{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} module Devices where import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO) import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource import qualified Data.Vector as V import Foreign.C.Types (CInt) import Linear import qualified Vulkan as Vk import qualified Vulkan.Zero as Vk import qualified Vulkan.CStruct.Extends as Vk pickPhysicalDevice :: (MonadResource m) => Vk.Instance -> m Vk.PhysicalDevice pickPhysicalDevice vkInstance = do physDevices <- snd <$> Vk.enumeratePhysicalDevices vkInstance devicesWithPropsAndFeatures <- V.mapM (\device -> do devProps <- Vk.getPhysicalDeviceProperties device devFeatures <- Vk.getPhysicalDeviceFeatures device return (device, devProps, devFeatures) ) physDevices let discretePhysDevices = V.filter (\(_, _, devFeatures) -> -- Vk.deviceType devProp == Vk.PHYSICAL_DEVICE_TYPE_DISCRETE_GPU && Vk.geometryShader devFeatures ) devicesWithPropsAndFeatures (maxMemdiscretePhysDevice, props,_ ) = V.foldl (\acc@(_, devProp1, _) ndev@(_, devProp2, _) -> let dimension = Vk.maxImageDimension2D . Vk.limits in if dimension devProp1 < dimension devProp2 then ndev else acc ) (V.head discretePhysDevices) discretePhysDevices liftIO $ do putStrLn "picked the following device:" print (Vk.deviceName props) return maxMemdiscretePhysDevice createLogicalDevice :: (MonadResource m) => Vk.PhysicalDevice -> Vk.SurfaceKHR -> m (Vk.Device, V.Vector Vk.SurfaceFormatKHR) createLogicalDevice physDevice surface = do queueFamiliyProperties <- Vk.getPhysicalDeviceQueueFamilyProperties physDevice liftIO $ do putStrLn "There are currently following queue families available" print queueFamiliyProperties let priorities = V.singleton 1 extensionNames = V.singleton Vk.KHR_SWAPCHAIN_EXTENSION_NAME queueCreateInfo = Vk.zero { Vk.queueFamilyIndex = 0 , Vk.queuePriorities = priorities } deviceCreateInfo = Vk.zero { Vk.queueCreateInfos = V.singleton (Vk.SomeStruct queueCreateInfo) , Vk.enabledExtensionNames = extensionNames } (_, logDevice) <- allocate (Vk.createDevice physDevice deviceCreateInfo Nothing) (\logDevice -> do putStrLn "destroying logical device" Vk.destroyDevice logDevice Nothing ) (result, formats) <- Vk.getPhysicalDeviceSurfaceFormatsKHR physDevice surface unless (result == Vk.SUCCESS) $ error "Failed retrieving surface image formats" return (logDevice, formats) createSwapchain :: (MonadResource m) => Vk.SurfaceKHR -> V.Vector Vk.SurfaceFormatKHR -> V2 CInt -> Vk.Device -> m (Vk.SwapchainKHR, Vk.SurfaceFormatKHR) createSwapchain surface surfaceFormats windowDimension logicalDevice = do liftIO $ do putStrLn "available formats:" print surfaceFormats (surfaceFormat, colorSpace) <- if V.any (\a -> (Vk.format :: Vk.SurfaceFormatKHR -> Vk.Format) a == Vk.FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_SRGB && (Vk.colorSpace :: Vk.SurfaceFormatKHR -> Vk.ColorSpaceKHR) a == Vk.COLOR_SPACE_SRGB_NONLINEAR_KHR) surfaceFormats then return (Vk.FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_SRGB, Vk.COLOR_SPACE_SRGB_NONLINEAR_KHR) else error ("createSwapchain: No suitable surface formats available" :: String) liftIO $ do putStrLn "picking following format and color space:" print (surfaceFormat, colorSpace) let createInfo = Vk.zero { Vk.surface = surface , Vk.minImageCount = 4 , Vk.imageFormat = surfaceFormat , Vk.imageColorSpace = colorSpace , Vk.imageExtent = (\(V2 w h) -> Vk.Extent2D (fromIntegral w) (fromIntegral h)) windowDimension , Vk.imageArrayLayers = 1 , Vk.imageUsage = Vk.IMAGE_USAGE_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_BIT , Vk.presentMode = Vk.PRESENT_MODE_MAILBOX_KHR , Vk.preTransform = Vk.SURFACE_TRANSFORM_IDENTITY_BIT_KHR , Vk.compositeAlpha = Vk.COMPOSITE_ALPHA_OPAQUE_BIT_KHR , Vk.clipped = True } swapchain <- snd <$> allocate (Vk.createSwapchainKHR logicalDevice createInfo Nothing) (\swapchain -> do putStrLn "destroying swapchain" Vk.destroySwapchainKHR logicalDevice swapchain Nothing ) return (swapchain, Vk.SurfaceFormatKHR surfaceFormat colorSpace) getImageViewHandles :: (MonadResource m) => Vk.SwapchainKHR -> Vk.SurfaceFormatKHR -> Vk.Device -> m (V.Vector Vk.ImageView) getImageViewHandles swapchain surfaceFormat logicalDevice = do (result, handles) <- Vk.getSwapchainImagesKHR logicalDevice swapchain when (result /= Vk.SUCCESS) $ error "getImageHandles: Failed acquiring images from swapchain" V.mapM (\image -> do let createInfo = Vk.zero { Vk.image = image , Vk.viewType = Vk.IMAGE_VIEW_TYPE_2D , Vk.format = (Vk.format :: Vk.SurfaceFormatKHR -> Vk.Format) surfaceFormat , Vk.components = Vk.ComponentMapping { Vk.r = Vk.COMPONENT_SWIZZLE_IDENTITY , Vk.g = Vk.COMPONENT_SWIZZLE_IDENTITY , Vk.b = Vk.COMPONENT_SWIZZLE_IDENTITY , Vk.a = Vk.COMPONENT_SWIZZLE_IDENTITY } , Vk.subresourceRange = Vk.ImageSubresourceRange { aspectMask = Vk.IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT , baseMipLevel = 0 , levelCount = 1 , baseArrayLayer = 0 , layerCount = 1 } } snd <$> allocate (Vk.createImageView logicalDevice createInfo Nothing) (\imageView -> do putStrLn "destroying image view" Vk.destroyImageView logicalDevice imageView Nothing ) ) handles