz699qakhw671kl207484im55id1";
propagatedBuildInputs = [ boehmgc ];
# Seems to be required when using std::atomic with 64-bit types
# need to list libraries individually until
# is in a release
lib.optionalString enableStatic "-lssl -lbrotlicommon -lssh2 -lz -lnghttp2 -lcrypto"
# need to detect it here until
# is in a release
+ lib.optionalString (stdenv.hostPlatform.system == "armv5tel-linux" || stdenv.hostPlatform.system == "armv6l-linux") "-latomic";
preConfigure =
# Copy libboost_context so we don't get all of Boost in our closure.
lib.optionalString (!enableStatic) ''
mkdir -p $out/lib
cp -pd ${boost}/lib/{libboost_context*,libboost_thread*,libboost_system*} $out/lib
rm -f $out/lib/*.a
${lib.optionalString stdenv.isLinux ''
chmod u+w $out/lib/*.so.*
patchelf --set-rpath $out/lib:${}/lib $out/lib/*
'' +
# On all versions before c9f51e87057652db0013289a95deffba495b35e7,
# released with 2.3.8, we need to patch around an issue where the Nix
# configure step pulls in the build system's bash and other utilities
# when cross-compiling.
lib.optionalString (
stdenv.buildPlatform != stdenv.hostPlatform &&
(lib.versionOlder "2.3.8" version && !is24)
# The additional is24 condition is required as versionOlder doesn't understand nixUnstable version strings
) ''
mkdir tmp/
substitute corepkgs/ tmp/ \
--subst-var-by bash ${bash}/bin/bash \
--subst-var-by coreutils ${coreutils}/bin \
--subst-var-by bzip2 ${bzip2}/bin/bzip2 \
--subst-var-by gzip ${gzip}/bin/gzip \
--subst-var-by xz ${xz}/bin/xz \
--subst-var-by tar ${gnutar}/bin/tar \
--subst-var-by tr ${coreutils}/bin/tr
mv tmp/ corepkgs/
configureFlags =
[ "--with-store-dir=${storeDir}"
++ lib.optionals stdenv.isLinux [
++ lib.optional (
stdenv.hostPlatform != stdenv.buildPlatform && stdenv.hostPlatform ? nix && stdenv.hostPlatform.nix ? system
) ''--with-system=${stdenv.hostPlatform.nix.system}''
# RISC-V support in progress
++ lib.optional (!withLibseccomp) "--disable-seccomp-sandboxing";
makeFlags = [ "profiledir=$(out)/etc/profile.d" ]
++ lib.optional (stdenv.hostPlatform != stdenv.buildPlatform) "PRECOMPILE_HEADERS=0";
installFlags = [ "sysconfdir=$(out)/etc" ];
doInstallCheck = true; # not cross
# socket path becomes too long otherwise
preInstallCheck = lib.optional stdenv.isDarwin ''
separateDebugInfo = stdenv.isLinux;
enableParallelBuilding = true;
meta = {
description = "Powerful package manager that makes package management reliable and reproducible";
longDescription = ''
Nix is a powerful package manager for Linux and other Unix systems that
makes package management reliable and reproducible. It provides atomic
upgrades and rollbacks, side-by-side installation of multiple versions of
a package, multi-user package management and easy setup of build
homepage = "";
license = stdenv.lib.licenses.lgpl2Plus;
maintainers = [ stdenv.lib.maintainers.eelco ];
platforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.unix;
outputsToInstall = [ "out" "man" ];
passthru = {
perl-bindings = stdenv.mkDerivation {
pname = "nix-perl";
inherit version;
inherit src;
postUnpack = "sourceRoot=$sourceRoot/perl";
# This is not cross-compile safe, don't have time to fix right now
# but noting for future travellers.
nativeBuildInputs =
[ perl pkgconfig curl nix libsodium boost autoreconfHook autoconf-archive nlohmann_json ];
configureFlags =
[ "--with-dbi=${perlPackages.DBI}/${perl.libPrefix}"
preConfigure = "export NIX_STATE_DIR=$TMPDIR";
preBuild = "unset NIX_INDENT_MAKE";
in nix;
in rec {
nix = nixStable;
nixStable = callPackage common (rec {
name = "nix-2.3.10";
src = fetchurl {
url = "${name}/${name}.tar.xz";
sha256 = "a8a85e55de43d017abbf13036edfb58674ca136691582f17080c1cd12787b7ab";
inherit storeDir stateDir confDir boehmgc;
nixUnstable = lib.lowPrio (callPackage common rec {
name = "nix-2.4${suffix}";
suffix = "pre20201201_5a6ddb3";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "NixOS";
repo = "nix";
rev = "5a6ddb3de14a1684af6c793d663764d093fa7846";
sha256 = "0qhd3nxvqzszzsfvh89xhd239ycqb0kq2n0bzh9br78pcb60vj3g";
patches = [
(fetchpatch { # Fix build on gcc10
url = "";
sha256 = "mTvLvuxb2QVybRDgntKMq+b6da/s3YgM/ll2rWBeY/Y=";
inherit storeDir stateDir confDir boehmgc;
nixFlakes = nixUnstable;