Amedeo Molnár 73adfff54c tidbits
2024-11-29 11:24:07 +01:00

157 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Server.Communication
( module Server.Communication
, module S
) where
import Control.Concurrent
import qualified Control.Concurrent.STM as STM
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.RWS.Strict
import Data.List (find)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Network.Socket as Net
import System.Posix.Signals
-- internal imports
import Library.Types
import Server.Communication.Handler as S
import Server.Communication.Receive as S
import Server.Communication.Send as S
import Server.Log (logPrintIO)
import Server.Types
-- | Function which determines whether the given filePath is a supported socket path and
-- subsequently creates a socket in said location.
:: FilePath -- ^ File Path for socket to be created (e.g.: "/tmp/wizard.sock")
-> IO Socket -- ^ resulting Socket
bindSocket path = do
let sockAddr = SockAddrUnix path
unless (isSupportedSockAddr sockAddr)
(error $ "invalid socket path " <> path)
-- removeIfExists path
sock <- socket AF_UNIX Stream 0
bind sock sockAddr
Net.listen sock 5
pure sock
-- | Function that installs a handler on SIGINT to terminate game
:: Game ()
terminateGameOnSigint = do
sock <- asks rcMainSocket
curLevel <- asks rcLogLevel
serverState <- gets scServerState
clientList <- gets scClientSockets
queueList <- gets scClientQueues
void $ liftIO $ installHandler
(CatchOnce $ do
logPrintIO curLevel Info "SIGINT caught, terminating…"
disconnectClients curLevel clientList queueList
threadDelay (10 ^ (6 :: Int))
close sock
st <- STM.atomically $ STM.readTMVar serverState
void $ STM.atomically $ STM.swapTMVar serverState $ st
{ serverStop = True
-- | Disconnect all connected clients gracefully by announcing the server quitting
:: LogLevel
-> STM.TMVar [ClientSocket]
-> STM.TMVar [ClientQueue]
-> IO ()
disconnectClients curLevel clientSockets queueList = do
logPrintIO curLevel Info "server shutting down. Notifying all clients…"
queues <- STM.atomically $ STM.readTMVar queueList
(\queue -> do
(pure ())
(\uuid -> do
logPrintIO curLevel Info $ "notifying client: " <> show uuid
queueMessage curLevel ServerQuit uuid queueList
threadDelay 1000 -- wait for the message to be actually sent
sock <- do
socketList <- STM.atomically $ STM.readTMVar clientSockets
pure $ fromJust $ find (\s -> csUUID s == Just uuid) socketList
dropClient curLevel clientSockets queueList (csSocket sock)
(cqUUID queue)
-- | Process incoming connection requests
processRequests :: Game ()
processRequests = do
mainSocket <- asks rcMainSocket
curLevel <- asks rcLogLevel
serverQueue <- gets scMessageQueue
socketList <- gets scClientSockets
queueList <- gets scClientQueues
st <- gets scServerState
void $ liftIO $ forkIO $ acceptConnection curLevel mainSocket socketList queueList serverQueue st
acceptConnection curLevel mainSocket socketList queueList serverQueue st = do
logPrintIO curLevel Info "Ready for new connection requests…"
eSock <- try $ accept mainSocket
case eSock of
Left (_ :: SomeException) ->
logPrintIO curLevel Warning "Main socket vanished!"
Right (clientSock, _) -> do
clientQueue <- STM.newTQueueIO
sockContainer <- STM.newTMVarIO clientSock
receiverThreadId <- liftIO $ do
t <- forkIO $ do
threadDelay $ 10 ^ (6 :: Int)
forever $ receiveMessage curLevel socketList queueList sockContainer serverQueue
logPrintIO curLevel Verbose "enabled listener thread"
pure t
senderThreadId <- liftIO $ do
t <- forkIO $ do
threadDelay $ 10 ^ (6 :: Int)
forever $ sendMessageQueue curLevel sockContainer clientQueue
logPrintIO curLevel Verbose "enabled sender thread"
pure t
logPrintIO curLevel Verbose $ show clientSock
liftIO $ STM.atomically $ do
slist <- STM.takeTMVar socketList
: slist
qlist <- STM.takeTMVar queueList
STM.putTMVar queueList
: qlist
logPrintIO curLevel Info "accepted new connection"
-- abortCondition <- serverStop <$> STM.atomically (STM.readTMVar st)
-- unless abortCondition $
-- acceptConnection mainSocket socketList queue st
acceptConnection curLevel mainSocket socketList queueList serverQueue st