{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} module NPC where import Affection as A import qualified Data.Matrix as M import Data.Ecstasy as E import Data.Maybe import Data.List (find) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..)) import Control.Monad.Trans (lift) import Control.Concurrent.MVar import Control.Concurrent (forkIO) import Linear import System.Random -- internal imports import Util import Types import Object () getPosBounds :: SystemT Entity (AffectionState (AffectionData UserData) IO) [(V2 Double, Boundaries Double)] getPosBounds = do efor allEnts $ do with pos with obstacle pos' <- query pos bnds <- query obstacle return (pos', bnds) updateNPCs :: M.Matrix (Maybe ImgId) -> SystemState Entity (AffectionState (AffectionData UserData) IO) -> [ReachPoint] -> Double -> SystemT Entity (AffectionState (AffectionData UserData) IO) () updateNPCs imgmat ws rp dt = do updateStats dt posbounds <- getPosBounds moent <- catMaybes <$> eover allEnts (do with pos with npcMoveState with npcActionState with npcWorkplace with npcStats with vel with rot with anim pos' <- query pos rot' <- query rot npcState' <- query npcMoveState case npcState' of NPCStanding ttl future -> do let nttl = ttl - dt if nttl > 0 then return (Nothing, unchanged { npcMoveState = Set $ NPCStanding nttl future -- , vel = Set $ V2 0 0 }) else do mpath <- liftIO $ tryTakeMVar future as <- query npcActionState stats <- query npcStats let nstats = case as of ASDrink -> stats { statThirst = 0 , statDrink = 1 } ASEat -> stats { statHunger = 0 , statFood = 1 } ASToilet -> stats { statBladder = 0 } _ -> stats case mpath of Just path -> return (Nothing, unchanged { npcMoveState = Set $ NPCWalking path , npcStats = Set nstats }) Nothing -> return (Nothing, unchanged { npcMoveState = Set $ NPCStanding 1 future }) NPCWalking path -> if not (null path) then do let itarget = fmap (+ 0.5) (fromIntegral <$> head path) :: V2 Double if distance pos' itarget < 0.1 then return (Nothing, unchanged { npcMoveState = Set $ NPCWalking (tail path) }) else return (Nothing, unchanged { vel = Set $ (* 2) <$> signorm (itarget - pos') }) else do future <- liftIO $ newEmptyMVar stat <- query anim as <- query npcActionState targetRPs <- case as of ASWork -> (: filter (\p -> pointType p == Copier) rp) <$> query npcWorkplace ASToilet -> do let seekRP = filter (\p -> pointType p == Toilet) rp if null seekRP then return $ filter (\p -> pointType p == Elevator) rp else return seekRP ASDrink -> do let seekRP = filter (\p -> pointType p == Drink) rp if null seekRP then return $ filter (\p -> pointType p == Elevator) rp else return seekRP ASEat -> do let seekRP = filter (\p -> pointType p == Eat) rp if null seekRP then return $ filter (\p -> pointType p == Elevator) rp else return seekRP ASRandWalk -> return $ filter (\p -> pointType p /= RoomExit) rp _ <- liftIO $ forkIO $ getPath (fmap floor pos') future targetRPs imgmat posbounds let mdir = pointDir <$> find (\a -> pointCoord a == fmap floor pos') rp (_, accessibles) <- lift $ yieldSystemT ws (getObject pos') liftIO $ logIO A.Verbose ("accessibles: " ++ show accessibles) case accessibles of [] -> do ttl <- liftIO $ randomRIO (5, 30) return (Nothing, unchanged { npcMoveState = Set $ NPCStanding ttl future , vel = Set $ V2 0 0 , rot = Set $ fromMaybe rot' mdir , anim = Set stat { asId = (asId stat) { aiDirection = fromMaybe rot' mdir } } }) objects -> do rind <- liftIO $ randomRIO (0, length objects - 1) npcent <- queryEnt let (oent, _, _) = objects !! rind return (Just (oent, npcent, future), unchanged { rot = Set $ fromMaybe rot' mdir , anim = Set stat { asId = (asId stat) { aiDirection = fromMaybe rot' mdir } } , vel = Set $ V2 0 0 })) mapM_ (\(oent, npcent, future) -> do mts <- efor (anEnt oent) $ do with objType with objState moub <- queryMaybe objUsedBy otyp <- query objType ostat <- query objState case moub of Nothing -> return $ Just (otyp, ostat) Just uent -> if uent == npcent then return $ Just (otyp, ostat) else return Nothing maybe (return ()) (\(t, s) -> setEntity oent =<< objectTransition t s False oent (Just npcent) ) (head mts) mntns <- efor (anEnt oent) $ do with objType with objState moub <- queryMaybe objUsedBy otyp <- query objType ostat <- query objState case moub of Nothing -> return $ Just (otyp, ostat) Just uent -> if uent == npcent then return $ Just (otyp, ostat) else return Nothing emap (anEnt npcent) $ do let ttl = case head mntns of Just (nt, ns) -> actionTime nt ns Nothing -> 1 return unchanged { npcMoveState = Set $ NPCStanding ttl future } ) moent updateStats :: Double -> SystemT Entity (AffectionState (AffectionData UserData) IO) () updateStats dt = emap allEnts $ do with npcStats with npcActionState stat <- query npcStats as <- query npcActionState let nstat = doUpdate stat as return unchanged { npcStats = Set nstat , npcActionState = Set $ doCompare stat nstat as } where doUpdate stat@(NPCStats conc blad thir hung food drin) as = stat { statAttention = if as == ASWork then max 0 (conc - 0.2 * dt) else min 1 (conc + 0.075 * dt) , statBladder = if food > 0 || drin > 0 then min 1 (blad + 0.3 * dt) else blad , statThirst = min 1 (if drin > 0 then thir else thir + 0.2 * dt) , statHunger = min 1 (if food > 0 then hung else hung + 0.1 * dt) , statFood = max 0 (food - 0.1 * dt) , statDrink = max 0 (drin - 0.2 * dt) } doCompare ostat nstat as | statAttention nstat == 0 = ASRandWalk | statThirst nstat == 0 = ASDrink | statHunger nstat == 0 = ASDrink -- TODO: Let them eat | statAttention nstat > statAttention ostat && statAttention nstat > 0.75 = ASWork | statBladder nstat > 0.9 = ASToilet | otherwise = as getObject :: (MonadIO m, RealFrac a1) => V2 a1 -> SystemT Entity m [(Ent, V2 Double, (V2 Int, Direction))] getObject npos = do candidates <- efor allEnts $ do with pos with objType with objState with objAccess pos' <- query pos oacc <- query objAccess ent <- queryEnt return (ent, pos', oacc) liftIO $ logIO A.Verbose ("candidates: " ++ show candidates) return $ filter (\(_, p, (delta, _)) -> fmap floor p + delta == fmap floor npos ) candidates getPath :: V2 Int -> MVar [V2 Int] -> [ReachPoint] -> M.Matrix (Maybe ImgId) -> [(V2 Double, Boundaries Double)] -> IO () getPath pos' mvar rp imgmat posbounds = do let seekRP = filter (\p -> pointType p /= RoomExit) rp ntargeti <- randomRIO (0, length seekRP - 1) let ntarget = pointCoord (seekRP !! ntargeti) path = astarAppl imgmat posbounds ntarget pos' logIO A.Verbose ("seeking path from " ++ show pos' ++ " to " ++ show ntarget) case path of Nothing -> do logIO A.Error ("No path from " ++ show pos' ++ " to " ++ show ntarget) putMVar mvar [] -- getPath pos' mvar rp imgmat posbounds Just p -> putMVar mvar p getPathTo :: V2 Int -> MVar [V2 Int] -> V2 Int -> M.Matrix (Maybe ImgId) -> [(V2 Double, Boundaries Double)] -> IO () getPathTo pos' mvar target imgmat posbounds = do let path = astarAppl imgmat posbounds target pos' logIO A.Verbose ("seeking path from " ++ show pos' ++ " to " ++ show target) case path of Nothing -> do logIO A.Error ("No path from " ++ show pos' ++ " to " ++ show target) Just p -> putMVar mvar p