This commit is contained in:
nek0 2018-05-01 23:00:20 +02:00
parent e444c03c33
commit db5e368a61
2 changed files with 43 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -178,6 +178,19 @@ updateMap dt = do
ud <- getAffection
(nws, _) <- yieldSystemT (worldState ud) $ do
emap $ do
without player
with vel
with pos
pos'@(V2 pr pc) <- E.get pos
vel' <- E.get vel
let npos@(V2 nr nc) = pos' + fmap (* (4 * dt)) vel'
dpos = npos - pos'
ent = defEntity'
{ pos = Set $ npos
return ent
emap $ do
with player
with vel
with pos
pos'@(V2 pr pc) <- E.get pos
@ -186,7 +199,8 @@ updateMap dt = do
dpos = npos - pos'
ent = defEntity'
{ pos = Set $ pos' + dpos * Prelude.foldl
(checkBoundsCollision pos' npos)
(\acc a -> let ret = checkBoundsCollision2 pos' npos dt acc a
in A.log A.Debug (show ret) ret)
(V2 1 1)
@ -201,7 +215,7 @@ updateMap dt = do
(maxr + dr, maxc + dc)
) bs
((,) <$> [-1..1] <*> [-1..1])
([(0, 0)])
return ent
@ -324,3 +338,27 @@ checkBoundsCollision
hwidth = (maxc - minc) / 2
ncdistsq = (ndistr - hheight) ^ (2 :: Int) + (ndistc - hwidth) ^ (2 :: Int)
cdistsq = (distr - hheight) ^ (2 :: Int) + (distc - hwidth) ^ (2 :: Int)
:: V2 Double
-> V2 Double
-> Double
-> V2 Double
-> Boundaries Double
-> V2 Double
pre@(V2 pr pc) next@(V2 nr nc) dt acc (Boundaries (minr, minc) (maxr, maxc))
| colltr > dt && colltc > dt = acc
| colltr > dt = (V2 0 1) * acc
| colltc > dt = (V2 1 0) * acc
| otherwise = V2 0 0
vel@(V2 vr vc) = fmap (/ dt) (next - pre)
| vr > 0 = (((fromIntegral (floor nr :: Int)) + minr) - nr) / vr
| vr < 0 = (((fromIntegral (floor nr :: Int)) + maxr) - nr) / vr
| otherwise = dt
| vc > 0 = (((fromIntegral (floor nc :: Int)) + minc) - nc) / vc
| vc < 0 = (((fromIntegral (floor nc :: Int)) + maxc) - nc) / vc
| otherwise = dt

View file

@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ naviGraph imgmat (V2 r c) =
let list1 =
(\acc (or, oc) ->
if null (imgObstacle $ imgmat M.! (r + or, c + oc))
if null (imgObstacle <$> M.safeGet (r + or) (c + oc) imgmat)
then V2 (r + or) (c + oc): acc
else acc
@ -145,10 +145,10 @@ naviGraph imgmat (V2 r c) =
list2 =
(\acc (or, oc) ->
if null (imgObstacle $ imgmat M.! (r + or, c + oc))
if null (imgObstacle <$> M.safeGet (r + or) (c + oc) imgmat)
&& any null
(\(oor, ooc) -> imgObstacle $ imgmat M.! (r + oor, c + ooc))
(\(oor, ooc) -> imgObstacle <$> M.safeGet (r + oor) (c + ooc) imgmat)
[(0, oc), (or, 0)])
then V2 (r + or) (c + oc): acc
else acc