
109 lines
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Raw Normal View History

2016-12-31 16:01:24 +00:00
module InGame where
import Affection
import qualified SDL
import GEGL
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Control.Monad (when)
import Debug.Trace
import Types
import Commons
handleGameEvent :: Double -> SDL.Event -> Affection UserData ()
handleGameEvent sec e = do
ad <- get
wd <- getAffection
case SDL.eventPayload e of
SDL.KeyboardEvent dat ->
case (SDL.keysymKeycode $ SDL.keyboardEventKeysym dat) of
SDL.KeycodeLeft -> do
ud <- getAffection
when (SDL.keyboardEventKeyMotion dat == SDL.Pressed && not (wonlost ud)) $
putAffection ud
{ ship = (ship ud)
{ sRot = (sRot $ ship ud) + 270 * sec
SDL.KeycodeRight -> do
ud <- getAffection
when (SDL.keyboardEventKeyMotion dat == SDL.Pressed) $
putAffection ud
{ ship = (ship ud)
{ sRot = (sRot $ ship ud) - 270 * sec
SDL.KeycodeUp ->
when (SDL.keyboardEventKeyMotion dat == SDL.Pressed && not (wonlost wd)) $ do
ud <- getAffection
let vx = -10 * (sin (toR $ (sRot $ ship ud))) + fst (sVel $ ship ud)
vy = -10 * (cos (toR $ (sRot $ ship ud))) + snd (sVel $ ship ud)
putAffection ud
{ ship = (ship ud)
{ sVel = (vx, vy)
-- traceM $ show (vx, vy) ++ " " ++ show (sRot $ ship ud)
SDL.KeycodeSpace ->
when (SDL.keyboardEventKeyMotion dat == SDL.Pressed && not (wonlost wd)) $ do
ud <- getAffection
liftIO $ gegl_node_set (nodeGraph ud M.! KeyPixelize) $ Operation "gegl:pixelize"
[ Property "size-x" $ PropertyInt 8
, Property "size-y" $ PropertyInt 8
-- ad <- get
let posX = (fst $ sPos $ ship ud) + 23 - 35 * sin (toR $ sRot $ ship ud)
posY = (snd $ sPos $ ship ud) + 23 - 35 * cos (toR $ sRot $ ship ud)
tempRoot <- liftIO $ gegl_node_new
tempRect <- liftIO $ gegl_node_new_child tempRoot $ Operation "gegl:rectangle"
[ Property "x" $ PropertyDouble $ posX
, Property "y" $ PropertyDouble $ posY
, Property "width" $ PropertyDouble 4
, Property "height" $ PropertyDouble 4
, Property "color" $ PropertyColor $ (GEGL.RGBA 1 1 1 1)
tempOver <- liftIO $ gegl_node_new_child tempRoot $ defaultOverOperation
_ <- liftIO $ gegl_node_connect_to tempRect "output" tempOver "aux"
ips <- insertParticle (shots ud) $
{ particleTimeToLive = 5
, particleCreation = elapsedTime ad
, particlePosition = (posX, posY)
, particleRotation = Rad 0
, particleVelocity =
-- ( (floor $ -200 * (sin $ toR $ (sRot $ ship ud) + (fst $ sVel $ ship ud)))
-- , (floor $ -200 * (cos $ toR $ (sRot $ ship ud) + (snd $ sVel $ ship ud)))
( (floor $ -200 * (sin $ toR $ sRot $ ship ud))
, (floor $ -200 * (cos $ toR $ sRot $ ship ud))
, particlePitchRate = Rad 0
, particleRootNode = tempRoot
, particleNodeGraph = M.fromList
[ ("root", tempRoot)
, ("over", tempOver)
, ("rect", tempRect)
, particleStackCont = tempOver
, particleDrawFlange = tempOver
putAffection $ ud
{ shots = ips
, pixelSize = 8
SDL.KeycodeR ->
when (SDL.keyboardEventKeyMotion dat == SDL.Pressed) $ do
liftIO $ traceIO "reloading"
liftIO $ clean wd
nd <- liftIO $ load $ drawSurface ad
putAffection nd
_ -> return ()
SDL.WindowClosedEvent _ -> do
traceM "seeya!"
put ad
{ quitEvent = True
_ -> return ()