2018-09-25 17:12:18 +02:00

67 lines
2.2 KiB

module Affection.MessageBus.Message.JoystickMessage
( JoystickMessage(..)
-- | Vector export
, Linear.V2
-- | SDL exports
, SDL.JoyHatPosition
, SDL.JoyButtonState
, SDL.JoyDeviceConnection
-- | Number exports
, Word8
, Int16
, Int32
) where
import Affection.MessageBus.Message.Class
import Data.Word (Word8)
import Data.Int (Int32, Int16)
import qualified SDL
import Linear (V2(..))
-- | Datatype for handling all possible joystick events handed over from sdl2
data JoystickMessage
-- | Movement of a Joystick axis
= MsgJoystickAxis
{ msgJAWhen :: Double -- ^ Time of event
, msgJAWhich :: Int32 -- ^ Joystick identifier
, msgJAAxis :: Word8 -- ^ Axis identifier
, msgJAValue :: Int16 -- ^ Axis value
-- | Movement of a joystick ball controller
| MsgJoystickBall
{ msgJBWhen :: Double -- ^ Time of event
, msgJBWhich :: Int32 -- ^ Joystick identifier
, msgJBBall :: Word8 -- ^ Ball identifier
, msgJBRelMotion :: V2 Int16 -- ^ Motion relative to previous position
-- | Movement of joystick hat controller
| MsgJoystickHat
{ msgJHWhen :: Double -- ^ Time of event
, msgJHWhich :: Int32 -- ^ Joystick identifier
, msgJHHat :: Word8 -- ^ Hat identifier
, msgJHPosition :: SDL.JoyHatPosition -- ^ New hat position
-- | Joystick button event
| MsgJoystickButton
{ msgJBWhen :: Double -- ^ Time of event
, msgJBWhich :: Int32 -- ^ Joystick identifier
, msgJBButton :: Word8 -- ^ Button identifier
, msgJBState :: SDL.JoyButtonState -- ^ New Button state
-- | Joystick device event
| MsgJoystickDevice
{ msgJDWhen :: Double -- ^ Time of event
, msgJDWhich :: Int32 -- ^ Joystick identifier
, msgJDConnection :: SDL.JoyDeviceConnection -- ^ Connection status
deriving (Show)
instance Message JoystickMessage where
msgTime (MsgJoystickAxis t _ _ _) = t
msgTime (MsgJoystickBall t _ _ _) = t
msgTime (MsgJoystickHat t _ _ _) = t
msgTime (MsgJoystickButton t _ _ _) = t
msgTime (MsgJoystickDevice t _ _) = t