188 lines
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188 lines
7.3 KiB
module Server.Communication.Handler where
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import qualified Control.Concurrent.STM as STM
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Matrix as M
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Time
import Data.UUID.V4
import Linear
import System.Random (randomRIO)
-- internal imports
import Library.Types
import Server.Communication.Send
import Server.Log
import Server.Types
import Server.Util
-- | function for translating 'ClientMessage's into server actions
:: StateContainer
-> ReaderContainer
-> ClientMessage
-> IO ()
handleMessage stateContainer readerContainer msg = do
let socketList = scClientSockets stateContainer
queueList = scClientQueues stateContainer
curLevel = rcLogLevel readerContainer
socks <- liftIO $ STM.atomically $ STM.readTMVar socketList
queues <- liftIO $ STM.atomically $ STM.readTMVar queueList
logPrintIO curLevel Verbose $ "Handling: " <> show msg
case msg of
IdRequest -> do
clientId <- nextRandom
threadDelay 1000
let clientIdx = fromMaybe (error "no socket found of new client") (findIndex (isNothing . csUUID) socks)
sock = socks !! clientIdx
queue = queues !! clientIdx
if csUUID sock == cqUUID queue
then do
let otherSocks = delete sock socks
newSocks = sock
{ csUUID = Just clientId
} : otherSocks
otherQueues = delete queue queues
newQueues = queue
{ cqUUID = Just clientId
} : otherQueues
liftIO $ STM.atomically $ do
void $ STM.swapTMVar socketList newSocks
void $ STM.swapTMVar queueList newQueues
logPrintIO curLevel Info $ "Accepted Client with UUID: " <> show clientId
queueMessage curLevel (AcceptClient clientId) clientId queueList
logPrintIO curLevel Error $ "Unable to assign ID to socket and queue: " <> show clientId
ClientMessage clientId payload ->
case payload of
ClientQuit -> do
currentPlayers <- STM.atomically $ STM.readTMVar (scPlayers stateContainer)
let newPlayers = filter (\p -> playerId p /= clientId) currentPlayers
void $ STM.atomically $ STM.swapTMVar (scPlayers stateContainer) newPlayers
let mclient = find (\a -> csUUID a == Just clientId) socks
(logPrintIO curLevel Warning $ "unknown client: " <> show clientId)
(dropClient curLevel socketList queueList . csSocket)
logPrintIO curLevel Info $ "client has quit the game: " <> show clientId
ClientRequestWizard -> do
let arena = rcMap readerContainer
initPos <- rollInitPosition arena
initRot <- randomRIO (0, 2 * pi)
now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
uuid <- nextRandom
let freshWizard = newWizard initPos initRot
STM.atomically $ do
currentPlayers <- STM.readTMVar (scPlayers stateContainer)
void $ STM.swapTMVar (scPlayers stateContainer) $
Player clientId freshWizard False (now, uuid) : currentPlayers
queueMessage curLevel (ProvideInitialWizard freshWizard) clientId queueList
logPrintIO curLevel Info $ "initialized new wizard for: " <> show clientId
ClientReady -> do
now <- getCurrentTime
STM.atomically $ do
currentPlayers <- STM.readTMVar (scPlayers stateContainer)
let (thisPlayers, otherPlayers) =
partition (\p -> playerId p == clientId) currentPlayers
unless (null thisPlayers) $
void $ STM.swapTMVar (scPlayers stateContainer) $
(head thisPlayers)
{ playerReady = True
, playerLastPong = (now, snd (playerLastPong $ head thisPlayers))
: otherPlayers
logPrintIO curLevel Info $ "client ready: " <> show clientId
Pong pongUuid -> do
let mclient = find (\c -> csUUID c == Just clientId) socks
players <- STM.atomically $ STM.readTMVar (scPlayers stateContainer)
(logPrintIO curLevel Warning $ "Unknown client: " <> show clientId)
(const $ do
mPlayer <- STM.atomically $ do
pure $ find (\p -> playerId p == clientId) players
(pure ())
(\player ->
if snd (playerLastPong player) /= pongUuid
logPrintIO curLevel Warning $ "Pong ID mismatch from: " <> show clientId
else do
now <- getCurrentTime
STM.atomically$ do
let !otherPlayers = filter (\a -> playerId a /= playerId player) players
!modPlayer = player
{ playerLastPong = (now, pongUuid)
!newPlayers = modPlayer : otherPlayers
void $ STM.swapTMVar (scPlayers stateContainer) newPlayers
sendUpdate curLevel stateContainer (rcMap readerContainer) player
ClientAction act -> do
players <- STM.atomically $ STM.readTMVar (scPlayers stateContainer)
mPlayer <- STM.atomically $ do
pure $ find (\p -> playerId p == clientId) players
(pure ())
(\player -> do
let wiz = playerWizard player
mat = rcMap readerContainer
rotStep = pi / 18
newRot = wizardRot wiz + case act of
TurnLeft -> -rotStep
TurnRight -> rotStep
_ -> 0
newPos = wizardPos wiz + ((0.25 *) <$>
case act of
StepForward -> -(angle (-newRot))
StepBackward -> angle (-newRot)
StrifeRight -> perp (angle (-newRot))
StrifeLeft -> -(perp (angle (-newRot)))
_ -> 0
doesCollide (V2 prow pcol) = (M.safeGet (floor prow) (floor pcol) mat) == Just Wall
newWiz = wiz
{ wizardRot = newRot
, wizardPos = if doesCollide newPos then wizardPos wiz else newPos
newPlayer = player
{ playerWizard = newWiz
otherPlayers = filter (\p -> playerId p /= clientId) players
newPlayers = newPlayer : otherPlayers
void $ STM.atomically $ STM.swapTMVar (scPlayers stateContainer) newPlayers
sendUpdate curLevel stateContainer (rcMap readerContainer) player
x -> logPrintIO (rcLogLevel readerContainer) Verbose ("Unhandled message: " <> show x)
-- | handle received messages
handleMessages :: Game ()
handleMessages = do
queue <- gets scMessageQueue
serverState <- get
readerContainer <- ask
liftIO $ do
msgs <- STM.atomically $
STM.flushTQueue queue
(handleMessage serverState readerContainer)