\documentclass[12pt,a4paper,landscape]{scrartcl} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[english]{babel} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage[left=2.00cm,right=2.00cm, top=2.00cm,bottom=2.00cm]{geometry} \author{Amedeo Molnár} \title{Pituicat -- Beat Chart} \date{\today} \begin{document} \pagenumbering{gobble} \maketitle \newpage \tableofcontents \newpage \pagenumbering{arabic} \setcounter{page}{1} \section{The Sewer} \begin{tabular}{ p{.23\linewidth} p{.23\linewidth} p{.23\linewidth} p{.23\linewidth} } \textbf{Level: The Sewer 1} & \textbf{Level: The Sewer 2} & \textbf{Level: The Sewer 3} & \textbf{Level: The Sewer 4} \\ \textbf{Name: The Sewer -- This is (not) the end} & \textbf{Name: The Sewer -- Fish and Chips} & \textbf{Name: The Sewer -- Ratty business} & \textbf{Name: The Sewer -- Facing the King} \\ \textbf{Story:} Pituicat awakens in a dark corner of the sewers & \textbf{Story:} Pituicat crosses the sewer, encounters first rat scouts & \textbf{Story:} Pituicat has to fights his way through the sewer & \textbf{Story:} King Rat is furious about Pituicat entering his domain and fights. \\ \textbf{Progression:} Player taught basic movement, combat and collecting powerups & \textbf{Progression:} Player crosses first level and collects first powerups and solves first puzzles & \textbf{Progression:} Player solves more complex puzzles and encounters lots of rats & \textbf{Progression:} Player fights King Rat \\ \textbf{Est. play time:} 15 min. & \textbf{Est. play time:} 15 min. & \textbf{Est. play time:} 15 min. & \textbf{Est. play time:} 5 min. \\ \textbf{Color map:} brownish tones (eww!), red (bricks, pipes), yellow (lights), blue (pipes) & \textbf{Color map:} brownish tones (eww!), red (bricks, pipes), yellow (lights), blue (pipes), yellowish blue (water?) & \textbf{Color map:} brownish tones (eww!), red (bricks, pipes), yellow (lights), blue (pipes), yellowish blue (water?) & \textbf{Color map:} brownish tones (eww!, Wood), red (bricks, pipes), yellow (lights), blue (pipes), yellowish blue (water?) \\ \textbf{Enemies}: Woodlice, Goldfish & \textbf{Enemies}: Woodlice, Goldfish, Rat scout & \textbf{Enemies}: Woodlice, Goldfish, Rat scout, Rat, Big Rat & \textbf{Enemies}: King Rat \\ \textbf{Mechanics:} Wall jump & \textbf{Mechanics:} Wall jump & \textbf{Mechanics:} Wall jump & \textbf{Mechanics:} Wall jump \\ \textbf{Hazards:} Cracky platform, Sewage & \textbf{Hazards:} Cracky platform, Sewage, Sewage Drops & \textbf{Hazards:} Cracky platform, Sewage, Sewage Drops, Slippery ground & \textbf{Hazards:} None \\ \textbf{Power-ups:} Peptide, Oily Emulsion & \textbf{Power-ups:} Peptide, Oily Emulsion & \textbf{Power-ups:} Peptide, Oily Emulsion & \textbf{Power-ups:} Peptide, Oily Emulsion \\ \textbf{Economy:} None & \textbf{Economy:} DNA-Fragment & \textbf{Economy:} None & \textbf{Economy:} DNA-Fragment \\ \textbf{Puzzles:} Light switch & \textbf{Puzzles:} Timed pump activation run & \textbf{Puzzles:} Slime ground maze & \textbf{Puzzles:} None \\ \textbf{Music track:} TBD & \textbf{Music track:} TBD & \textbf{Music track:} TBD & \textbf{Music track:} TBD \\ \end{tabular} \newpage \section{Back Alley} \begin{tabular}{ p{.23\linewidth} p{.23\linewidth} p{.23\linewidth} p{.23\linewidth} } \textbf{Level: Back Alley 1} & \textbf{Level: Back Alley 2} & \textbf{Level: Back Alley 3} & \textbf{Level: Back Alley 4} \\ \textbf{Name: Back Alley -- Light of day} & \textbf{Name: Back Alley -- ???} & \textbf{Name: Back Alley -- ???} & \textbf{Name: Back Alley -- ???} \\ \textbf{Story:} Pituicat first reaches the world above ground since his transformation & \textbf{Story:} ??? & \textbf{Story:} ??? & \textbf{Story:} ??? \\ \textbf{Progression:} ??? & \textbf{Progression:} ??? & \textbf{Progression:} ??? & \textbf{Progression:} ??? \\ \textbf{Est. play time:} ??? & \textbf{Est. play time:} ??? & \textbf{Est. play time:} ??? & \textbf{Est. play time:} ??? \\ \textbf{Color map:} ??? & \textbf{Color map:} ??? & \textbf{Color map:} ??? & \textbf{Color map:} ??? \\ \textbf{Enemies}: ??? & \textbf{Enemies}: ??? & \textbf{Enemies}: ??? & \textbf{Enemies}: ??? \\ \textbf{Mechanics:} ??? & \textbf{Mechanics:} ??? & \textbf{Mechanics:} ??? & \textbf{Mechanics:} ??? \\ \textbf{Hazards:} ??? & \textbf{Hazards:} ??? & \textbf{Hazards:} ??? & \textbf{Hazards:} None \\ \textbf{Power-ups:} ??? & \textbf{Power-ups:} ??? & \textbf{Power-ups:} ??? & \textbf{Power-ups:} ??? \\ \textbf{Economy:} ??? & \textbf{Economy:} ??? & \textbf{Economy:} ??? & \textbf{Economy:} ??? \\ \textbf{Puzzles:} ??? & \textbf{Puzzles:} ??? & \textbf{Puzzles:} ??? & \textbf{Puzzles:} ??? \\ \textbf{Music track:} TBD & \textbf{Music track:} TBD & \textbf{Music track:} TBD & \textbf{Music track:} TBD \\ \end{tabular} \newpage \section{Abandoned Lab} \begin{tabular}{ p{.23\linewidth} p{.23\linewidth} p{.23\linewidth} p{.23\linewidth} } \textbf{Level: Back Alley 1} & \textbf{Level: Back Alley 2} & \textbf{Level: Back Alley 3} & \textbf{Level: Back Alley 4} \\ \textbf{Name: Back Alley -- Light of day} & \textbf{Name: Back Alley -- ???} & \textbf{Name: Back Alley -- ???} & \textbf{Name: Back Alley -- ???} \\ \textbf{Story:} ???& \textbf{Story:} ??? & \textbf{Story:} ??? & \textbf{Story:} ??? \\ \textbf{Progression:} ??? & \textbf{Progression:} ??? & \textbf{Progression:} ??? & \textbf{Progression:} ??? \\ \textbf{Est. play time:} ??? & \textbf{Est. play time:} ??? & \textbf{Est. play time:} ??? & \textbf{Est. play time:} ??? \\ \textbf{Color map:} ??? & \textbf{Color map:} ??? & \textbf{Color map:} ??? & \textbf{Color map:} ??? \\ \textbf{Enemies}: ??? & \textbf{Enemies}: ??? & \textbf{Enemies}: ??? & \textbf{Enemies}: ??? \\ \textbf{Mechanics:} ??? & \textbf{Mechanics:} ??? & \textbf{Mechanics:} ??? & \textbf{Mechanics:} ??? \\ \textbf{Hazards:} ??? & \textbf{Hazards:} ??? & \textbf{Hazards:} ??? & \textbf{Hazards:} None \\ \textbf{Power-ups:} ??? & \textbf{Power-ups:} ??? & \textbf{Power-ups:} ??? & \textbf{Power-ups:} ??? \\ \textbf{Economy:} ??? & \textbf{Economy:} ??? & \textbf{Economy:} ??? & \textbf{Economy:} ??? \\ \textbf{Puzzles:} ??? & \textbf{Puzzles:} ??? & \textbf{Puzzles:} ??? & \textbf{Puzzles:} ??? \\ \textbf{Music track:} TBD & \textbf{Music track:} TBD & \textbf{Music track:} TBD & \textbf{Music track:} TBD \\ \end{tabular} \newpage \section{The Highway} \begin{tabular}{ p{.23\linewidth} p{.23\linewidth} p{.23\linewidth} p{.23\linewidth} } \textbf{Level: Back Alley 1} & \textbf{Level: Back Alley 2} & \textbf{Level: Back Alley 3} & \textbf{Level: Back Alley 4} \\ \textbf{Name: Back Alley -- Light of day} & \textbf{Name: Back Alley -- ???} & \textbf{Name: Back Alley -- ???} & \textbf{Name: Back Alley -- ???} \\ \textbf{Story:} ???& \textbf{Story:} ??? & \textbf{Story:} ??? & \textbf{Story:} ??? \\ \textbf{Progression:} ??? & \textbf{Progression:} ??? & \textbf{Progression:} ??? & \textbf{Progression:} ??? \\ \textbf{Est. play time:} ??? & \textbf{Est. play time:} ??? & \textbf{Est. play time:} ??? & \textbf{Est. play time:} ??? \\ \textbf{Color map:} ??? & \textbf{Color map:} ??? & \textbf{Color map:} ??? & \textbf{Color map:} ??? \\ \textbf{Enemies}: ??? & \textbf{Enemies}: ??? & \textbf{Enemies}: ??? & \textbf{Enemies}: ??? \\ \textbf{Mechanics:} ??? & \textbf{Mechanics:} ??? & \textbf{Mechanics:} ??? & \textbf{Mechanics:} ??? \\ \textbf{Hazards:} ??? & \textbf{Hazards:} ??? & \textbf{Hazards:} ??? & \textbf{Hazards:} None \\ \textbf{Power-ups:} ??? & \textbf{Power-ups:} ??? & \textbf{Power-ups:} ??? & \textbf{Power-ups:} ??? \\ \textbf{Economy:} ??? & \textbf{Economy:} ??? & \textbf{Economy:} ??? & \textbf{Economy:} ??? \\ \textbf{Puzzles:} ??? & \textbf{Puzzles:} ??? & \textbf{Puzzles:} ??? & \textbf{Puzzles:} ??? \\ \textbf{Music track:} TBD & \textbf{Music track:} TBD & \textbf{Music track:} TBD & \textbf{Music track:} TBD \\ \end{tabular} \newpage \section{Military-Industrial Complex} \begin{tabular}{ p{.23\linewidth} p{.23\linewidth} p{.23\linewidth} p{.23\linewidth} } \textbf{Level: Back Alley 1} & \textbf{Level: Back Alley 2} & \textbf{Level: Back Alley 3} & \textbf{Level: Back Alley 4} \\ \textbf{Name: Back Alley -- Light of day} & \textbf{Name: Back Alley -- ???} & \textbf{Name: Back Alley -- ???} & \textbf{Name: Back Alley -- ???} \\ \textbf{Story:} ???& \textbf{Story:} ??? & \textbf{Story:} ??? & \textbf{Story:} ??? \\ \textbf{Progression:} ??? & \textbf{Progression:} ??? & \textbf{Progression:} ??? & \textbf{Progression:} ??? \\ \textbf{Est. play time:} ??? & \textbf{Est. play time:} ??? & \textbf{Est. play time:} ??? & \textbf{Est. play time:} ??? \\ \textbf{Color map:} ??? & \textbf{Color map:} ??? & \textbf{Color map:} ??? & \textbf{Color map:} ??? \\ \textbf{Enemies}: ??? & \textbf{Enemies}: ??? & \textbf{Enemies}: ??? & \textbf{Enemies}: ??? \\ \textbf{Mechanics:} ??? & \textbf{Mechanics:} ??? & \textbf{Mechanics:} ??? & \textbf{Mechanics:} ??? \\ \textbf{Hazards:} ??? & \textbf{Hazards:} ??? & \textbf{Hazards:} ??? & \textbf{Hazards:} None \\ \textbf{Power-ups:} ??? & \textbf{Power-ups:} ??? & \textbf{Power-ups:} ??? & \textbf{Power-ups:} ??? \\ \textbf{Economy:} ??? & \textbf{Economy:} ??? & \textbf{Economy:} ??? & \textbf{Economy:} ??? \\ \textbf{Puzzles:} ??? & \textbf{Puzzles:} ??? & \textbf{Puzzles:} ??? & \textbf{Puzzles:} ??? \\ \textbf{Music track:} TBD & \textbf{Music track:} TBD & \textbf{Music track:} TBD & \textbf{Music track:} TBD \\ \end{tabular} \newpage \section{Secret Base} \begin{tabular}{ p{.23\linewidth} p{.23\linewidth} p{.23\linewidth} p{.23\linewidth} } \textbf{Level: Back Alley 1} & \textbf{Level: Back Alley 2} & \textbf{Level: Back Alley 3} & \textbf{Level: Back Alley 4} \\ \textbf{Name: Back Alley -- Light of day} & \textbf{Name: Back Alley -- ???} & \textbf{Name: Back Alley -- ???} & \textbf{Name: Back Alley -- ???} \\ \textbf{Story:} ???& \textbf{Story:} ??? & \textbf{Story:} ??? & \textbf{Story:} ??? \\ \textbf{Progression:} ??? & \textbf{Progression:} ??? & \textbf{Progression:} ??? & \textbf{Progression:} ??? \\ \textbf{Est. play time:} ??? & \textbf{Est. play time:} ??? & \textbf{Est. play time:} ??? & \textbf{Est. play time:} ??? \\ \textbf{Color map:} ??? & \textbf{Color map:} ??? & \textbf{Color map:} ??? & \textbf{Color map:} ??? \\ \textbf{Enemies}: ??? & \textbf{Enemies}: ??? & \textbf{Enemies}: ??? & \textbf{Enemies}: ??? \\ \textbf{Mechanics:} ??? & \textbf{Mechanics:} ??? & \textbf{Mechanics:} ??? & \textbf{Mechanics:} ??? \\ \textbf{Hazards:} ??? & \textbf{Hazards:} ??? & \textbf{Hazards:} ??? & \textbf{Hazards:} None \\ \textbf{Power-ups:} ??? & \textbf{Power-ups:} ??? & \textbf{Power-ups:} ??? & \textbf{Power-ups:} ??? \\ \textbf{Economy:} ??? & \textbf{Economy:} ??? & \textbf{Economy:} ??? & \textbf{Economy:} ??? \\ \textbf{Puzzles:} ??? & \textbf{Puzzles:} ??? & \textbf{Puzzles:} ??? & \textbf{Puzzles:} ??? \\ \textbf{Music track:} TBD & \textbf{Music track:} TBD & \textbf{Music track:} TBD & \textbf{Music track:} TBD \\ \end{tabular} \end{document}