fix and optimization

This commit is contained in:
nek0 2018-08-11 01:12:07 +02:00
parent 2911514578
commit 0e5486f048
2 changed files with 119 additions and 124 deletions

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@ -675,13 +675,6 @@ updateMap dt = do
-- liftIO $ A.logIO A.Debug ("player position: " ++ show (pos' + colldpos))
return ent
(imgMat $ stateData ud)
(\p -> pointType p /= RoomExit)
(reachPoints $ stateData ud)
tses <- efor allEnts $ do
with objType
with objState
@ -692,8 +685,16 @@ updateMap dt = do
mapM_ (\(t, s, e) ->
objectAction dt t s e
) tses
(nws2, _) <- yieldSystemT nws $ updateNPCs
(imgMat $ stateData ud)
(\p -> pointType p /= RoomExit)
(reachPoints $ stateData ud)
putAffection ud
{ worldState = nws
{ worldState = nws2

View file

@ -6,9 +6,10 @@ import Affection as A
import qualified Data.Matrix as M
import Data.Ecstasy as E
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, fromJust)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List (find)
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..))
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO)
@ -61,18 +62,29 @@ updateNPCs
:: M.Matrix (Maybe ImgId)
-> [ReachPoint]
-> Double
-> SystemState Entity (AffectionState (AffectionData UserData) IO)
-> SystemT Entity (AffectionState (AffectionData UserData) IO) ()
updateNPCs imgmat rp dt = do
updateNPCs imgmat rp dt ws = do
posbounds <- efor allEnts $ do
with pos
with obstacle
pos' <- query pos
bnds <- query obstacle
return (pos', bnds)
npcs <- efor allEnts $ do
npcposs <- efor allEnts $ do
with pos
with npcMoveState
with vel
with rot
with anim
pos' <- query pos
e <- queryEnt
return (e, pos')
eaccess <- getObjects npcposs
moent <- catMaybes <$> (eover allEnts $ do
with pos
with npcMoveState
with vel
with rot
with anim
pos' <- query pos
@ -80,10 +92,6 @@ updateNPCs imgmat rp dt = do
let mdir =
(pointDir <$> find (\a -> pointCoord a == fmap floor pos') rp)
e <- queryEnt
return (e, pos', rot', mdir)
mapM_ (\(e, pos', rot', mdir) -> do
accessibles <- getObjects pos'
moent <- runQueryT e $ do
npcState' <- query npcMoveState
case npcState' of
NPCStanding ttl future -> do
@ -122,23 +130,12 @@ updateNPCs imgmat rp dt = do
else do
future <- liftIO $ newEmptyMVar
stat <- query anim
rot' <- query rot
pos' <- query pos
_ <- liftIO $ forkIO $
getPath (fmap floor pos') future rp imgmat posbounds
e <- queryEnt
let mdir =
(pointDir <$> find (\a -> pointCoord a == fmap floor pos') rp)
-- ttl <- liftIO $ randomRIO (5, 30)
-- return $ (Nothing, unchanged
-- { npcMoveState = Set $ NPCStanding ttl future
-- , vel = Set $ V2 0 0
-- , rot = Set $ fromMaybe rot' mdir
-- , anim = Set stat
-- { asId = (asId stat)
-- { aiDirection = fromMaybe rot' mdir
-- }
-- }
-- })
accessibles = fromMaybe [] $ lookup e eaccess
case accessibles of
[] -> do
ttl <- liftIO $ randomRIO (5, 30)
@ -157,18 +154,16 @@ updateNPCs imgmat rp dt = do
rind <- liftIO $ randomRIO (0, length objects - 1)
npcent <- queryEnt
let (oent, _, _) = objects !! rind
return (Just (oent, npcent), unchanged
return (Just (oent, npcent, future), unchanged
{ rot = Set $ fromMaybe rot' mdir
, anim = Set stat
{ asId = (asId stat)
{ aiDirection = fromMaybe rot' mdir
(\(_, ent) ->
setEntity e ent
) (fromJust moent)
maybe (return()) (\(oent, npcent) -> do
, vel = Set $ V2 0 0
mapM_ (\(oent, npcent, future) -> do
Just (t, s) <- runQueryT oent $ do
with objType
with objState
@ -182,20 +177,14 @@ updateNPCs imgmat rp dt = do
otyp <- query objType
ostat <- query objState
return (otyp, ostat)
Just npc <- runQueryT npcent $ do
emap (anEnt npcent) $ do
let ttl = actionTime nt ns
future <- liftIO $ newEmptyMVar
_ <- liftIO $ forkIO $
getPath (fmap floor pos') future rp imgmat posbounds
return unchanged
{ npcMoveState = Set $ NPCStanding ttl future
, vel = Set $ V2 0 0
setEntity npcent npc
) (fromJust (fst <$> moent))
) npcs
) moent
getObjects npos = do
getObjects npcposs = do
candidates <- efor allEnts $ do
with pos
with objType
@ -205,9 +194,14 @@ getObjects npos = do
oacc <- query objAccess
ent <- queryEnt
return (ent, pos', oacc)
return $ filter (\(_, p, (delta, _)) ->
fmap floor p + delta == fmap floor npos
mapM (\(e, pos) ->
( e
, filter (\(_, p, (delta, _)) ->
fmap floor p + delta == fmap floor pos
) candidates
) npcposs
:: V2 Int