2016-11-02 01:14:53 +01:00

78 lines
2.2 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Affection
( withAffection
, withWindow
, withDefaultWindow
, delaySec
, module Affection.Render
, module Types
) where
import qualified SDL
import qualified GEGL as G
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Maybe
import System.Clock
import Control.Monad.Loops
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Affection.Render
import Affection.Types as Types
withAffection :: AffectionConfig us -> IO ()
withAffection conf@AffectionConfig{..} = do
case initComponents of
All ->
Only is ->
SDL.initialize is
execTime <- newMVar =<< getTime Monotonic
window <- SDL.createWindow windowTitle windowConfig
surface <- SDL.getWindowSurface window
initContainer <- return $ AffectionData
{ affectionConfig = conf
, quitEvent = False
, userState = userData
, drawWindow = window
, drawSurface = surface
state <- newMVar initContainer
(res, nState) <- runStateT ( Types.runState $
whileM_ (do
current <- get
return $ Types.quitEvent current
$ do
now <- liftIO $ getTime Monotonic
lastTime <- liftIO $ fromMaybe now <$> tryReadMVar execTime
updateLoop $ (fromIntegral $ toNanoSecs $ diffTimeSpec lastTime now) /
(fromIntegral 10 ^ 9)
liftIO $ putMVar execTime $ now
) initContainer
withWindow :: Monad m => T.Text -> WindowConfig -> SDL.RendererConfig -> RenderT m a -> IO ()
withWindow title wconf rconf ops = do
window <- SDL.createWindow title wconf
-- I don't need a renderer here, i need a surface
renderer <- SDL.createRenderer window (-1) rconf
surface <- SDL.getWindowSurface window
-- I think I need some AffectionT or someting similar here and not a RenderT
-- from SDL.
inRender renderer $ ops
SDL.destroyWindow window
withDefaultWindow :: Monad m => T.Text -> (RenderT m a) -> IO ()
withDefaultWindow title ops = withWindow title defaultWindow SDL.defaultRenderer ops
delaySec :: Int -> IO ()
delaySec dur = SDL.delay (fromIntegral $ dur * 1000)