remove debug output
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 0 additions and 10 deletions
@ -21,9 +21,7 @@ buildHallFloorIO fc = do
withOW = buildOuterWalls withIW
closed = closeOffices withOW
doorgraph = buildDoorsGraph closed
traceIO "built graph"
doors <- buildDoors closed doorgraph
traceIO "built doors"
let (_, facils) = buildFacilities g2 fc doors
return facils
@ -344,7 +342,6 @@ buildDoorsGraph mat =
buildDoors :: Matrix TileState -> [Graph] -> IO (Matrix TileState)
buildDoors input graph = do
traceIO ("graph: " ++ show (tail graph))
foldM placeDoors input graph
placeDoors :: Matrix TileState -> Graph -> IO (Matrix TileState)
@ -353,7 +350,6 @@ buildDoors input graph = do
placeDoors amat (GRoom neighs bs) =
if Hall `elem` map snd neighs
then do
traceIO "door in Hall"
let halls = filter ((== Hall) . snd) neighs
idx <- randomRIO (0, length halls - 1)
let (dir, _) = halls !! idx
@ -379,7 +375,6 @@ buildDoors input graph = do
(fst (matmin bs), fst (matmax bs))
(snd (matmax bs) + 1)
else do
traceIO "door in Office"
idx <- randomRIO (0, length neighs - 1)
let (dir, _) = neighs !! idx
case dir of
@ -416,7 +411,6 @@ buildDoors input graph = do
if Door `elem` M.toList (M.submatrix row row (fst cols) (snd cols) mat)
then return mat
else do
traceIO ("placing door: " ++ show (row, col))
return $ M.setElem Door (row, col) mat
inRow mat row cols
@ -433,7 +427,6 @@ buildDoors input graph = do
if Door `elem` M.toList (M.submatrix (fst rows) (snd rows) col col mat)
then return mat
else do
traceIO ("placing door: " ++ show (row, col))
return $ M.setElem Door (row, col) mat
inCol mat rows col
@ -40,9 +40,6 @@ load = do
<$> (Window <$> newTVarIO [])
<*> (Mouse <$> newTVarIO [])
(ws, w) <- yieldSystemT (0, defWorld) (getWorld)
let fc = FloorConfig (20, 45) [(5, 5), (30,80)] (40, 90)
floor <- buildHallFloorIO fc
traceIO $ show floor
return UserData
{ state = Menu
, subsystems = subs
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