perform and pass design rule check
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 758 additions and 90 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,646 @@
EESchema Schematic File Version 4
$Descr A4 11693 8268
encoding utf-8
Sheet 1 2
Title ""
Date ""
Rev ""
Comp ""
Comment1 ""
Comment2 ""
Comment3 ""
Comment4 ""
S 3700 2300 550 300
F0 "digits" 50
F1 "digits.sch" 50
F2 "DATA_IN" I L 3700 2400 50
F3 "DATA_OUT" I L 3700 2500 50
L fauxie_module-rescue:STM32L011F4Px-MCU_ST_STM32L0-fauxie_module-rescue U2
U 1 1 5DC768DE
P 6150 2300
F 0 "U2" H 6100 1411 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "STM32L011F4Px" H 6100 1320 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "Package_SO:TSSOP-20_4.4x6.5mm_P0.65mm" H 5750 1600 50 0001 R CNN
F 3 "" H 6150 2300 50 0001 C CNN
1 6150 2300
1 0 0 -1
L fauxie_module-rescue:GND-power-fauxie_module-rescue #PWR016
U 1 1 5DC77B73
P 5950 3100
F 0 "#PWR016" H 5950 2850 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" V 5955 2972 50 0000 R CNN
F 2 "" H 5950 3100 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 5950 3100 50 0001 C CNN
1 5950 3100
0 1 1 0
Wire Wire Line
5950 3100 6050 3100
L fauxie_module-rescue:C-Device-fauxie_module-rescue C1
U 1 1 5DC7E14B
P 7350 900
F 0 "C1" V 7098 900 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "10n" V 7189 900 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0402_1005Metric" H 7388 750 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "~" H 7350 900 50 0001 C CNN
1 7350 900
0 1 1 0
Wire Wire Line
7050 1300 7150 1300
Wire Wire Line
7150 1300 7150 900
Wire Wire Line
7500 900 7500 1300
L fauxie_module-rescue:L-Device-fauxie_module-rescue L1
U 1 1 5DC87DBA
P 7150 1500
F 0 "L1" H 7203 1546 50 0000 L CNN
F 1 "L" H 7203 1455 50 0000 L CNN
F 2 "Inductor_SMD:L_0402_1005Metric" H 7150 1500 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "~" H 7150 1500 50 0001 C CNN
1 7150 1500
1 0 0 -1
L fauxie_module-rescue:C-Device-fauxie_module-rescue C5
U 1 1 5DC8A267
P 7350 1700
F 0 "C5" V 7602 1700 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "100n" V 7511 1700 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0402_1005Metric" H 7388 1550 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "~" H 7350 1700 50 0001 C CNN
1 7350 1700
0 -1 -1 0
L fauxie_module-rescue:C-Device-fauxie_module-rescue C6
U 1 1 5DC8AB6D
P 7350 2100
F 0 "C6" V 7098 2100 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "4.7u" V 7189 2100 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric" H 7388 1950 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "~" H 7350 2100 50 0001 C CNN
1 7350 2100
0 1 1 0
Wire Wire Line
7150 900 7200 900
Wire Wire Line
7150 1300 7200 1300
Connection ~ 7150 1300
Wire Wire Line
7150 1300 7150 1350
Wire Wire Line
7050 1700 7150 1700
Wire Wire Line
7150 1650 7150 1700
Connection ~ 7150 1700
Wire Wire Line
7150 1700 7200 1700
Wire Wire Line
7500 2100 7500 1700
Wire Wire Line
7150 1700 7150 2100
Wire Wire Line
7150 2100 7200 2100
L fauxie_module-rescue:GND-power-fauxie_module-rescue #PWR02
U 1 1 5DC8DF7D
P 7550 1300
F 0 "#PWR02" H 7550 1050 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" V 7555 1172 50 0000 R CNN
F 2 "" H 7550 1300 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 7550 1300 50 0001 C CNN
1 7550 1300
0 -1 -1 0
L fauxie_module-rescue:GND-power-fauxie_module-rescue #PWR08
U 1 1 5DC8E248
P 7550 1700
F 0 "#PWR08" H 7550 1450 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" V 7555 1572 50 0000 R CNN
F 2 "" H 7550 1700 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 7550 1700 50 0001 C CNN
1 7550 1700
0 -1 -1 0
Wire Wire Line
7550 1700 7500 1700
Connection ~ 7500 1700
Wire Wire Line
7550 1300 7500 1300
Connection ~ 7500 1300
L fauxie_module-rescue:SW_Push-Switch-fauxie_module-rescue SW1
U 1 1 5DC9179C
P 5350 1800
F 0 "SW1" H 5350 2085 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "SW_Push" H 5350 1994 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "Button_Switch_SMD:SW_Push_1P1T_NO_6x6mm_H9.5mm" H 5350 2000 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "~" H 5350 2000 50 0001 C CNN
1 5350 1800
1 0 0 -1
L fauxie_module-rescue:C-Device-fauxie_module-rescue C7
U 1 1 5DC92686
P 5350 2150
F 0 "C7" V 5098 2150 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "100n" V 5189 2150 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0402_1005Metric" H 5388 2000 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "~" H 5350 2150 50 0001 C CNN
1 5350 2150
0 1 1 0
L fauxie_module-rescue:GND-power-fauxie_module-rescue #PWR012
U 1 1 5DC92FBD
P 5050 1800
F 0 "#PWR012" H 5050 1550 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" V 5055 1672 50 0000 R CNN
F 2 "" H 5050 1800 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 5050 1800 50 0001 C CNN
1 5050 1800
0 1 1 0
Wire Wire Line
5650 1800 5550 1800
Wire Wire Line
5150 1800 5050 1800
Wire Wire Line
5150 1800 5150 2150
Wire Wire Line
5150 2150 5200 2150
Connection ~ 5150 1800
Wire Wire Line
5500 2150 5550 2150
Wire Wire Line
5550 2150 5550 1800
Connection ~ 5550 1800
L fauxie_module-rescue:AP7361C-33E-Regulator_Linear-fauxie_module-rescue U1
U 1 1 5DC94C79
P 9350 1300
F 0 "U1" H 9350 1542 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "AP7361C-33E" H 9350 1451 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-223-3_TabPin2" H 9350 1525 50 0001 C CIN
F 3 "" H 9350 1250 50 0001 C CNN
1 9350 1300
1 0 0 -1
L fauxie_module-rescue:C-Device-fauxie_module-rescue C4
U 1 1 5DC98F59
P 9850 1450
F 0 "C4" H 9965 1496 50 0000 L CNN
F 1 "4.7u" H 9965 1405 50 0000 L CNN
F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric" H 9888 1300 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "~" H 9850 1450 50 0001 C CNN
1 9850 1450
1 0 0 -1
L fauxie_module-rescue:C-Device-fauxie_module-rescue C3
U 1 1 5DC996CB
P 8850 1450
F 0 "C3" H 8965 1496 50 0000 L CNN
F 1 "4.7u" H 8965 1405 50 0000 L CNN
F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric" H 8888 1300 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "~" H 8850 1450 50 0001 C CNN
1 8850 1450
1 0 0 -1
L fauxie_module-rescue:GND-power-fauxie_module-rescue #PWR011
U 1 1 5DC9C5FD
P 9850 1700
F 0 "#PWR011" H 9850 1450 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 9855 1527 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 9850 1700 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 9850 1700 50 0001 C CNN
1 9850 1700
1 0 0 -1
L fauxie_module-rescue:GND-power-fauxie_module-rescue #PWR010
U 1 1 5DC9C7C8
P 9350 1700
F 0 "#PWR010" H 9350 1450 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 9355 1527 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 9350 1700 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 9350 1700 50 0001 C CNN
1 9350 1700
1 0 0 -1
L fauxie_module-rescue:GND-power-fauxie_module-rescue #PWR09
U 1 1 5DC9C9B8
P 8850 1700
F 0 "#PWR09" H 8850 1450 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 8855 1527 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 8850 1700 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 8850 1700 50 0001 C CNN
1 8850 1700
1 0 0 -1
L fauxie_module-rescue:+5V-power-fauxie_module-rescue #PWR03
U 1 1 5DC9CBAB
P 8750 1300
F 0 "#PWR03" H 8750 1150 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "+5V" V 8765 1428 50 0000 L CNN
F 2 "" H 8750 1300 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 8750 1300 50 0001 C CNN
1 8750 1300
0 -1 -1 0
L fauxie_module-rescue:+3V3-power-fauxie_module-rescue #PWR04
U 1 1 5DC9D037
P 9950 1300
F 0 "#PWR04" H 9950 1150 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "+3V3" V 9965 1428 50 0000 L CNN
F 2 "" H 9950 1300 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 9950 1300 50 0001 C CNN
1 9950 1300
0 1 1 0
Wire Wire Line
9950 1300 9850 1300
Connection ~ 9850 1300
Wire Wire Line
9850 1300 9650 1300
Wire Wire Line
9050 1300 8850 1300
Connection ~ 8850 1300
Wire Wire Line
8850 1300 8750 1300
Wire Wire Line
8850 1600 8850 1700
Wire Wire Line
9350 1600 9350 1700
Wire Wire Line
9850 1600 9850 1700
L fauxie_module-rescue:SW_SPDT-Switch-fauxie_module-rescue SW2
U 1 1 5DC7C576
P 4950 3100
F 0 "SW2" V 4904 2912 50 0000 R CNN
F 1 "SW_SPDT" V 4995 2912 50 0000 R CNN
F 2 "Button_Switch_SMD:SW_SPDT_PCM12" H 4950 3100 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "~" H 4950 3100 50 0001 C CNN
1 4950 3100
0 -1 1 0
L fauxie_module-rescue:R-Device-fauxie_module-rescue R2
U 1 1 5DC806BB
P 5200 2900
F 0 "R2" V 4993 2900 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "10k" V 5084 2900 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric" V 5130 2900 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "~" H 5200 2900 50 0001 C CNN
1 5200 2900
0 1 1 0
L fauxie_module-rescue:+3V3-power-fauxie_module-rescue #PWR018
U 1 1 5DC80B2E
P 4850 3400
F 0 "#PWR018" H 4850 3250 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "+3V3" H 4865 3573 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 4850 3400 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 4850 3400 50 0001 C CNN
1 4850 3400
-1 0 0 1
L fauxie_module-rescue:GND-power-fauxie_module-rescue #PWR019
U 1 1 5DC80F08
P 5050 3400
F 0 "#PWR019" H 5050 3150 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 5055 3227 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 5050 3400 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 5050 3400 50 0001 C CNN
1 5050 3400
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
4850 3400 4850 3300
Wire Wire Line
5050 3300 5050 3400
Wire Wire Line
4950 2900 5050 2900
Text Label 6650 2600 0 50 ~ 0
Text Label 6650 2700 0 50 ~ 0
Text Label 6650 2400 0 50 ~ 0
Text Label 5550 2800 2 50 ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
5350 2900 5650 2900
Wire Wire Line
5550 2800 5650 2800
Wire Wire Line
6650 2400 6550 2400
Wire Wire Line
6650 2700 6550 2700
Wire Wire Line
6650 2600 6550 2600
L fauxie_module-rescue:GND-power-fauxie_module-rescue #PWR013
U 1 1 5DCBA389
P 9400 2200
F 0 "#PWR013" H 9400 1950 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" V 9405 2072 50 0000 R CNN
F 2 "" H 9400 2200 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 9400 2200 50 0001 C CNN
1 9400 2200
0 1 1 0
Text Label 9400 2300 2 50 ~ 0
Text Label 9400 2400 2 50 ~ 0
Text Label 9400 2500 2 50 ~ 0
Text Label 9400 2600 2 50 ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
9400 2200 9500 2200
Wire Wire Line
9500 2300 9400 2300
Wire Wire Line
9400 2400 9500 2400
Wire Wire Line
9400 2500 9500 2500
Wire Wire Line
9400 2600 9500 2600
Text Label 6650 2200 0 50 ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
6650 2200 6550 2200
Text Label 6650 2800 0 50 ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
6650 2800 6550 2800
L fauxie_module-rescue:GND-power-fauxie_module-rescue #PWR015
U 1 1 5DCDF414
P 9400 3050
F 0 "#PWR015" H 9400 2800 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" V 9405 2922 50 0000 R CNN
F 2 "" H 9400 3050 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 9400 3050 50 0001 C CNN
1 9400 3050
0 1 1 0
L fauxie_module-rescue:+5V-power-fauxie_module-rescue #PWR017
U 1 1 5DCDF7FD
P 9400 3350
F 0 "#PWR017" H 9400 3200 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "+5V" V 9415 3478 50 0000 L CNN
F 2 "" H 9400 3350 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 9400 3350 50 0001 C CNN
1 9400 3350
0 -1 -1 0
Text Label 9400 3250 2 50 ~ 0
Text Label 9400 3150 2 50 ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
9400 3050 9500 3050
Wire Wire Line
9400 3150 9500 3150
Wire Wire Line
9500 3250 9400 3250
Wire Wire Line
9400 3350 9500 3350
L fauxie_module-rescue:Conn_01x05_Male-Connector-fauxie_module-rescue J1
U 1 1 5DCAFFC9
P 9700 2400
F 0 "J1" H 9672 2424 50 0000 R CNN
F 1 "Conn_01x05_Male" H 9672 2333 50 0000 R CNN
F 2 "Connector_PinHeader_2.54mm:PinHeader_1x05_P2.54mm_Horizontal" H 9700 2400 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "~" H 9700 2400 50 0001 C CNN
1 9700 2400
-1 0 0 -1
L fauxie_module-rescue:Conn_01x04_Male-Connector-fauxie_module-rescue J2
U 1 1 5DE27D2E
P 9700 3250
F 0 "J2" H 9672 3132 50 0000 R CNN
F 1 "Conn_01x04_Male" H 9672 3223 50 0000 R CNN
F 2 "Connector_PinHeader_2.54mm:PinHeader_1x04_P2.54mm_Horizontal" H 9700 3250 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "~" H 9700 3250 50 0001 C CNN
1 9700 3250
-1 0 0 1
L fauxie_module-rescue:C-Device-fauxie_module-rescue C2
U 1 1 5DC7DE18
P 7350 1300
F 0 "C2" V 7098 1300 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "1u" V 7189 1300 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0402_1005Metric" H 7388 1150 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "~" H 7350 1300 50 0001 C CNN
1 7350 1300
0 1 1 0
L fauxie_module-rescue:+3.3VA-power-fauxie_module-rescue #PWR05
U 1 1 5DE43023
P 6050 1500
F 0 "#PWR05" H 6050 1350 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "+3.3VA" V 6065 1627 50 0000 L CNN
F 2 "" H 6050 1500 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 6050 1500 50 0001 C CNN
1 6050 1500
0 -1 -1 0
L fauxie_module-rescue:+3.3V-power-fauxie_module-rescue #PWR06
U 1 1 5DE43411
P 6150 1500
F 0 "#PWR06" H 6150 1350 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "+3.3V" V 6165 1628 50 0000 L CNN
F 2 "" H 6150 1500 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 6150 1500 50 0001 C CNN
1 6150 1500
0 1 1 0
Wire Wire Line
6050 1500 6050 1600
Wire Wire Line
6150 1500 6150 1600
L fauxie_module-rescue:+3V3-power-fauxie_module-rescue #PWR07
U 1 1 5DC8765F
P 7050 1700
F 0 "#PWR07" H 7050 1550 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "+3V3" V 7065 1828 50 0000 L CNN
F 2 "" H 7050 1700 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 7050 1700 50 0001 C CNN
1 7050 1700
0 -1 -1 0
L fauxie_module-rescue:+3.3VA-power-fauxie_module-rescue #PWR01
U 1 1 5DE49BD8
P 7050 1300
F 0 "#PWR01" H 7050 1150 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "+3.3VA" V 7065 1427 50 0000 L CNN
F 2 "" H 7050 1300 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 7050 1300 50 0001 C CNN
1 7050 1300
0 -1 -1 0
Text Label 3600 2400 2 50 ~ 0
Text Label 8500 3150 0 50 ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
3600 2400 3700 2400
L Device:R R1
U 1 1 5E585311
P 3500 2650
F 0 "R1" H 3570 2696 50 0000 L CNN
F 1 "10k" H 3570 2605 50 0000 L CNN
F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric" V 3430 2650 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "~" H 3500 2650 50 0001 C CNN
1 3500 2650
1 0 0 -1
L power:GND #PWR014
U 1 1 5E587C7D
P 3650 2800
F 0 "#PWR014" H 3650 2550 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" V 3655 2672 50 0000 R CNN
F 2 "" H 3650 2800 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 3650 2800 50 0001 C CNN
1 3650 2800
0 -1 -1 0
Wire Wire Line
3650 2800 3500 2800
Wire Wire Line
3500 2500 3700 2500
NoConn ~ 5650 2500
NoConn ~ 5650 2600
NoConn ~ 6550 1900
NoConn ~ 6550 2000
NoConn ~ 6550 2100
NoConn ~ 6550 2300
NoConn ~ 6550 2500
NoConn ~ 6550 2900
L Transistor_BJT:PZT2222A Q1
U 1 1 5E58DDBB
P 7300 3050
F 0 "Q1" V 7535 3050 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "PZT2222A" V 7626 3050 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-223-3_TabPin2" H 7500 2975 50 0001 L CIN
F 3 "" H 7300 3050 50 0001 L CNN
1 7300 3050
0 1 1 0
L Device:R R3
U 1 1 5E59BC22
P 7650 2850
F 0 "R3" V 7443 2850 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "2.2k" V 7534 2850 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0603_1608Metric" V 7580 2850 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "~" H 7650 2850 50 0001 C CNN
1 7650 2850
0 1 1 0
L Device:R R4
U 1 1 5E59C7C3
P 7950 2900
F 0 "R4" H 8020 2946 50 0000 L CNN
F 1 "6.8k" H 8020 2855 50 0000 L CNN
F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0603_1608Metric" V 7880 2900 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "~" H 7950 2900 50 0001 C CNN
1 7950 2900
1 0 0 -1
L Device:R R5
U 1 1 5E59D6AE
P 8250 3150
F 0 "R5" V 8043 3150 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "470" V 8134 3150 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0603_1608Metric" V 8180 3150 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "~" H 8250 3150 50 0001 C CNN
1 8250 3150
0 1 1 0
L power:+3V3 #PWR061
U 1 1 5E5AC9F0
P 7800 2750
F 0 "#PWR061" H 7800 2600 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "+3V3" H 7815 2923 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 7800 2750 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 7800 2750 50 0001 C CNN
1 7800 2750
1 0 0 -1
L power:+5V #PWR060
U 1 1 5E5AD866
P 7950 2650
F 0 "#PWR060" H 7950 2500 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "+5V" H 7965 2823 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 7950 2650 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 7950 2650 50 0001 C CNN
1 7950 2650
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
7800 2750 7800 2850
Wire Wire Line
7500 2850 7300 2850
Wire Wire Line
8500 3150 8400 3150
Wire Wire Line
8100 3150 7950 3150
Wire Wire Line
7950 2650 7950 2750
Wire Wire Line
7950 3050 7950 3150
Connection ~ 7950 3150
Wire Wire Line
7950 3150 7500 3150
Text Label 7000 3150 2 50 ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
7000 3150 7100 3150
Text Label 6650 1800 0 50 ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
6650 1800 6550 1800
@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
(kicad_pcb (version 20171130) (host pcbnew 5.1.5)
(kicad_pcb (version 20171130) (host pcbnew 5.1.5+dfsg1-2)
(thickness 1.6)
(thickness 1.6)
(drawings 4)
(drawings 4)
(tracks 518)
(tracks 516)
(zones 0)
(zones 0)
(modules 40)
(modules 40)
(nets 38)
(nets 46)
(page A4)
(page A4)
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
(last_trace_width 0.25)
(last_trace_width 0.25)
(user_trace_width 0.25)
(user_trace_width 0.25)
(trace_clearance 0.2)
(trace_clearance 0.15)
(zone_clearance 0.508)
(zone_clearance 0.508)
(zone_45_only no)
(zone_45_only no)
(trace_min 0.2)
(trace_min 0.2)
@ -129,9 +129,17 @@
(net 35 "Net-(Q1-Pad1)")
(net 35 "Net-(Q1-Pad1)")
(net 36 /Dat)
(net 36 /Dat)
(net 37 "Net-(Q1-Pad2)")
(net 37 "Net-(Q1-Pad2)")
(net 38 "Net-(U2-Pad20)")
(net 39 "Net-(U2-Pad13)")
(net 40 "Net-(U2-Pad11)")
(net 41 "Net-(U2-Pad9)")
(net 42 "Net-(U2-Pad8)")
(net 43 "Net-(U2-Pad7)")
(net 44 "Net-(U2-Pad3)")
(net 45 "Net-(U2-Pad2)")
(net_class Default "Dies ist die voreingestellte Netzklasse."
(net_class Default "Dies ist die voreingestellte Netzklasse."
(clearance 0.2)
(clearance 0.15)
(trace_width 0.25)
(trace_width 0.25)
(via_dia 0.8)
(via_dia 0.8)
(via_drill 0.4)
(via_drill 0.4)
@ -172,10 +180,18 @@
(add_net "Net-(Q1-Pad2)")
(add_net "Net-(Q1-Pad2)")
(add_net "Net-(R2-Pad1)")
(add_net "Net-(R2-Pad1)")
(add_net "Net-(R2-Pad2)")
(add_net "Net-(R2-Pad2)")
(add_net "Net-(U2-Pad11)")
(add_net "Net-(U2-Pad13)")
(add_net "Net-(U2-Pad2)")
(add_net "Net-(U2-Pad20)")
(add_net "Net-(U2-Pad3)")
(add_net "Net-(U2-Pad7)")
(add_net "Net-(U2-Pad8)")
(add_net "Net-(U2-Pad9)")
(net_class Power ""
(net_class Power ""
(clearance 0.2)
(clearance 0.15)
(trace_width 0.8)
(trace_width 0.8)
(via_dia 0.8)
(via_dia 0.8)
(via_drill 0.6)
(via_drill 0.6)
@ -185,6 +201,49 @@
(add_net GND)
(add_net GND)
(module Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-223-3_TabPin2 (layer B.Cu) (tedit 5A02FF57) (tstamp 5E58BB89)
(at 72.5 17.1 270)
(descr "module CMS SOT223 4 pins")
(tags "CMS SOT")
(path /5DC94C79)
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference U1 (at 0 4.5 90) (layer B.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)) (justify mirror))
(fp_text value AP7361C-33E (at 0 -4.5 90) (layer B.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)) (justify mirror))
(fp_line (start 1.85 3.35) (end 1.85 -3.35) (layer B.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -1.85 -3.35) (end 1.85 -3.35) (layer B.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -4.1 3.41) (end 1.91 3.41) (layer B.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -0.85 3.35) (end 1.85 3.35) (layer B.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -1.85 -3.41) (end 1.91 -3.41) (layer B.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.85 2.35) (end -1.85 -3.35) (layer B.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -1.85 2.35) (end -0.85 3.35) (layer B.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -4.4 3.6) (end -4.4 -3.6) (layer B.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -4.4 -3.6) (end 4.4 -3.6) (layer B.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 4.4 -3.6) (end 4.4 3.6) (layer B.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 4.4 3.6) (end -4.4 3.6) (layer B.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.91 3.41) (end 1.91 2.15) (layer B.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.91 -3.41) (end 1.91 -2.15) (layer B.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_text user %R (at 0 0 180) (layer B.Fab)
(effects (font (size 0.8 0.8) (thickness 0.12)) (justify mirror))
(pad 1 smd rect (at -3.15 2.3 270) (size 2 1.5) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask)
(net 4 +5V))
(pad 3 smd rect (at -3.15 -2.3 270) (size 2 1.5) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask)
(net 3 +3V3))
(pad 2 smd rect (at -3.15 0 270) (size 2 1.5) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask)
(net 1 GND))
(pad 2 smd rect (at 3.15 0 270) (size 2 3.8) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask)
(net 1 GND))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Package_TO_SOT_SMD.3dshapes/SOT-223.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module LED_SMD:LED_SK6812_PLCC4_5.0x5.0mm_P3.2mm (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5AA4B263) (tstamp 5E582B70)
(module LED_SMD:LED_SK6812_PLCC4_5.0x5.0mm_P3.2mm (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5AA4B263) (tstamp 5E582B70)
(at 52.5 55.5 135)
(at 52.5 55.5 135)
@ -1277,49 +1336,6 @@
(module Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-223-3_TabPin2 (layer B.Cu) (tedit 5A02FF57) (tstamp 5E588EE7)
(at 72.5 17.1 270)
(descr "module CMS SOT223 4 pins")
(tags "CMS SOT")
(path /5DC94C79)
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference U1 (at 0 4.5 90) (layer B.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)) (justify mirror))
(fp_text value AP7361C-33E (at 0 -4.5 90) (layer B.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)) (justify mirror))
(fp_line (start 1.85 3.35) (end 1.85 -3.35) (layer B.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -1.85 -3.35) (end 1.85 -3.35) (layer B.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -4.1 3.41) (end 1.91 3.41) (layer B.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -0.85 3.35) (end 1.85 3.35) (layer B.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -1.85 -3.41) (end 1.91 -3.41) (layer B.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.85 2.35) (end -1.85 -3.35) (layer B.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -1.85 2.35) (end -0.85 3.35) (layer B.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -4.4 3.6) (end -4.4 -3.6) (layer B.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -4.4 -3.6) (end 4.4 -3.6) (layer B.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 4.4 -3.6) (end 4.4 3.6) (layer B.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 4.4 3.6) (end -4.4 3.6) (layer B.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.91 3.41) (end 1.91 2.15) (layer B.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.91 -3.41) (end 1.91 -2.15) (layer B.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_text user %R (at 0 0 180) (layer B.Fab)
(effects (font (size 0.8 0.8) (thickness 0.12)) (justify mirror))
(pad 1 smd rect (at -3.15 2.3 270) (size 2 1.5) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask)
(net 4 +5V))
(pad 3 smd rect (at -3.15 -2.3 270) (size 2 1.5) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask)
(net 3 +3V3))
(pad 2 smd rect (at -3.15 0 270) (size 2 1.5) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask)
(net 1 GND))
(pad 2 smd rect (at 3.15 0 270) (size 2 3.8) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask)
(net 1 GND))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Package_TO_SOT_SMD.3dshapes/SOT-223.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module Package_SO:TSSOP-20_4.4x6.5mm_P0.65mm (layer B.Cu) (tedit 5A02F25C) (tstamp 5E57F772)
(module Package_SO:TSSOP-20_4.4x6.5mm_P0.65mm (layer B.Cu) (tedit 5A02F25C) (tstamp 5E57F772)
(at 51.5 23.5 135)
(at 51.5 23.5 135)
(descr "20-Lead Plastic Thin Shrink Small Outline (ST)-4.4 mm Body [TSSOP] (see Microchip Packaging Specification 00000049BS.pdf)")
(descr "20-Lead Plastic Thin Shrink Small Outline (ST)-4.4 mm Body [TSSOP] (see Microchip Packaging Specification 00000049BS.pdf)")
@ -1346,7 +1362,8 @@
(fp_line (start 2.2 -3.25) (end -2.2 -3.25) (layer B.Fab) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 2.2 -3.25) (end -2.2 -3.25) (layer B.Fab) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 2.2 3.25) (end 2.2 -3.25) (layer B.Fab) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 2.2 3.25) (end 2.2 -3.25) (layer B.Fab) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -1.2 3.25) (end 2.2 3.25) (layer B.Fab) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -1.2 3.25) (end 2.2 3.25) (layer B.Fab) (width 0.15))
(pad 20 smd rect (at 2.95 2.925 135) (size 1.45 0.45) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask))
(pad 20 smd rect (at 2.95 2.925 135) (size 1.45 0.45) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask)
(net 38 "Net-(U2-Pad20)"))
(pad 19 smd rect (at 2.95 2.275 135) (size 1.45 0.45) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask)
(pad 19 smd rect (at 2.95 2.275 135) (size 1.45 0.45) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask)
(net 9 /SDA))
(net 9 /SDA))
(pad 18 smd rect (at 2.95 1.625 135) (size 1.45 0.45) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask)
(pad 18 smd rect (at 2.95 1.625 135) (size 1.45 0.45) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask)
@ -1359,23 +1376,30 @@
(net 1 GND))
(net 1 GND))
(pad 14 smd rect (at 2.95 -0.975 135) (size 1.45 0.45) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask)
(pad 14 smd rect (at 2.95 -0.975 135) (size 1.45 0.45) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask)
(net 8 /RTS))
(net 8 /RTS))
(pad 13 smd rect (at 2.95 -1.625 135) (size 1.45 0.45) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask))
(pad 13 smd rect (at 2.95 -1.625 135) (size 1.45 0.45) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask)
(net 39 "Net-(U2-Pad13)"))
(pad 12 smd rect (at 2.95 -2.275 135) (size 1.45 0.45) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask)
(pad 12 smd rect (at 2.95 -2.275 135) (size 1.45 0.45) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask)
(net 5 /CTS))
(net 5 /CTS))
(pad 11 smd rect (at 2.95 -2.925 135) (size 1.45 0.45) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask))
(pad 11 smd rect (at 2.95 -2.925 135) (size 1.45 0.45) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask)
(net 40 "Net-(U2-Pad11)"))
(pad 10 smd rect (at -2.95 -2.925 135) (size 1.45 0.45) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask)
(pad 10 smd rect (at -2.95 -2.925 135) (size 1.45 0.45) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask)
(net 10 /SCL))
(net 10 /SCL))
(pad 9 smd rect (at -2.95 -2.275 135) (size 1.45 0.45) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask))
(pad 9 smd rect (at -2.95 -2.275 135) (size 1.45 0.45) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask)
(pad 8 smd rect (at -2.95 -1.625 135) (size 1.45 0.45) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask))
(net 41 "Net-(U2-Pad9)"))
(pad 7 smd rect (at -2.95 -0.975 135) (size 1.45 0.45) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask))
(pad 8 smd rect (at -2.95 -1.625 135) (size 1.45 0.45) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask)
(net 42 "Net-(U2-Pad8)"))
(pad 7 smd rect (at -2.95 -0.975 135) (size 1.45 0.45) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask)
(net 43 "Net-(U2-Pad7)"))
(pad 6 smd rect (at -2.95 -0.325 135) (size 1.45 0.45) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask)
(pad 6 smd rect (at -2.95 -0.325 135) (size 1.45 0.45) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask)
(net 36 /Dat))
(net 36 /Dat))
(pad 5 smd rect (at -2.95 0.325 135) (size 1.45 0.45) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask)
(pad 5 smd rect (at -2.95 0.325 135) (size 1.45 0.45) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask)
(net 3 +3V3))
(net 3 +3V3))
(pad 4 smd rect (at -2.95 0.975 135) (size 1.45 0.45) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask)
(pad 4 smd rect (at -2.95 0.975 135) (size 1.45 0.45) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask)
(net 31 "Net-(C7-Pad1)"))
(net 31 "Net-(C7-Pad1)"))
(pad 3 smd rect (at -2.95 1.625 135) (size 1.45 0.45) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask))
(pad 3 smd rect (at -2.95 1.625 135) (size 1.45 0.45) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask)
(pad 2 smd rect (at -2.95 2.275 135) (size 1.45 0.45) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask))
(net 44 "Net-(U2-Pad3)"))
(pad 2 smd rect (at -2.95 2.275 135) (size 1.45 0.45) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask)
(net 45 "Net-(U2-Pad2)"))
(pad 1 smd rect (at -2.95 2.925 135) (size 1.45 0.45) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask)
(pad 1 smd rect (at -2.95 2.925 135) (size 1.45 0.45) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask)
(net 34 "Net-(R2-Pad1)"))
(net 34 "Net-(R2-Pad1)"))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Package_SO.3dshapes/TSSOP-20_4.4x6.5mm_P0.65mm.wrl
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Package_SO.3dshapes/TSSOP-20_4.4x6.5mm_P0.65mm.wrl
@ -1865,7 +1889,7 @@
(module Capacitor_SMD:C_0402_1005Metric (layer B.Cu) (tedit 5B301BBE) (tstamp 5E57F7C6)
(module Capacitor_SMD:C_0402_1005Metric (layer B.Cu) (tedit 5B301BBE) (tstamp 5E57F7C6)
(at 52.2 18 270)
(at 52.2 17.6 270)
(descr "Capacitor SMD 0402 (1005 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal, (Body size source:, generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(descr "Capacitor SMD 0402 (1005 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal, (Body size source:, generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags capacitor)
(tags capacitor)
(path /5DC7DE18)
(path /5DC7DE18)
@ -2064,8 +2088,6 @@
(segment (start 59 19.72) (end 56.806216 17.526216) (width 0.8) (layer B.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 59 19.72) (end 56.806216 17.526216) (width 0.8) (layer B.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 54.923784 17.526216) (end 54.92 17.53) (width 0.8) (layer B.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 54.923784 17.526216) (end 54.92 17.53) (width 0.8) (layer B.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 59 20.015) (end 59 19.72) (width 0.8) (layer B.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 59 20.015) (end 59 19.72) (width 0.8) (layer B.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 52.215 17.53) (end 52.2 17.515) (width 0.8) (layer B.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 54.6 17.53) (end 52.215 17.53) (width 0.8) (layer B.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 54.6 15.28) (end 55.38 14.5) (width 0.8) (layer B.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 54.6 15.28) (end 55.38 14.5) (width 0.8) (layer B.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 54.6 17.53) (end 54.6 15.28) (width 0.8) (layer B.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 54.6 17.53) (end 54.6 15.28) (width 0.8) (layer B.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 64.725 18.35) (end 64.725 19.7) (width 0.8) (layer B.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 64.725 18.35) (end 64.725 19.7) (width 0.8) (layer B.Cu) (net 1))
@ -2081,34 +2103,34 @@
(segment (start 24.965 19.55) (end 23 21.515) (width 0.8) (layer B.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 24.965 19.55) (end 23 21.515) (width 0.8) (layer B.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 26.125 19.55) (end 24.965 19.55) (width 0.8) (layer B.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 26.125 19.55) (end 24.965 19.55) (width 0.8) (layer B.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 26.125 19.55) (end 34.075 19.55) (width 0.8) (layer B.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 26.125 19.55) (end 34.075 19.55) (width 0.8) (layer B.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 32.5 19.55) (end 34.075 19.55) (width 0.8) (layer B.Cu) (net 1))
(via (at 39 16.1) (size 0.8) (drill 0.6) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 30.799999 17.849999) (end 32.5 19.55) (width 0.8) (layer B.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 33.25 13.93) (end 33.25 14.33) (width 0.8) (layer B.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 30.799999 11.600001) (end 30.799999 17.849999) (width 0.8) (layer B.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 33.25 14.33) (end 35.02 16.1) (width 0.8) (layer B.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 31.280001 11.119999) (end 30.799999 11.600001) (width 0.8) (layer B.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 35.02 16.1) (end 38.434315 16.1) (width 0.8) (layer B.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 33.004001 11.119999) (end 31.280001 11.119999) (width 0.8) (layer B.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 38.434315 16.1) (end 39 16.1) (width 0.8) (layer B.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 33.550001 11.665999) (end 33.004001 11.119999) (width 0.8) (layer B.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 39 17.925) (end 37.2 19.725) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 33.550001 12.674001) (end 33.550001 11.665999) (width 0.8) (layer B.Cu) (net 1))
(via (at 37.2 19.725) (size 0.8) (drill 0.6) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 33.25 12.974002) (end 33.550001 12.674001) (width 0.8) (layer B.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 39 16.1) (end 39 17.925) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 33.25 13.93) (end 33.25 12.974002) (width 0.8) (layer B.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 34.25 19.725) (end 37.2 19.725) (width 0.8) (layer B.Cu) (net 1))
(via (at 49 16.7) (size 0.8) (drill 0.6) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 34.075 19.55) (end 34.25 19.725) (width 0.8) (layer B.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 49 14.5) (end 49 16.7) (width 0.8) (layer B.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 39.565685 16.1) (end 39 16.1) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 35.927346 16.127346) (end 35.9 16.1) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 47.4 16.1) (end 39.565685 16.1) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 1))
(via (at 35.9 16.1) (size 0.8) (drill 0.6) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 49 14.5) (end 47.4 16.1) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 49 16.7) (end 48.427346 16.127346) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 48.4 20.85962) (end 48.4 20.1) (width 0.25) (layer B.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 48.427346 16.127346) (end 35.927346 16.127346) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 1))
(via (at 48.4 20.1) (size 0.8) (drill 0.4) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 35.42 16.1) (end 33.25 13.93) (width 0.8) (layer B.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 49.184225 21.643845) (end 48.4 20.85962) (width 0.25) (layer B.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 35.9 16.1) (end 35.42 16.1) (width 0.8) (layer B.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 48.4 15.1) (end 49 14.5) (width 0.25) (layer F.Cu) (net 1))
(via (at 48.5 20.2) (size 0.8) (drill 0.6) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 48.4 20.1) (end 48.4 15.1) (width 0.25) (layer F.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 49.184225 21.643845) (end 48.5 20.95962) (width 0.25) (layer B.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 54.185 17.115) (end 54.6 17.53) (width 0.8) (layer B.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 48.5 20.95962) (end 48.5 20.2) (width 0.25) (layer B.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 52.2 17.115) (end 54.185 17.115) (width 0.8) (layer B.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 48.5 17.2) (end 49 16.7) (width 0.25) (layer F.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 48.5 20.2) (end 48.5 17.2) (width 0.25) (layer F.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 50.180987 21.721367) (end 49.643845 21.184225) (width 0.25) (layer B.Cu) (net 2))
(segment (start 50.180987 21.721367) (end 49.643845 21.184225) (width 0.25) (layer B.Cu) (net 2))
(segment (start 52.778633 21.721367) (end 50.180987 21.721367) (width 0.25) (layer B.Cu) (net 2))
(segment (start 52.778633 21.721367) (end 50.180987 21.721367) (width 0.25) (layer B.Cu) (net 2))
(segment (start 56 18.5) (end 52.778633 21.721367) (width 0.25) (layer B.Cu) (net 2))
(segment (start 56 18.5) (end 52.778633 21.721367) (width 0.25) (layer B.Cu) (net 2))
(segment (start 56 18.5) (end 54.6 18.5) (width 0.25) (layer B.Cu) (net 2))
(segment (start 56 18.5) (end 54.6 18.5) (width 0.25) (layer B.Cu) (net 2))
(segment (start 52.215 18.5) (end 52.2 18.485) (width 0.25) (layer B.Cu) (net 2))
(segment (start 54.28 18.5) (end 54.6 18.5) (width 0.25) (layer B.Cu) (net 2))
(segment (start 54.6 18.5) (end 52.215 18.5) (width 0.25) (layer B.Cu) (net 2))
(segment (start 52.935 18.5) (end 54.28 18.5) (width 0.25) (layer B.Cu) (net 2))
(segment (start 52.52 18.085) (end 52.935 18.5) (width 0.25) (layer B.Cu) (net 2))
(segment (start 52.2 18.085) (end 52.52 18.085) (width 0.25) (layer B.Cu) (net 2))
(segment (start 74.8 15.2) (end 74.8 13.95) (width 0.25) (layer B.Cu) (net 3))
(segment (start 74.8 15.2) (end 74.8 13.95) (width 0.25) (layer B.Cu) (net 3))
(segment (start 72.89999 17.10001) (end 74.8 15.2) (width 0.25) (layer B.Cu) (net 3))
(segment (start 72.89999 17.10001) (end 74.8 15.2) (width 0.25) (layer B.Cu) (net 3))
(segment (start 68.42499 17.10001) (end 72.89999 17.10001) (width 0.25) (layer B.Cu) (net 3))
(segment (start 68.42499 17.10001) (end 72.89999 17.10001) (width 0.25) (layer B.Cu) (net 3))
@ -2490,7 +2512,7 @@
(segment (start 14.124999 23.275001) (end 17.5 19.9) (width 0.25) (layer B.Cu) (net 37))
(segment (start 14.124999 23.275001) (end 17.5 19.9) (width 0.25) (layer B.Cu) (net 37))
(segment (start 17.5 19.9) (end 17.5 18.85) (width 0.25) (layer B.Cu) (net 37))
(segment (start 17.5 19.9) (end 17.5 18.85) (width 0.25) (layer B.Cu) (net 37))
(zone (net 1) (net_name GND) (layer B.Cu) (tstamp 0) (hatch edge 0.508)
(zone (net 1) (net_name GND) (layer B.Cu) (tstamp 5E58BCDD) (hatch edge 0.508)
(connect_pads (clearance 0.508))
(connect_pads (clearance 0.508))
(min_thickness 0.254)
(min_thickness 0.254)
(fill yes (arc_segments 32) (thermal_gap 0.508) (thermal_bridge_width 0.508))
(fill yes (arc_segments 32) (thermal_gap 0.508) (thermal_bridge_width 0.508))
@ -2514,7 +2536,7 @@
(zone (net 37) (net_name "Net-(Q1-Pad2)") (layer B.Cu) (tstamp 0) (hatch edge 0.508)
(zone (net 37) (net_name "Net-(Q1-Pad2)") (layer B.Cu) (tstamp 5E58BCDA) (hatch edge 0.508)
(connect_pads (clearance 0.508))
(connect_pads (clearance 0.508))
(min_thickness 0.254)
(min_thickness 0.254)
(fill yes (arc_segments 32) (thermal_gap 0.508) (thermal_bridge_width 0.508))
(fill yes (arc_segments 32) (thermal_gap 0.508) (thermal_bridge_width 0.508))
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
update=Fr 28 Feb 2020 05:57:58 CET
update=Fr 28 Feb 2020 07:10:11 CET
@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ Enabled=0
@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ dPairGap=0.25
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
Bulgin Battery Holder, BX0036, Battery Type C (
Bulgin Battery Holder, BX0036, Battery Type C (
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