{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} module Server.Communication.Send where import Control.Concurrent import qualified Control.Concurrent.STM as STM import Control.Exception import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Reader import Control.Monad.State import qualified Data.Aeson as A import qualified Data.Matrix as M import Data.Maybe import qualified Data.ByteString as B import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B8 import Data.Time import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as VS import Data.List import Data.UUID hiding (null) import Data.UUID.V4 import Linear import Network.Socket -- internal imports import Library.Types import Server.Log (logPrintIO) import Server.Types -- | Sends a specified message through given socket to the client queueMessage :: LogLevel -> ServerMessage -> UUID -> STM.TMVar [ClientQueue] -> IO () queueMessage curLevel msg uuid queueListContainer = do queueList <- STM.atomically $ STM.readTMVar queueListContainer logPrintIO curLevel Verbose $ "queueing message \"" <> show msg <> "\" for client " <> show uuid <> " …" let mQueue = cqQueue <$> find (\client -> cqUUID client == Just uuid) queueList maybe (logPrintIO curLevel Warning $ "no queue found for client: " <> show uuid) (\queue -> STM.atomically $ STM.writeTQueue queue msg ) mQueue logPrintIO curLevel Verbose "message queued!" sendMessageQueue :: LogLevel -> STM.TMVar Socket -> STM.TQueue ServerMessage -> IO () sendMessageQueue curLevel sockContainer queue = do -- randTime <- randomRIO (1, 1000) -- threadDelay randTime msgs <- STM.atomically $ STM.flushTQueue queue unless (null msgs) $ logPrintIO curLevel Verbose $ "messages in queue: " <> show msgs mapM_ (\msg -> do sock <- STM.atomically $ STM.readTMVar sockContainer logPrintIO curLevel Verbose "read socket container for sending" logPrintIO curLevel Verbose $ "sending message: " <> show msg let msgJson = A.encode msg msgVector = VS.fromList $ B.unpack $ B.toStrict ('<' `B8.cons` (msgJson `B8.snoc` '>')) VS.unsafeWith msgVector (\ptr -> do eResult <- try $ void $ sendBuf sock ptr (VS.length msgVector) case eResult of Left (e :: IOException) -> logPrintIO curLevel Error $ "can't reach client after " <> show e Right _ -> pure () ) ) msgs sendPings :: Game () sendPings = do now <- liftIO getCurrentTime _maxTimeout <- asks rcClientMaxTimeout framesPerPing <- asks rcFramesPerPing curLevel <- asks rcLogLevel fps <- asks rcFPS stateContainer <- get players <- liftIO $ STM.atomically $ STM.readTMVar (scPlayers stateContainer) -- sockets <- liftIO $ STM.atomically $ STM.readTMVar (scClientSockets stateContainer) mapM_ (\player@(Player plId (Wizard {}) readiness (lastPongTime, _)) -> do let timeDiff = realToFrac $ diffUTCTime now lastPongTime :: Float when (readiness && timeDiff > (fromIntegral framesPerPing * recip (fromIntegral fps))) $ do -- let clientSock = ccSocket <$> find (\c -> ccUUID c == Just plId) sockets -- when (isJust clientSock) $ -- if timeDiff > realToFrac maxTimeout -- then do -- liftIO $ do -- putStrLn $ "dropping client because of timeout: " <> show plId -- dropClient (scClientSockets stateContainer) (fromJust clientSock) -- put stateContainer -- else do random <- liftIO nextRandom let newPong = (now, random) liftIO $ do let queues = scClientQueues stateContainer queueMessage curLevel ( Ping random ) plId queues let newPlayer = player { playerLastPong = newPong } otherPlayers = filter (\a -> playerId a /= plId) players liftIO $ do void $ STM.atomically $ STM.swapTMVar (scPlayers stateContainer) (newPlayer : otherPlayers) logPrintIO curLevel Verbose "ping!" ) players put stateContainer -- | Drops the client from internal management and closes its socket, if still present. dropClient :: LogLevel -> STM.TMVar [ClientSocket] -> STM.TMVar [ClientQueue] -> Socket -> IO () dropClient curLevel socketList queueList sock = do clients <- STM.atomically $ STM.readTMVar socketList mClient <- STM.atomically $ do let mclient = find (\client -> csSocket client == sock) clients pure mclient maybe (logPrintIO curLevel Warning $ "closing unknown socket: " <> show sock) (\client -> do let clientUUID = fromMaybe (error "no UUID for client?!") (csUUID client) logPrintIO curLevel Info $ "killing client sender and listener because of socket closing: " <> show clientUUID killThread (csSender client) killThread (csReceiver client) logPrintIO curLevel Info $ "dropping client because of socket closing: " <> show clientUUID ) mClient STM.atomically $ do queues <- STM.readTMVar queueList let reducedClients = filter (\client -> csSocket client /= sock) clients reducedQueues = filter (\queue -> cqUUID queue /= csUUID (fromMaybe (error "What happened to the client?!") mClient)) queues void $ STM.swapTMVar socketList reducedClients void $ STM.swapTMVar queueList reducedQueues close sock sendUpdate :: LogLevel -> StateContainer -> ServerMap -> Player -> IO () sendUpdate curLevel stateContainer tileMap player = do let slice = buildSlice player sendSlice slice player where buildSlice :: Player -> MapSlice buildSlice (Player _ (Wizard {..}) _ _) = let V2 wr wc = wizardPos subCoords = (,) <$> [floor wr - 4 .. floor wr + 4] <*> [floor wc - 4 .. floor wc + 4] leftBound = wizardRot - (pi / 4) rightBound = wizardRot + (pi / 4) leftLine row = cos leftBound * row rightLine row = sin rightBound * row correctionLeft = if wizardRot < pi / 2 || wizardRot >= 2 * pi then ceiling else floor correctionRight = if wizardRot < pi / 2 || wizardRot >= 2 * pi then ceiling else floor initViewMatrix = M.fromList 9 9 $ map (\(qr, qc) -> -- if qc - floor wc >= correctionLeft (leftLine (wr - fromIntegral qr)) -- && qc - floor wc <= correctionRight (rightLine (wr - fromIntegral qr)) -- then -- M.safeGet qr qc tileMap -- else -- Nothing M.safeGet qr qc tileMap ) subCoords in MapSlice initViewMatrix [] sendSlice :: MapSlice -> Player -> IO () sendSlice slice (Player playerId wizard _ _) = do let msg = TickUpdate slice wizard -- print slice liftIO $ do let queues = scClientQueues stateContainer queueMessage curLevel msg playerId queues