2016-12-28 22:39:19 +01:00

496 lines
16 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, RecordWildCards #-}
module Main where
import Affection
import qualified SDL
import GEGL
import BABL
import Data.List (delete)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Control.Monad (when, foldM)
import System.Random (randomRIO)
import Debug.Trace
main :: IO ()
main = withAffection $ AffectionConfig
{ initComponents = All
, windowTitle = "Haskelloids"
, windowConfig = defaultWindow
, preLoop = return ()
, drawLoop = draw
, updateLoop = update
, loadState = load
, cleanUp = clean
load :: SDL.Surface -> IO UserData
load _ = do
traceM "loading"
root <- gegl_node_new
traceM "root node"
bg <- gegl_node_new_child root $ Operation "gegl:rectangle"
[ Property "x" $ PropertyDouble 0
, Property "y" $ PropertyDouble 0
, Property "width" $ PropertyDouble 800
, Property "height" $ PropertyDouble 600
, Property "color" $ PropertyColor $ GEGL.RGBA 0 0 0.1 1
ship <- gegl_node_new_child root $ Operation "gegl:svg-load"
[ Property "path" $ PropertyString "assets/ship.svg"
, Property "width" $ PropertyInt 50
, Property "height" $ PropertyInt 50
pnop <- gegl_node_new_child root $ Operation "gegl:nop" []
hnop <- gegl_node_new_child root $ Operation "gegl:nop" []
sover <- gegl_node_new_child root $ defaultOverOperation
hover <- gegl_node_new_child root $ defaultOverOperation
pover <- gegl_node_new_child root $ defaultOverOperation
bgover <- gegl_node_new_child root $ defaultOverOperation
fgover <- gegl_node_new_child root $ defaultOverOperation
translate <- gegl_node_new_child root $ Operation "gegl:translate"
[ Property "x" $ PropertyDouble 375
, Property "y" $ PropertyDouble 275
, Property "sampler" $ PropertyInt $ fromEnum GeglSamplerCubic
rotate <- gegl_node_new_child root $ Operation "gegl:rotate"
[ Property "origin-x" $ PropertyDouble 25
, Property "origin-y" $ PropertyDouble 25
, Property "sampler" $ PropertyInt $ fromEnum GeglSamplerCubic
crop <- gegl_node_new_child root $ Operation "gegl:crop"
[ Property "width" $ PropertyDouble 800
, Property "height" $ PropertyDouble 600
buffer <- gegl_buffer_new (Just $ GeglRectangle 0 0 800 600) =<<
babl_format (PixelFormat BABL.RGBA CFfloat)
sink <- gegl_node_new_child root $ Operation "gegl:copy-buffer"
[ Property "buffer" $ PropertyBuffer buffer
won <- gegl_node_new_child root $ textOperation
[ Property "string" $ PropertyString "YOU WON!"
, Property "size" $ PropertyDouble 100
, Property "color" $ PropertyColor $ GEGL.RGBA 1 1 1 1
lost <- gegl_node_new_child root $ textOperation
[ Property "string" $ PropertyString "YOU LOST!"
, Property "size" $ PropertyDouble 100
, Property "color" $ PropertyColor $ GEGL.RGBA 1 1 1 1
vignette <- gegl_node_new_child root $ Operation "gegl:vignette" []
pixelize <- gegl_node_new_child root $ Operation "gegl:pixelize"
[ Property "size-x" $ PropertyInt 3
, Property "size-y" $ PropertyInt 3
-- vdeg <- gegl_node_new_child root $ Operation "gegl:video-degradation"
-- [ Property "pattern" $ PropertyInt 8
-- ]
gegl_node_link_many [ship, rotate, translate]
gegl_node_link_many [bgover, pover, hover, sover, crop, fgover, pixelize, vignette, sink]
_ <- gegl_node_connect_to translate "output" sover "aux"
_ <- gegl_node_connect_to pnop "output" pover "aux"
_ <- gegl_node_connect_to hnop "output" hover "aux"
_ <- gegl_node_connect_to bg "output" bgover "aux"
traceM "nodes complete"
myMap <- return $ M.fromList
[ (KeyRoot, root)
, (KeyTranslate, translate)
, (KeyRotate, rotate)
, (KeyShip, ship)
, (KeyPNop, pnop)
, (KeyHNop, hnop)
, (KeyCrop, crop)
, (KeyShipOver, sover)
, (KeySink, sink)
, (KeyWon, won)
, (KeyLost, lost)
, (KeyPixelize, pixelize)
, (KeyFGOver, fgover)
hs <- catMaybes <$> foldM (\acc _ -> do
px <- liftIO $ randomRIO (0, 800)
py <- liftIO $ randomRIO (0, 600)
insertHaskelloid acc Nothing (px, py)
) [] ([0..9] :: [Int])
liftIO $ gegl_node_link_many $ map hFlange hs
liftIO $ gegl_node_link (last $ map hFlange hs) hnop
return $ UserData
{ nodeGraph = myMap
, ship = Ship
{ sPos = (375, 275)
, sVel = (0, 0)
, sRot = 0
, sFlange = rotate
, buffer = buffer
, shots = ParticleSystem (ParticleStorage Nothing []) pnop buffer
, haskelloids = hs
, wonlost = False
data UserData = UserData
{ nodeGraph :: M.Map NodeKey GeglNode
, ship :: Ship
, buffer :: GeglBuffer
, haskelloids :: [Haskelloid]
, shots :: ParticleSystem
-- , debris :: ParticleSystem
, wonlost :: Bool
data Ship = Ship
{ sPos :: (Double, Double)
, sVel :: (Double, Double)
, sRot :: Double
, sFlange :: GeglNode
data Haskelloid = Haskelloid
{ hPos :: (Double, Double)
, hVel :: (Double, Double)
, hRot :: Double
, hPitch :: Double
, hDiv :: Int
, hFlange :: GeglNode
, hNodeGraph :: M.Map String GeglNode
} deriving (Eq)
data NodeKey
= KeyRoot
| KeyTranslate
| KeyRotate
| KeyShip
| KeyPNop
| KeyHNop
| KeyCrop
| KeyShipOver
| KeySink
| KeyWon
| KeyLost
| KeyPixelize
| KeyFGOver
deriving (Ord, Eq)
update :: Double -> Affection UserData ()
update sec = do
-- traceM $ (show $ 1 / sec) ++ " FPS"
ad <- get
evs <- SDL.pollEvents
wd <- getAffection
mapM_ (\e ->
case SDL.eventPayload e of
SDL.KeyboardEvent dat ->
case (SDL.keysymKeycode $ SDL.keyboardEventKeysym dat) of
SDL.KeycodeLeft -> do
ud <- getAffection
when (SDL.keyboardEventKeyMotion dat == SDL.Pressed && not (wonlost wd)) $
putAffection ud
{ ship = (ship ud)
{ sRot = (sRot $ ship ud) + 180 * sec
SDL.KeycodeRight -> do
ud <- getAffection
when (SDL.keyboardEventKeyMotion dat == SDL.Pressed) $
putAffection ud
{ ship = (ship ud)
{ sRot = (sRot $ ship ud) - 180 * sec
SDL.KeycodeUp ->
when (SDL.keyboardEventKeyMotion dat == SDL.Pressed && not (wonlost wd)) $ do
ud <- getAffection
let vx = -10 * (sin (toR $ (sRot $ ship ud))) + fst (sVel $ ship ud)
vy = -10 * (cos (toR $ (sRot $ ship ud))) + snd (sVel $ ship ud)
putAffection ud
{ ship = (ship ud)
{ sVel = (vx, vy)
-- traceM $ show (vx, vy) ++ " " ++ show (sRot $ ship ud)
SDL.KeycodeSpace ->
when (SDL.keyboardEventKeyMotion dat == SDL.Pressed && not (wonlost wd)) $ do
ud <- getAffection
-- ad <- get
let posX = (fst $ sPos $ ship ud) + 23 - 30 * sin (toR $ sRot $ ship ud)
posY = (snd $ sPos $ ship ud) + 23 - 30 * cos (toR $ sRot $ ship ud)
tempRoot <- liftIO $ gegl_node_new
tempRect <- liftIO $ gegl_node_new_child tempRoot $ Operation "gegl:rectangle"
[ Property "x" $ PropertyDouble $ posX
, Property "y" $ PropertyDouble $ posY
, Property "width" $ PropertyDouble 4
, Property "height" $ PropertyDouble 4
, Property "color" $ PropertyColor $ (GEGL.RGBA 1 1 1 1)
tempOver <- liftIO $ gegl_node_new_child tempRoot $ defaultOverOperation
_ <- liftIO $ gegl_node_connect_to tempRect "output" tempOver "aux"
ips <- insertParticle (shots ud) $
{ particleTimeToLive = 5
, particleCreation = elapsedTime ad
, particlePosition = (posX, posY)
, particleRotation = Rad 0
, particleVelocity =
-- ( (floor $ -200 * (sin $ toR $ (sRot $ ship ud) + (fst $ sVel $ ship ud)))
-- , (floor $ -200 * (cos $ toR $ (sRot $ ship ud) + (snd $ sVel $ ship ud)))
( (floor $ -200 * (sin $ toR $ sRot $ ship ud))
, (floor $ -200 * (cos $ toR $ sRot $ ship ud))
, particlePitchRate = Rad 0
, particleRootNode = tempRoot
, particleNodeGraph = M.fromList
[ ("root", tempRoot)
, ("over", tempOver)
, ("rect", tempRect)
, particleStackCont = tempOver
, particleDrawFlange = tempOver
putAffection $ ud
{ shots = ips
_ -> return ()
SDL.WindowClosedEvent _ -> do
traceM "seeya!"
put ad
{ quitEvent = True
_ -> return ()
) evs
ud2 <- getAffection
nhs <- mapM (updateHaskelloid sec) (haskelloids ud2)
-- liftIO $ traceIO $ show $ length nhs
putAffection ud2
{ haskelloids = nhs
ud3 <- getAffection
let nx = fst (sPos $ ship ud3) + (fst (sVel $ ship ud3)) * sec
ny = snd (sPos $ ship ud3) + (snd (sVel $ ship ud3)) * sec
(nnx, nny) = wrapAround (nx, ny) 50
liftIO $ gegl_node_set (nodeGraph ud3 M.! KeyTranslate) $ Operation "gegl:translate"
[ Property "x" $ PropertyDouble $ nnx
, Property "y" $ PropertyDouble $ nny
liftIO $ gegl_node_set (nodeGraph ud3 M.! KeyRotate) $ Operation "gegl:rotate"
[ Property "degrees" $ PropertyDouble $ sRot $ ship ud3
ups <- updateParticleSystem (shots ud3) sec shotsUpd shotsDraw
ud4 <- getAffection
putAffection ud4
{ ship = (ship ud3)
{ sPos = (nnx, nny)
, shots = ups
wrapAround :: (Ord t, Num t) => (t, t) -> t -> (t, t)
wrapAround (nx, ny) width = (nnx, nny)
nnx =
if nx > 800
then nx - (800 + width)
else if nx < -width then nx + 800 + width else nx
nny =
if ny > 600
then ny - (600 + width)
else if ny < -width then ny + 600 + width else ny
draw :: Affection UserData ()
draw = do
-- traceM "drawing"
ud <- getAffection
liftIO $ gegl_node_process $ nodeGraph ud M.! KeySink
-- mintr <- liftIO $ gegl_rectangle_intersect
-- (GeglRectangle 0 0 800 600)
-- (GeglRectangle (floor $ fst $ sPos $ ship ud) (floor $ snd $ sPos $ ship ud) 50 50)
-- maybe (return ()) (\intr ->
-- present
-- (GeglRectangle (floor $ fst $ sPos $ ship ud) (floor $ snd $ sPos $ ship ud) 50 50)
-- (buffer ud)
-- False
-- ) mintr
-- XXX: above part crashes regularly for no apparent reason
(GeglRectangle 0 0 800 600)
(buffer ud)
(not $ wonlost ud)
clean :: UserData -> IO ()
clean ud = gegl_node_drop $ nodeGraph ud M.! KeyRoot
toR :: Double -> Double
toR deg = deg * pi / 180
shotsUpd :: Double -> Particle -> Affection UserData Particle
shotsUpd sec part@Particle{..} = do
let newX = (fst particlePosition) + sec * (fromIntegral $ fst particleVelocity)
newY = (snd particlePosition) + sec * (fromIntegral $ snd particleVelocity)
(nnx, nny) = wrapAround (newX, newY) 4
liftIO $ gegl_node_set (particleNodeGraph M.! "rect") $ Operation "gegl:rectangle"
[ Property "x" $ PropertyDouble $ nnx
, Property "y" $ PropertyDouble $ nny
ud <- getAffection
inters <- catMaybes <$> mapM (\h -> do
col <- liftIO $ gegl_rectangle_intersect
(GeglRectangle (floor nnx) (floor nny) 4 4)
(floor $ fst $ hPos h)
(floor $ snd $ hPos h)
(100 `div` hDiv h)
(100 `div` hDiv h)
case col of
Just _ -> return $ Just h
Nothing -> return Nothing
) (haskelloids ud)
killings <- mapM haskelloidShotDown inters
lost <- liftIO $ gegl_rectangle_intersect
(GeglRectangle (floor nnx) (floor nny) 4 4)
(floor $ fst $ sPos $ ship ud)
(floor $ snd $ sPos $ ship ud)
maybe (return ()) (\_ ->
) lost
return part
{ particlePosition = (nnx, nny)
, particleTimeToLive = if (not $ null killings) then 0 else particleTimeToLive
haskelloidShotDown :: Haskelloid -> Affection UserData ()
haskelloidShotDown h = do
-- liftIO $ traceIO "Haskelloid shot down"
liftIO $ gegl_node_drop $ hNodeGraph h M.! "root"
ud <- getAffection
let redHaskelloids = delete h (haskelloids ud)
newHaskelloids <- catMaybes <$> foldM
(\acc _ ->
if hDiv h < 4
liftIO $ insertHaskelloid acc (Just $ hDiv h) $ hPos h
return $ Nothing : acc
(map Just redHaskelloids) ([0..1] :: [Int])
-- liftIO $ traceIO $ show $ length newHaskelloids
liftIO $ gegl_node_link_many $ map hFlange newHaskelloids
if not $ null newHaskelloids
liftIO $ gegl_node_link
(last $ map hFlange newHaskelloids)
(nodeGraph ud M.! KeyHNop)
else do
liftIO $ traceIO "YOU WON!"
_ <- liftIO $ gegl_node_connect_to
(nodeGraph ud M.! KeyWon)
(nodeGraph ud M.! KeyFGOver)
putAffection ud
{ wonlost = True
putAffection ud
{ haskelloids = newHaskelloids
shotsDraw :: GeglBuffer -> GeglNode -> Particle -> Affection UserData ()
shotsDraw _ _ _ = return ()
updateHaskelloid :: Double -> Haskelloid -> Affection UserData Haskelloid
updateHaskelloid sec h@Haskelloid{..} = do
let newX = (fst $ hPos) + sec * (fst $ hVel)
newY = (snd $ hPos) + sec * (snd $ hVel)
newRot = hRot + hPitch * sec
(nnx, nny) = wrapAround (newX, newY) (100 / fromIntegral hDiv)
liftIO $ gegl_node_set (hNodeGraph M.! "trans") $ Operation "gegl:translate"
[ Property "x" $ PropertyDouble $ nnx
, Property "y" $ PropertyDouble $ nny
liftIO $ gegl_node_set (hNodeGraph M.! "rot") $ Operation "gegl:rotate"
[ Property "degrees" $ PropertyDouble newRot
ud <- getAffection
lost <- liftIO $ gegl_rectangle_intersect
(GeglRectangle (floor nnx) (floor nny) (100 `div` hDiv) (100 `div` hDiv))
(floor $ fst $ sPos $ ship ud)
(floor $ snd $ sPos $ ship ud)
maybe (return ()) (\_ ->
) lost
return h
{ hPos = (nnx, nny)
, hRot = newRot
insertHaskelloid :: [Maybe Haskelloid] -> Maybe Int -> (Double, Double) -> IO [Maybe Haskelloid]
insertHaskelloid hs split (px, py) = do
-- liftIO $ traceIO "inserting haskelloid"
vx <- liftIO $ randomRIO (-10, 10)
vy <- liftIO $ randomRIO (-10, 10)
rdiv <- case split of
Nothing -> liftIO $ randomRIO (1, 2)
Just x -> return $ x + 1
rot <- liftIO $ randomRIO (0, 360)
pitch <- liftIO $ randomRIO (-45, 45)
tempRoot <- liftIO $ gegl_node_new
tempOver <- liftIO $ gegl_node_new_child tempRoot $ defaultOverOperation
tempSvg <- gegl_node_new_child tempRoot $ Operation "gegl:svg-load"
[ Property "path" $ PropertyString "assets/haskelloid.svg"
, Property "width" $ PropertyInt (100 `div` rdiv)
, Property "height" $ PropertyInt (100 `div` rdiv)
tempTrans <- liftIO $ gegl_node_new_child tempRoot $ Operation "gegl:translate"
[ Property "x" $ PropertyDouble px
, Property "y" $ PropertyDouble py
, Property "sampler" $ PropertyInt $ fromEnum GeglSamplerCubic
tempRot <- liftIO $ gegl_node_new_child tempRoot $ Operation "gegl:rotate"
[ Property "origin-x" $ PropertyDouble (100 / 2 / fromIntegral rdiv)
, Property "origin-y" $ PropertyDouble (100 / 2 / fromIntegral rdiv)
, Property "degrees" $ PropertyDouble rot
, Property "sampler" $ PropertyInt $ fromEnum GeglSamplerCubic
liftIO $ gegl_node_link_many [tempSvg, tempRot, tempTrans]
_ <- liftIO $ gegl_node_connect_to tempTrans "output" tempOver "aux"
return $ Just Haskelloid
{ hPos = (px, py)
, hVel = (vx, vy)
, hRot = rot
, hPitch = pitch
, hDiv = rdiv
, hFlange = tempOver
, hNodeGraph = M.fromList
[ ("root", tempRoot)
, ("over", tempOver)
, ("svg", tempSvg)
, ("trans", tempTrans)
, ("rot", tempRot)
} : hs
lose :: Affection UserData ()
lose = do
ud <- getAffection
liftIO $ traceIO "YOU LOST!"
_ <- liftIO $ gegl_node_connect_to
(nodeGraph ud M.! KeyLost)
(nodeGraph ud M.! KeyFGOver)
putAffection ud
{ wonlost = True
liftIO $ gegl_node_drop $ nodeGraph ud M.! KeyShip