graphics now works
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 96 additions and 112 deletions
@ -4,5 +4,5 @@ setMapColumns : 40
setSpawnerProbability : 0.01
setSpawnerProbability : 0.01
setFPS : 30
setFPS : 30
setClientMaxTimeout : 5
setClientMaxTimeout : 5
setFramesPerPing : 120
setFramesPerPing : 10
setLogLevel : Info
setLogLevel : Verbose
@ -35,15 +35,15 @@ runGame = do
(liftIO (not <$> readIORef (scStopper st)))
(liftIO (not <$> readIORef (scStopper st)))
liftIO $ receiveMessage curLevel sock messageQueue st
liftIO $ receiveMessage curLevel sock messageQueue st
-- liftIO $ putStrLn "received messages"
logPrint Verbose "received messages"
-- liftIO $ putStrLn "handled messages"
logPrint Verbose "handled messages"
pumpEvents vty
pumpEvents vty
-- liftIO $ putStrLn "pumped events"
logPrint Verbose "pumped events"
-- liftIO $ putStrLn "handled events"
logPrint Verbose "handled events"
-- liftIO $ putStrLn "drew"
logPrint Verbose "drew"
logPrint Info "left game loop"
logPrint Info "left game loop"
liftIO $ do
liftIO $ do
@ -6,9 +6,7 @@ import Control.Monad.RWS
import qualified Data.Matrix as M
import qualified Data.Matrix as M
import Data.Maybe
import Debug.Trace
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Graphics.Vty
import Graphics.Vty
@ -25,97 +23,6 @@ vFOV = pi / 2
hFOV :: Float
hFOV :: Float
hFOV = pi / 2
hFOV = pi / 2
draw :: Game ()
draw = do
mapSlice <- gets scMapSlice
wizard <- gets scWizard
clientStatVar <- gets scClientState
vty <- clientVty <$> liftIO (STM.atomically $ STM.readTMVar clientStatVar)
(w, h) <- liftIO $ displayBounds (outputIface vty)
let dims@(dw, dh) = (w, h - 4)
result = V.generate (fromIntegral dh)
(\mh -> map
(\mw -> drawPixel mapSlice wizard dims (fromIntegral mw, fromIntegral mh))
[dw, dw - 1 .. 1]
image = V.foldl (<->)
( (string currentAttr) result V.++
V.foldl (V.++) V.empty (V.generate 4 (const $ V.singleton emptyImage)))
picture = picForImage image
liftIO $ update vty picture
:: MapSlice -- ^ visible slice of the map
-> Wizard -- ^ Player
-> (Int, Int) -- ^ Screen dimensions
-> (Float, Float) -- ^ current "Pixel"
-> Char -- ^ resulting "Color"
drawPixel slice wizard (w, h) currentPixel =
let rayLength = castRay
(wizardRot wizard - pi / 2)
(fromIntegral w, fromIntegral h)
in getPixel (fromMaybe 5 rayLength)
:: Float -- ^ Player rotation
-> MapSlice -- ^ visible slice of the map
-> (Float, Float) -- ^ Screen dimensions
-> (Float, Float) -- ^ current "Pixel"
-> Maybe Float -- ^ resulting ray length
castRay wizardRot slice (w, h) (dw, dh) =
let view@(V2 vr vc) = V2 0 1 `rotVec` (wizardRot + (- hFOV / 2 + dw * hFOV / w))
stepR = signum vr
stepC = signum vc
tMaxR = (fromIntegral $ floor $ 5 + stepR - 5) / vr
tMaxC = (fromIntegral $ floor $ 5 + stepC - 5) / vc
tDeltaR = stepR / vc
tDeltaC = stepC / vc
sliceRay = (5, 5) :
buildRay (tMaxR, tMaxC) (tDeltaR, tDeltaC) (stepR, stepC) (5, 5)
-- result = fmap (/ cos (-vFOV / 2 + dh * vFOV / h)) (getRayCollision view slice sliceRay)
result = (getRayCollision view slice sliceRay)
in result
:: (Float, Float)
-> (Float, Float)
-> (Float, Float)
-> (Float, Float)
-> [(Float, Float)]
buildRay (tMaxR, tMaxC) delta@(tDeltaR, tDeltaC) rstep@(stepR, stepC) (r, c) =
if distance (V2 5 5) (V2 r c) < 4
then if tMaxR < tMaxC
let ntMaxR = tMaxR - tDeltaR
nr = r - stepR
in (nr, c) : buildRay (ntMaxR, tMaxC) delta rstep (nr, c)
let ntMaxC = tMaxC - tDeltaC
nc = c - stepC
in (r, nc) : buildRay (tMaxR, ntMaxC) delta rstep (r, nc)
else []
:: V2 Float
-> MapSlice
-> [(Float, Float)]
-> Maybe Float
getRayCollision _ _ [] = Nothing
getRayCollision view@(V2 vr vc) mapSlice ((wizR, _):tile@(tr, tc):ts) =
case msViewMap mapSlice M.! (floor tr, floor tc) of
Just Wall ->
let t = if floor wizR == floor tr
then (fromIntegral (floor tc) + 5) / vc
else (fromIntegral (floor tr) + 5) / vr
vec = (* t) <$> view
--in trace ("boing" ++ show tile) $ Just (sqrt $ vec `dot` vec)
in Just (distance vec (V2 5 5))
_ -> getRayCollision view mapSlice (tile:ts)
getRayCollision _ _ [_] = Nothing
getPixel :: Float -> Char
getPixel :: Float -> Char
getPixel l
getPixel l
| l <= 1 = '█'
| l <= 1 = '█'
@ -129,3 +36,80 @@ rotVec (V2 x y) rad = V2 nx ny
nx = x * cos rad + y * sin rad
nx = x * cos rad + y * sin rad
ny = x * sin rad - y * cos rad
ny = x * sin rad - y * cos rad
draw :: Game ()
draw = do
mapSlice <- msViewMap <$> gets scMapSlice
wizard <- gets scWizard
clientStateVar <- gets scClientState
vty <- clientVty <$> liftIO (STM.atomically $ STM.readTMVar clientStateVar)
(w, h) <- liftIO $ displayBounds (outputIface vty)
let result = map
(\y ->
(\x ->
getPixel $ foldl
(\acc coord@(row, col) ->
if mapSlice M.! coord == Just Wall
let rayLength = castRay
(fromIntegral row, fromIntegral col)
(fromIntegral x, fromIntegral y)
(fromIntegral w, fromIntegral h)
in min rayLength acc
((,) <$> [1 .. 9] <*> [1 .. 9])
[1 .. w]
[1 .. h]
image = foldl
(\img line ->
img <-> string defAttr line
(string defAttr $ head result)
(tail result)
liftIO $ do
update vty (picForImage image)
-- mapM_ putStrLn result
:: Wizard -- Player
-> (Float, Float) -- coordinates of inspected tile
-> (Float, Float) -- screen pixel coordinates
-> (Float, Float) -- screen dimensions
-> Float -- Ray length
castRay wizard (row, col) (x, y) (width, height) =
let direction = angle (wizardRot wizard - pi / 2 - hFOV / 2 + x * hFOV / width)
invdir@(V2 invDirCol invDirRow) = (1 /) <$> direction
wStep@(V2 wStepCol wStepRow) = wizardPos wizard - (fromIntegral . floor <$> wizardPos wizard)
ulCol = col - 1
ulRow = row - 1
brCol = col
brRow = row
dMinCol = ((if signum invDirCol <= 0 then brCol else ulCol) - (4 + wStepCol)) * invDirCol
dMaxCol = ((if signum invDirCol <= 0 then ulCol else brCol) - (4 + wStepCol)) * invDirCol
dMinRow = ((if signum invDirRow <= 0 then brRow else ulRow) - (4 + wStepRow)) * invDirRow
dMaxRow = ((if signum invDirRow <= 0 then ulRow else brRow) - (4 + wStepRow)) * invDirRow
tMinCol = max dMinCol 0
tMaxCol = min dMaxCol (recip 0)
tMinRow = max dMinRow 0
tMaxRow = min dMaxRow (recip 0)
tMin = max 0 $ max dMinCol dMinRow
tMax = min (recip 0) $ min dMaxCol dMaxRow
if tMin < tMax
let result = sqrt (quadrance ((tMin *) <$> direction)) * abs ((- vFOV) / 2 + y * vFOV / height)
-- in trace ("ray length: " <> show result) result
-- in trace ("vector: " <> show (sqrt $ quadrance $ (tMin *) <$> direction)) result
-- in trace ("wStep: " <> show wStep) result
in result
-- trace (show (tMin, tMax)) 5
-- trace (show invdir) 5
@ -32,9 +32,9 @@ main :: IO ()
main = do
main = do
putStrLn "Hello, Arena!"
putStrLn "Hello, Arena!"
(Options logLevel socketLocation) <- execParser opts
(Options logLevel socketLocation) <- execParser opts
logPrintIO Info logLevel $ "connecting to Socket " <> socketLocation
logPrintIO logLevel Info $ "connecting to Socket " <> socketLocation
sock <- connectSocket socketLocation
sock <- connectSocket socketLocation
logPrintIO Info logLevel "connected"
logPrintIO logLevel Info "connected"
messageQueue <- STM.newTQueueIO
messageQueue <- STM.newTQueueIO
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ main = do
sendMessage logLevel IdRequest sock
sendMessage logLevel IdRequest sock
clientIdMsg <- awaitResponse logLevel sock messageQueue mockState 0
clientIdMsg <- awaitResponse logLevel sock messageQueue mockState 0
let clientId = acClientUUID clientIdMsg
let clientId = acClientUUID clientIdMsg
logPrintIO Info logLevel $ "received client UUID: " <> show clientId
logPrintIO logLevel Info $ "received client UUID: " <> show clientId
putStrLn welcomeText
putStrLn welcomeText
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ main = do
sendMessage logLevel (ClientMessage clientId ClientRequestWizard) sock
sendMessage logLevel (ClientMessage clientId ClientRequestWizard) sock
-- threadDelay $ 1 * 10 ^ 6
-- threadDelay $ 1 * 10 ^ 6
playerWizard <- awaitResponse logLevel sock messageQueue mockState 1
playerWizard <- awaitResponse logLevel sock messageQueue mockState 1
logPrintIO Info logLevel $ "received wizard: " <> show (initWizard playerWizard)
logPrintIO logLevel Info $ "received wizard: " <> show (initWizard playerWizard)
vty <- mkVty defaultConfig
vty <- mkVty defaultConfig
hideCursor (outputIface vty)
hideCursor (outputIface vty)
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ main = do
initState = StateContainer (initWizard playerWizard) clientState initSlice stopper
initState = StateContainer (initWizard playerWizard) clientState initSlice stopper
-- putStrLn "sending quit message"
-- putStrLn "sending quit message"
-- sendMessage (ClientMessage clientId ClientQuit) sock
-- sendMessage (ClientMessage clientId ClientQuit) sock
logPrintIO Info logLevel "entering Game Monad"
logPrintIO logLevel Info "entering Game Monad"
void $ execRWST
void $ execRWST
terminateGameOnSigint stopper
terminateGameOnSigint stopper
@ -90,11 +90,11 @@ main = do
logPrintIO Info logLevel "Shutting down client…"
logPrintIO logLevel Info "Shutting down client…"
showCursor (outputIface vty)
showCursor (outputIface vty)
shutdown vty
shutdown vty
threadDelay 1000
threadDelay 1000
logPrintIO Info logLevel "Closing connection to server…"
logPrintIO logLevel Info "Closing connection to server…"
close sock
close sock
putStrLn "bye bye"
putStrLn "bye bye"
@ -183,10 +183,10 @@ sendUpdate curLevel stateContainer tileMap player = do
rightBound = wizardRot - (pi / 4)
rightBound = wizardRot - (pi / 4)
leftLine row = cos leftBound * row
leftLine row = cos leftBound * row
rightLine row = sin rightBound * row
rightLine row = sin rightBound * row
correctionLeft = if wizardRot < pi / 2 || wizardRot > 2 * pi
correctionLeft = if wizardRot < pi / 2 || wizardRot >= 2 * pi
then ceiling
then floor
else floor
else ceiling
correctionRight = if wizardRot < pi / 2 || wizardRot > 2 * pi
correctionRight = if wizardRot < pi / 2 || wizardRot >= 2 * pi
then ceiling
then ceiling
else floor
else floor
initViewMatrix = M.fromList 9 9 $ map
initViewMatrix = M.fromList 9 9 $ map
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