
49 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module Classes.Graphics.Buffer where
import qualified Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL as GL
import SDL (($=), get)
import Foreign.Storable
-- internal imports
import Classes.Graphics.Bindable
-- | this aims to be a typeclass for all used buffer objects throughout the
-- game. all buffer objects have to instanciate the Bindable typeclass.
-- think of it as some kind of interface in the object oriented context
class (Bindable a, Storable (StoreType a)) =>
Buffer a where
-- | datatype inside the buffer
type StoreType a :: *
-- | container datatype for 'StoreType's
type StoreContainer a :: * -> *
-- | what buffer target does the buffer bind to
target :: a -> GL.BufferTarget
-- | retrieve ID from buffer object
glId :: a -> IO (GL.BufferObject)
-- | bind the buffer object and fill it with null data
initialize :: a -> IO ()
-- | fill the buffer with actual data
:: a
-> Word
-- ^ write offset from beginning of buffer in number of data elements
-> StoreContainer a (StoreType a)
-- ^ Data to write
-> IO ()
-- | expand the buffer to double of it's previous size.
expand :: a -> IO ()
-- | free resources and delete the object
delete :: a -> IO ()