2016-07-22 18:23:59 +02:00

135 lines
4.1 KiB
Executable file

A image gallery service written in Haskell as a yesod webapp.
Visit the test instance at [eidolon.nek0.eu][eidolon]
####Build dependencies
A working Haskell capable environment. For that you will need `haskell-stack`
and `cabal-install`, which you can install with:
sudo apt-get install haskell-stack
Shouldn't stack be available through your package repositories you can get it
Now you can set up your stack with `stack setup` and follow its instructions.
This will install the latest GHC Haskell compiler on your system.
Additionally to Haskell and its dependencies you will need the following
software and libraries:
* alex
* happy
* libmagick++-dev
* libpq-dev
* postgresql
* libfftw3-dev
which can be installed through
sudo apt-get install alex happy libmagick++-dev libpq-dev postgresql libmagickwand-dev
####Elasticsearch dependencies
Since version 0.0.5 there is an Elasticsearch integration for Eidolon. To Be
able to run eidolon , you need to install `elasticsearch` additionally with:
sudo apt-get install elasticsearch
On how to configure your elasticsearch server, look into the
[elasticsearch documentation][elasticdocu].
get the source with
git clone https://github.com/nek0/eidolon.git
build the source with
stack build
Everything should work automagically from there.
After compiling you will find an executable called `eidolon` in
`.stack-work/dist/<arch>/Cabal-<version>/build/eidolon/`, where `<arch>` is
your system architecture and `<version>` your current cabal version. Copy or
link it anywhere you want. The executable needs to be accompanied by the
folders `config` and `static` and their contents. It's best to copy them to your
desired destination.
Also check `config/settings.yml` and set the values there accrding to your
configuration. Especially the settings for elasticsearch are vital.
It may also be necessery to create a reverse proxy to your gallery. I would
recommend using [nginx](http://nginx.org/).
Unfortunately the gallery is not highly customizable, but you can change most of
its appearance by changing the files `static/css/style-*.css`. Especially the
default background image can be changed by replacing `static/css/img/bg.jpg`.
You can start the gallery now by running the executable. You need to provide a
settings file as argument, normally found in `config/settings.yml`
Since eidolon will block your console, I recommend wrapping a init-script around
it. how you can do that is written in my
* do not start or restart your eidolon service before migration
* run migration script from your run location (where your `static` folder with
all the images is located)
* if you are building in a sandbox run
`runghc -package-db/full/path/to/sandbox/XXX-ghc-version-packages.conf.d
* Note: No space between the option `-package-db` and its argument
* without sandbox: `runghc /path/to/eidolon/Migrations/0.0.3-0.0.4/Migration.hs`
* start or restart your eidolon service
* run migration script from your run location (where your `static` folder with
all the images is located)
* if you are building in a sandbox run `runghc
* Note: No space between the option `-package-db` and its argument
* without sandbox: `runghc /path/to/eidolon/Migrations/0.0.4-0.0.5/Migration.hs`
* start or restart your eidolon service
* This software uses the web Framework "Yesod" by Michael Snoyman. See more at:
* This software uses parts of the template "Parallelism" by n33co. see more at: <http://html5up.net/>
[eidolon]: http://eidolon.nek0.eu
[stack]: https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/releases
[elasticdocu]: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/setup-configuration.html