removing some warnings
This commit is contained in:
10 changed files with 21 additions and 43 deletions
@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ import Control.Concurrent.STM
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Ecstasy
import Data.ByteString.Lazy (toStrict)
import System.Exit (exitFailure)
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ import Types
import Floorplan
import MindMap
import NPC
import Object
-- import Object
import Animation
loadMap :: Affection UserData ()
@ -243,11 +243,10 @@ movePlayer _ = return ()
playerInteract :: MouseMessage -> Affection UserData ()
playerInteract (MsgMouseButton _ _ SDL.Pressed _ SDL.ButtonRight _ m) = do
ud <- getAffection
ad <- get
(V2 rx ry) <- liftIO $ (* V2 640 360) <$> relativizeMouseCoords m
let dr = ((ry / 32) / sin (atan 0.5) / 2) + (rx / 64)
dc = (rx / 64) - ((ry / 32) / sin (atan 0.5) / 2)
(nws, relEnts) <- yieldSystemT (worldState ud) $ do
(nws, _) <- yieldSystemT (worldState ud) $ do
emap allEnts $ do
with player
with rot
@ -274,8 +273,8 @@ playerInteract (MsgMouseButton _ _ SDL.Pressed _ SDL.ButtonRight _ m) = do
ostate <- query objState
ent <- queryEnt
if (fmap floor ppos == fmap floor pos' ||
fmap floor ppos == fmap floor pos' + rel) &&
fmap floor (ppos + V2 dr dc) == fmap floor pos' &&
(fmap floor ppos :: V2 Int) == (fmap floor pos' :: V2 Int) + rel) &&
(fmap floor (ppos + V2 dr dc) :: V2 Int) == (fmap floor pos' ::V2 Int) &&
pdir == dir
then return $ Just (otype, ostate, ent)
else return Nothing
@ -446,17 +445,17 @@ drawTile ud ctx posanims pr pc row col img =
| otherwise =
nnr = case mbnds of
Just (Boundaries (minr, minc) (maxr, maxc)) -> maxr
Just (Boundaries (_, _) (maxr, _)) -> maxr
Nothing -> nr - fromIntegral ((floor nr) :: Int) :: Double
nnc = case mbnds of
Just (Boundaries (minr, minc) (maxr, maxc)) -> minc
Just (Boundaries (_, minc) (_, _)) -> minc
Nothing -> nc - fromIntegral ((floor nc) :: Int) :: Double
-- any (\m -> nr < fromIntegral (floor nr :: Int) + m) maxrs &&
-- any (\m -> nc > fromIntegral (floor nc :: Int) + m) mincs
tileWidth = 64 :: Double
tileHeight = 32 :: Double
sorted = sortOn (\(V2 sr sc, _, mbnds) -> case mbnds of
Just (Boundaries (minr, minc) (maxr, maxc)) -> maxr * 10 + (1 - minc)
Just (Boundaries (_, minc) (maxr, _)) -> maxr * 10 + (1 - minc)
_ -> (sr - (fromIntegral ((floor sr) :: Int))) * 10 +
(1 - (sc - (fromIntegral ((floor sc) :: Int))))
) posanims
@ -693,7 +692,6 @@ updateMap dt = do
(reachPoints $ stateData ud)
putAffection ud
{ worldState = nws2
@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ buildMindMap num difficulty = do
[1 .. (1 + fromIntegral difficulty)]
aux <- randomRIO (0, floor (fromIntegral num * 5 / 8 :: Double)) :: IO Int
auxPaths <- mapM (\_ -> do
len <- randomRIO (0, num `div` 10)
(path . (MMNode (V2 0 0) 0 :)) <$> foldM makeVert [] [1 .. len]
ln <- randomRIO (0, num `div` 10)
(path . (MMNode (V2 0 0) 0 :)) <$> foldM makeVert [] [1 .. ln]
[0 .. aux]
return $ overlays (mainPath : auxPaths)
@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ import Data.Ecstasy as E
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List (find)
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..))
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO)
@ -24,7 +23,7 @@ import Util
import Types
import Object
import Object ()
:: M.Matrix (Maybe ImgId)
@ -62,9 +61,8 @@ updateNPCs
:: M.Matrix (Maybe ImgId)
-> [ReachPoint]
-> Double
-> SystemState Entity (AffectionState (AffectionData UserData) IO)
-> SystemT Entity (AffectionState (AffectionData UserData) IO) ()
updateNPCs imgmat rp dt ws = do
updateNPCs imgmat rp dt = do
posbounds <- efor allEnts $ do
with pos
with obstacle
@ -89,9 +87,6 @@ updateNPCs imgmat rp dt ws = do
with anim
pos' <- query pos
rot' <- query rot
let mdir =
(pointDir <$> find (\a -> pointCoord a == fmap floor pos') rp)
e <- queryEnt
npcState' <- query npcMoveState
case npcState' of
NPCStanding ttl future -> do
@ -114,7 +109,6 @@ updateNPCs imgmat rp dt ws = do
{ npcMoveState = Set $ NPCStanding 1 future
NPCWalking path -> do
pos' <- query pos
if not (null path)
then do
let itarget = V2 0.5 0.5 + (fromIntegral <$> head path) :: V2 Double
@ -184,6 +178,10 @@ updateNPCs imgmat rp dt ws = do
) moent
:: (Monad m, Traversable t, RealFrac a1)
=> t (a2, V2 a1)
-> SystemT Entity m (t (a2, [(Ent, V2 Double, (V2 Int, Direction))]))
getObjects npcposs = do
candidates <- efor allEnts $ do
with pos
@ -194,11 +192,11 @@ getObjects npcposs = do
oacc <- query objAccess
ent <- queryEnt
return (ent, pos', oacc)
mapM (\(e, pos) ->
mapM (\(e, npos) ->
( e
, filter (\(_, p, (delta, _)) ->
fmap floor p + delta == fmap floor pos
fmap floor p + delta == fmap floor npos
) candidates
) npcposs
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ instance ObjectAction ObjType ObjState where
when trans (setEntity ent =<< objectTransition t s False ent)
objectAction dt t@ObjComputer s@"on" ent = do
[vel] <- efor allEnts $ do
[vl] <- efor allEnts $ do
with player
with vel
query vel
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ instance ObjectAction ObjType ObjState where
if (ttl < 0)
then do
return (Just pa)
else if (pa && vel `dot` vel > 0)
else if (pa && vl `dot` vl > 0)
then return (Just pa)
else return Nothing
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ instance ObjectAction ObjType ObjState where
(head trans)
objectAction dt t@ObjComputer s@"hack" ent = do
[vel] <- efor allEnts $ do
[vl] <- efor allEnts $ do
with player
with vel
query vel
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ instance ObjectAction ObjType ObjState where
case mttl of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just ttl -> do
if (ttl < 0) || vel `dot` vel > 0
if (ttl < 0) || vl `dot` vl > 0
then do
tpa <- query objPlayerActivated
return (Just tpa)
@ -179,7 +179,6 @@ instance ObjectAction ObjType ObjState where
(AnimId "computer" "off" N)
ost <- query objStateTime
return unchanged
{ anim = Set nstat
, objState = Set "off"
@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
module Types.Collidible where
import Affection as A
-- internal imports
import Types.Map (Boundaries(..))
@ -12,8 +10,6 @@ import Types.Animation (AnimState(..))
class Collidible c where
collisionObstacle :: c -> [(Boundaries Double)]
instance Collidible AnimState where
instance Collidible ImgId where
collisionObstacle ImgMiscBox1 =
[ Boundaries (0.2, 0.34) (0.8, 1)
@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
module Types.ImgId where
import Types.Map
data ImgId
= ImgEmpty -- TODO: Find better solution than empty image.
| ImgEmptyNoWalk
@ -1,10 +1,6 @@
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
module Types.ObjType where
import Affection
import Data.Ecstasy (Ent)
data ObjType
= ObjCopier
| ObjComputer
@ -2,14 +2,12 @@ module Types.StateData where
import Data.Matrix
import Data.Map
import Data.Text
import NanoVG
import Types.ReachPoint
import Types.Map
import Types.ImgId
import Types.FontId
import Types.Animation
data StateData
@ -17,15 +17,11 @@ import Data.Ecstasy
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Types.Map
import Types.StateData
import Types.ImgId
import Types.FontId
import Types.Direction
import Types.Animation
import Types.ObjType
import Types.Entity
import Types.NPCState
data UserData = UserData
{ state :: State
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