
4062 lines
172 KiB
Raw Permalink Normal View History

2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
(kicad_sch (version 20211123) (generator eeschema)
(uuid 976f0207-31d5-4153-89d2-cb05fda56705)
(paper "A4")
(symbol "Connector:Barrel_Jack_Switch" (pin_names hide) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes)
(property "Reference" "J" (id 0) (at 0 5.334 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))
(property "Value" "Barrel_Jack_Switch" (id 1) (at 0 -5.08 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))
(property "Footprint" "" (id 2) (at 1.27 -1.016 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(property "Datasheet" "~" (id 3) (at 1.27 -1.016 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(property "ki_keywords" "DC power barrel jack connector" (id 4) (at 0 0 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(property "ki_description" "DC Barrel Jack with an internal switch" (id 5) (at 0 0 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(property "ki_fp_filters" "BarrelJack*" (id 6) (at 0 0 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(symbol "Barrel_Jack_Switch_0_1"
(rectangle (start -5.08 3.81) (end 5.08 -3.81)
(stroke (width 0.254) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(fill (type background))
(arc (start -3.302 3.175) (mid -3.937 2.54) (end -3.302 1.905)
(stroke (width 0.254) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(fill (type none))
(arc (start -3.302 3.175) (mid -3.937 2.54) (end -3.302 1.905)
(stroke (width 0.254) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(fill (type outline))
(xy 1.27 -2.286)
(xy 1.905 -1.651)
(stroke (width 0.254) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(fill (type none))
(xy 5.08 2.54)
(xy 3.81 2.54)
(stroke (width 0.254) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(fill (type none))
(xy 5.08 0)
(xy 1.27 0)
(xy 1.27 -2.286)
(xy 0.635 -1.651)
(stroke (width 0.254) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(fill (type none))
(xy -3.81 -2.54)
(xy -2.54 -2.54)
(xy -1.27 -1.27)
(xy 0 -2.54)
(xy 2.54 -2.54)
(xy 5.08 -2.54)
(stroke (width 0.254) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(fill (type none))
(rectangle (start 3.683 3.175) (end -3.302 1.905)
(stroke (width 0.254) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(fill (type outline))
(symbol "Barrel_Jack_Switch_1_1"
(pin passive line (at 7.62 2.54 180) (length 2.54)
(name "~" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin passive line (at 7.62 -2.54 180) (length 2.54)
(name "~" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "2" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin passive line (at 7.62 0 180) (length 2.54)
(name "~" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "3" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(symbol "Connector:USB_C_Receptacle_USB2.0" (pin_names (offset 1.016)) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes)
(property "Reference" "J" (id 0) (at -10.16 19.05 0)
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left))
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(property "Value" "USB_C_Receptacle_USB2.0" (id 1) (at 19.05 19.05 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify right))
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(property "Footprint" "" (id 2) (at 3.81 0 0)
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(property "Datasheet" "" (id 3) (at 3.81 0 0)
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(property "ki_keywords" "usb universal serial bus type-C USB2.0" (id 4) (at 0 0 0)
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(property "ki_description" "USB 2.0-only Type-C Receptacle connector" (id 5) (at 0 0 0)
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(property "ki_fp_filters" "USB*C*Receptacle*" (id 6) (at 0 0 0)
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(symbol "USB_C_Receptacle_USB2.0_0_0"
(rectangle (start -0.254 -17.78) (end 0.254 -16.764)
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(fill (type none))
(rectangle (start 10.16 -14.986) (end 9.144 -15.494)
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(fill (type none))
(rectangle (start 10.16 -12.446) (end 9.144 -12.954)
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(fill (type none))
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(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(fill (type none))
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(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(fill (type none))
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(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(fill (type none))
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(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(fill (type none))
(rectangle (start 10.16 7.874) (end 9.144 7.366)
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(fill (type none))
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(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(fill (type none))
(rectangle (start 10.16 15.494) (end 9.144 14.986)
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(fill (type none))
(symbol "USB_C_Receptacle_USB2.0_0_1"
(rectangle (start -10.16 17.78) (end 10.16 -17.78)
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
(stroke (width 0.254) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(fill (type background))
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(arc (start -8.89 -3.81) (mid -6.985 -5.715) (end -5.08 -3.81)
(stroke (width 0.508) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(fill (type none))
(arc (start -7.62 -3.81) (mid -6.985 -4.445) (end -6.35 -3.81)
(stroke (width 0.254) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(fill (type none))
(arc (start -7.62 -3.81) (mid -6.985 -4.445) (end -6.35 -3.81)
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
(stroke (width 0.254) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(fill (type outline))
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(rectangle (start -7.62 -3.81) (end -6.35 3.81)
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
(stroke (width 0.254) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(fill (type outline))
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(arc (start -6.35 3.81) (mid -6.985 4.445) (end -7.62 3.81)
(stroke (width 0.254) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
(fill (type none))
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(arc (start -6.35 3.81) (mid -6.985 4.445) (end -7.62 3.81)
(stroke (width 0.254) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(fill (type outline))
(arc (start -5.08 3.81) (mid -6.985 5.715) (end -8.89 3.81)
(stroke (width 0.508) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(fill (type none))
(circle (center -2.54 1.143) (radius 0.635)
(stroke (width 0.254) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(fill (type outline))
(circle (center 0 -5.842) (radius 1.27)
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(fill (type outline))
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(xy -8.89 -3.81)
(xy -8.89 3.81)
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(stroke (width 0.508) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
(fill (type none))
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(xy -5.08 3.81)
(xy -5.08 -3.81)
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(stroke (width 0.508) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
(fill (type none))
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(xy 0 -5.842)
(xy 0 4.318)
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(stroke (width 0.508) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
(fill (type none))
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(xy 0 -3.302)
(xy -2.54 -0.762)
(xy -2.54 0.508)
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(stroke (width 0.508) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(fill (type none))
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(xy 0 -2.032)
(xy 2.54 0.508)
(xy 2.54 1.778)
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(stroke (width 0.508) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(fill (type none))
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(xy -1.27 4.318)
(xy 0 6.858)
(xy 1.27 4.318)
(xy -1.27 4.318)
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(stroke (width 0.254) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(fill (type outline))
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(rectangle (start 1.905 1.778) (end 3.175 3.048)
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
(stroke (width 0.254) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(fill (type outline))
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(symbol "USB_C_Receptacle_USB2.0_1_1"
(pin passive line (at 0 -22.86 90) (length 5.08)
(name "GND" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "A1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(pin passive line (at 0 -22.86 90) (length 5.08) hide
(name "GND" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "A12" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(pin passive line (at 15.24 15.24 180) (length 5.08)
(name "VBUS" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "A4" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(pin bidirectional line (at 15.24 10.16 180) (length 5.08)
(name "CC1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "A5" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(pin bidirectional line (at 15.24 -2.54 180) (length 5.08)
(name "D+" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "A6" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(pin bidirectional line (at 15.24 2.54 180) (length 5.08)
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
(name "D-" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(number "A7" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(pin bidirectional line (at 15.24 -12.7 180) (length 5.08)
(name "SBU1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "A8" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(pin passive line (at 15.24 15.24 180) (length 5.08) hide
(name "VBUS" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "A9" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(pin passive line (at 0 -22.86 90) (length 5.08) hide
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
(name "GND" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(number "B1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(pin passive line (at 0 -22.86 90) (length 5.08) hide
(name "GND" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "B12" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin passive line (at 15.24 15.24 180) (length 5.08) hide
(name "VBUS" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "B4" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin bidirectional line (at 15.24 7.62 180) (length 5.08)
(name "CC2" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "B5" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin bidirectional line (at 15.24 -5.08 180) (length 5.08)
(name "D+" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "B6" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin bidirectional line (at 15.24 0 180) (length 5.08)
(name "D-" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "B7" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin bidirectional line (at 15.24 -15.24 180) (length 5.08)
(name "SBU2" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "B8" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin passive line (at 15.24 15.24 180) (length 5.08) hide
(name "VBUS" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "B9" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin passive line (at -7.62 -22.86 90) (length 5.08)
(name "SHIELD" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "S1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
(symbol "Device:C" (pin_numbers hide) (pin_names (offset 0.254)) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes)
(property "Reference" "C" (id 0) (at 0.635 2.54 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left))
(property "Value" "C" (id 1) (at 0.635 -2.54 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left))
(property "Footprint" "" (id 2) (at 0.9652 -3.81 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(property "Datasheet" "~" (id 3) (at 0 0 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(property "ki_keywords" "cap capacitor" (id 4) (at 0 0 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(property "ki_description" "Unpolarized capacitor" (id 5) (at 0 0 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(property "ki_fp_filters" "C_*" (id 6) (at 0 0 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(symbol "C_0_1"
(xy -2.032 -0.762)
(xy 2.032 -0.762)
(stroke (width 0.508) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(fill (type none))
(xy -2.032 0.762)
(xy 2.032 0.762)
(stroke (width 0.508) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(fill (type none))
(symbol "C_1_1"
(pin passive line (at 0 3.81 270) (length 2.794)
(name "~" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin passive line (at 0 -3.81 90) (length 2.794)
(name "~" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "2" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(symbol "Device:D" (pin_numbers hide) (pin_names (offset 1.016) hide) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes)
(property "Reference" "D" (id 0) (at 0 2.54 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))
(property "Value" "D" (id 1) (at 0 -2.54 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))
(property "Footprint" "" (id 2) (at 0 0 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(property "Datasheet" "~" (id 3) (at 0 0 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(property "ki_keywords" "diode" (id 4) (at 0 0 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(property "ki_description" "Diode" (id 5) (at 0 0 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(property "ki_fp_filters" "TO-???* *_Diode_* *SingleDiode* D_*" (id 6) (at 0 0 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(symbol "D_0_1"
(xy -1.27 1.27)
(xy -1.27 -1.27)
(stroke (width 0.254) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
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(xy -1.27 0)
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(fill (type none))
(xy 1.27 1.27)
(xy 1.27 -1.27)
(xy -1.27 0)
(xy 1.27 1.27)
(stroke (width 0.254) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(fill (type none))
(symbol "D_1_1"
(pin passive line (at -3.81 0 0) (length 2.54)
(name "K" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin passive line (at 3.81 0 180) (length 2.54)
(name "A" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "2" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(symbol "Device:LED" (pin_numbers hide) (pin_names (offset 1.016) hide) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes)
(property "Reference" "D" (id 0) (at 0 2.54 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))
(property "Value" "LED" (id 1) (at 0 -2.54 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))
(property "Footprint" "" (id 2) (at 0 0 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(property "Datasheet" "~" (id 3) (at 0 0 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(property "ki_keywords" "LED diode" (id 4) (at 0 0 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(property "ki_description" "Light emitting diode" (id 5) (at 0 0 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(property "ki_fp_filters" "LED* LED_SMD:* LED_THT:*" (id 6) (at 0 0 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(symbol "LED_0_1"
(xy -1.27 -1.27)
(xy -1.27 1.27)
(stroke (width 0.254) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(fill (type none))
(xy -1.27 0)
(xy 1.27 0)
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(fill (type none))
(xy 1.27 -1.27)
(xy 1.27 1.27)
(xy -1.27 0)
(xy 1.27 -1.27)
(stroke (width 0.254) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(fill (type none))
(xy -3.048 -0.762)
(xy -4.572 -2.286)
(xy -3.81 -2.286)
(xy -4.572 -2.286)
(xy -4.572 -1.524)
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(fill (type none))
(xy -1.778 -0.762)
(xy -3.302 -2.286)
(xy -2.54 -2.286)
(xy -3.302 -2.286)
(xy -3.302 -1.524)
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(fill (type none))
(symbol "LED_1_1"
(pin passive line (at -3.81 0 0) (length 2.54)
(name "K" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin passive line (at 3.81 0 180) (length 2.54)
(name "A" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "2" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(symbol "Device:R" (pin_numbers hide) (pin_names (offset 0)) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes)
(property "Reference" "R" (id 0) (at 2.032 0 90)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))
(property "Value" "R" (id 1) (at 0 0 90)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))
(property "Footprint" "" (id 2) (at -1.778 0 90)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(property "Datasheet" "~" (id 3) (at 0 0 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(property "ki_keywords" "R res resistor" (id 4) (at 0 0 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(property "ki_description" "Resistor" (id 5) (at 0 0 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(property "ki_fp_filters" "R_*" (id 6) (at 0 0 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(symbol "R_0_1"
(rectangle (start -1.016 -2.54) (end 1.016 2.54)
(stroke (width 0.254) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(fill (type none))
(symbol "R_1_1"
(pin passive line (at 0 3.81 270) (length 1.27)
(name "~" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin passive line (at 0 -3.81 90) (length 1.27)
(name "~" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "2" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(symbol "Interface_USB:FT232RL" (in_bom yes) (on_board yes)
(property "Reference" "U" (id 0) (at -16.51 22.86 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left))
(property "Value" "FT232RL" (id 1) (at 10.16 22.86 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left))
(property "Footprint" "Package_SO:SSOP-28_5.3x10.2mm_P0.65mm" (id 2) (at 27.94 -22.86 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(property "Datasheet" "" (id 3) (at 0 0 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(property "ki_keywords" "FTDI USB Serial" (id 4) (at 0 0 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(property "ki_description" "USB to Serial Interface, SSOP-28" (id 5) (at 0 0 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(property "ki_fp_filters" "SSOP*5.3x10.2mm*P0.65mm*" (id 6) (at 0 0 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(symbol "FT232RL_0_1"
(rectangle (start -16.51 21.59) (end 16.51 -21.59)
(stroke (width 0.254) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(fill (type background))
(symbol "FT232RL_1_1"
(pin output line (at 20.32 17.78 180) (length 3.81)
(name "TXD" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin input input_low (at 20.32 2.54 180) (length 3.81)
(name "DCD" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "10" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin input input_low (at 20.32 10.16 180) (length 3.81)
(name "CTS" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "11" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin bidirectional line (at 20.32 -17.78 180) (length 3.81)
(name "CBUS4" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "12" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin bidirectional line (at 20.32 -12.7 180) (length 3.81)
(name "CBUS2" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "13" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin bidirectional line (at 20.32 -15.24 180) (length 3.81)
(name "CBUS3" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "14" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin bidirectional line (at -20.32 10.16 0) (length 3.81)
(name "USBD+" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "15" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin bidirectional line (at -20.32 7.62 0) (length 3.81)
(name "USBD-" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "16" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin power_out line (at -20.32 17.78 0) (length 3.81)
(name "3V3OUT" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "17" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin power_in line (at 2.54 -25.4 90) (length 3.81)
(name "GND" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "18" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin input line (at -20.32 0 0) (length 3.81)
(name "~{RESET}" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "19" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin output output_low (at 20.32 7.62 180) (length 3.81)
(name "DTR" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "2" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin power_in line (at 2.54 25.4 270) (length 3.81)
(name "VCC" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "20" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin power_in line (at 5.08 -25.4 90) (length 3.81)
(name "GND" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "21" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin bidirectional line (at 20.32 -10.16 180) (length 3.81)
(name "CBUS1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "22" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin bidirectional line (at 20.32 -7.62 180) (length 3.81)
(name "CBUS0" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "23" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin power_in line (at -5.08 -25.4 90) (length 3.81)
(name "AGND" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "25" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin input line (at -20.32 -17.78 0) (length 3.81)
(name "TEST" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "26" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin input line (at -20.32 -5.08 0) (length 3.81)
(name "OSCI" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "27" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin output line (at -20.32 -10.16 0) (length 3.81)
(name "OSCO" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "28" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin output output_low (at 20.32 12.7 180) (length 3.81)
(name "RTS" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "3" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin power_in line (at -2.54 25.4 270) (length 3.81)
(name "VCCIO" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "4" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin input line (at 20.32 15.24 180) (length 3.81)
(name "RXD" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "5" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin input input_low (at 20.32 0 180) (length 3.81)
(name "RI" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "6" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin power_in line (at 0 -25.4 90) (length 3.81)
(name "GND" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "7" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin input input_low (at 20.32 5.08 180) (length 3.81)
(name "DCR" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "9" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(symbol "Regulator_Linear:LM1117-3.3" (pin_names (offset 0.254)) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes)
(property "Reference" "U" (id 0) (at -3.81 3.175 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))
(property "Value" "LM1117-3.3" (id 1) (at 0 3.175 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left))
(property "Footprint" "" (id 2) (at 0 0 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(property "Datasheet" "" (id 3) (at 0 0 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(property "ki_keywords" "linear regulator ldo fixed positive" (id 4) (at 0 0 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(property "ki_description" "800mA Low-Dropout Linear Regulator, 3.3V fixed output, TO-220/TO-252/TO-263/SOT-223" (id 5) (at 0 0 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(property "ki_fp_filters" "SOT?223* TO?263* TO?252* TO?220*" (id 6) (at 0 0 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(symbol "LM1117-3.3_0_1"
(rectangle (start -5.08 -5.08) (end 5.08 1.905)
(stroke (width 0.254) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(fill (type background))
(symbol "LM1117-3.3_1_1"
(pin power_in line (at 0 -7.62 90) (length 2.54)
(name "GND" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin power_out line (at 7.62 0 180) (length 2.54)
(name "VO" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "2" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin power_in line (at -7.62 0 0) (length 2.54)
(name "VI" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "3" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(symbol "Transistor_FET:BS170F" (pin_names hide) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes)
(property "Reference" "Q" (id 0) (at 5.08 1.905 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left))
(property "Value" "BS170F" (id 1) (at 5.08 0 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left))
(property "Footprint" "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23" (id 2) (at 5.08 -1.905 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) italic) (justify left) hide)
(property "Datasheet" "" (id 3) (at 0 0 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left) hide)
(property "ki_keywords" "N-Channel MOSFET" (id 4) (at 0 0 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(property "ki_description" "0.15A Id, 60V Vds, N-Channel MOSFET, SOT-23" (id 5) (at 0 0 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(property "ki_fp_filters" "SOT?23*" (id 6) (at 0 0 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(symbol "BS170F_0_1"
(xy 0.254 0)
(xy -2.54 0)
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(fill (type none))
(xy 0.254 1.905)
(xy 0.254 -1.905)
(stroke (width 0.254) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(fill (type none))
(xy 0.762 -1.27)
(xy 0.762 -2.286)
(stroke (width 0.254) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(fill (type none))
(xy 0.762 0.508)
(xy 0.762 -0.508)
(stroke (width 0.254) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(fill (type none))
(xy 0.762 2.286)
(xy 0.762 1.27)
(stroke (width 0.254) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(fill (type none))
(xy 2.54 2.54)
(xy 2.54 1.778)
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(fill (type none))
(xy 2.54 -2.54)
(xy 2.54 0)
(xy 0.762 0)
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(fill (type none))
(xy 0.762 -1.778)
(xy 3.302 -1.778)
(xy 3.302 1.778)
(xy 0.762 1.778)
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(fill (type none))
(xy 1.016 0)
(xy 2.032 0.381)
(xy 2.032 -0.381)
(xy 1.016 0)
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(fill (type outline))
(xy 2.794 0.508)
(xy 2.921 0.381)
(xy 3.683 0.381)
(xy 3.81 0.254)
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(fill (type none))
(xy 3.302 0.381)
(xy 2.921 -0.254)
(xy 3.683 -0.254)
(xy 3.302 0.381)
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(fill (type none))
(circle (center 1.651 0) (radius 2.794)
(stroke (width 0.254) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(fill (type none))
(circle (center 2.54 -1.778) (radius 0.254)
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(fill (type outline))
(circle (center 2.54 1.778) (radius 0.254)
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(fill (type outline))
(symbol "BS170F_1_1"
(pin input line (at -5.08 0 0) (length 2.54)
(name "G" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin passive line (at 2.54 -5.08 90) (length 2.54)
(name "S" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "2" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin passive line (at 2.54 5.08 270) (length 2.54)
(name "D" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "3" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(symbol "pentasquare-rescue:+3.3V-power" (power) (pin_names (offset 0)) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes)
(property "Reference" "#PWR" (id 0) (at 0 -3.81 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(property "Value" "+3.3V-power" (id 1) (at 0 3.556 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))
(property "Footprint" "" (id 2) (at 0 0 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(property "Datasheet" "" (id 3) (at 0 0 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(symbol "+3.3V-power_0_1"
(xy -0.762 1.27)
(xy 0 2.54)
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(fill (type none))
(xy 0 0)
(xy 0 2.54)
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(fill (type none))
(xy 0 2.54)
(xy 0.762 1.27)
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(fill (type none))
(symbol "+3.3V-power_1_1"
(pin power_in line (at 0 0 90) (length 0) hide
(name "+3V3" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(symbol "pentasquare-rescue:CP-Device" (pin_numbers hide) (pin_names (offset 0.254)) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes)
(property "Reference" "C" (id 0) (at 0.635 2.54 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left))
(property "Value" "CP-Device" (id 1) (at 0.635 -2.54 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left))
(property "Footprint" "" (id 2) (at 0.9652 -3.81 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(property "Datasheet" "" (id 3) (at 0 0 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(property "ki_fp_filters" "CP_*" (id 4) (at 0 0 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(symbol "CP-Device_0_1"
(rectangle (start -2.286 0.508) (end 2.286 1.016)
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(fill (type none))
(xy -1.778 2.286)
(xy -0.762 2.286)
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(fill (type none))
(xy -1.27 2.794)
(xy -1.27 1.778)
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(fill (type none))
(rectangle (start 2.286 -0.508) (end -2.286 -1.016)
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(fill (type outline))
(symbol "CP-Device_1_1"
(pin passive line (at 0 3.81 270) (length 2.794)
(name "~" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin passive line (at 0 -3.81 90) (length 2.794)
(name "~" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "2" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(symbol "pentasquare-rescue:ESP32-WROOM-ESP32-footprints-Shem-Lib" (pin_names (offset 1.016)) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes)
(property "Reference" "U" (id 0) (at -17.78 31.75 0)
(effects (font (size 1.524 1.524)))
(property "Value" "ESP32-WROOM-ESP32-footprints-Shem-Lib" (id 1) (at 12.7 31.75 0)
(effects (font (size 1.524 1.524)))
(property "Footprint" "ESP32-footprints-Lib:ESP32-WROOM" (id 2) (at 8.89 34.29 0)
(effects (font (size 1.524 1.524)) hide)
(property "Datasheet" "" (id 3) (at -11.43 11.43 0)
(effects (font (size 1.524 1.524)) hide)
(symbol "ESP32-WROOM-ESP32-footprints-Shem-Lib_0_1"
(rectangle (start -19.05 30.48) (end 17.78 -21.59)
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(fill (type background))
(xy -12.7 16.51)
(xy -12.7 27.94)
(xy -7.62 27.94)
(xy -7.62 21.59)
(xy -2.54 21.59)
(xy -2.54 27.94)
(xy 2.54 27.94)
(xy 2.54 21.59)
(xy 7.62 21.59)
(xy 7.62 27.94)
(xy 12.7 27.94)
(xy 12.7 21.59)
(stroke (width 0.889) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(fill (type none))
(symbol "ESP32-WROOM-ESP32-footprints-Shem-Lib_1_1"
(pin power_out line (at -24.13 -17.78 0) (length 5.08)
(name "GND" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin bidirectional line (at -24.13 -5.08 0) (length 5.08)
(name "IO25" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "10" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin bidirectional line (at -24.13 -7.62 0) (length 5.08)
(name "IO26" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "11" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin bidirectional line (at -24.13 -10.16 0) (length 5.08)
(name "IO27" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "12" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin bidirectional line (at -24.13 -12.7 0) (length 5.08)
(name "IO14" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "13" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin bidirectional line (at -24.13 -15.24 0) (length 5.08)
(name "IO12" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "14" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin power_in line (at -11.43 -26.67 90) (length 5.08)
(name "GND" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "15" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin bidirectional line (at -8.89 -26.67 90) (length 5.08)
(name "IO13" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "16" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin bidirectional line (at -6.35 -26.67 90) (length 5.08)
(name "SD2" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "17" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin bidirectional line (at -3.81 -26.67 90) (length 5.08)
(name "SD3" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "18" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin bidirectional line (at -1.27 -26.67 90) (length 5.08)
(name "CMD" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "19" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin power_in line (at -24.13 15.24 0) (length 5.08)
(name "3V3" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "2" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin input line (at 1.27 -26.67 90) (length 5.08)
(name "CLK" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "20" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin bidirectional line (at 3.81 -26.67 90) (length 5.08)
(name "SDO" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "21" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin bidirectional line (at 6.35 -26.67 90) (length 5.08)
(name "SD1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "22" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin bidirectional line (at 8.89 -26.67 90) (length 5.08)
(name "IO15" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "23" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin bidirectional line (at 11.43 -26.67 90) (length 5.08)
(name "IO2" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "24" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin bidirectional line (at 22.86 -11.43 180) (length 5.08)
(name "IO0" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "25" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin input line (at 22.86 -8.89 180) (length 5.08)
(name "IO4" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "26" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin bidirectional line (at 22.86 -6.35 180) (length 5.08)
(name "IO16" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "27" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin bidirectional line (at 22.86 -3.81 180) (length 5.08)
(name "IO17" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "28" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin bidirectional line (at 22.86 -1.27 180) (length 5.08)
(name "IO5" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "29" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin input line (at -24.13 12.7 0) (length 5.08)
(name "EN" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "3" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin input line (at 22.86 1.27 180) (length 5.08)
(name "IO18" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "30" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin bidirectional line (at 22.86 3.81 180) (length 5.08)
(name "IO19" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "31" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin no_connect line (at 22.86 6.35 180) (length 5.08)
(name "NC" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "32" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin bidirectional line (at 22.86 8.89 180) (length 5.08)
(name "IO21" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "33" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin bidirectional line (at 22.86 11.43 180) (length 5.08)
(name "RXD0" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "34" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin bidirectional line (at 22.86 13.97 180) (length 5.08)
(name "TXD0" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "35" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin bidirectional line (at 22.86 16.51 180) (length 5.08)
(name "IO22" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "36" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin bidirectional line (at 22.86 19.05 180) (length 5.08)
(name "IO23" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "37" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin power_in line (at 22.86 -16.51 180) (length 5.08)
(name "GND" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "38" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin power_in line (at 22.86 -13.97 180) (length 5.08)
(name "GND-PAD" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "39" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin input line (at -24.13 10.16 0) (length 5.08)
(name "SENSOR_VP" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "4" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin input line (at -24.13 7.62 0) (length 5.08)
(name "SENSOR_VN" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "5" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin bidirectional line (at -24.13 5.08 0) (length 5.08)
(name "IO34" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "6" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin bidirectional line (at -24.13 2.54 0) (length 5.08)
(name "IO35" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "7" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin bidirectional line (at -24.13 0 0) (length 5.08)
(name "IO32" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "8" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin bidirectional line (at -24.13 -2.54 0) (length 5.08)
(name "IO33" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "9" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
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(property "Reference" "#PWR" (id 0) (at 0 -6.35 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(property "Value" "GND" (id 1) (at 0 -3.81 0)
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(xy 0 -1.27)
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2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(junction (at 186.69 114.3) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
(uuid 161e2334-4f9a-4c48-908a-c63f35ad30d3)
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
(junction (at 209.55 160.02) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
(uuid 2ef334c0-39ba-48cf-95f6-8e6e5b48a8b4)
(junction (at 130.81 29.21) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
(uuid 2f9a494d-2b07-450b-9af3-0f4f44061126)
(junction (at 139.7 29.21) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
(uuid 3f8c315c-4347-4170-adbe-c0597d5f0a27)
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(junction (at 143.51 144.78) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
(uuid 42d23a98-e0b1-4c9d-adb9-94d984d3f9a5)
(junction (at 167.64 121.92) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
(uuid 45edbd96-f039-4b05-bcdd-e9ae5f946825)
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
(junction (at 156.21 27.94) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
(uuid 5a768ba7-e47d-4d5b-8563-033d7ad8bada)
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(junction (at 130.81 49.53) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
(uuid 61c340e1-0a2d-4e23-ab02-4158702ef2f1)
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
(junction (at 204.47 160.02) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
(uuid 6c83eb97-acd3-4227-a241-e7075c803efe)
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(junction (at 146.05 85.09) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
(uuid 725066df-7117-4bbf-aec8-a111b689fab6)
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
(junction (at 262.89 30.48) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
(uuid 7642dca1-895d-42f7-b84a-81a537388531)
(junction (at 222.25 36.83) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
(uuid 7aabdd43-1d1a-481f-bd86-736751e30280)
(junction (at 130.81 54.61) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
(uuid 894f316b-73e2-4833-a159-f6b1fffa5957)
(junction (at 262.89 38.1) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
(uuid 8b04619c-8e47-4407-9010-723d70527755)
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(junction (at 256.54 140.97) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
(uuid 90c30fb1-08b0-48cb-af45-f8c838bc4d95)
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
(junction (at 130.81 40.64) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
(uuid 98c91e5e-9c99-4d2c-a431-3712069aa0d0)
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(junction (at 167.64 124.46) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
(uuid a190012c-cd51-432b-948e-c7b3f9dbcf3a)
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
(junction (at 134.62 29.21) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
(uuid a48376b2-75b5-4757-85c3-b9112191450c)
(junction (at 207.01 160.02) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
(uuid ab7f1b0f-8036-46df-921f-e785518a1c44)
(junction (at 200.66 83.82) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
(uuid c7e8edd2-758a-4861-ad0d-b7c4990d659b)
(junction (at 123.19 68.58) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
(uuid cf9544a1-97ac-4d7e-b973-94555db92594)
(junction (at 204.47 104.14) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
(uuid d6080a93-113d-4e2f-b153-1d49f034699a)
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(junction (at 167.64 114.3) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
(uuid e8ce6432-8242-4614-9409-406f5df0ce77)
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
(junction (at 139.7 36.83) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
(uuid f8b99e91-19ab-43f6-884e-fad15a974658)
(no_connect (at 227.33 149.86) (uuid 0b50a1dd-fb26-483c-ae71-0de1a6ce6afd))
(no_connect (at 227.33 147.32) (uuid 12004005-5367-415b-b010-027e7830a7d9))
(no_connect (at 186.69 132.08) (uuid 3246b856-f050-4415-9f22-85d3e551db13))
(no_connect (at 186.69 137.16) (uuid 8aee349d-480d-42f9-85fc-3416c7237777))
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(no_connect (at 158.75 134.62) (uuid a49b1d23-e7d6-4c8b-92a9-db949bb04ec3))
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
(no_connect (at 227.33 124.46) (uuid a82e4442-e126-4d60-b5c8-8657e8869491))
(no_connect (at 227.33 127) (uuid ba1e6748-7d29-4b7d-9af6-0efc36a2fa01))
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(no_connect (at 158.75 137.16) (uuid bccedfd7-1723-4394-9adc-dd7647d010a5))
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
(no_connect (at 227.33 129.54) (uuid bf247cbc-e6f4-49b4-acaf-75a0d9de6409))
(no_connect (at 186.69 142.24) (uuid c929c478-1fdf-4540-ba9e-7d075d096343))
(no_connect (at 186.69 149.86) (uuid de06c9e3-6237-43aa-9958-e08adcfca1ac))
(no_connect (at 227.33 144.78) (uuid e07f1d3a-a6f9-48cc-a67f-d4513387463c))
(no_connect (at 227.33 132.08) (uuid faa78061-af1a-451b-ada4-11b12a5b77cd))
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(wire (pts (xy 130.81 40.64) (xy 130.81 49.53))
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid 019963dd-387e-463e-bd43-5215c1c0dcde)
(wire (pts (xy 144.78 68.58) (xy 137.16 68.58))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid 022f4d08-3122-4378-ae88-b8c99658466f)
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(wire (pts (xy 167.64 124.46) (xy 158.75 124.46))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid 042ea4df-e9ae-45f1-96ad-eb94cace1aae)
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
(wire (pts (xy 57.15 105.41) (xy 59.69 105.41))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid 05f1e86a-9e44-42b1-a499-cc099d76d222)
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(wire (pts (xy 146.05 85.09) (xy 148.59 85.09))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid 07ed8763-7c48-4130-b376-51fdd13af361)
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
(wire (pts (xy 227.33 114.3) (xy 229.87 114.3))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid 0bea2b98-b860-4f6f-a96b-4bf7091f06b2)
(wire (pts (xy 195.58 53.34) (xy 200.66 53.34))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid 114efaf1-71c0-485a-a676-8ea6bef36d16)
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(wire (pts (xy 251.46 135.89) (xy 256.54 135.89))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid 12b47b0a-d14f-493e-b55b-d59a86f76aa1)
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
(wire (pts (xy 90.17 96.52) (xy 92.71 96.52))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid 1599bbe8-3127-404b-a15a-6655d6ff948a)
(wire (pts (xy 207.01 160.02) (xy 204.47 160.02))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid 1729add6-0eec-4891-9b90-b198f1529950)
(wire (pts (xy 57.15 123.19) (xy 59.69 123.19))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid 17b9e9a9-ca92-45a6-97e4-1b5093dd6be8)
(wire (pts (xy 57.15 128.27) (xy 57.15 132.08))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid 1a031681-0488-4695-bb56-22aff6f1d640)
(wire (pts (xy 53.34 52.07) (xy 59.69 52.07))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid 204f59f9-29fe-4092-99ae-65ae1d887c2d)
(wire (pts (xy 92.71 87.63) (xy 92.71 92.71))
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(uuid 217374d6-a2c3-4a11-aa11-6084bb585d99)
(wire (pts (xy 127 21.59) (xy 127 20.32))
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(uuid 21f5dd03-067a-4df8-93d6-76d4f8eb2f77)
(wire (pts (xy 92.71 78.74) (xy 92.71 83.82))
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(uuid 23d7fb0a-18a2-40c1-94f9-16a06a220a93)
(wire (pts (xy 90.17 123.19) (xy 92.71 123.19))
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(uuid 245042ea-51ad-4593-aa95-9005fd8f48f1)
(wire (pts (xy 204.47 106.68) (xy 204.47 104.14))
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(uuid 253f7829-064c-4a04-a8e0-7aba6a405c6a)
(wire (pts (xy 204.47 160.02) (xy 201.93 160.02))
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(uuid 25f7c8ea-20be-478f-8379-07b14c0f15d6)
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(wire (pts (xy 167.64 114.3) (xy 167.64 115.57))
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(uuid 26c6fc1d-0170-4ff5-a4c7-dcf6b92893e3)
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
(wire (pts (xy 92.71 101.6) (xy 57.15 101.6))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid 28d7c8a5-5e3e-4aa9-ba9d-d3f47bcfac6c)
(wire (pts (xy 90.17 114.3) (xy 92.71 114.3))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid 2a6b49ba-8a33-4d1b-bfd0-84a1b67f16fa)
(wire (pts (xy 57.15 60.96) (xy 59.69 60.96))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid 2d2edab3-42f5-49da-8a13-fc5805415989)
(wire (pts (xy 92.71 105.41) (xy 92.71 110.49))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid 2f048119-27e3-426a-bb05-62d0cc8368ab)
(wire (pts (xy 200.66 83.82) (xy 195.58 83.82))
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(uuid 312b3c0b-3060-44a2-9853-2ee864d3b3b4)
(wire (pts (xy 156.21 24.13) (xy 156.21 27.94))
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(uuid 31a5a659-f902-42df-b5a4-a5f3e1c59bc9)
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(wire (pts (xy 158.75 111.76) (xy 160.02 111.76))
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(uuid 329ef9a0-73e9-4541-9b38-ea341f4a7168)
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
(wire (pts (xy 209.55 106.68) (xy 209.55 104.14))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid 34db8f2a-3233-4148-8d9f-07da0e9e2612)
(wire (pts (xy 201.93 160.02) (xy 201.93 157.48))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid 36174c4b-0f34-4d9b-afd6-23f75d954a93)
(wire (pts (xy 227.33 142.24) (xy 229.87 142.24))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid 3626c9aa-a509-4042-a2e3-1a0cd13f52fd)
(wire (pts (xy 90.17 52.07) (xy 92.71 52.07))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid 38f75ef2-c6b3-48c5-ae2a-29446a7bea98)
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(wire (pts (xy 167.64 121.92) (xy 158.75 121.92))
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(uuid 39026f3c-e970-4ea1-966f-34e64f1e6461)
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
(wire (pts (xy 90.17 105.41) (xy 92.71 105.41))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid 3a4c8bcc-285b-4014-b14c-6c0f9a9308aa)
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(wire (pts (xy 146.05 93.98) (xy 146.05 85.09))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid 3ddd3b6c-080e-4114-b2d6-97dc32732b30)
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
(wire (pts (xy 130.81 40.64) (xy 127 40.64))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid 3e0472f9-4778-46f3-bd7b-00dd276ee8c4)
(wire (pts (xy 139.7 52.07) (xy 148.59 52.07))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid 3e8ab1cc-3678-4ecc-bb12-36ebd1a066f5)
(wire (pts (xy 134.62 29.21) (xy 130.81 29.21))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid 411864a5-9e53-47fb-93ba-a6fb8d2ceae7)
(wire (pts (xy 92.71 69.85) (xy 92.71 74.93))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid 416c0cc3-4d9d-421b-bbbb-02ed06e070fb)
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(wire (pts (xy 129.54 49.53) (xy 130.81 49.53))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid 43f597ac-3e19-451c-b022-c9f2f66eeff7)
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
(wire (pts (xy 92.71 114.3) (xy 92.71 119.38))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid 44795c7a-7d2d-4070-99e8-0e9c058009fb)
(wire (pts (xy 57.15 96.52) (xy 59.69 96.52))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid 447b9c38-892f-4f49-a21c-607a5a743f07)
(wire (pts (xy 256.54 38.1) (xy 262.89 38.1))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid 46f5e0d6-5cb2-419c-80d5-b625a83d2ca9)
(wire (pts (xy 227.33 139.7) (xy 229.87 139.7))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid 47515587-163a-4426-a021-a090e7809480)
(wire (pts (xy 151.13 24.13) (xy 156.21 24.13))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid 47a88a56-2988-4c97-ac97-22bf6d5e027d)
(wire (pts (xy 57.15 87.63) (xy 59.69 87.63))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid 47fd901f-a153-4e1e-a425-8a041548289f)
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(wire (pts (xy 167.64 127) (xy 167.64 124.46))
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(uuid 4ad62884-c3a3-45ea-9536-4f80b770d1a1)
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
(wire (pts (xy 132.08 58.42) (xy 132.08 60.96))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid 4ded064b-93a3-4cb5-b7f6-09770326b09b)
(wire (pts (xy 92.71 123.19) (xy 92.71 128.27))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid 4dfaa4b7-5ff7-49b2-8979-2be17ce80be8)
(wire (pts (xy 92.71 92.71) (xy 57.15 92.71))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid 5129d278-0779-4124-827e-9c8f536fa4da)
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(wire (pts (xy 135.89 144.78) (xy 143.51 144.78))
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(uuid 54e437ff-bb3a-4bf7-86d5-9a26bd77e099)
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(wire (pts (xy 241.3 146.05) (xy 243.84 146.05))
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(uuid 552ae4e6-d9e0-4845-959c-0ba81370fe36)
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(wire (pts (xy 233.68 146.05) (xy 229.87 146.05))
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(uuid 554234fe-d8c0-4b81-8681-5f86ed374b1e)
(wire (pts (xy 161.29 93.98) (xy 146.05 93.98))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid 5f733e3e-b049-4bc9-9de4-41549d8f6e6f)
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
(wire (pts (xy 90.17 69.85) (xy 92.71 69.85))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid 619e218b-db3c-4dc6-91f0-907272e3f302)
(wire (pts (xy 92.71 57.15) (xy 57.15 57.15))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid 67631834-1fcb-4cd2-8899-876b2e36a5a3)
(wire (pts (xy 125.73 54.61) (xy 130.81 54.61))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid 69f7c007-7f24-4405-9588-4a02e9d2cf9e)
(wire (pts (xy 200.66 83.82) (xy 200.66 96.52))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid 6b301923-1b73-467b-b6f7-f86ccdd311ca)
(wire (pts (xy 90.17 60.96) (xy 92.71 60.96))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid 6d3d88c0-5427-4ee1-92f4-affe6e51116a)
(wire (pts (xy 92.71 119.38) (xy 57.15 119.38))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid 6ddc1feb-59af-4a11-8ff0-d2d5bc782498)
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(wire (pts (xy 158.75 106.68) (xy 158.75 104.14))
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(uuid 6e2dcad5-1a6c-4201-8244-a04dd893214a)
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
(wire (pts (xy 212.09 157.48) (xy 212.09 160.02))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid 72c202e4-09cd-4ea0-8e39-424fe5e5ed54)
(wire (pts (xy 92.71 110.49) (xy 57.15 110.49))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid 73b85819-a539-4923-920b-3621707dd973)
(wire (pts (xy 139.7 29.21) (xy 139.7 36.83))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid 73c51a34-5cdb-4489-ab09-ebe0222b7a73)
(wire (pts (xy 222.25 34.29) (xy 222.25 36.83))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid 745a10a7-2993-408e-82e5-937de06f83f3)
(wire (pts (xy 90.17 78.74) (xy 92.71 78.74))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid 7707cac8-58c8-46ef-993c-9b95748117b1)
(wire (pts (xy 57.15 110.49) (xy 57.15 114.3))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid 779426c1-6e76-444f-bace-eb16bd3bf4d5)
(wire (pts (xy 143.51 24.13) (xy 139.7 24.13))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid 77f0d8db-3ca8-400b-8370-7f131d501c0e)
(wire (pts (xy 148.59 67.31) (xy 144.78 67.31))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid 789ea538-6762-425a-97d6-9ed9ea0fab0b)
(wire (pts (xy 130.81 36.83) (xy 130.81 40.64))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid 7a204f13-c102-4bdd-a065-793c8127f7f9)
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(wire (pts (xy 158.75 104.14) (xy 176.53 104.14))
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(uuid 7aae0435-5cd1-4684-877c-c15aee66acb2)
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
(wire (pts (xy 134.62 20.32) (xy 134.62 21.59))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid 7c89a8cd-7687-46c5-a46c-212dee832b38)
(wire (pts (xy 195.58 81.28) (xy 200.66 81.28))
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(uuid 7c8e9d2f-08a5-4fd5-a2a8-20ff15538b87)
(wire (pts (xy 200.66 81.28) (xy 200.66 83.82))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid 813385d6-9111-4300-a4f9-b1a0f9650038)
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(wire (pts (xy 256.54 140.97) (xy 256.54 146.05))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid 83655ad9-2fa5-41e3-9601-443884786a33)
(wire (pts (xy 166.37 114.3) (xy 167.64 114.3))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid 86400064-d8e6-4cb3-b506-adf27d85479f)
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
(wire (pts (xy 123.19 68.58) (xy 127 68.58))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid 8b5e88d4-b943-47ea-a7d2-010e9dbfe1dd)
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(wire (pts (xy 229.87 146.05) (xy 229.87 142.24))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid 8bef886c-363b-4d81-8ab2-58a8da4118c2)
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
(wire (pts (xy 57.15 114.3) (xy 59.69 114.3))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid 8cff9789-ce22-4832-937a-6baea66f2775)
(wire (pts (xy 57.15 57.15) (xy 57.15 60.96))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid 8eddab45-fed8-43cd-b754-191898385731)
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(wire (pts (xy 130.81 49.53) (xy 130.81 54.61))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid 8fb60da3-ada2-4b7a-9bf9-21abd637ff8c)
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
(wire (pts (xy 256.54 30.48) (xy 262.89 30.48))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid 90e9df41-4c9f-4e3f-b3b8-39c1e7e49b7e)
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(wire (pts (xy 227.33 121.92) (xy 229.87 121.92))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid 91e99ad0-ae5e-46f2-878d-2bf89a2456b1)
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
(wire (pts (xy 92.71 52.07) (xy 92.71 57.15))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid 92a1c5e5-9c86-4ae5-bc5d-703eba1d9e96)
(wire (pts (xy 57.15 66.04) (xy 57.15 69.85))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid 9423d75f-d274-45d5-964f-42feedd727f9)
(wire (pts (xy 200.66 55.88) (xy 195.58 55.88))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid 99050c69-4661-4523-81c5-7a96f8fe4fb3)
(wire (pts (xy 57.15 101.6) (xy 57.15 105.41))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid 9d1566ec-0616-4742-a4b7-40c9456a182d)
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(wire (pts (xy 144.78 144.78) (xy 143.51 144.78))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid 9df374d1-eecf-4c17-a697-9d7d85bf87ed)
(wire (pts (xy 167.64 119.38) (xy 167.64 121.92))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid 9eea9786-301c-4701-a507-04394bee7400)
(wire (pts (xy 241.3 135.89) (xy 243.84 135.89))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid 9f08ddee-4b42-4b0c-bc03-a421e0897833)
(wire (pts (xy 167.64 124.46) (xy 186.69 124.46))
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid a1fcb9a2-34a5-4c5c-81c8-e665f20e524a)
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(wire (pts (xy 167.64 121.92) (xy 186.69 121.92))
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid a2eea4b0-cea6-4c97-9144-38b8c39f6fdc)
(wire (pts (xy 229.87 116.84) (xy 227.33 116.84))
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(uuid a3ad55fe-74dd-42d8-a2a6-a0054d3d124b)
(wire (pts (xy 130.81 54.61) (xy 148.59 54.61))
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(uuid a648c5c1-ae5f-4a9b-b3b8-ff621671f437)
(wire (pts (xy 209.55 157.48) (xy 209.55 160.02))
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(uuid a650e6e5-4678-4cd6-b1a0-341dda509377)
(wire (pts (xy 57.15 83.82) (xy 57.15 87.63))
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(uuid aac286c6-acc7-4553-b97d-0b993ad66f72)
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(wire (pts (xy 256.54 146.05) (xy 251.46 146.05))
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(uuid ab493697-6e9b-4d3f-9d9b-151497916b73)
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
(wire (pts (xy 212.09 160.02) (xy 209.55 160.02))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid ade98d69-db72-40f4-bf7a-9b77eee91ede)
(wire (pts (xy 92.71 66.04) (xy 57.15 66.04))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid affa4dc4-a158-4a73-89a7-a6a90f31e070)
(wire (pts (xy 143.51 36.83) (xy 139.7 36.83))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid b14b1630-4e0f-48b0-b778-a76b178d8a19)
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(wire (pts (xy 233.68 135.89) (xy 229.87 135.89))
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(uuid b5300959-0245-4ff4-94eb-ab96e6a7b019)
(wire (pts (xy 167.64 111.76) (xy 167.64 114.3))
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(uuid b9b0f561-7560-430a-843b-3100169e8317)
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
(wire (pts (xy 92.71 128.27) (xy 57.15 128.27))
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(uuid b9ddf28e-20c7-411c-9be3-652fcc02e4e9)
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(wire (pts (xy 158.75 127) (xy 167.64 127))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid bc33bb0e-b24d-49d9-b052-9d1c1cf4a28a)
(wire (pts (xy 158.75 119.38) (xy 167.64 119.38))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid bc35bafa-8170-42a3-9e94-8fa7c0385987)
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
(wire (pts (xy 156.21 27.94) (xy 151.13 27.94))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid bfdde12f-667d-4089-8785-f5e82b8350c1)
(wire (pts (xy 209.55 160.02) (xy 207.01 160.02))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid c311fb8e-7fe7-4166-bdd0-6bde94591e4c)
(wire (pts (xy 92.71 96.52) (xy 92.71 101.6))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid c3b5cec4-5182-4406-81f7-a0d64d9d48fa)
(wire (pts (xy 139.7 36.83) (xy 139.7 52.07))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid c3d2c08e-f86a-4ed9-ba2e-3540b6bb0ff0)
(wire (pts (xy 207.01 157.48) (xy 207.01 160.02))
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(uuid cc5c8b03-12e2-4335-9aef-32bf0c1d0545)
(wire (pts (xy 151.13 27.94) (xy 151.13 36.83))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid cccd3979-91d9-444a-a0bc-063e2cca350e)
(wire (pts (xy 134.62 29.21) (xy 139.7 29.21))
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(uuid cfd8493f-7692-4493-b271-e462fd548bff)
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(wire (pts (xy 181.61 104.14) (xy 204.47 104.14))
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid d0ae3e5a-6bc6-4a3a-9df7-259b3727d15d)
(wire (pts (xy 209.55 104.14) (xy 204.47 104.14))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid d17b193a-aa94-4b3a-830f-4b57a48c0fe2)
(wire (pts (xy 92.71 74.93) (xy 57.15 74.93))
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(uuid d59a8c14-1e39-496b-9f17-0ac1a5c2fb15)
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(wire (pts (xy 195.58 66.04) (xy 200.66 66.04))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid d5cd7baa-0e0c-4ab5-bb3a-f65d78c5bda2)
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
(wire (pts (xy 227.33 119.38) (xy 229.87 119.38))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid d665693f-20e1-413d-9e01-77e6d797b2d7)
(wire (pts (xy 57.15 74.93) (xy 57.15 78.74))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid d7f2b253-d523-4539-8391-9bc1f5a588f2)
(wire (pts (xy 92.71 83.82) (xy 57.15 83.82))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid d8ea2e36-0f97-47bd-b658-1ac78f1029af)
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(wire (pts (xy 229.87 135.89) (xy 229.87 139.7))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid d9b4665c-a151-4e3c-af2b-44dcc4192e4a)
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
(wire (pts (xy 144.78 67.31) (xy 144.78 68.58))
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(uuid dd97c1ba-b8fb-4527-addc-2af50103f757)
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(wire (pts (xy 256.54 135.89) (xy 256.54 140.97))
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(uuid e729abe4-c867-4f34-80a0-e50cb73841a4)
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
(wire (pts (xy 57.15 69.85) (xy 59.69 69.85))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid e9b6e6a3-e725-4b7e-a88d-ec65fb83541f)
(wire (pts (xy 90.17 87.63) (xy 92.71 87.63))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid ea2fd1ce-e433-4831-89ef-8677838bb8a1)
(wire (pts (xy 57.15 132.08) (xy 59.69 132.08))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid ec1d59a2-f1d0-48c3-bb01-d934ba412e0a)
(wire (pts (xy 130.81 29.21) (xy 127 29.21))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid ef701629-9717-4ece-8402-6e23a912c15f)
(wire (pts (xy 57.15 119.38) (xy 57.15 123.19))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid f609f287-5a0b-4aba-9c57-b07e9b61f3d0)
(wire (pts (xy 123.19 68.58) (xy 120.65 68.58))
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(uuid f6b67600-5ca9-4765-a016-0cdafa1543c6)
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(wire (pts (xy 186.69 119.38) (xy 186.69 114.3))
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid f9e81713-b6c9-4f33-86cf-49315f7604f6)
(wire (pts (xy 57.15 78.74) (xy 59.69 78.74))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid fd2d84a5-6d9e-4011-9396-ddf9a461aaf5)
(wire (pts (xy 92.71 60.96) (xy 92.71 66.04))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid fde7682e-56a4-4045-8626-81c62cd2b73d)
(wire (pts (xy 57.15 92.71) (xy 57.15 96.52))
(stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
(uuid ff940a28-608f-402a-89b1-a5e3ada25b8b)
(wire (pts (xy 139.7 24.13) (xy 139.7 29.21))
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(uuid fff88561-26d6-45f3-a324-0820467b4f66)
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2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
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2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify right bottom))
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2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
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2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
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(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left bottom))
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(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left bottom))
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(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left bottom))
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2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
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2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
(label "RTS" (at 125.73 54.61 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left bottom))
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2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(label "3V3PU" (at 129.54 49.53 180)
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2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
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(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left bottom))
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(in_bom yes) (on_board yes)
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(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
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(in_bom yes) (on_board yes)
(uuid 00000000-0000-0000-0000-00005b622c38)
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(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
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(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
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(uuid 00000000-0000-0000-0000-00005b6235c5)
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(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
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(in_bom yes) (on_board yes)
(uuid 00000000-0000-0000-0000-00005b623621)
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(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
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(in_bom yes) (on_board yes)
(uuid 00000000-0000-0000-0000-00005b623e8b)
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(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
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(in_bom yes) (on_board yes)
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(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
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(in_bom yes) (on_board yes)
(uuid 00000000-0000-0000-0000-00005b62adc2)
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(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
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(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
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(in_bom yes) (on_board yes)
(uuid 00000000-0000-0000-0000-00005b64c5a1)
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(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
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(in_bom yes) (on_board yes)
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(uuid 00000000-0000-0000-0000-00005b652ecf)
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(in_bom yes) (on_board yes)
(uuid 00000000-0000-0000-0000-00005b656e1c)
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(uuid 00000000-0000-0000-0000-00005b6583c4)
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(in_bom yes) (on_board yes)
(uuid 00000000-0000-0000-0000-00005b660d82)
(property "Reference" "J2" (id 0) (at 216.027 26.2382 0))
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(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
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(uuid 00000000-0000-0000-0000-00005b66e965)
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(in_bom yes) (on_board yes)
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(property "Reference" "Q1" (id 0) (at 132.08 72.3646 90))
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2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(symbol (lib_id "pentasquare-rescue:Ferrite_Bead_Small-Device") (at 179.07 104.14 270) (unit 1)
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
(in_bom yes) (on_board yes)
(uuid 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000060c3dc96)
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
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2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
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2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
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2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
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(symbol (lib_id "Interface_USB:FT232RL") (at 207.01 132.08 0) (unit 1)
(in_bom yes) (on_board yes)
(uuid 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000060c44e6a)
(property "Reference" "U3" (id 0) (at 207.01 102.0826 0))
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(uuid 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000060cad6e5)
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2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
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(in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (fields_autoplaced)
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(property "Reference" "R?" (id 0) (at 247.65 129.54 90))
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(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
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2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
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(in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (fields_autoplaced)
(uuid 1b8ac5f2-3923-47aa-894e-75db6254f16a)
(property "Reference" "R?" (id 0) (at 247.65 139.7 90))
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2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(property "Datasheet" "~" (id 3) (at 247.65 146.05 0)
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
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2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(symbol (lib_id "Device:LED") (at 237.49 135.89 0) (unit 1)
(in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (fields_autoplaced)
(uuid 20859c48-74f1-44e2-8c20-1289338aaf9d)
(property "Reference" "D?" (id 0) (at 235.9025 129.54 0))
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(in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (fields_autoplaced)
(uuid 32f64e92-acbe-467a-9295-bc69c25ceae7)
(property "Reference" "R?" (id 0) (at 163.83 105.41 90))
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(in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (fields_autoplaced)
(uuid 375e8b10-9e4e-40c2-b977-fd813f7e47fc)
(property "Reference" "D?" (id 0) (at 235.9025 139.7 0))
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(property "Reference" "R?" (id 0) (at 162.56 107.95 90))
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2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
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2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
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2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
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2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
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2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
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2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
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2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(symbol (lib_id "power:GND") (at 167.64 115.57 0) (unit 1)
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2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
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2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
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2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
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2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
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2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
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2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
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2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
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2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
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(reference "D99") (unit 1) (value "WS2812B") (footprint "LED_SMD:LED_WS2812B_PLCC4_5.0x5.0mm_P3.2mm")
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(path "/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000060ca43c2"
(reference "D101") (unit 1) (value "D") (footprint "")
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(reference "D102") (unit 1) (value "D") (footprint "")
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(path "/20859c48-74f1-44e2-8c20-1289338aaf9d"
(reference "D?") (unit 1) (value "LED") (footprint "")
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
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(reference "D?") (unit 1) (value "LED") (footprint "")
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
(path "/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000060c3dc96"
(reference "FB1") (unit 1) (value "Ferrite_Bead_Small") (footprint "")
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(reference "J2") (unit 1) (value "Barrel_Jack_Switch") (footprint "Connector_BarrelJack:BarrelJack_Horizontal")
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(path "/ab471c13-b546-413d-a926-045eee03a54f"
(reference "J?") (unit 1) (value "USB_C_Receptacle_USB2.0") (footprint "")
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
(path "/00000000-0000-0000-0000-00005ff79e4d"
(reference "Q1") (unit 1) (value "BS170F") (footprint "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23")
(path "/00000000-0000-0000-0000-00005b6235c5"
(reference "R1") (unit 1) (value "10k") (footprint "Resistor_SMD:R_0603_1608Metric_Pad1.05x0.95mm_HandSolder")
(path "/00000000-0000-0000-0000-00005b66fedd"
(reference "R3") (unit 1) (value "1k") (footprint "Resistor_SMD:R_0603_1608Metric_Pad1.05x0.95mm_HandSolder")
(path "/00000000-0000-0000-0000-00005c115239"
(reference "R4") (unit 1) (value "6.8k") (footprint "Resistor_SMD:R_0603_1608Metric_Pad1.05x0.95mm_HandSolder")
2023-01-25 16:17:44 +00:00
(path "/0d7f4635-84e2-4db9-a6f8-d822504e8516"
(reference "R?") (unit 1) (value "150") (footprint "")
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(reference "R?") (unit 1) (value "150") (footprint "")
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(reference "R?") (unit 1) (value "5.1k") (footprint "")
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(reference "R?") (unit 1) (value "5.1k") (footprint "")
2023-01-25 15:27:40 +00:00
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(reference "U1") (unit 1) (value "ESP32-WROOM") (footprint "ESP32-footprints-Lib:ESP32-WROOM")
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(reference "U2") (unit 1) (value "LM1117-3.3") (footprint "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-223")
(path "/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000060c44e6a"
(reference "U3") (unit 1) (value "FT232RL") (footprint "Package_SO:SSOP-28_5.3x10.2mm_P0.65mm")