drawing animation properly
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 351 additions and 177 deletions
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import qualified Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL as GL
import NanoVG hiding (V2(..), V3(..))
import NanoVG.Internal.Image (ImageFlags(..))
import Linear
import Linear hiding (E(..))
import Codec.Picture as CP
import Codec.Picture.Extra
@ -77,14 +77,21 @@ load = do
when (any isNothing mimgs) $ do
logIO Error "Failed to load image assets"
playerImgs <- loadPlayerSprite "assets/intruder.png" 64 74 nvg
(zipWith (\a b -> (a, [b])) [0..] $ [ImgIntrE .. ImgIntrN] ++ [ImgIntrNE])
-- playerImgs <- loadPlayerSprite "assets/intruder.png" 64 74 nvg
-- (zipWith (\a b -> (a, [b])) [0..] $ [ImgIntrE .. ImgIntrN] ++ [ImgIntrNE])
let imgs = zipWith (\a b -> (a, fromJust b)) [ImgWallAsc ..] mimgs
directions = [E .. N] ++ [NE]
animIds = map (AnimId 0 "standing") directions
animConfigs = map
(\i -> AnimationConfig (0, i * 74) (64, 74) 1 0 APLoop)
[0 .. length animIds]
animations <- loadAnimationSprites "assets/intruder.png" nvg
(zip animIds animConfigs)
return UserData
{ state = Menu
, subsystems = subs
, assetImages = M.fromList
(imgs ++ playerImgs)
, assetImages = M.fromList imgs
, assetAnimations = M.fromList animations
, assetFonts = M.fromList
[ (FontBedstead, "bedstead")
@ -94,6 +101,40 @@ load = do
, stateData = None
:: FilePath -- Path to Sprite map
-> Context -- NanoVG context
-> [(AnimId, AnimationConfig)]
-> IO [(AnimId, Animation)]
loadAnimationSprites fp nvg idconfs = do
eimg <- readImage fp
case eimg of
Left err -> do
logIO Error err
Right dimg -> do
let img = convertRGBA8 dimg
(\(id, (AnimationConfig (xoffs, yoffs) (w, h) count dur pb)) -> do
let crs = map
(\i -> crop (xoffs + (i * w)) yoffs w h img)
[0 .. (count - 1)]
mresimgs <- mapM
(\cr ->
createImageMem nvg (ImagePremultiplied) (toStrict $ encodePng cr))
imgs <- if any isNothing mresimgs
then do
logIO Error ("failed to load: " ++ fp ++ " " ++ show id)
return $ catMaybes mresimgs
return $
( id
, Animation dur imgs pb
) idconfs
:: FilePath -- Path to spritemap
-> Int -- width of single sprite
@ -112,7 +153,8 @@ loadPlayerSprite fp w h nvg rids = do
ret <- mapM (\(row, ids) -> do
mapM (\(num, id) -> do
let cr = crop (num * w) (row * h) w h img
mresimg <- createImageMem nvg (ImagePremultiplied) (toStrict $ encodePng cr)
mresimg <-
createImageMem nvg (ImagePremultiplied) (toStrict $ encodePng cr)
case mresimg of
Nothing -> do
logIO Error ("Failed to load: " ++ fp ++ " " ++ show id)
@ -26,55 +26,55 @@ import Types.Interior
import Types.Map
import Types.ReachPoint
:: Map ImgId Image
-> Context
-> UserData
-> [(V2 Double, Direction)]
-> Double
-> Double
-> Int
-> Int
-> Maybe ImgId
-> IO ()
drawNPCs ai ctx ud npcposrots prow pcol row col img = do
let fnpcposrots = filter
(\((V2 nr nc, dir)) ->
let x = realToFrac $ 640 + ((nc - pcol) + (nr - prow)) * 32
y = realToFrac $ 360 + ((nr - prow) - (nc - pcol)) * 16
in ((realToFrac x > -tileWidth && realToFrac y > -tileHeight) &&
(realToFrac x < 1280 && realToFrac (y - (74 - realToFrac tileHeight)) < 720)) &&
((all (\m -> prow > (fromIntegral (floor prow :: Int)) + m) minrs &&
all (\m -> pcol < (fromIntegral (floor pcol :: Int)) + m) mincs) ||
(all (\m -> prow > (fromIntegral (floor prow :: Int)) + m) minrs &&
all (\m -> pcol < (fromIntegral (floor pcol :: Int)) + m) maxcs)) &&
(floor nr == row && floor nc == col)
(\((V2 nr nc, dir)) -> do
let x = realToFrac $ 640 + ((nc - pcol) + (nr - prow)) * 32
y = realToFrac $ 360 + ((nr - prow) - (nc - pcol)) * 16
beginPath ctx
paint <- imagePattern ctx (x - 32) (y - 58) 64 74 0
(ai Map.! (dirToImgId dir)) 1
rect ctx (x - realToFrac (tileWidth / 2)) (y - 58)
(realToFrac tileWidth) 74
fillPaint ctx paint
-- circle ctx x y 5
-- closePath ctx
-- fillColor ctx (rgba 255 0 0 255)
fill ctx
tileWidth = 64 :: Double
tileHeight = 32 :: Double
mb = imgObstacle img
minrs = Prelude.map (fst . matmin) mb
maxrs = Prelude.map (fst . matmax) mb
mincs = Prelude.map (snd . matmin) mb
maxcs = Prelude.map (snd . matmax) mb
-- drawNPCs
-- :: Map ImgId Image
-- -> Context
-- -> UserData
-- -> [(V2 Double, Direction)]
-- -> Double
-- -> Double
-- -> Int
-- -> Int
-- -> Maybe ImgId
-- -> IO ()
-- drawNPCs ai ctx ud npcposrots prow pcol row col img = do
-- let fnpcposrots = filter
-- (\((V2 nr nc, dir)) ->
-- let x = realToFrac $ 640 + ((nc - pcol) + (nr - prow)) * 32
-- y = realToFrac $ 360 + ((nr - prow) - (nc - pcol)) * 16
-- in ((realToFrac x > -tileWidth && realToFrac y > -tileHeight) &&
-- (realToFrac x < 1280 && realToFrac (y - (74 - realToFrac tileHeight)) < 720)) &&
-- ((all (\m -> prow > (fromIntegral (floor prow :: Int)) + m) minrs &&
-- all (\m -> pcol < (fromIntegral (floor pcol :: Int)) + m) mincs) ||
-- (all (\m -> prow > (fromIntegral (floor prow :: Int)) + m) minrs &&
-- all (\m -> pcol < (fromIntegral (floor pcol :: Int)) + m) maxcs)) &&
-- (floor nr == row && floor nc == col)
-- )
-- npcposrots
-- mapM_
-- (\((V2 nr nc, dir)) -> do
-- let x = realToFrac $ 640 + ((nc - pcol) + (nr - prow)) * 32
-- y = realToFrac $ 360 + ((nr - prow) - (nc - pcol)) * 16
-- beginPath ctx
-- paint <- imagePattern ctx (x - 32) (y - 58) 64 74 0
-- (ai Map.! (dirToImgId dir)) 1
-- rect ctx (x - realToFrac (tileWidth / 2)) (y - 58)
-- (realToFrac tileWidth) 74
-- fillPaint ctx paint
-- -- circle ctx x y 5
-- -- closePath ctx
-- -- fillColor ctx (rgba 255 0 0 255)
-- fill ctx
-- )
-- fnpcposrots
-- where
-- tileWidth = 64 :: Double
-- tileHeight = 32 :: Double
-- mb = imgObstacle img
-- minrs = Prelude.map (fst . matmin) mb
-- maxrs = Prelude.map (fst . matmax) mb
-- mincs = Prelude.map (snd . matmin) mb
-- maxcs = Prelude.map (snd . matmax) mb
:: M.Matrix (Maybe ImgId)
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Matrix as M
import Data.Ecstasy as E
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List (sortOn)
import System.Random (randomRIO)
@ -39,8 +40,8 @@ loadMap :: Affection UserData ()
loadMap = do
ud <- getAffection
let fc = FloorConfig
(20, 20)
[(5,5), (35, 35)]
(10, 10)
(50, 50)
(Subsystems _ m) = subsystems ud
(mat, gr) <- liftIO $ buildHallFloorIO fc
@ -56,20 +57,19 @@ loadMap = do
(inter, rps) <- liftIO $ placeInteriorIO mat imgmat exits gr
liftIO $ logIO A.Debug ("number of reachpoints: " ++ show (length rps))
let nnex = Prelude.filter (\p -> pointType p /= RoomExit) rps
playerAnim = Animations
{ animStand = Map.fromList
(zip [NE .. N] [ImgIntrNE .. ImgIntrN])
-- playerAnim = Animations
-- { animStand = Map.fromList
-- (zip [NE .. N] [ImgIntrNE .. ImgIntrN])
-- }
npcposs <- placeNPCs inter mat rps gr 50 -- (length nnex)
liftIO $ A.logIO A.Debug $ "number of placed NPCs: " ++ show (length npcposs)
(nws, _) <- liftIO $ yieldSystemT (worldState ud) $ do
createEntity $ newEntity
{ pos = Just (V2 20.5 20.5)
{ pos = Just (V2 10.5 10.5)
, vel = Just (V2 0 0)
, player = Just ()
, rot = Just SE
, anim = Just playerAnim
, animCurrFrame = Just (0, 0)
, anim = Just $ AnimState (AnimId 0 "standing" SE) 0 0
void $ mapM_ (\npcpos@(V2 nr nc) -> do
-- ttl <- liftIO $ randomRIO (5, 30)
@ -82,8 +82,7 @@ loadMap = do
, velFact = Just fact
, rot = Just SE
, npcState = Just (NPCStanding 0 future)
, anim = Just playerAnim
, animCurrFrame = Just (0, 0)
, anim = Just $ AnimState (AnimId 0 "standing" SE) 0 0
) npcposs
uu <- partSubscribe m movePlayer
@ -138,7 +137,7 @@ drawMap :: Affection UserData ()
drawMap = do
ud <- getAffection
dt <- getDelta
(_, (playerPos, playerRot, npcposrots)) <- liftIO $ yieldSystemT (worldState ud) $ do
(_, (playerPos, playerRot, posanims)) <- liftIO $ yieldSystemT (worldState ud) $ do
(pc, dir) <- fmap head $ efor allEnts $ do
with player
with pos
@ -146,14 +145,19 @@ drawMap = do
pos' <- query pos
rot' <- query rot
pure (pos', rot')
-- (_, npcposs) <- yieldSystemT (worldState ud) $ do
npcsrots <- efor allEnts $ do
with npcState
-- npcsrots <- efor allEnts $ do
-- with npcState
-- with pos
-- pos' <- query pos
-- rot' <- query rot
-- pure (pos', rot')
posanims <- efor allEnts $ do
with anim
with pos
state <- query anim
pos' <- query pos
rot' <- query rot
pure (pos', rot')
return (pc, dir, npcsrots)
return (pos', state)
return (pc, dir, posanims)
let V2 pr pc = playerPos
mat = imgMat (stateData ud)
ctx = nano ud
@ -180,8 +184,9 @@ drawMap = do
fill ctx
mapM_ (\(i, ls) -> mapM_
(\(j, t) -> do
drawTile (assetImages ud) ctx pr pc i j t (dirToImgId playerRot)
drawNPCs (assetImages ud) ctx ud npcposrots pr pc i j t
drawTile ud ctx posanims pr pc i j t
-- drawNPCs (assetImages ud) ctx ud npcposrots pr pc i j t
-- drawAnims ctx (assetAnimations ud) (worldState ud) posanims pr pc i j t
(reverse $ zip [1..] ls))
(zip [1..] (toLists mat))
@ -192,6 +197,149 @@ drawMap = do
fillColor ctx (rgb 255 128 0)
textBox ctx 0 0 200 ("FPS: " `T.append` (T.pack $ Prelude.take 5 $ show (1/dt)))
:: UserData
-> Context
-> [(V2 Double, AnimState)]
-> Double
-> Double
-> Int
-> Int
-> Maybe ImgId
-> IO ()
drawTile ud ctx posanims pr pc row col img =
when ((realToFrac x > -tileWidth && realToFrac y > -tileHeight) &&
(realToFrac x < 1280 && realToFrac (y - (74 - realToFrac tileHeight)) < 720)) $
let lt = Prelude.filter (\(V2 nr nc, _) ->
(any (\m -> nr < (fromIntegral (floor nr :: Int)) + m) maxrs &&
any (\m -> nc > (fromIntegral (floor nc :: Int)) + m) maxcs)
-- (all (\m -> nr < (fromIntegral (floor nr :: Int)) + m) minrs &&
-- all (\m -> nc > (fromIntegral (floor nc :: Int)) + m) mincs) ||
-- (all (\m -> nr < (fromIntegral (floor nr :: Int)) + m) maxrs &&
-- all (\m -> nc > (fromIntegral (floor nc :: Int)) + m) maxcs)
) sorted
ge = Prelude.filter (\(V2 nr nc, _) -> not
(any (\m -> nr < (fromIntegral (floor nr :: Int)) + m) maxrs &&
any (\m -> nc > (fromIntegral (floor nc :: Int)) + m) maxcs)
-- (all (\m -> nr < (fromIntegral (floor nr :: Int)) + m) minrs &&
-- all (\m -> nc > (fromIntegral (floor nc :: Int)) + m) mincs) ||
-- (all (\m -> nr < (fromIntegral (floor nr :: Int)) + m) maxrs &&
-- all (\m -> nc > (fromIntegral (floor nc :: Int)) + m) maxcs)
) sorted
save ctx
mapM_ drawAnim lt
when (isJust img) drawImage
mapM_ drawAnim ge
-- mapM (\posanim@(V2 nr nc, as) -> do
-- if (isNothing img)
-- then drawAnim posanim
-- else do
-- if (Prelude.null mb)
-- then do
-- drawImage
-- drawAnim posanim
-- else do
-- if (all (\m -> nr > (fromIntegral (floor nr :: Int)) + m) minrs &&
-- all (\m -> nc < (fromIntegral (floor nc :: Int)) + m) mincs) ||
-- (all (\m -> nr > (fromIntegral (floor nr :: Int)) + m) minrs &&
-- all (\m -> nc < (fromIntegral (floor nc :: Int)) + m) maxcs)
-- then do
-- drawImage
-- drawAnim posanim
-- else do
-- drawAnim posanim
-- drawImage
-- ) sorted
restore ctx
ai = assetImages ud
anims = assetAnimations ud
tileWidth = 64 :: Double
tileHeight = 32 :: Double
filtered = Prelude.filter
(\((V2 ar ac), _) -> floor ar == row && floor ac == col) posanims
sorted = sortOn (\(V2 sr sc, _) -> sc + sr * maxCol) filtered
maxCol = maximum (Prelude.map (\(V2 _ mc, _) -> mc) filtered)
minrs = Prelude.map (fst . matmin) mb
maxrs = Prelude.map (fst . matmax) mb
mincs = Prelude.map (snd . matmin) mb
maxcs = Prelude.map (snd . matmax) mb
x = realToFrac $ 640 + ((fromIntegral col - pc) +
(fromIntegral row - pr)) * (tileWidth / 2) :: CFloat
y = realToFrac $ 360 - (tileHeight / 2) + ((fromIntegral row - pr) -
(fromIntegral col - pc)) * (tileHeight / 2) :: CFloat
dist = distance (V2 (fromIntegral row) (fromIntegral col))
(V2 (realToFrac pr - 1) (realToFrac pc)) / 4
fact =
if (pr <= fromIntegral row + minimum maxrs &&
pc >= fromIntegral col + maximum mincs) &&
isWall (fromJust img)
then min 1 dist
else 1
mb = imgObstacle img
drawAnim (V2 nr nc, as) = do
let ax = realToFrac $ 640 + ((nc - pc) + (nr - pr)) * 32
ay = realToFrac $ 360 + ((nr - pr) - (nc - pc)) * 16
a = anims Map.! asId as
beginPath ctx
paint <- imagePattern ctx (ax - 32) (ay - 58) 64 74 0
(animSprites a !! asCurrentFrame as) 1
rect ctx (ax - 32) (ay - 58) 64 74
fillPaint ctx paint
fill ctx
drawImage = do
beginPath ctx
paint <- imagePattern
ctx x (y - (74 - realToFrac tileHeight))
(realToFrac tileWidth) 74
(ai Map.! fromJust img)
rect ctx x (y - (74 - realToFrac tileHeight)) (realToFrac tileWidth) 74
fillPaint ctx paint
fill ctx
-- drawPlayer = do
-- when (floor pr == row && floor pc == col) $ do
-- beginPath ctx
-- paint <- imagePattern
-- ctx 608 302 64 74 0 (ai Map.! playerImg) 1
-- rect ctx 608 302 64 74
-- fillPaint ctx paint
-- -- circle ctx 640 360 5
-- -- closePath ctx
-- -- fillColor ctx (rgba 0 255 255 255)
-- fill ctx
:: Context
-> Map AnimId Animation
-> SystemState Entity IO
-> [(V2 Double, AnimState)]
-> Double
-> Double
-> Int
-> Int
-> Maybe ImgId
-> IO ()
drawAnims ctx anims ws posanims pr pc r c tile =
mapM_ (\(V2 nr nc, as) -> do
let x = realToFrac $ 640 + ((nc - pc) + (nr - pr)) * 32
y = realToFrac $ 360 + ((nr - pr) - (nc - pc)) * 16
anim = anims Map.! asId as
beginPath ctx
paint <- imagePattern ctx (x - 32) (y - 58) 64 74 0
(animSprites anim !! asCurrentFrame as) 1
rect ctx (x - 32) (y - 58) 64 74
fillPaint ctx paint
fill ctx
) filtered
filtered = Prelude.filter
(\((V2 ar ac), _) -> floor ar == r && floor ac == c) posanims
sorted = sortOn (\(V2 sr sc, _) -> sc + sr * maxCol) filtered
maxCol = maximum (Prelude.map (\(V2 _ mc, _) -> mc) filtered)
updateMap :: Double -> Affection UserData ()
updateMap dt = do
let direction :: V2 Double -> Direction -> Direction
@ -214,21 +362,63 @@ updateMap dt = do
else rot'
ud <- getAffection
(nws, _) <- liftIO $ yieldSystemT (worldState ud) $ do
emap allEnts $ do
with anim
state <- query anim
let anim = assetAnimations ud Map.! asId state
ntime = asElapsedTime state + dt
nstate = if ntime > (fromIntegral $ asCurrentFrame state) *
(animDuration anim / (fromIntegral $ length $ animSprites anim))
let nframe = asCurrentFrame state + 1
in case animPlay anim of
APLoop ->
let (nnframe, nntime) =
if nframe >= (length $ animSprites anim)
then (0, 0)
else (nframe, ntime)
in state
{ asCurrentFrame = nnframe
, asElapsedTime = nntime
APOnce ->
let nnframe = if nframe >= (length $ animSprites anim)
then nframe - 1
else nframe
in state
{ asCurrentFrame = nnframe
, asElapsedTime = ntime
{ asElapsedTime = ntime
return $ unchanged
{ anim = Set nstate
emap allEnts $ do
without player
with vel
with velFact
with pos
with rot
with anim
pos'@(V2 pr pc) <- query pos
vel' <- query vel
rot' <- query rot
fact' <- query velFact
state <- query anim
let npos@(V2 nr nc) = pos' + fmap (* (dt * fact')) vel'
dpos = npos - pos'
aId = asId state
ent = unchanged
{ pos = Set $ npos
, rot = Set $ direction vel' rot'
, anim = Set state
{ asId = aId
{ aiDirection = direction vel' rot'
return ent
emap allEnts $ do
@ -236,11 +426,14 @@ updateMap dt = do
with vel
with pos
with rot
with anim
pos'@(V2 pr pc) <- query pos
vel'@(V2 vr vc) <- query vel
rot' <- query rot
state <- query anim
let npos@(V2 nr nc) = pos' + fmap (* dt) vel'
dpos@(V2 dpr dpc) = npos - pos'
aId = asId state
len = sqrt (dpos `dot` dpos)
lll = (,)
<$> (
@ -286,6 +479,11 @@ updateMap dt = do
(A.log A.Verbose (show lll ++ " " ++ show len) lll)
, rot = Set (direction vel' rot')
, anim = Set state
{ asId = aId
{ aiDirection = direction vel' rot'
return ent
@ -299,83 +497,6 @@ updateMap dt = do
{ worldState = nws
:: Map ImgId Image
-> Context
-> Double
-> Double
-> Int
-> Int
-> Maybe ImgId
-> ImgId
-> IO ()
drawTile ai ctx pr pc row col img playerImg =
when ((realToFrac x > -tileWidth && realToFrac y > -tileHeight) &&
(realToFrac x < 1280 && realToFrac (y - (74 - realToFrac tileHeight)) < 720)) $
save ctx
if (isNothing img)
then drawPlayer
else do
if (Prelude.null mb)
then do
else do
if (all (\m -> pr > (fromIntegral (floor pr :: Int)) + m) minrs &&
all (\m -> pc < (fromIntegral (floor pc :: Int)) + m) mincs) ||
(all (\m -> pr > (fromIntegral (floor pr :: Int)) + m) minrs &&
all (\m -> pc < (fromIntegral (floor pc :: Int)) + m) maxcs)
then do
else do
restore ctx
tileWidth = 64 :: Double
tileHeight = 32 :: Double
minrs = Prelude.map (fst . matmin) mb
maxrs = Prelude.map (fst . matmax) mb
mincs = Prelude.map (snd . matmin) mb
maxcs = Prelude.map (snd . matmax) mb
x = realToFrac $ 640 + ((fromIntegral col - pc) +
(fromIntegral row - pr)) * (tileWidth / 2) :: CFloat
y = realToFrac $ 360 - (tileHeight / 2) + ((fromIntegral row - pr) -
(fromIntegral col - pc)) * (tileHeight / 2) :: CFloat
dist = distance (V2 (fromIntegral row) (fromIntegral col))
(V2 (realToFrac pr - 1) (realToFrac pc)) / 4
fact =
if (pr <= fromIntegral row + minimum maxrs &&
pc >= fromIntegral col + maximum mincs) &&
isWall (fromJust img)
then min 1 dist
else 1
mb = imgObstacle img
drawImage = do
beginPath ctx
paint <- imagePattern
ctx x (y - (74 - realToFrac tileHeight))
(realToFrac tileWidth) 74
(ai Map.! fromJust img)
rect ctx x (y - (74 - realToFrac tileHeight)) (realToFrac tileWidth) 74
fillPaint ctx paint
fill ctx
drawPlayer = do
when (floor pr == row && floor pc == col) $ do
beginPath ctx
paint <- imagePattern
ctx 608 302 64 74 0 (ai Map.! playerImg) 1
rect ctx 608 302 64 74
fillPaint ctx paint
-- circle ctx 640 360 5
-- closePath ctx
-- fillColor ctx (rgba 0 255 255 255)
fill ctx
:: V2 Double
-> V2 Double
@ -63,14 +63,14 @@ data ImgId
| ImgMiscTable3
| ImgMiscTable4
| ImgMiscTableCorner
| ImgIntrNE
| ImgIntrE
| ImgIntrSE
| ImgIntrS
| ImgIntrSW
| ImgIntrW
| ImgIntrNW
| ImgIntrN
-- | ImgIntrNE
-- | ImgIntrE
-- | ImgIntrSE
-- | ImgIntrS
-- | ImgIntrSW
-- | ImgIntrW
-- | ImgIntrNW
-- | ImgIntrN
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum)
isWall :: ImgId -> Bool
@ -155,15 +155,15 @@ data Direction
| N
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum)
dirToImgId :: Direction -> ImgId
dirToImgId E = ImgIntrE
dirToImgId SE = ImgIntrSE
dirToImgId S = ImgIntrS
dirToImgId SW = ImgIntrSW
dirToImgId W = ImgIntrW
dirToImgId NW = ImgIntrNW
dirToImgId N = ImgIntrN
dirToImgId NE = ImgIntrNE
-- dirToImgId :: Direction -> ImgId
-- dirToImgId E = ImgIntrE
-- dirToImgId SE = ImgIntrSE
-- dirToImgId S = ImgIntrS
-- dirToImgId SW = ImgIntrSW
-- dirToImgId W = ImgIntrW
-- dirToImgId NW = ImgIntrNW
-- dirToImgId N = ImgIntrN
-- dirToImgId NE = ImgIntrNE
data Entity f = Entity
{ pos :: Component f 'Field (V2 Double)
@ -248,14 +248,17 @@ generalUnSubscribe t uu =
data AnimId = AnimId
{ aiVariation :: Int
, aiName :: String -- CHANGE ME !!!
, aiDirection :: Direction
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data AnimState = AnimState
{ asId :: AnimId
, asCurrentFrame :: Int
, asElapsedTime :: Double
deriving (Show)
data AnimPlayback
= APLoop
@ -264,5 +267,13 @@ data AnimPlayback
data Animation = Animation
{ animDuration :: Double
, animSprites :: [Image]
, animPLay :: AnimPlayback
, animPlay :: AnimPlayback
data AnimationConfig = AnimationConfig
{ animConfOffset :: (Int, Int)
, animConfSize :: (Int, Int)
, animConfCount :: Int
, animConfDuration :: Double
, animConfPlay :: AnimPlayback
Add table
Reference in a new issue