module Main where import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay) import qualified Control.Concurrent.STM as STM import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.RWS import Data.IORef import qualified Data.Matrix as M import Graphics.Vty import Graphics.Vty.CrossPlatform import Options.Applicative -- internal imports import Client.Communication import Client.Game import Client.Types import Library.Types main :: IO () main = do putStrLn "Hello, Arena!" (Options socketLocation) <- execParser opts putStrLn $ "connecting to Socket " <> socketLocation sock <- connectSocket socketLocation putStrLn "connected" queue <- STM.newTQueueIO -- threadDelay $ 1 * 10 ^ 6 mockClientState <- STM.newTMVarIO (ClientState undefined False) let mockState = StateContainer undefined mockClientState undefined undefined sendMessage IdRequest sock receiveMessage sock queue mockState awaitResponse queue 1 clientIdMsg <- head <$> STM.atomically (STM.flushTQueue queue) let clientId = acClientUUID clientIdMsg putStrLn $ "received client UUID: " <> show clientId putStrLn welcomeText threadDelay $ 5 * 10 ^ 6 sendMessage (ClientMessage clientId ClientRequestWizard) sock -- threadDelay $ 1 * 10 ^ 6 receiveMessage sock queue mockState awaitResponse queue 1 playerWizard <- head <$> STM.atomically (STM.flushTQueue queue) putStrLn $ "received wizard: " <> show (initWizard playerWizard) vty <- mkVty defaultConfig hideCursor (outputIface vty) -- shut down graphical interface for now -- shutdown vty stopper <- newIORef False clientState <- STM.newTMVarIO (ClientState vty False) let initSlice = MapSlice (M.matrix 9 9 (const Nothing)) [] let initRead = ReaderContainer sock clientId queue initState = StateContainer (initWizard playerWizard) clientState initSlice stopper -- putStrLn "sending quit message" -- sendMessage (ClientMessage clientId ClientQuit) sock void $ execRWST (do terminateGameOnSigint stopper runGame ) initRead initState showCursor (outputIface vty) shutdown vty putStrLn "Shutting down client…" -- threadDelay 100 -- close sock putStrLn "bye bye" where opts = info (options <**> helper) ( fullDesc <> progDesc "Run the \"wizard-wipeout\" Client." <> header "wizard-wipeout - Last Mage standing" ) welcomeText :: String welcomeText = mconcat $ map (<> "\n") [ "Welcome to the arena, wizards." , "" , "Let the toughest and bravest of you survive" , "" , "Some last hints before you enter the fighting grounds:" , "" , "press [SPACE] to fire your wand" , "press [1] through [9] to change wands, if you have collected more wands" , "press [ESC] to leave" , "" , "Good Luck!" ] awaitResponse :: STM.TQueue ServerMessage -> Int -> IO () awaitResponse _ 10 = error "Tries to communicate with server exceeded" awaitResponse queue numTries = do responsePresent <- not <$> STM.atomically (STM.isEmptyTQueue queue) if responsePresent then pure () else do threadDelay $ 10 ^ 6 awaitResponse queue (succ numTries)