floors can be rudimentaly built
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 258 additions and 4 deletions
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ of account data.
## View
Cabinet perspective
Isometric perspective
## Mechanics
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
module Floorplan where
import Data.Matrix (Matrix(..))
import qualified Data.Matrix as M
import Data.Foldable (find)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import System.Random
import Debug.Trace
data TileState
= Wall
| Wind
| Door
| Hall
| Offi
| Toil
| Kitc
| Elev
| Unde
deriving (Eq)
instance Show TileState where
show Wall = "#"
show Wind = "~"
show Door = "+"
show Hall = "_"
show Offi = "."
show Toil = "o"
show Kitc = "k"
show Elev = "x"
show Unde = " "
data FloorConfig = FloorConfig
{ elevator :: (Int, Int)
, facilities :: [(Int, Int)]
, size :: (Int, Int)
} deriving (Show)
data Boundaries = Boundaries
{ matmin :: (Int, Int)
, matmax :: (Int, Int)
} deriving (Show)
buildHallFloorIO :: FloorConfig -> IO (Matrix TileState)
buildHallFloorIO fc = do
rand <- newStdGen
return $ buildHallFloor fc rand
buildHallFloor :: FloorConfig -> StdGen -> Matrix TileState
buildHallFloor fc gen =
let empty = emptyFloor fc
(g1, withElv) = buildElevator fc (placeHalls gen fc empty)
(g2, withIW) = buildInnerWalls g1 withElv
withOW = buildOuterWalls withIW
closed = closeOffices withOW
in closed
emptyFloor :: FloorConfig -> Matrix TileState
emptyFloor fc =
let (rows, cols) = size fc
in M.matrix rows cols (const Unde)
:: FloorConfig
-> (StdGen, Matrix TileState)
-> (StdGen, Matrix TileState)
buildElevator fc (gen, emptyFloor) =
let (row, col) = elevator fc
boxCoord x = (,) <$> [row - x .. row + x] <*> [col - x .. col + x]
buildShaft = foldl
(\acc coord -> M.setElem (replaceTile (acc M.! coord) Hall) coord acc)
(foldl (\acc coord -> M.setElem Wall coord acc) emptyFloor (boxCoord 2))
(boxCoord 5)
elvDoor = M.setElem Door (row + 2, col) buildShaft
in (gen, foldl (\acc coord -> M.setElem Elev coord acc) elvDoor (boxCoord 1))
:: StdGen
-> FloorConfig
-> Matrix TileState
-> (StdGen, Matrix TileState)
placeHalls rng fc input =
doHalls rng
[(Boundaries (1,1) (nrows input, ncols input))]
(elevator fc) 5 input
elPos = elevator fc
doHalls rand bounds cross wmax mat =
let (rnd, gen) = next rand
in foldl (\(agen, amat) b ->
let (row, g1) = randomR (fst (matmin b), fst (matmax b)) agen
(col, g2) = randomR (snd (matmin b), snd (matmax b)) g1
(nw, g3) = randomR (2, wmax) g2
(nbs, nmat) = buildHall cross nw b amat
if hallRatio nmat < 0.5 && wmax - 1 > 2
then doHalls g3 nbs (row, col) (wmax -1) nmat
else (g3, nmat)
) (rand, mat) bounds
boundSize :: Boundaries -> Int
boundSize (Boundaries min max) =
(fst max - fst min) * (snd max - snd min)
:: (Int, Int)
-> Int
-> Boundaries
-> Matrix TileState
-> ([Boundaries], Matrix TileState)
buildHall coord@(row, col) width bounds mat =
let vertHalls = foldl (\acc c -> M.mapCol
(\r cur -> if r >= fst (matmin bounds) && r <= fst (matmax bounds)
then replaceTile cur Hall
else cur
) c acc)
[col - (width `div` 2) .. col + (width `div` 2)]
horzHalls = foldl (\acc r -> M.mapRow
(\c cur -> if c >= snd (matmin bounds) && c <= snd (matmax bounds)
then replaceTile cur Hall
else cur
) r acc)
[row - (width `div` 2) .. row + (width `div` 2)]
in ( [ Boundaries (matmin bounds) coord
, Boundaries (fst (matmin bounds), col) (row, snd (matmax bounds))
, Boundaries (row, snd (matmin bounds)) (fst (matmax bounds), col)
, Boundaries coord (matmax bounds)
, horzHalls
replaceTile :: TileState -> TileState -> TileState
replaceTile cur new
| cur == Unde = new
| otherwise = cur
hallRatio :: Matrix TileState -> Double
hallRatio mat =
let hs = foldl (\acc a -> if a == Hall then acc + 1 else acc) 0 mat
in fromIntegral hs / fromIntegral (nrows mat * ncols mat)
buildInnerWalls :: StdGen -> Matrix TileState -> (StdGen, Matrix TileState)
buildInnerWalls rng input =
let floodSearchReplace
:: StdGen
-> (Int, Int)
-> Matrix TileState
-> (StdGen, Matrix TileState)
floodSearchReplace gn coord@(row, col) mat
| mat M.! coord == Unde =
let maxRow = doRow row
doRow r
| M.safeGet (r + 1) col mat == Just Unde = doRow (r + 1)
| otherwise = r
maxCol = doCol col
doCol c
| M.safeGet row (c + 1) mat == Just Unde = doCol (c + 1)
| otherwise = c
(cr, g1) = randomR (row, maxRow) gn
(cc, g2) = randomR (col, maxCol) g1
(nngen, nnmat) = doCross
(cr, cc)
(Boundaries coord (maxRow, maxCol))
:: StdGen
-> (Int, Int)
-> Boundaries
-> Matrix TileState
-> (StdGen, Matrix TileState)
doCross gen coord@(xr, xc) b imat =
let nbs = map (\(min, max) -> Boundaries min max) bounds
bounds =
[ (matmin b, coord)
, ((fst (matmin b), col), (row, snd (matmax b)))
, ((row, snd (matmin b)), (fst (matmax b), col))
, (coord, matmax b)
(ngen, crosses) = foldl
(\(agen, acc) (minb, maxb) ->
let (fc, g1) = randomR (fst minb, fst maxb) agen
(fr, g2) = randomR (snd minb, snd maxb) g1
in (g2, acc ++ [(fc, fr)])
) (gen, []) bounds
horz = M.mapRow (\icol cur ->
if icol >= snd (matmin b) && icol <= snd (matmax b)
then replaceTile cur Wall
else cur
) xr imat
vert = M.mapCol (\irow cur ->
if irow >= fst (matmin b) && irow <= fst (matmax b)
then replaceTile cur Wall
else cur
) xc horz
omat = foldl
(\acc coords ->
M.setElem (replaceTile (acc M.! coords) Offi) coords acc
) vert btups
btups = (,)
<$> [fst (matmin b) .. fst (matmax b)]
<*> [snd (matmin b) .. snd (matmax b)]
in if trace ("bs: " ++ show (boundSize b)) (boundSize b) >= 16
then foldl
(\(agen, amat) (cr, nb) -> doCross agen cr nb amat)
(ngen, omat)
(zip crosses nbs)
else trace
("built cross at " ++ show coord ++ " within " ++ show b)
(gen, omat)
in (nngen, nnmat)
| otherwise = (gn, mat)
tups mat = (,) <$> [1 .. nrows mat] <*> [1 .. ncols mat]
in foldl (\(agen, amat) cds -> floodSearchReplace agen cds amat)
(rng, input) (tups input)
closeOffices :: Matrix TileState -> Matrix TileState
closeOffices input =
let tups mat = (,) <$> [2 .. nrows mat - 1] <*> [2 .. ncols mat - 1]
isNeighbor (row, col) =
let subm = M.submatrix (row -1) (row + 1) (col - 1) (col + 1) input
in any (== Hall) (M.toList subm)
in foldl (\acc coord ->
if input M.! coord == Offi && isNeighbor coord
then M.setElem Wall coord acc
else acc
) input (tups input)
buildOuterWalls :: Matrix TileState -> Matrix TileState
buildOuterWalls input =
let horz :: Matrix TileState
horz =
(\amat r -> M.mapRow (\_ _ -> Wall) r amat)
[ 1
, nrows input
vert =
(\amat c -> M.mapCol (\_ _ -> Wall) c amat)
[ 1
, ncols horz
in vert
@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ data Entity f = Entity
{ pos :: Component f 'Field (V2 Float)
, vel :: Component f 'Field (V2 Float)
, rot :: Component f 'Field Direction
, player :: Component f 'Unique Bool
deriving (Generic)
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ executable tracer-game
other-modules: Types
, Types.UserData
, StateMachine
, Floorplan
, Init
default-extensions: OverloadedStrings
, DeriveGeneric
@ -35,5 +36,7 @@ executable tracer-game
, containers
, ecstasy
, linear
, matrix
, random
hs-source-dirs: src
default-language: Haskell2010
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