2017-08-10 03:59:00 +02:00

67 lines
2.6 KiB

title: How to use OTF fonts with pdflatex
author: nek0
tags: english, writing, programming
description: A small howto for importing OTF fonts
In the last days I had an interesting Problem to solve, which involved
LaTeX, OTF font files and a special set of requirements. I needed to import and
use the OTF fonts in a LaTeX document and this document needed to be compiled
through pdflatex.
First off: If you need to use OTF fonts in LaTeX documents, you can simply
switch to XeLaTeX or LuaLaTeX, like I did in the first place. Both of these
environments support the package `fontspec`, which makes using fonts installed
in your system extremely easy. So if you can, switch the environment.
If you can't switch the environment, don't want to, feel a little adventurous or
even want to feel some of the innards of LaTeX you can choose the path I am
about to show.
Before you can start, you need to install the [LCDF typetools][lcdf], which is
a set of tools for manipulating the font definitions of LaTeX. Most GNU/Linux
distributions have them in their repositories, Mac users can install them
through homebrew and even Windows binaries are available on the website.
Additionally make sure, that you use `updmap` in system mode and have root
To create the font mappings from the OTF, you simply run
sudo otftotfm -a <fontfile> --vendor <vendor> --typeface <typeface> -e texnansx
Where you replace the items in the angle brackets. This not only produces the
mappings, but also places them in the right directory. (If `otftotfm` complains
because of `updmap`, run the `updmap` commands in the error messages as
Before you can actually use the Font, you have to write your own font
definition. A small template for this follows, which should be saved as
[YYYY/mm/dd foobar]
\DeclareFontShape{T1}{<fontname>}{m}{n} {<-> <fontface> } {}
Here you can define `<fontname>` as you wish, the other elements in angle
brackets correspond to the box above.
To actually use it, you can call
from your document to change the font in the whole document, assuming the
`T1<fontname>.fd` is in your project folder, or call
Lorem ipsum {\fontfamily{<fontname>}\fontseries{m}\fontshape{n}
\selectfont dolor sit} amet
to change the font only for "dolor sit" in this example.
There are tons of other options how to handle fonts in LaTeX, but this is the
most convenient one I found.