works now
This commit is contained in:
14 changed files with 236 additions and 204 deletions
@ -59,13 +59,6 @@ in { system, compiler, flags, pkgs, hsPkgs, pkgconfPkgs, ... }:
description = "This package contains Affection, a simple game engine\nwritten in Haskell using SDL.\nThis Engine is still work in progress and even minor\nversion bumps may contain breaking api changes.";
buildType = "Simple";
isLocal = true;
detailLevel = "FullDetails";
licenseFiles = [ "LICENSE" ];
dataDir = "";
dataFiles = [];
extraSrcFiles = [ "" ];
extraTmpFiles = [];
extraDocFiles = [];
components = {
"library" = {
@ -87,28 +80,6 @@ in { system, compiler, flags, pkgs, hsPkgs, pkgconfPkgs, ... }:
(hsPkgs."vector" or (buildDepError "vector"))
buildable = true;
modules = [
hsSourceDirs = [ "src" ];
exes = {
"example00" = {
@ -119,8 +90,6 @@ in { system, compiler, flags, pkgs, hsPkgs, pkgconfPkgs, ... }:
(hsPkgs."stm" or (buildDepError "stm"))
buildable = if flags.examples then true else false;
hsSourceDirs = [ "examples/example00" ];
mainPath = [ "Main.hs" ] ++ [ "" ];
"example01" = {
depends = (pkgs.lib).optionals (flags.examples) [
@ -137,9 +106,6 @@ in { system, compiler, flags, pkgs, hsPkgs, pkgconfPkgs, ... }:
(hsPkgs."deepseq" or (buildDepError "deepseq"))
buildable = if flags.examples then true else false;
modules = [ "Types" ];
hsSourceDirs = [ "examples/example01" ];
mainPath = [ "Main.hs" ] ++ [ "" ];
"example02" = {
depends = (pkgs.lib).optionals (flags.examples) [
@ -156,9 +122,6 @@ in { system, compiler, flags, pkgs, hsPkgs, pkgconfPkgs, ... }:
(hsPkgs."deepseq" or (buildDepError "deepseq"))
buildable = if flags.examples then true else false;
modules = [ "Types" ];
hsSourceDirs = [ "examples/example02" ];
mainPath = [ "Main.hs" ] ++ [ "" ];
@ -53,13 +53,6 @@ in { system, compiler, flags, pkgs, hsPkgs, pkgconfPkgs, ... }:
description = "";
buildType = "Simple";
isLocal = true;
detailLevel = "FullDetails";
licenseFiles = [ "LICENSE" ];
dataDir = "";
dataFiles = [];
extraSrcFiles = [ "" ];
extraTmpFiles = [];
extraDocFiles = [];
components = {
exes = {
@ -69,12 +62,15 @@ in { system, compiler, flags, pkgs, hsPkgs, pkgconfPkgs, ... }:
(hsPkgs."affection" or (buildDepError "affection"))
(hsPkgs."sdl2" or (buildDepError "sdl2"))
(hsPkgs."OpenGL" or (buildDepError "OpenGL"))
(hsPkgs."GLUtil" or (buildDepError "GLUtil"))
(hsPkgs."JuicyPixels" or (buildDepError "JuicyPixels"))
(hsPkgs."JuicyPixels-extra" or (buildDepError "JuicyPixels-extra"))
(hsPkgs."stm" or (buildDepError "stm"))
(hsPkgs."containers" or (buildDepError "containers"))
(hsPkgs."linear" or (buildDepError "linear"))
(hsPkgs."bytestring" or (buildDepError "bytestring"))
buildable = true;
hsSourceDirs = [ "app" ];
mainPath = [ "Main.hs" ];
@ -2,13 +2,28 @@
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
module Classes.Renderable where
import qualified Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL as GL
import Linear
class Renderable a where
type VertexObjects a :: *
type ShaderObjects a :: *
init :: VertexObjects a -> ShaderObjects a -> a -> IO ()
:: VertexObjects a
-> ShaderObjects a
-> GL.TextureObject
-> a
-> IO ()
draw :: VertexObjects a -> ShaderObjects a -> a -> IO ()
:: VertexObjects a
-> ShaderObjects a
-> a
-> IO ()
clean :: a -> IO ()
:: a
-> IO ()
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import SDL (($=))
import qualified SDL
import qualified Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL as GL
import qualified Graphics.GLUtil as GLU
import Codec.Picture
@ -34,13 +35,13 @@ main =
, SDL.defaultWindow
{ SDL.windowInitialSize = SDL.V2 1600 900
, SDL.windowGraphicsContext = SDL.OpenGLContext SDL.defaultOpenGL
{ SDL.glProfile = SDL.Core SDL.Normal 3 3
{ SDL.glProfile = SDL.Core SDL.Debug 3 3
, initScreenMode = SDL.FullscreenDesktop
, preLoop = return ()
, preLoop = preLoopImpl
, eventLoop = mapM_ handle
, updateLoop = updateLoopImpl
, drawLoop = drawLoopImpl
@ -49,10 +50,18 @@ main =
, canvasSize = Nothing
preLoopImpl :: Affection UserData ()
preLoopImpl = liftIO $ do
void $ SDL.setMouseLocationMode SDL.RelativeLocation
-- GL.depthFunc $= Just GL.Less
GL.textureFilter GL.Texture2D $= ((GL.Nearest, Nothing), GL.Nearest)
GLU.texture2DWrap $= (GL.Repeated, GL.ClampToEdge)
GL.texture GL.Texture2D $= GL.Enabled
-- GL.frontFace $= GL.CW
GL.viewport $= (GL.Position 0 0, GL.Size 1920 1080)
loadStateImpl :: IO UserData
loadStateImpl = do
void $ SDL.setMouseLocationMode SDL.RelativeLocation
GL.depthFunc $= Just GL.Less
subs <- Subsystems
<$> (SubWindow <$> newTVarIO [])
@ -73,11 +82,22 @@ updateLoopImpl dt = return ()
drawLoopImpl = do
ud@(UserData subs rassets) <- getAffection
let (RenderAssets sDetails@(AssetDetails svo sso sdo)) = rassets
let (RenderAssets sDetails@(AssetDetails svo sso sto sdo)) = rassets
liftIO $ do
(svo :: VertexObjects Sprite)
(sso :: ShaderObjects Sprite)
(head $ M.elems sdo)
mapM_ (draw (svo :: VertexObjects Sprite) (sso :: ShaderObjects Sprite)) (M.elems sdo)
clean (head $ M.elems sdo)
(\ident -> do
(svo :: VertexObjects Sprite)
(sso :: ShaderObjects Sprite)
(sto M.! ident)
(head (sdo M.! ident))
(svo :: VertexObjects Sprite)
(sso :: ShaderObjects Sprite)
(sdo M.! ident)
(head (sdo M.! ident))
(M.keys sdo)
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Renderer where
import SDL (($=))
@ -40,21 +41,21 @@ initSpriteRenderObjects = do
, GL.VertexArrayDescriptor 4 GL.Float 0 (plusPtr nullPtr 0)
GL.bindBuffer GL.ArrayBuffer $= Nothing
-- GL.bindBuffer GL.ArrayBuffer $= Nothing
GL.bindVertexArrayObject $= Nothing
return (SpriteRenderObjects quadVAO quadVBO)
rawVertices :: [Float]
rawVertices =
[ 0, 1, 0, 0
, 1, 0, 1, 0
, 0, 0, 0, 0
, 0, 1, 0, 1
, 1, 1, 1, 1
, 1, 0, 1, 0
rawVertices :: [Float]
rawVertices =
[ 0, 1, 0, 1
, 1, 0, 1, 0
, 0, 0, 0, 0
, 0, 1, 0, 1
, 1, 1, 1, 1
, 1, 0, 1, 0
initSpriteShaderObjects = do
vertexShaderSrc <- BS.readFile "shader/"
@ -64,18 +65,59 @@ initSpriteShaderObjects = do
return (SpriteShaderObjects shaderProgram)
:: [(String, FilePath)]
-> IO (M.Map AssetId (GL.TextureObject, V2 Int))
initSpriteTextureObjects lookupList = do
M.fromList <$> mapM
(\(name, fp) -> do
-- texture <- Gl.genObjectName
-- GL.bindBuffer GL.ArrayBuffer $= Just texture
-- withArray rawVertices $ \ptr ->
-- GL.bufferData GL.ArrayBuffer $=
-- ( fromIntegral $ length rawVertices * sizeof (0 :: Float)
-- , ptr
-- , GL.StaticDraw
-- )
-- GL.vertexAttribPointer (GL.AttribLocation 1) $=
-- ( GL.ToFloat
-- , GL.VertexArrayDescriptor 2 GL.Float 0 (plusPtr nullPtr 0)
-- )
ts <- loadTex fp
return (name, ts)
loadTex :: FilePath -> IO (GL.TextureObject, V2 Int)
loadTex fp = do
t <- either error id <$> GLU.readTexture fp
img <- convertRGBA8 <$> either error id <$> readImage fp
let size = V2 (imageWidth img) (imageHeight img)
return (t, size)
loadSprites :: IO (AssetDetails SpriteRenderObjects SpriteShaderObjects Sprite)
loadSprites = do
rawImg <- readImage "assets/img/lynx.jpg"
let img = case rawImg of
Left err -> error err
Right dynImg -> convertRGBA8 dynImg
let lookups =
[ ("lynx", "assets/img/lynx.png")
positions =
[ (V2 0 0)
vertObj <- initSpriteRenderObjects
shadObj <- initSpriteShaderObjects
textObj <- initSpriteTextureObjects lookups
return AssetDetails
{ adVertObj = vertObj
, adShadObj = shadObj
, adDataObj = M.singleton "lynx" (Sprite (V2 0 0) img)
, adTextObj = M.fromList $ map (\(k, v) -> (k, fst v)) (M.assocs textObj)
, adDataObj = M.fromList $
(\(k, v) ->
( k
, map (\pos -> Sprite pos (snd v)) positions
(M.assocs textObj)
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ data SpriteShaderObjects = SpriteShaderObjects
data Sprite = Sprite
{ spritePosition :: V2 Int
, spriteImage :: Image PixelRGBA8
, spriteSize :: V2 Int
instance Renderable Sprite where
@ -33,20 +33,34 @@ instance Renderable Sprite where
type ShaderObjects Sprite = SpriteShaderObjects
init (SpriteRenderObjects vao vbo) (SpriteShaderObjects prog) _ = do
GL.currentProgram $= Just (GLU.program prog)
GL.bindVertexArrayObject $= Just vao
(SpriteRenderObjects vao vbo)
(SpriteShaderObjects prog)
_ = do
GL.currentProgram $= Just (GLU.program prog)
GL.bindVertexArrayObject $= Just vao
GL.activeTexture $= GL.TextureUnit 0
GL.textureBinding GL.Texture2D $= Just texture
GL.clearColor $= GL.Color4 1 1 1 1
(SpriteRenderObjects vao vbo)
(SpriteShaderObjects prog)
(Sprite pos@(V2 px py) img) = do
let model = mkTransformation
(Quaternion 1 (V3 0 0 0) :: Quaternion Float)
(fmap fromIntegral $ V3 px py 0 :: V3 Float)
GLU.setUniform prog "model" model
(Sprite pos@(V2 px py) size) = do
let (V2 sx sy) = fmap fromIntegral size
model = fmap (fmap fromIntegral) $ V4
(V4 sx 0 0 px)
(V4 0 sy 0 py)
(V4 0 0 1 0)
(V4 0 0 0 1)
:: M44 Float
projection = ortho (-1920) 1920 (-1080) 1080 (-1) 1
putStrLn $ show model
GLU.setUniform prog "pm" (projection !*! model)
GL.drawArrays GL.Triangles 0 6
clean _ = do
GL.currentProgram $= (Nothing :: Maybe GL.Program)
GL.bindVertexArrayObject $= (Nothing :: Maybe GL.VertexArrayObject)
GL.texture GL.Texture2D $= GL.Disabled
@ -4,12 +4,16 @@ module Types.UserData where
import Affection
import qualified Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL as GL
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import qualified SDL
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Linear
import Codec.Picture
-- internal imports
@ -30,7 +34,8 @@ data RenderAssets = RenderAssets
data Renderable dat => AssetDetails vo so dat = AssetDetails
{ adVertObj :: vo
, adShadObj :: so
, adDataObj :: M.Map AssetId dat
, adTextObj :: M.Map AssetId GL.TextureObject
, adDataObj :: M.Map AssetId [dat]
type AssetId = String
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
After Width: | Height: | Size: 838 KiB |
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
After Width: | Height: | Size: 1.2 MiB |
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ executable canvas
-- other-extensions:
ghc-options: -Wall
build-depends: base ^>=
, affection
, sdl2 ^>=
@ -17,13 +17,35 @@ let
pkgs = pkgs1 // pkgs2;
cabal-doctest = (hackage: {
cabal-doctest = hackage.cabal-doctest."1.0.8".revisions.default;
gtk2hs-buildtools = (hackage: {
gtk2hs-buildtools = hackage.gtk2hs-buildtools."".revisions.default;
hashtables = (hackage: {
hashtables = hackage.hashtables."".revisions.default;
alex = (hackage: {
alex = hackage.alex."3.2.5".revisions.default;
happy = (hackage: {
happy = hackage.happy."1.19.12".revisions.default;
# Import the file you will create in the stack-to-nix or cabal-to-nix step.
my-pkgs = import ./pkgs.nix;
# Cabal projects use this:
pkgSet = pkgs.haskell-nix.mkCabalProjectPkgSet {
plan-pkgs = my-pkgs;
pkg-def-extras = [];
pkg-def-extras = [
modules = [
# specific package overrides would go here
# example:
@ -3,181 +3,79 @@
packages = {
"void".revision = (((hackage."void")."0.7.3").revisions).default;
"void" = false;
"semigroupoids".revision = (((hackage."semigroupoids")."5.3.4").revisions).default;
"semigroupoids".flags.comonad = true;
"semigroupoids".flags.doctests = true;
"semigroupoids".flags.unordered-containers = true;
"semigroupoids".flags.distributive = true;
"semigroupoids".flags.tagged = true;
"semigroupoids".flags.containers = true;
"semigroupoids".flags.contravariant = true;
"free".revision = (((hackage."free")."5.1.3").revisions).default;
"cereal".revision = (((hackage."cereal")."").revisions).default;
"cereal".flags.bytestring-builder = false;
"exceptions".revision = (((hackage."exceptions")."0.10.4").revisions).default;
"exceptions".flags.transformers-0-4 = true;
"hashtables".revision = (((hackage."hashtables")."").revisions).default;
"hashtables".flags.portable = false;
"hashtables".flags.detailed-profiling = false;
"hashtables".flags.sse42 = false;
"hashtables".flags.debug = false;
"hashtables".flags.bounds-checking = false;
"hashtables".flags.unsafe-tricks = true;
"binary".revision = (((hackage."binary")."").revisions).default;
"monad-parallel".revision = (((hackage."monad-parallel")."").revisions).default;
"ghc-prim".revision = (((hackage."ghc-prim")."0.5.3").revisions).default;
"utf8-string".revision = (((hackage."utf8-string")."").revisions).default;
"bifunctors".revision = (((hackage."bifunctors")."5.5.7").revisions).default;
"bifunctors".flags.semigroups = true;
"bifunctors".flags.tagged = true;
"ObjectName".revision = (((hackage."ObjectName")."").revisions).default;
"stm".revision = (((hackage."stm")."").revisions).default;
"unix".revision = (((hackage."unix")."").revisions).default;
"mtl".revision = (((hackage."mtl")."2.2.2").revisions).default;
"linear".revision = (((hackage."linear")."1.20.9").revisions).default;
"linear".flags.template-haskell = true;
"linear".flags.herbie = false;
"linear".revision = (((hackage."linear")."1.21").revisions).default;
"network-info".revision = (((hackage."network-info")."").revisions).default;
"zlib".revision = (((hackage."zlib")."").revisions).default;
"zlib".flags.non-blocking-ffi = false;
"zlib".flags.pkg-config = false;
"rts".revision = (((hackage."rts")."1.0").revisions).default;
"alex".revision = (((hackage."alex")."3.2.5").revisions).default;
"alex".flags.small_base = true;
"clock".revision = (((hackage."clock")."0.8").revisions).default;
"clock".flags.llvm = false;
"adjunctions".revision = (((hackage."adjunctions")."4.4").revisions).default;
"cryptohash-md5".revision = (((hackage."cryptohash-md5")."").revisions).default;
"invariant".revision = (((hackage."invariant")."0.5.3").revisions).default;
"glib".revision = (((hackage."glib")."").revisions).default;
"glib".flags.closure_signals = true;
"distributive".revision = (((hackage."distributive")."0.6.1").revisions).default;
"distributive".flags.semigroups = true;
"distributive".flags.tagged = true;
"binary-orphans".revision = (((hackage."binary-orphans")."1.0.1").revisions).default;
"OpenGLRaw".revision = (((hackage."OpenGLRaw")."").revisions).default;
"OpenGLRaw".flags.osandroid = false;
"OpenGLRaw".flags.usenativewindowslibraries = true;
"OpenGLRaw".flags.usegles2 = true;
"OpenGLRaw".flags.useglxgetprocaddress = true;
"scientific".revision = (((hackage."scientific")."").revisions).default;
"scientific".flags.integer-simple = false;
"scientific".flags.bytestring-builder = false;
"half".revision = (((hackage."half")."0.3").revisions).default;
"parallel".revision = (((hackage."parallel")."").revisions).default;
"deepseq".revision = (((hackage."deepseq")."").revisions).default;
"random".revision = (((hackage."random")."1.1").revisions).default;
"uuid-types".revision = (((hackage."uuid-types")."1.0.3").revisions).default;
"semigroups".revision = (((hackage."semigroups")."0.19.1").revisions).default;
"semigroups".flags.bytestring = true;
"semigroups".flags.unordered-containers = true;
"semigroups".flags.text = true;
"semigroups".flags.tagged = true;
"semigroups".flags.containers = true;
"semigroups".flags.binary = true;
"semigroups".flags.hashable = true;
"semigroups".flags.transformers = true;
"semigroups".flags.deepseq = true;
"semigroups".flags.bytestring-builder = false;
"semigroups".flags.template-haskell = true;
"parsec".revision = (((hackage."parsec")."").revisions).default;
"directory".revision = (((hackage."directory")."").revisions).default;
"transformers-compat".revision = (((hackage."transformers-compat")."0.6.5").revisions).default;
"transformers-compat".flags.five = false;
"transformers-compat".flags.generic-deriving = true;
"transformers-compat".flags.two = false;
"transformers-compat".flags.five-three = true;
"transformers-compat".flags.mtl = true;
"transformers-compat".flags.four = false;
"transformers-compat".flags.three = false;
"template-haskell".revision = (((hackage."template-haskell")."").revisions).default;
"bytes".revision = (((hackage."bytes")."0.16").revisions).default;
"bytes".flags.test-doctests = true;
"vector".revision = (((hackage."vector")."").revisions).default;
"vector".flags.unsafechecks = false;
"vector".flags.internalchecks = false;
"vector".flags.wall = false;
"vector".flags.boundschecks = true;
"vector".revision = (((hackage."vector")."").revisions).default;
"call-stack".revision = (((hackage."call-stack")."0.2.0").revisions).default;
"primitive".revision = (((hackage."primitive")."").revisions).default;
"gtk2hs-buildtools".revision = (((hackage."gtk2hs-buildtools")."").revisions).default;
"gtk2hs-buildtools".flags.closuresignals = true;
"profunctors".revision = (((hackage."profunctors")."5.5.1").revisions).default;
"tagged".revision = (((hackage."tagged")."0.8.6").revisions).default;
"tagged".flags.transformers = true;
"tagged".flags.deepseq = true;
"lens".revision = (((hackage."lens")."4.18.1").revisions).default;
"lens".flags.j = false;
"lens".flags.test-properties = true;
"lens".flags.old-inline-pragmas = false;
"lens".flags.test-templates = true;
"lens".flags.trustworthy = true;
"lens".flags.test-doctests = true;
"lens".flags.benchmark-uniplate = false;
"lens".flags.inlining = true;
"lens".flags.dump-splices = false;
"lens".flags.test-hunit = true;
"lens" = false;
"lens".revision = (((hackage."lens")."4.19").revisions).default;
"containers".revision = (((hackage."containers")."").revisions).default;
"integer-logarithms".revision = (((hackage."integer-logarithms")."1.0.3").revisions).default;
"integer-logarithms".flags.check-bounds = false;
"integer-logarithms".flags.integer-gmp = true;
"reflection".revision = (((hackage."reflection")."2.1.5").revisions).default;
"reflection".flags.slow = false;
"reflection".flags.template-haskell = true;
"OpenGL".revision = (((hackage."OpenGL")."").revisions).default;
"bytestring".revision = (((hackage."bytestring")."").revisions).default;
"GLUtil".revision = (((hackage."GLUtil")."0.10.3").revisions).default;
"JuicyPixels".revision = (((hackage."JuicyPixels")."3.3.4").revisions).default;
"JuicyPixels".flags.mmap = false;
"cryptohash-sha1".revision = (((hackage."cryptohash-sha1")."").revisions).default;
"StateVar".revision = (((hackage."StateVar")."1.2").revisions).default;
"contravariant".revision = (((hackage."contravariant")."1.5.2").revisions).default;
"contravariant".flags.semigroups = true;
"contravariant".flags.tagged = true;
"contravariant".flags.statevar = true;
"GLURaw".revision = (((hackage."GLURaw")."").revisions).default;
"GLURaw".flags.usenativewindowslibraries = true;
"type-equality".revision = (((hackage."type-equality")."1").revisions).default;
"uuid".revision = (((hackage."uuid")."1.3.13").revisions).default;
"text".revision = (((hackage."text")."").revisions).default;
"Cabal".revision = (((hackage."Cabal")."").revisions).default;
"unordered-containers".revision = (((hackage."unordered-containers")."").revisions).default;
"unordered-containers".flags.debug = false;
"base".revision = (((hackage."base")."").revisions).default;
"comonad".revision = (((hackage."comonad")."5.0.6").revisions).default;
"comonad".flags.distributive = true;
"comonad".flags.test-doctests = true;
"comonad".flags.containers = true;
"time".revision = (((hackage."time")."").revisions).default;
"transformers".revision = (((hackage."transformers")."").revisions).default;
"hashable".revision = (((hackage."hashable")."").revisions).default;
"hashable".flags.sse2 = true;
"hashable".flags.integer-gmp = true;
"hashable".flags.sse41 = false;
"hashable".flags.examples = false;
"JuicyPixels-extra".revision = (((hackage."JuicyPixels-extra")."0.4.1").revisions).default;
"JuicyPixels-extra" = false;
"transformers-base".revision = (((hackage."transformers-base")."").revisions).default;
"transformers-base".flags.orphaninstances = true;
"happy".revision = (((hackage."happy")."1.19.12").revisions).default;
"happy".flags.small_base = true;
"hpp".revision = (((hackage."hpp")."0.6.1").revisions).default;
"entropy".revision = (((hackage."entropy")."").revisions).default;
"entropy".flags.halvm = false;
"filepath".revision = (((hackage."filepath")."").revisions).default;
"monad-loops".revision = (((hackage."monad-loops")."0.4.3").revisions).default;
"monad-loops".flags.base4 = true;
"process".revision = (((hackage."process")."").revisions).default;
"kan-extensions".revision = (((hackage."kan-extensions")."5.2").revisions).default;
"fixed".revision = (((hackage."fixed")."0.3").revisions).default;
"pretty".revision = (((hackage."pretty")."").revisions).default;
"cabal-doctest".revision = (((hackage."cabal-doctest")."1.0.8").revisions).default;
"ghc-boot-th".revision = (((hackage."ghc-boot-th")."8.6.5").revisions).default;
"base-orphans".revision = (((hackage."base-orphans")."0.8.2").revisions).default;
"sdl2".revision = (((hackage."sdl2")."").revisions).default;
"sdl2" = false;
"sdl2".flags.opengl-example = false;
"sdl2".flags.examples = false;
"sdl2".revision = (((hackage."sdl2")."").revisions).default;
"th-abstraction".revision = (((hackage."th-abstraction")."").revisions).default;
"array".revision = (((hackage."array")."").revisions).default;
"integer-gmp".revision = (((hackage."integer-gmp")."").revisions).default;
@ -186,26 +84,81 @@
version = "8.6.5";
nix-name = "ghc865";
packages = {
"void" = "0.7.3";
"semigroupoids" = "5.3.4";
"free" = "5.1.3";
"cereal" = "";
"exceptions" = "0.10.4";
"binary" = "";
"monad-parallel" = "";
"ghc-prim" = "0.5.3";
"utf8-string" = "";
"bifunctors" = "5.5.7";
"ObjectName" = "";
"stm" = "";
"unix" = "";
"mtl" = "2.2.2";
"linear" = "1.21";
"network-info" = "";
"zlib" = "";
"rts" = "1.0";
"clock" = "0.8";
"adjunctions" = "4.4";
"cryptohash-md5" = "";
"invariant" = "0.5.3";
"glib" = "";
"distributive" = "0.6.1";
"binary-orphans" = "1.0.1";
"OpenGLRaw" = "";
"scientific" = "";
"half" = "0.3";
"parallel" = "";
"deepseq" = "";
"parsec" = "";
"random" = "1.1";
"uuid-types" = "1.0.3";
"semigroups" = "0.19.1";
"directory" = "";
"transformers-compat" = "0.6.5";
"template-haskell" = "";
"bytes" = "0.16";
"vector" = "";
"call-stack" = "0.2.0";
"primitive" = "";
"profunctors" = "5.5.1";
"tagged" = "0.8.6";
"lens" = "4.19";
"containers" = "";
"integer-logarithms" = "1.0.3";
"reflection" = "2.1.5";
"OpenGL" = "";
"bytestring" = "";
"GLUtil" = "0.10.3";
"JuicyPixels" = "3.3.4";
"cryptohash-sha1" = "";
"StateVar" = "1.2";
"contravariant" = "1.5.2";
"GLURaw" = "";
"uuid" = "1.3.13";
"text" = "";
"Cabal" = "";
"unordered-containers" = "";
"base" = "";
"comonad" = "5.0.6";
"time" = "";
"transformers" = "";
"hashable" = "";
"JuicyPixels-extra" = "0.4.1";
"transformers-base" = "";
"hpp" = "0.6.1";
"entropy" = "";
"filepath" = "";
"process" = "";
"monad-loops" = "0.4.3";
"kan-extensions" = "5.2";
"fixed" = "0.3";
"pretty" = "";
"ghc-boot-th" = "8.6.5";
"base-orphans" = "0.8.2";
"sdl2" = "";
"th-abstraction" = "";
"array" = "";
"integer-gmp" = "";
@ -7,6 +7,6 @@ uniform sampler2D image;
void main()
//color = vec4(spriteColor, 1.0) * texture(image, TexCoords);
color = texture(image, TexCoords);
//color = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) * texture2D(image, TexCoords);
color = texture2D(image, vec2(TexCoords.x, 1.0 - TexCoords.y));
@ -3,11 +3,12 @@ layout (location = 0) in vec4 vertex; // <vec2 position, vec2 texCoords>
out vec2 TexCoords;
uniform mat4 model;
uniform mat4 projection;
uniform mat4 pm;
//uniform mat4 projection;
void main()
TexCoords =;
gl_Position = projection * model * vec4(vertex.xy, 0.0, 1.0);
//gl_Position = projection * model * vec4(vertex.xy, 0.0, 1.0);
gl_Position = pm * vec4(vertex.xy, 0.0, 1.0);
Add table
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