2019-12-11 04:28:55 +01:00

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title: And we are at a full circle
author: nek0
Time to make a new update. Quite a few things happened lately:
[As I posted earlier](/posts/2019-09-08-Back-to-Debian.html) I had switched back
to Debian. This did not last long. After visiting
[NixCon]( and learning about all the cool new stuff
coming to NixOS (and after breaking my Debian system) I decided to give NixOS
another shot and installed it all. I even got my graphics setup to work
properly thanks to the Optimus Prime setup options.
Now I am learning how to handle
[haskell.nix](, an alternative
builder for Haskell projects I learned about at NixCon. It works quite well,
despite still being marked as experimental. What I still struggle with, is the
setup of packages depending on other packages available only locally. Until I
can resolve this issue, some of my Haskell development is halted. If someone
has some resource at hand on how to achieve this other than the official docs,
I would be very grateful for a nudge in the right direction.
Some other thing, which happened longer ago, but I failed to announce properly:
Eidolon, my image gallery is down and I am planning to change the scope and
rewrite the project. I took the gallery offline after new legislation passed
the european parliament known as "Article 13", which would have forced me to
either implement content filtering for copyright infringements at upload or buy
this service externally. The first seems impossible with my resorces and the
latter I am not willing to do. So the gallery will change to a single-user
gallery software.
And this concludes today's update. I will be present at 36C3, so if you want to
get in touch, you may find me there. I will be most likely hanging around the
ChaosZone assembly or you can call me on DECT 6350.