97 lines
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97 lines
2.4 KiB
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module VertexArray where
import qualified Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL as GL
import SDL (($=), get)
import Foreign
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
-- internal imports
import BufferClass
import VertexBuffer
data VertexArray = VertexArray
{ vArrId :: GL.VertexArrayObject
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Buffer VertexArray where
type ObjName VertexArray = GL.VertexArrayObject
target _ = undefined
glId = vArrId
initialize va = return ()
bind va = GL.bindVertexArrayObject $= Just (vArrId va)
unbind va = GL.bindVertexArrayObject $= Nothing
newVertexArray :: IO VertexArray
newVertexArray = VertexArray
<$> GL.genObjectName
:: VertexArray
-> VertexBuffer a
-> VertexBufferLayout
-> IO ()
addBuffer va vb layout = do
-- bind the provided vertex buffer
bind va
bind vb
-- enable and fill out the vertex attrib pointer(s)
list <- readMVar (vblElements layout)
let indexed = zip [0 ..] list
dataElementSize e = case e of
GL.Float -> sizeOf (undefined :: GL.GLfloat)
x -> error ("No size computation implemented fof: " <> show x)
(\(index, elem) -> do
let offset = fromIntegral $
(\acc (index, _) -> acc + index )
(filter ((<= index) . fst) indexed) :: Int
GL.vertexAttribArray (GL.AttribLocation index) $= GL.Enabled
GL.vertexAttribPointer (GL.AttribLocation index) $=
( vbleHandling elem
, GL.VertexArrayDescriptor
-- number of components to our attribute
(vbleCount elem)
-- datatype of elements
(vbleType elem)
-- ???
-- offset from beginnning of vertex
(plusPtr nullPtr (offset * dataElementSize (vbleType elem)))
unbind va
unbind vb
newtype VertexBufferLayout = VertexBufferLayout
{ vblElements :: MVar [VertexBufferLayoutElement]
data VertexBufferLayoutElement = VertexBufferLayoutElement
{ vbleType :: GL.DataType
, vbleCount :: GL.GLint
, vbleHandling :: GL.IntegerHandling
newVertexBufferLayout :: IO VertexBufferLayout
newVertexBufferLayout = VertexBufferLayout
<$> newMVar []
pushElements :: VertexBufferLayout -> GL.DataType -> GL.GLint -> IO ()
pushElements vbl type_ count = do
modifyMVar_ (vblElements vbl) $ \list ->
return (list ++ [VertexBufferLayoutElement type_ count GL.ToNormalizedFloat])