This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 108 additions and 250 deletions
@ -1,2 +1,4 @@
packages: ./
profiling: True
@ -247,6 +247,7 @@ let
random sdl stm text unordered-containers vector pkgconfig
enableExecutableProfiling = true;
enableLibraryProfiling = true;
license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3;
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ module Main where
import Affection as A
import Data.Ecstasy
import Data.Ecstasy.Types
import qualified SDL
@ -62,7 +63,7 @@ pre = do
_ <- partSubscribe k toggleFullScreen
_ <- partSubscribe k quitGame
u <- partSubscribe j cacheJoypad
(ws, _) <- yieldSystemT (0, defStorage) (return ())
(ws, _) <- yieldSystemT (SystemState 0 defStorage defHooks) (return ())
putAffection ud
{ threadContext = Just threadCtx
, window = Just (drawWindow ad)
@ -84,7 +85,7 @@ quitGame (MsgKeyboardEvent _ _ SDL.Pressed False sym)
mapM_ (partUnSubscribe j) (uuid ud)
mapM_ (partUnSubscribe t) (uuid ud)
SDL.glMakeCurrent (drawWindow ad) (glContext ad)
(ws, _) <- yieldSystemT (0, defStorage) (return ())
(ws, _) <- yieldSystemT (SystemState 0 defStorage defHooks) (return ())
putAffection ud
{ worldState = ws
, state = Load
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Control.Monad.State.Strict (evalStateT)
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO)
import Control.Parallel.Strategies hiding (dot)
import Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Set as S
@ -38,7 +39,6 @@ import Types
import Floorplan
import MindMap
import NPC
-- import Object
import Animation
import Collision
@ -236,10 +236,9 @@ loadMapFork ud ad future progress = do
mapM_ (\cpr -> do
fact <- liftIO $ randomRIO (0.5, 1.5)
-- fut <- liftIO newEmptyMVar
stats <- liftIO $ NPCStats
<$> (randomRIO (0, 1))
<*> (randomRIO (0, 1))
<*> pure 0
<*> (randomRIO (0, 1))
<*> (randomRIO (0, 1))
<*> (randomRIO (0, 1))
@ -266,7 +265,6 @@ loadMapFork ud ad future progress = do
( p + increment
, "Registering doors into WorldState"
-- let doors = Prelude.filter ((\t -> t == RoomExit || t == Elevator) . pointType) rps
mapM_ (\door -> do
let rooms = Prelude.foldl
(\acc coord ->
@ -340,37 +338,6 @@ loadMapFork ud ad future progress = do
, roomGraph = gr
-- mouseToPlayer :: V2 Int32 -> Affection UserData ()
-- mouseToPlayer mv2 = do
-- ud <- getAffection
-- (V2 rx ry) <- liftIO $ relativizeMouseCoords mv2
-- (nws, _) <- yieldSystemT (worldState ud) $
-- emap allEnts $ do
-- with player
-- return $ unchanged
-- { xyvel = Set $ V2 rx ry
-- }
-- putAffection ud
-- { worldState = nws
-- }
-- movePlayer :: MouseMessage -> Affection UserData ()
-- movePlayer (MsgMouseMotion _ _ _ [SDL.ButtonLeft] m _) = mouseToPlayer m
-- movePlayer (MsgMouseButton _ _ SDL.Pressed _ SDL.ButtonLeft _ m) =
-- mouseToPlayer m
-- movePlayer (MsgMouseButton _ _ SDL.Released _ SDL.ButtonLeft _ _) = do
-- ud <- getAffection
-- (nws, _) <- yieldSystemT (worldState ud) $
-- emap allEnts $ do
-- with player
-- return $ unchanged
-- { xyvel = Set $ V2 0 0
-- }
-- putAffection ud
-- { worldState = nws
-- }
-- movePlayer _ = return ()
movePlayerKbd :: KeyboardMessage -> Affection UserData ()
movePlayerKbd (MsgKeyboardEvent _ _ press False sym)
| SDL.keysymKeycode sym == SDL.KeycodeW = do
@ -648,7 +615,7 @@ drawMap = do
closePath ctx
fillColor ctx (rgb 255 255 255)
fill ctx
mapM_ (\(i, ls) -> mapM_
void $ sequence $ parMap rpar (\(i, ls) -> void $ sequence $ parMap rpar
(\(j, t) -> drawTile ud ctx (partposanims M.! (i, j)) pr pc i j t)
(reverse $ zip [1..] ls))
(zip [1..] (toLists mat))
@ -729,8 +696,6 @@ drawTile ud ctx posanims pr pc row col img =
nnc = case mbnds of
Just (Boundaries (_, minc) (_, _)) -> minc
Nothing -> nc - fromIntegral ((floor nc) :: Int) :: Double
-- any (\m -> nr < fromIntegral (floor nr :: Int) + m) maxrs &&
-- any (\m -> nc > fromIntegral (floor nc :: Int) + m) mincs
tileWidth = 64 :: Double
tileHeight = 32 :: Double
sorted = sortOn (\(V2 sr sc, _, mbnds) ->
@ -744,7 +709,6 @@ drawTile ud ctx posanims pr pc row col img =
(sr - (fromIntegral ((floor sr) :: Int)))
(sc - (fromIntegral ((floor sc) :: Int)))
) posanims
-- sorted = posanims
minrs = (fst . matmin) mb
maxrs = (fst . matmax) mb
mincs = (snd . matmin) mb
@ -770,8 +734,7 @@ drawTile ud ctx posanims pr pc row col img =
updateMap :: Double -> Affection UserData ()
updateMap dt = do
ud <- getAffection
-- empty <- liftIO $ isEmptyMVar (stateMVar ud)
if stateData ud == None -- && empty
if stateData ud == None
then do
mstart <- liftIO $ tryTakeMVar (stateMVar ud)
case mstart of
@ -789,21 +752,63 @@ updateMap dt = do
Nothing -> return ()
else do
(nws, _) <- yieldSystemT (worldState ud) $ do
obstacleBounds <- efor allEnts $ do
with obstacle
with pos
b <- query obstacle
pos' <- query pos
return (pos', b)
emap allEnts $ do
with player
with xyvel
with vel
V2 rx ry <- query xyvel
let V2 dr dc = fmap (* 1.5) (V2 rx ry `rotVec` 45)
return $ unchanged
{ vel = Set $ 2 * V2 dr dc
emap allEnts $ do
with anim
pos'@(V2 pr pc) <- query pos
vel' <- queryMaybe vel
rot' <- query rot
fact' <- fromMaybe 1 <$> queryMaybe velFact
xyv2 <- queryMaybe xyvel
stat <- query anim
let an = assetAnimations ud Map.! asId stat
ntime = asElapsedTime stat + dt
nstate = if ntime > fromIntegral (asCurrentFrame stat + 1) *
npos = pos' + fmap (* (dt * fact')) (fromMaybe (V2 0 0) vel')
dpos@(V2 dpr dpc) = npos - pos'
aId = asId stat
lll = (,)
<$> (
if dpr < 0
then [(floor dpr :: Int) .. 0]
else [0 .. (ceiling dpr :: Int)])
<*> (
if dpc < 0
then [(floor dpc :: Int) .. 0]
else [0 .. (ceiling dpc :: Int)])
colldpos = dpos * Prelude.foldl
(\acc a ->
let ret = checkBoundsCollision2 pos' npos dt acc a
in A.log A.Verbose (show ret) ret)
(V2 1 1)
(\(dr, dc) ->
let bs = (++)
(maybe [] collisionObstacle (fromMaybe Nothing $ M.safeGet
(fromIntegral $ floor pr + dr)
(fromIntegral $ floor pc + dc)
(imgMat (stateData ud))))
( snd $ Prelude.filter
(\((V2 br bc), _) ->
floor pr + dr == floor br &&
floor pc + dc == floor bc
in (\(Boundaries (minr, minc) (maxr, maxc))->
(minr + fromIntegral dr, minc + fromIntegral dc)
(maxr + fromIntegral dr, maxc + fromIntegral dc)
) bs
lll -- (A.log A.Verbose (show lll ++ " " ++ show len) lll)
nstate =
let velo = fromMaybe (V2 0 0) vel'
nstat = if ntime > fromIntegral (asCurrentFrame stat + 1) *
(animDuration an / fromIntegral (length $ animSprites an))
let nframe = asCurrentFrame stat + 1
@ -829,192 +834,52 @@ updateMap dt = do
{ asElapsedTime = ntime
return $ unchanged
{ anim = Set nstate
obstacleBounds <- efor allEnts $ do
with obstacle
with pos
b <- query obstacle
pos' <- query pos
return (pos', b)
emap allEnts $ do
without player
with vel
with velFact
with pos
with rot
with anim
pos'@(V2 pr pc) <- query pos
vel' <- query vel
rot' <- query rot
fact' <- query velFact
stat <- query anim
let npos = pos' + fmap (* (dt * fact')) vel'
dpos@(V2 dpr dpc) = npos - pos'
aId = asId stat
lll = (,)
<$> (
if dpr < 0
then [(floor dpr :: Int) .. 0]
else [0 .. (ceiling dpr :: Int)])
<*> (
if dpc < 0
then [(floor dpc :: Int) .. 0]
else [0 .. (ceiling dpc :: Int)])
colldpos = dpos * Prelude.foldl
(\acc a ->
let ret = checkBoundsCollision2 pos' npos dt acc a
in A.log A.Verbose (show ret) ret)
(V2 1 1)
(\(dr, dc) ->
let bs = (++)
(maybe [] collisionObstacle (fromMaybe Nothing $ M.safeGet
(fromIntegral $ floor pr + dr)
(fromIntegral $ floor pc + dc)
(imgMat (stateData ud))))
( snd $ Prelude.filter
(\((V2 br bc), _) ->
floor pr + dr == floor br &&
floor pc + dc == floor bc
in (\(Boundaries (minr, minc) (maxr, maxc))->
(minr + fromIntegral dr, minc + fromIntegral dc)
(maxr + fromIntegral dr, maxc + fromIntegral dc)
) bs
lll -- (A.log A.Verbose (show lll ++ " " ++ show len) lll)
nstat = case aiName aId of
case aiName aId of
| sqrt (vel' `dot` vel') > 0 ->
| sqrt (velo `dot` velo) > 0 ->
{ asId = aId
{ aiDirection = fromMaybe rot' (direction vel')
{ aiDirection = fromMaybe rot' (direction velo)
| otherwise ->
{ asId = aId
{ aiDirection = fromMaybe rot' (direction vel')
{ aiDirection = fromMaybe rot' (direction velo)
, aiName = "standing"
, asCurrentFrame = 0
| sqrt (vel' `dot` vel') > 0 ->
| sqrt (velo `dot` velo) > 0 ->
{ asId = aId
{ aiDirection = fromMaybe rot' (direction vel')
{ aiDirection = fromMaybe rot' (direction velo)
, aiName = "walking"
, asCurrentFrame = 0
| otherwise ->
{ asId = aId
{ aiDirection = fromMaybe rot' (direction vel')
{ aiDirection = fromMaybe rot' (direction velo)
x -> error ("unknown animation name" ++ x)
x -> nstat
ent = unchanged
{ pos = Set $ pos' + colldpos
, rot = Set $ fromMaybe rot' (direction vel')
, anim = Set nstat
, rot = Set $ fromMaybe rot' (direction (fromMaybe (V2 0 0) vel'))
, anim = Set nstate
, vel = case xyv2 of
Just (V2 rx ry) ->
V2 dr dc = fmap (* 1.5) (V2 rx ry `rotVec` 45)
Set $ 2 * V2 dr dc
Nothing -> Keep
return ent
emap allEnts $ do
with player
with vel
with pos
with rot
with anim
pos'@(V2 pr pc) <- query pos
vel' <- query vel
rot' <- query rot
stat <- query anim
let npos = pos' + fmap (* dt) vel'
dpos@(V2 dpr dpc) = npos - pos'
aId = asId stat
nstat = case aiName aId of
| sqrt (colldpos `dot` colldpos) > 0 ->
{ asId = aId
{ aiDirection = fromMaybe rot' (direction vel')
| otherwise ->
{ asId = aId
{ aiDirection = fromMaybe rot' (direction vel')
, aiName = "standing"
, asCurrentFrame = 0
| sqrt (colldpos `dot` colldpos) > 0 ->
{ asId = aId
{ aiDirection = fromMaybe rot' (direction vel')
, aiName = "walking"
, asCurrentFrame = 0
| otherwise ->
{ asId = aId
{ aiDirection = fromMaybe rot' (direction vel')
x -> error ("unknown animation name" ++ x)
lll = (,)
<$> (
if dpr < 0
then [(floor dpr :: Int) .. 0]
else [0 .. (ceiling dpr :: Int)])
<*> (
if dpc < 0
then [(floor dpc :: Int) .. 0]
else [0 .. (ceiling dpc :: Int)])
colldpos = dpos * Prelude.foldl
(\acc a ->
let ret = checkBoundsCollision2 pos' npos dt acc a
in A.log A.Verbose (show ret) ret)
(V2 1 1)
(\(dr, dc) ->
let bs = (++)
(maybe [] collisionObstacle (fromMaybe Nothing $ M.safeGet
(fromIntegral $ floor pr + dr)
(fromIntegral $ floor pc + dc)
(imgMat (stateData ud))))
( snd $ Prelude.filter
(\((V2 br bc), _) ->
floor pr + dr == floor br &&
floor pc + dc == floor bc
in (\(Boundaries (minr, minc) (maxr, maxc))->
(minr + fromIntegral dr, minc + fromIntegral dc)
(maxr + fromIntegral dr, maxc + fromIntegral dc)
) bs
lll -- (A.log A.Verbose (show lll ++ " " ++ show len) lll)
ent = unchanged
{ pos = Set $ pos' + colldpos
, rot = Set (fromMaybe rot' $ direction vel')
, anim = Set nstat
-- liftIO $ A.logIO A.Debug ("player position: " ++ show (pos' + colldpos))
return ent
allRelEnts <- efor allEnts $ do
with pos
with rot
@ -1046,33 +911,3 @@ updateMap dt = do
putAffection ud
{ worldState = nws2
-- checkBoundsCollision2
-- :: V2 Double
-- -> V2 Double
-- -> Double
-- -> V2 Double
-- -> Boundaries Double
-- -> V2 Double
-- checkBoundsCollision2
-- pre@(V2 pr pc) nex dt acc (Boundaries (minr, minc) (maxr, maxc))
-- | colltr < dt && colltc < dt = V2 0 0
-- | colltr < dt = V2 0 0
-- | colltc < dt = V2 0 0
-- | otherwise = acc
-- where
-- V2 vr vc = fmap (/ dt) (nex - pre)
-- colltr
-- | vr > 0 && prr <= maxr && (prc + 0.15 >= minc && prc - 0.15 <= maxc) =
-- ((fromIntegral (floor pr :: Int) + minr - 0.15) - pr) / vr
-- | vr < 0 && prr >= minr && (prc + 0.15 >= minc && prc - 0.15 <= maxc) =
-- ((fromIntegral (floor pr :: Int) + maxr + 0.15) - pr) / vr
-- | otherwise = dt
-- colltc
-- | vc > 0 && prc <= maxc && (prr + 0.15 >= minr && prr - 0.15 <= maxr) =
-- ((fromIntegral (floor pc :: Int) + minc - 0.15) - pc) / vc
-- | vc < 0 && prc >= minc && (prr + 0.15 >= minr && prr - 0.15 <= maxr) =
-- ((fromIntegral (floor pc :: Int) + maxc + 0.15) - pc) / vc
-- | otherwise = dt
-- prr = pr - fromIntegral (floor pr :: Int)
-- prc = pc - fromIntegral (floor pc :: Int)
@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ updateStats dt =
else min 1 (conc + 0.1 * dt)
, statBladder =
if food > 0 || drin > 0
then min 1 (blad + 0.3 * dt)
then min 1 (blad + 0.01 * dt)
else blad
, statThirst = min 1 (if drin > 0 then thir else thir + 0.2 * dt)
, statHunger = min 1 (if food > 0 then hung else hung + 0.1 * dt)
@ -7,14 +7,24 @@ module Object.Copier where
import Affection as A
import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Ecstasy
import Data.Maybe
import Data.String (IsString(..))
import Linear
import Types
:: (Monad m, MonadIO m, ActionTime ObjType ObjState)
=> [(Ent, V2 Double, Direction, Word)]
-> Double
-> ObjType
-> ObjState
-> Ent
-> SystemT Entity m ()
copierObjectAction _ dt t@ObjCopier s@"copying" ent = do
emap (anEnt ent) $ do
mtime <- queryMaybe objStateTime
@ -38,6 +48,14 @@ copierObjectAction _ dt t@ObjCopier s@"copying" ent = do
copierObjectAction _ _ _ _ _ = return ()
:: (Eq a, IsString a, MonadIO m)
=> ObjType
-> a
-> Bool
-> Ent
-> Maybe Ent
-> SystemT Entity m (Entity 'SetterOf)
copierObjectTransition ObjCopier "idle" playerActivated ent (Just aent) = do
e <- efor (anEnt ent) $ do
let nstat = AnimState
@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ executable tracer-game
, bytestring
, algebraic-graphs
, mtl
, parallel
hs-source-dirs: src
ghc-options: -Wall -threaded
default-language: Haskell2010
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