#yammat Yet Another MateMAT ##Introduction This project aims to be an implementation for a trust based POS for hackerspaces. ##Dependencies ###External dependencies In order to build yammat you need the packages `cabal-install`, `ghc` and `postgresql`. Furthermore you need the Haskell packages `alex` and `happy`. To install these enter `cabal install alex happy` into your command line. ###Internal dependencies Before installing the internal dependencies it is best practice to put the project into a sandbox with `cabal sandbox init`. All internal dependencies are in the file `yammat.cabal` and will be installed automagically with the command `cabal install --only-dependencies`. ##Building To build this project enter `cabal configure && cabal build` into your command line ##Deployment Copy or link the executable `dist/build/yammat/yammat` to your desired run location alongside with the folders `static` and `config`. The Folders should be copied, or you will get problems with your git pulls. ##Configuration Check the configuration File `config/settings.yml`. Create Postgresql Databases according to these settings. ##Lift-Off Run `./yammat config/settings.yml` in your desired run location. Finally point a reverse-proxy (something like nginx) at `http://localhost:3000` or any other port you configured in `donfig/settings.yml`. For better control You can wrap an init script around this. How to do this is described [in my blog][blog]. [blog]: http://nek0.eu/posts/2014-10-23-Daemonize-a-yesod-app.html