# pituicat This repository contains the source and game design files for the game `pituicat`. This game is still an experimental work in progress, so things are subject to change and no version or revision numbers are being assigned (yet). ## Build and run instructions For any system you want to buil on, you will need a current version of `ghc` as well as the build tool `cabal`. Additional libraries may be needed, depending on your operating system. ### Linux I develop this game in [NixOS](https://nixos.org), so the build instructions for this system are the ones I use on a daily basis. #### NixOS To set up the build environment, simply run this in the command line of your choice in the project's root directory: ```bash nix-shell shell.nix ``` After the setup and build process is finished and you are given the prompt of the environmet you just built, you can run ```bash cabal new-run ``` to compile and run the game. #### Other Linux flavours You will need at least the development libraries for `sdl2` and a development setup for `OpenGL`. TODO: provide list of development libraries this game directly depends on. After setting up the system with all development dependencies, simply run ```bash cabal new-run ``` for compiling and running the game. ### Other operating systems I wish you good luck with that. If you manage to run the game on other systms, ping me with build and run instructions on and I will gladly include them here. ## Gameplay To move around, use the `D` and `A` Keys respectively. Press `Space` to jump.