2020-10-15 18:54:44 +02:00

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title: Freeze your darlings
author: nek0
- english
- "devlog: tracer"
description: How I plan to deal with one of my older projects
There is a motto between writers, that is "kill your darlings".
I have a lot pf projects and some of them are very dear to me. One of these is
my attempt at a game called "tracer". This does not mean I am giving up on that.
Instead of "killing" this one of my darlings, I would like ot freeze it. This
menas I put it away for later.
"But why?" you may ask.
Well, simply because the idea has become too complex and difficult to achieve
with my toolset and knowledge. Additionally, I did not make much of a plan
beforehand what to incorporate in the game and how it should all work.
To cover the technical aspects I followed a
[superb tutorial series on OpenGL](
I can hightly recommend it, if you want to learn how modern OpenGL is actually
used. The tutorial series itself is taught in C++, but I was able to translate
it into Haskell, which you can see [on my gitea](
Secondly I learned a lot about the game design process from the book
["Level Up!" by Scott Rogers](,+2nd+Edition-p-9781118877166).
I was recommended this book by one of my co-apprentices who used to study
computer science with emphasis on multimedia applications.
The findings from these will go into a new project, which will get its own
blogpost shortly.