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2020-08-29 20:13:25 +00:00
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module VertexBufferDynamic where
import qualified Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL as GL
import SDL (($=), get)
import Linear
import Foreign
import Foreign.C.Types
-- internal imports
import BindableClass
import BufferClass
-- layout of the VertexBuffer data object
data VertexBufferDynamic = VertexBufferDynamic
{ vBufId :: GL.BufferObject -- buffer id
, vBufSize :: GL.GLsizeiptr -- size of data
-- , vBufData :: Ptr a -- pointer to data
data Vertex = Vertex
{ vertPosition :: V3 GL.GLfloat
, vertColor :: V4 GL.GLfloat
, vertTexCoord :: V2 GL.GLfloat
, vertTexID :: GL.GLfloat
, vertSize :: GL.GLsizei
-- | Smart constructor for a new Vertex
:: V3 GL.GLfloat
-> V4 GL.GLfloat
-> V2 GL.GLfloat
-> GL.GLfloat
-> Vertex
newVertex pos color texcoord index =
(fromIntegral $ 10 * (sizeOf (undefined :: GL.GLfloat)))
-- instanciate typeclass from BufferClass and fill in missing implementations
instance Buffer VertexBufferDynamic where
type ObjName VertexBufferDynamic = GL.BufferObject
target _ = GL.ArrayBuffer
glId = vBufId
initialize buf = do
-- bind the buffer using the default iplementation of the typeclass
bind buf
-- fill in the data
GL.bufferData (target buf) $=
( vBufSize buf
, nullPtr
, GL.DynamicDraw
-- release the buffer using the default implementation of the typeclass
unbind buf
instance Bindable VertexBufferDynamic where
-- bind the buffer
bind buf = GL.bindBuffer (target buf) $= Just (glId buf)
-- unbind the buffer
unbind buf = GL.bindBuffer (target buf) $= Nothing
:: IO VertexBufferDynamic -- newly built VertexBuffer data object
newVertexBufferDynamic = do
let dummyVertex = newVertex (V3 0 0 0) (V4 0 0 0 0) (V2 0 0) 0
-- create the buffer object in applicative style
buf <- VertexBufferDynamic
-- generate the ID
<$> GL.genObjectName
-- compute buffer size
<*> pure (CPtrdiff (fromIntegral $ 1024 * vertSize dummyVertex))
-- make pointer out of list
-- <*> newArray list
-- fill the data in to the buffer
initialize buf
-- return the data object
return buf