2023-12-05 04:41:16 +00:00
module Server.Map where
2023-12-06 05:14:12 +00:00
import qualified Data.Matrix as M
import System.Random
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import Library.Types
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import Server.Map.Snippets
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-- | This function procedurally generates the Arena for the game
:: Int -- ^ Map's width
-> Int -- ^ Map's height
-> Float -- ^ Probability for a tile to be an item spawner
-> IO Arena -- ^ resulting Arena
generateArena arenaWidth arenaHeight spawnerChance = do
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-- | Generate basic Map of Air and Walls
2023-12-05 04:41:16 +00:00
:: Int -- ^ Map's width
-> Int -- ^ Map's height
-> IO Map -- ^ resulting Map
generateMap mapWidth mapHeight = do
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let initMap = M.matrix mapWidth mapHeight (const Air)
divide 0 0 mapHeight mapWidth initMap
divide :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Map -> IO Map
divide rowOffset colOffset rowSize colSize tilemap
| rowSize <= 3 || colSize <= 3 = pure tilemap
| otherwise = do
-- position wall intersection at random
crossRow <- randomRIO (2, rowSize - 1)
crossCol <- randomRIO (2, colSize - 1)
-- position wall passages at random wall tiles
rowHole1 <- randomRIO (1, crossRow - 1)
rowHole2 <- randomRIO (crossRow + 1, rowSize - 1)
colHole1 <- randomRIO (1, crossCol - 1)
colHole2 <- randomRIO (crossCol + 1, colSize - 1)
-- determine all possible passages
let holes =
[ (rowHole1, crossCol)
, (rowHole2, crossCol)
, (crossRow, colHole1)
, (crossRow, colHole2)
-- drop one of the passages randomly
-- randomDropIndex <- randomRIO (0, length allHoles - 1)
let -- randomDrop = allHoles !! randomDropIndex
-- holes = filter (/= randomDrop) allHoles
crossedMap = M.mapPos
(\(r, c) tile ->
if (r - rowOffset == crossRow || c - colOffset == crossCol) &&
(r - rowOffset <= rowSize || c - colOffset <= colSize)
then if (r - rowOffset, c - colOffset) `elem` holes
then Air
else Wall
else tile
divide rowOffset colOffset (crossRow - 1) (crossCol - 1) =<<
divide rowOffset (colOffset + crossCol + 1) (crossRow - 1) (colSize - crossCol - 1) =<<
divide (rowOffset + crossRow + 1) colOffset (rowSize - crossRow - 1) (crossCol - 1) =<<
(rowOffset + crossRow + 1)
(colOffset + crossCol + 1)
(rowSize - crossRow - 1)
(colSize - crossCol - 1)