2019-03-28 20:20:43 +01:00

121 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module Object.Door where
import Affection as A
import Control.Monad (when)
import Data.Ecstasy
import Data.Maybe
import Linear
-- internal imports
import Types
import Object.ActionTime
doorObjectAction dt t@ObjDoor s@"open" ent = do
emap (anEnt ent) $ do
mtime <- queryMaybe objStateTime
case mtime of
Nothing -> do
return unchanged
Just ttl ->
return unchanged
{ objStateTime = Set (ttl - dt)
trans <- efor (anEnt ent) $ do
mttl <- queryMaybe objStateTime
case mttl of
Nothing -> return False
Just ttl -> return (ttl < 0)
when (head trans) (setEntity ent =<< doorObjectTransition t s False ent Nothing)
-- doorObjectAction allRelEnts dt t@ObjDoor s@"shut" ent = do
-- permEnts <- efor (anEnt ent) $ do
-- pos' <- query pos
-- rot' <- query rot
-- clvl <- query clearanceLvl
-- let posEnts = filter
-- (\(_, b, _, _) ->
-- (fmap floor b `elem` deltaCoords || fmap floor b == floorPos) &&
-- distance b pos' < 0.75)
-- allRelEnts
-- floorPos = fmap floor pos'
-- deltas = case rot' of
-- NW ->
-- [ V2 (-1) 0
-- , V2 1 0
-- ]
-- NE ->
-- [ V2 0 (-1)
-- , V2 0 1
-- ]
-- acceptedRots = case rot' of
-- NW -> [NW, SE]
-- NE -> [NE, SW]
-- deltaCoords = map (floorPos +) deltas
-- predicate (_, _, c, d) = c `elem` acceptedRots && d >= clvl
-- ret = filter predicate posEnts
-- return ret
-- mapM_
-- (\(e, _, _, _) -> setEntity ent =<< doorObjectTransition t s False ent (Just e))
-- (head permEnts)
doorObjectAction _ _ _ _ = return ()
doorObjectTransition t@ObjDoor s _ ent (Just aent) = do
clearance <- head <$> efor (anEnt aent) (query clearanceLvl)
e <- efor (anEnt ent) $ do
dir <- query rot
oclear <- query clearanceLvl
mttl <- queryMaybe objStateTime
liftIO $ A.logIO A.Debug (show aent ++ " is attempting to open door " ++ show ent)
liftIO $ A.logIO A.Debug ("door clearance: " ++ show oclear ++ ", entity clearance: " ++ show clearance)
if clearance >= oclear
then do
liftIO $ A.logIO A.Debug ("door " ++ show oclear ++ " opens")
let nstat = AnimState
(AnimId AnimDoor0 "open" dir)
return unchanged
{ objState = Set "open"
, objStateTime = Set (actionTime t ("open" :: String))
, anim = if fromMaybe True (fmap (0 >) mttl)
then Set nstat
else Keep
, obstacle = Unset
return unchanged
return (head e)
doorObjectTransition ObjDoor "open" _ ent Nothing = do
e <- efor (anEnt ent) $ do
ttl <- query objStateTime
orientation <- query rot
if ttl < 0
then do
let nstat = AnimState
(AnimId AnimDoor0 "shut" orientation)
return unchanged
{ anim = Set nstat
, objState = Set "shut"
, objStateTime = Unset
, obstacle = Set $ case orientation of
NW -> Boundaries (4/9, 0) (5/9, 1)
NE -> Boundaries (0, 4/9) (1, 5/9)
_ -> error "strange orientation for door"
else return unchanged
return (head e)
doorObjectTransition _ _ _ _ _ = return unchanged