trying making asteroids
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 67 additions and 14 deletions
@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ executable haskelloids
, babl
, sdl2
, containers
, random
-- Directories containing source files.
hs-source-dirs: src
@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ import qualified Data.Map as M
import Control.Monad (when)
import System.Random (randomRIO)
import Debug.Trace
main :: IO ()
@ -34,8 +36,11 @@ load _ = do
, Property "width" $ PropertyInt 50
, Property "height" $ PropertyInt 50
nop <- gegl_node_new_child root $ Operation "gegl:nop" []
over <- gegl_node_new_child root $ defaultOverOperation
pnop <- gegl_node_new_child root $ Operation "gegl:nop" []
hnop <- gegl_node_new_child root $ Operation "gegl:nop" []
sover <- gegl_node_new_child root $ defaultOverOperation
hover <- gegl_node_new_child root $ defaultOverOperation
pover <- gegl_node_new_child root $ defaultOverOperation
translate <- gegl_node_new_child root $ Operation "gegl:translate"
[ Property "origin-x" $ PropertyDouble 25
, Property "origin-y" $ PropertyDouble 25
@ -58,19 +63,50 @@ load _ = do
[ Property "buffer" $ PropertyBuffer buffer
gegl_node_link_many [ship, rotate, translate]
gegl_node_link_many [over, crop, sink]
gegl_node_connect_to translate "output" over "aux"
gegl_node_link_many [pover, hover, sover, crop, sink]
gegl_node_connect_to translate "output" sover "aux"
gegl_node_connect_to pnop "output" pover "aux"
gegl_node_connect_to hnop "output" hover "aux"
traceM "nodes complete"
myMap <- return $ M.fromList
[ (KeyRoot, root)
, (KeyTranslate, translate)
, (KeyRotate, rotate)
, (KeyShip, ship)
, (KeyNop, nop)
, (KeyPNop, pnop)
, (KeyHNop, hnop)
, (KeyCrop, crop)
, (KeyOver, over)
, (KeyShipOver, sover)
, (KeySink, sink)
hs <- mapM (\_ -> do
px <- liftIO $ randomRIO (0, 800)
py <- liftIO $ randomRIO (0, 600)
vx <- liftIO $ randomRIO (0, 5)
vy <- liftIO $ randomRIO (0, 5)
div <- liftIO $ randomRIO (1, 2)
tempRoot <- liftIO $ gegl_node_new
tempOver <- liftIO $ gegl_node_new_child tempRoot $ defaultOverOperation
tempText <- liftIO $ gegl_node_new_child tempRoot $ textOperation
[ Property "string" $ PropertyString "λ"
, Property "color" $ PropertyColor $ GEGL.RGBA 1 1 1 1
, Property "size" $ PropertyDouble 40
liftIO $ gegl_node_connect_to tempText "output" tempOver "aux"
return Haskelloid
{ hPos = (px, py)
, hVel = (vx, vy)
, hDiv = div
, hFlange = tempOver
, hNodeGraph = M.fromList
[ ("root", tempRoot)
, ("over", tempOver)
, ("text", tempText)
) [1..5]
liftIO $ gegl_node_link_many $ map hFlange hs
liftIO $ gegl_node_link (last $ map hFlange hs) hnop
return $ UserData
{ nodeGraph = myMap
, ship = Ship
@ -80,14 +116,15 @@ load _ = do
, sFlange = rotate
, buffer = buffer
, shots = ParticleSystem (ParticleStorage Nothing []) over buffer
, shots = ParticleSystem (ParticleStorage Nothing []) pnop buffer
, haskelloids = hs
data UserData = UserData
{ nodeGraph :: M.Map NodeKey GeglNode
, ship :: Ship
, buffer :: GeglBuffer
-- , haskelloids :: ParticleSystem
, haskelloids :: [Haskelloid]
, shots :: ParticleSystem
-- , debris :: ParticleSystem
@ -99,14 +136,23 @@ data Ship = Ship
, sFlange :: GeglNode
data Haskelloid = Haskelloid
{ hPos :: (Double, Double)
, hVel :: (Double, Double)
, hDiv :: Int
, hFlange :: GeglNode
, hNodeGraph :: M.Map String GeglNode
data NodeKey
= KeyRoot
| KeyTranslate
| KeyRotate
| KeyShip
| KeyNop
| KeyPNop
| KeyHNop
| KeyCrop
| KeyOver
| KeyShipOver
| KeySink
deriving (Ord, Eq)
@ -219,11 +265,13 @@ update sec = do
[ Property "degrees" $ PropertyDouble $ sRot $ ship ud2
ups <- updateParticleSystem (shots ud2) sec shotsUpd shotsDraw
nhs <- mapM (updateHaskelloid sec) (haskelloids ud2)
putAffection ud2
{ ship = (ship ud2)
{ sPos = (nnx, nny)
, shots = ups
, haskelloids = nhs
wrapAround (nx, ny) width = (nnx, nny)
@ -278,7 +326,11 @@ shotsUpd sec part@Particle{..} = do
shotsDraw :: GeglBuffer -> GeglNode -> Particle -> Affection UserData ()
shotsDraw buf node Particle{..} = do
(GeglRectangle (floor $ fst particlePosition - 2) (floor $ snd particlePosition - 2) 4 4)
-- present
-- (GeglRectangle (floor $ fst particlePosition - 2) (floor $ snd particlePosition - 2) 4 4)
-- buf
-- False
return ()
updateHaskelloid :: Double -> Haskelloid -> Affection UserData Haskelloid
updateHaskelloid sec h@Haskelloid{..} = return h
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