* Split lib/default.nix into several files, as it had become a big

mess.  Also cleaned up some functions:

  - foldl appeared broken (it recursively called fold).
  - Renamed logicalAND/logicalOR to and/or.
  - Removed listOfListsToAttrs, eqStrings: obsolete.
  - Removed isInList, which does the same thing as elem.
  - stringToCharacters: don't return a "" at the end of the list.
  - Renamed concatList to concat, as concatList (singular) is a
    misnomer: it takes two lists.  Likewise, renamed mergeAttr to

  misc.nix still contains a lot of stuff that should be refactored and
  moved to other files.

svn path=/nixpkgs/trunk/; revision=14013
This commit is contained in:
Eelco Dolstra 2009-02-09 16:51:03 +00:00
parent eebb6f106c
commit 599015e8b0
14 changed files with 982 additions and 902 deletions

View file

@ -1,19 +1,16 @@
args: with args; {stdenv, fetchurl, libogg}:
flacFun = version: hash: stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
stdenv.mkDerivation rec { name = "flac-1.2.1";
name = "flac-${version}";
src = fetchurl ({ src = fetchurl {
url = "http://downloads.xiph.org/releases/flac/${name}.tar.gz"; url = mirror://sourceforge/flac/flac-1.2.1.tar.gz;
} // hash); sha256 = "1pry5lgzfg57pga1zbazzdd55fkgk3v5qy4axvrbny5lrr5s8dcn";
buildInputs = [libogg]; };
meta = {
homepage = http://flac.sourceforge.net; buildInputs = [libogg];
}; meta = {
in homepage = http://flac.sourceforge.net;
stdenv.lib.listOfListsToAttrs [ };
[ "default" (flacFun "1.2.1" { sha256 = "1pry5lgzfg57pga1zbazzdd55fkgk3v5qy4axvrbny5lrr5s8dcn"; }) ] }
[ "1.2.1" (flacFun "1.2.1" { sha256 = "1pry5lgzfg57pga1zbazzdd55fkgk3v5qy4axvrbny5lrr5s8dcn"; }) ]
[ "1.1.2" (flacFun "1.1.2" { md5 = "2bfc127cdda02834d0491ab531a20960"; }) ]

View file

@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
args: args:
args.stdenv.lib.listOfListsToAttrs [
[ "3.08.0" (import ./3.08.0.nix args) ] builtins.listToAttrs [
[ "3.09.1" (import ./3.09.1.nix args) ] { name = "3.08.0"; value = import ./3.08.0.nix args; }
[ "3.10.0" (import ./3.10.0.nix args) ] { name = "3.09.1"; value = import ./3.09.1.nix args; }
[ "default" (import ./3.09.1.nix args) ] { name = "3.10.0"; value = import ./3.10.0.nix args; }
{ name = "default"; value = import ./3.09.1.nix args; }
] ]

View file

@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ in
buildPhase = ''python setup.py $setupFlags build''; buildPhase = ''python setup.py $setupFlags build'';
installPhase = ''python setup.py $setupFlags install --prefix=$out''; installPhase = ''python setup.py $setupFlags install --prefix=$out'';
mergeAttrBy = { mergeAttrBy = {
setupFlags = lib.concatList; setupFlags = lib.concat;
}; };
}; };
@ -219,8 +219,8 @@ in
done done
''; '';
mergeAttrBy = { mergeAttrBy = {
phases = lib.concatList; phases = lib.concat;
pySrcs = lib.concatList; pySrcs = lib.concat;
pyCheck = x : y : "${x}\n${y}"; pyCheck = x : y : "${x}\n${y}";
}; };
} }

pkgs/lib/attrsets.nix Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
# Operations on attribute sets.
with { inherit (builtins) head tail; };
rec {
inherit (builtins) attrNames listToAttrs hasAttr isAttrs;
# Return an attribute from nested attribute sets. For instance ["x"
# "y"] applied to some set e returns e.x.y, if it exists. The
# default value is returned otherwise. !!! there is also
# builtins.getAttr (is there a better name for this function?)
getAttr = attrPath: default: e:
let attr = head attrPath;
if attrPath == [] then e
else if builtins ? hasAttr && hasAttr attr e
then getAttr (tail attrPath) default (builtins.getAttr attr e)
else default;

pkgs/lib/debug.nix Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
rec {
# Wrapper aroung the primop `addErrorContext', which shouldn't used
# directly. It evaluates and returns `val', but if an evaluation
# error occurs, the text in `msg' is added to the error context
# (stack trace) printed by Nix.
addErrorContext =
if builtins ? addErrorContext
then builtins.addErrorContext
else msg: val: val;

View file

@ -1,873 +1,17 @@
# Utility functions. let
let trivial = import ./trivial.nix;
lists = import ./lists.nix;
inherit (builtins) strings = import ./strings.nix;
head tail isList stringLength substring lessThan sub attrsets = import ./attrsets.nix;
listToAttrs attrNames hasAttr; sources = import ./sources.nix;
options = import ./options.nix;
debug = import ./attrsets.nix;
misc = import ./misc.nix;
in in
{ inherit trivial lists strings attrsets sources options debug; }
rec { # !!! don't include everything at top-level; perhaps only the most
listOfListsToAttrs = ll : builtins.listToAttrs (map (l : { name = (head l); value = (head (tail l)); }) ll); # commonly used functions.
// trivial // lists // strings // attrsets // sources // options
// debug // misc
# Identity function.
id = x: x;
# accumulates / merges all attr sets until null is fed.
# example: sumArgs id { a = 'a'; x = 'x'; } { y = 'y'; x = 'X'; } null
# result : { a = 'a'; x = 'X'; y = 'Y'; }
innerSumArgs = f : x : y : (if y == null then (f x)
else (innerSumArgs f (x // y)));
sumArgs = f : innerSumArgs f {};
# Advanced sumArgs version. Hm, twice as slow, I'm afraid.
# composedArgs id (x:x//{a="b";}) (x:x//{b=x.a + "c";}) null;
# {a="b" ; b="bc";};
innerComposedArgs = f : x : y : (if y==null then (f x)
else (if (builtins.isAttrs y) then
(innerComposedArgs f (x//y))
else (innerComposedArgs f (y x))));
composedArgs = f: innerComposedArgs f {};
defaultMergeArg = x : y: if builtins.isAttrs y then
(y x);
defaultMerge = x: y: x // (defaultMergeArg x y);
sumTwoArgs = f: x: y:
f (defaultMerge x y);
foldArgs = merger: f: init: x:
let arg=(merger init (defaultMergeArg init x)); in
# now add the function with composed args already applied to the final attrs
setAttrMerge "passthru" {} (f arg) ( x : x // { function = foldArgs merger f arg; } );
# returns f x // { passthru.fun = y : f (merge x y); } while preserving other passthru names.
# example: let ex = applyAndFun (x : removeAttrs x ["fixed"]) (mergeOrApply mergeAttr) {name = 6;};
# usage1 = ex.passthru.fun { name = 7; }; # result: { name = 7;}
# usage2 = ex.passthru.fun (a: a // {name = __add a.name 1; }); # result: { a = 7; }
# fix usage:
# usage3a = ex.passthru.fun (a: a // {name2 = a.fixed.toBePassed; }); # usage3a will fail because toBePassed is not yet given
# usage3b usage3a.passthru.fun { toBePassed = "foo";}; # result { name = 7; name2 = "foo"; toBePassed = "foo"; fixed = <this attrs>; }
applyAndFun = f : merge : x : assert (__isAttrs x || __isFunction x);
let takeFix = if (__isFunction x) then x else (attr: merge attr x); in
setAttrMerge "passthru" {} (fix (fixed : f (takeFix {inherit fixed;})))
( y : y //
fun = z : applyAndFun f merge (fixed: merge (takeFix fixed) z);
funMerge = z : applyAndFun f merge (fixed: let e = takeFix fixed; in merge e (merge e z));
} );
mergeOrApply = merge : x : y : if (__isFunction y) then y x else merge x y;
# rec { # an example of how composedArgsAndFun can be used
# a = composedArgsAndFun (x : x) { a = ["2"]; meta = { d = "bar";}; };
# # meta.d will be lost ! It's your task to preserve it (eg using a merge function)
# b = a.passthru.function { a = [ "3" ]; meta = { d2 = "bar2";}; };
# # instead of passing/ overriding values you can use a merge function:
# c = b.passthru.function ( x: { a = x.a ++ ["4"]; }); # consider using (maybeAttr "a" [] x)
# }
# result:
# {
# a = { a = ["2"]; meta = { d = "bar"; }; passthru = { function = .. }; };
# b = { a = ["3"]; meta = { d2 = "bar2"; }; passthru = { function = .. }; };
# c = { a = ["3" "4"]; meta = { d2 = "bar2"; }; passthru = { function = .. }; };
# # c2 is equal to c
# }
composedArgsAndFun = f: foldArgs defaultMerge f {};
# example a = pairMap (x : y : x + y) ["a" "b" "c" "d"];
# result: ["ab" "cd"]
innerPairMap = acc: f: l:
if l == [] then acc else
innerPairMap (acc ++ [(f (head l)(head (tail l)))])
f (tail (tail l));
pairMap = innerPairMap [];
# "Fold" a binary function `op' between successive elements of
# `list' with `nul' as the starting value, i.e., `fold op nul [x_1
# x_2 ... x_n] == op x_1 (op x_2 ... (op x_n nul))'. (This is
# Haskell's foldr).
fold = op: nul: list:
if list == []
then nul
else op (head list) (fold op nul (tail list));
# Haskell's fold
foldl = op: nul: list:
if list == []
then nul
else fold op (op nul (head list)) (tail list);
# Concatenate a list of lists.
concatList = x : y : x ++ y;
concatLists = fold concatList [];
# Concatenate a list of strings.
concatStrings =
fold (x: y: x + y) "";
# Map and concatenate the result.
concatMap = f: list: concatLists (map f list);
concatMapStrings = f: list: concatStrings (map f list);
# Place an element between each element of a list, e.g.,
# `intersperse "," ["a" "b" "c"]' returns ["a" "," "b" "," "c"].
intersperse = separator: list:
if list == [] || tail list == []
then list
else [(head list) separator]
++ (intersperse separator (tail list));
toList = x : if (__isList x) then x else [x];
concatStringsSep = separator: list:
concatStrings (intersperse separator list);
makeLibraryPath = paths: concatStringsSep ":" (map (path: path + "/lib") paths);
# Flatten the argument into a single list; that is, nested lists are
# spliced into the top-level lists. E.g., `flatten [1 [2 [3] 4] 5]
# == [1 2 3 4 5]' and `flatten 1 == [1]'.
flatten = x:
if isList x
then fold (x: y: (flatten x) ++ y) [] x
else [x];
# Return an attribute from nested attribute sets. For instance ["x"
# "y"] applied to some set e returns e.x.y, if it exists. The
# default value is returned otherwise.
# comment: there is also builtins.getAttr ? (is there a better name for this function?)
getAttr = attrPath: default: e:
let attr = head attrPath;
if attrPath == [] then e
else if builtins ? hasAttr && builtins.hasAttr attr e
then getAttr (tail attrPath) default (builtins.getAttr attr e)
else default;
# shortcut for getAttr ["name"] default attrs
maybeAttr = name: default: attrs:
if (__hasAttr name attrs) then (__getAttr name attrs) else default;
# Filter a list using a predicate; that is, return a list containing
# every element from `list' for which `pred' returns true.
filter = pred: list:
fold (x: y: if pred x then [x] ++ y else y) [] list;
# Return true if `list' has an element `x':
elem = x: list: fold (a: bs: x == a || bs) false list;
# Find the sole element in the list matching the specified
# predicate, returns `default' if no such element exists, or
# `multiple' if there are multiple matching elements.
findSingle = pred: default: multiple: list:
let found = filter pred list;
in if found == [] then default
else if tail found != [] then multiple
else head found;
# Return true iff function `pred' returns true for at least element
# of `list'.
any = pred: list:
if list == [] then false
else if pred (head list) then true
else any pred (tail list);
# Return true iff function `pred' returns true for all elements of
# `list'.
all = pred: list:
if list == [] then true
else if pred (head list) then all pred (tail list)
else false;
# much shorter implementations using map and fold (are lazy as well)
# which ones are better?
# true if all/ at least one element(s) satisfy f
# all = f : l : fold logicalAND true (map f l);
# any = f : l : fold logicalOR false (map f l);
# Return true if each element of a list is equal, false otherwise.
eqLists = xs: ys:
if xs == [] && ys == [] then true
else if xs == [] || ys == [] then false
else head xs == head ys && eqLists (tail xs) (tail ys);
# Workaround, but works in stable Nix now.
eqStrings = a: b: (a+(substring 0 0 b)) == ((substring 0 0 a)+b);
# Determine whether a filename ends in the given suffix.
hasSuffix = ext: fileName:
let lenFileName = stringLength fileName;
lenExt = stringLength ext;
in !(lessThan lenFileName lenExt) &&
substring (sub lenFileName lenExt) lenFileName fileName == ext;
hasSuffixHack = a: b: hasSuffix (a+(substring 0 0 b)) ((substring 0 0 a)+b);
# Bring in a path as a source, filtering out all Subversion and CVS
# directories, as well as backup files (*~).
cleanSource =
let filter = name: type: let baseName = baseNameOf (toString name); in ! (
# Filter out Subversion and CVS directories.
(type == "directory" && (baseName == ".svn" || baseName == "CVS")) ||
# Filter out backup files.
(hasSuffix "~" baseName)
in src: builtins.filterSource filter src;
# Get all files ending with the specified suffices from the given
# directory. E.g. `sourceFilesBySuffices ./dir [".xml" ".c"]'.
sourceFilesBySuffices = path: exts:
let filter = name: type:
let base = baseNameOf (toString name);
in type != "directory" && any (ext: hasSuffix ext base) exts;
in builtins.filterSource filter path;
# Return a singleton list or an empty list, depending on a boolean
# value. Useful when building lists with optional elements
# (e.g. `++ optional (system == "i686-linux") flashplayer').
optional = cond: elem: if cond then [elem] else [];
# Return a list or an empty list, dependening on a boolean value.
optionals = cond: elems: if cond then elems else [];
optionalString = cond: string: if cond then string else "";
# Return the second argument if the first one is true or the empty version
# of the second argument.
ifEnable = cond: val:
if cond then val
else if builtins.isList val then []
else if builtins.isAttrs val then {}
# else if builtins.isString val then ""
else if (val == true || val == false) then false
else null;
# Return a list of integers from `first' up to and including `last'.
range = first: last:
if builtins.lessThan last first
then []
else [first] ++ range (builtins.add first 1) last;
# Return true only if there is an attribute and it is true.
checkFlag = attrSet: name:
if (name == "true") then true else
if (name == "false") then false else
if (isInList (getAttr ["flags"] [] attrSet) name) then true else
getAttr [name] false attrSet ;
logicalOR = x: y: x || y;
logicalAND = x: y: x && y;
# Input : attrSet, [ [name default] ... ], name
# Output : its value or default.
getValue = attrSet: argList: name:
( getAttr [name] (if checkFlag attrSet name then true else
if argList == [] then null else
let x = builtins.head argList; in
if (head x) == name then
(head (tail x))
else (getValue attrSet
(tail argList) name)) attrSet );
# Input : attrSet, [[name default] ...], [ [flagname reqs..] ... ]
# Output : are reqs satisfied? It's asserted.
checkReqs = attrSet : argList : condList :
fold logicalAND true
(map (x: let name = (head x) ; in
((checkFlag attrSet name) ->
(fold logicalAND true
(map (y: let val=(getValue attrSet argList y); in
(val!=null) && (val!=false))
(tail x))))) condList)) ;
isInList = list: x:
if (list == []) then false else
if (x == (head list)) then true else
isInList (tail list) x;
uniqList = {inputList, outputList ? []}:
if (inputList == []) then outputList else
let x=head inputList;
newOutputList = outputList ++
(if (isInList outputList x) then [] else [x]);
in uniqList {outputList=newOutputList;
inputList = (tail inputList);};
uniqListExt = {inputList, outputList ? [],
getter ? (x : x), compare ? (x: y: x==y)}:
if (inputList == []) then outputList else
let x=head inputList;
isX = y: (compare (getter y) (getter x));
newOutputList = outputList ++
(if any isX outputList then [] else [x]);
in uniqListExt {outputList=newOutputList;
inputList = (tail inputList);
inherit getter compare;
condConcat = name: list: checker:
if list == [] then name else
if checker (head list) then
(name + (head (tail list)))
(tail (tail list))
else condConcat
name (tail (tail list)) checker;
# Merge sets of attributes and use the function f to merge
# attributes values.
zip = f: sets:
builtins.listToAttrs (map (name: {
inherit name;
value =
f name
(map (__getAttr name)
(filter (__hasAttr name) sets));
}) (concatMap builtins.attrNames sets));
# divide a list in two depending on the evaluation of a predicate.
partition = pred:
fold (h: t:
if pred h
then { right = [h] ++ t.right; wrong = t.wrong; }
else { right = t.right; wrong = [h] ++ t.wrong; }
) { right = []; wrong = []; };
# Take a function and evaluate it with its own returned value.
fix = f:
(rec { result = f result; }).result;
# flatten a list of elements by following the properties of the elements.
# next : return the list of following elements.
# seen : lists of elements already visited.
# default: result if 'x' is empty.
# x : list of values that have to be processed.
uniqFlatten = next: seen: default: x:
if x == []
then default
let h = head x; t = tail x; n = next h; in
if elem h seen
then uniqFlatten next seen default t
else uniqFlatten next (seen ++ [h]) (default ++ [h]) (n ++ t)
/* If. ThenElse. Always. */
# create "if" statement that can be dealyed on sets until a "then-else" or
# "always" set is reached. When an always set is reached the condition
# is ignore.
isIf = attrs: (typeOf attrs) == "if";
mkIf = condition: thenelse:
if isIf thenelse then
mkIf (condition && thenelse.condition) thenelse.thenelse
else {
_type = "if";
inherit condition thenelse;
isNotdef = attrs: (typeOf attrs) == "notdef";
mkNotdef = {_type = "notdef";};
isThenElse = attrs: (typeOf attrs) == "then-else";
mkThenElse = attrs:
assert attrs ? thenPart && attrs ? elsePart;
attrs // { _type = "then-else"; };
isAlways = attrs: (typeOf attrs) == "always";
mkAlways = value: { inherit value; _type = "always"; };
pushIf = f: attrs:
if isIf attrs then pushIf f (
let val = attrs.thenelse; in
# evaluate the condition.
if isThenElse val then
if attrs.condition then
# ignore the condition.
else if isAlways val then
# otherwise
f attrs.condition val)
# take care otherwise you will have to handle this by hand.
rmIf = pushIf (condition: val: val);
evalIf = pushIf (condition: val:
if condition then val else mkNotdef
delayIf = pushIf (condition: val:
# rewrite the condition on sub-attributes.
mapAttrs (name: mkIf condition) val
/* Options. */
mkOption = attrs: attrs // {_type = "option";};
typeOf = x: if (__isAttrs x && x ? _type) then x._type else "";
isOption = attrs: (typeOf attrs) == "option";
addDefaultOptionValues = defs: opts: opts //
builtins.listToAttrs (map (defName:
{ name = defName;
value =
defValue = builtins.getAttr defName defs;
optValue = builtins.getAttr defName opts;
if typeOf defValue == "option"
# `defValue' is an option.
if builtins.hasAttr defName opts
then builtins.getAttr defName opts
else defValue.default
# `defValue' is an attribute set containing options.
# So recurse.
if builtins.hasAttr defName opts && builtins.isAttrs optValue
then addDefaultOptionValues defValue optValue
else addDefaultOptionValues defValue {};
) (builtins.attrNames defs));
mergeDefaultOption = list:
if list != [] && tail list == [] then head list
else if all __isFunction list then x: mergeDefaultOption (map (f: f x) list)
else if all __isList list then concatLists list
else if all __isAttrs list then mergeAttrs list
else if all (x: true == x || false == x) list then fold logicalOR false list
else if all (x: x == toString x) list then concatStrings list
else throw "Cannot merge values.";
mergeTypedOption = typeName: predicate: merge: list:
if all predicate list then merge list
else throw "Expect a ${typeName}.";
mergeEnableOption = mergeTypedOption "boolean"
(x: true == x || false == x) (fold logicalOR false);
mergeListOption = mergeTypedOption "list"
__isList concatLists;
mergeStringOption = mergeTypedOption "string"
(x: if builtins ? isString then builtins.isString x else x + "")
mergeOneOption = list:
if list == [] then abort "This case should never happens."
else if tail list != [] then throw "Multiple definitions. Only one is allowed for this option."
else head list;
# Handle the traversal of option sets. All sets inside 'opts' are zipped
# and options declaration and definition are separated. If no option are
# declared at a specific depth, then the function recurse into the values.
# Other cases are handled by the optionHandler which contains two
# functions that are used to defined your goal.
# - export is a function which takes two arguments which are the option
# and the list of values.
# - notHandle is a function which takes the list of values are not handle
# by this function.
handleOptionSets = optionHandler@{export, notHandle, ...}: path: opts:
if all __isAttrs opts then
zip (attr: opts:
# Compute the path to reach the attribute.
name = if path == "" then attr else path + "." + attr;
# Divide the definitions of the attribute "attr" between
# declaration (isOption) and definitions (!isOption).
test = partition isOption opts;
decls = test.right; defs = test.wrong;
# Return the option declaration and add missing default
# attributes.
opt = {
inherit name;
merge = mergeDefaultOption;
apply = id;
} // (head decls);
# Return the list of option sets.
optAttrs = map delayIf defs;
# return the list of option values.
# Remove undefined values that are coming from evalIf.
optValues = filter (x: !isNotdef x) (map evalIf defs);
if decls == [] then handleOptionSets optionHandler name optAttrs
else addErrorContext "while evaluating the option ${name}:" (
if tail decls != [] then throw "Multiple options."
else export opt optValues
) opts
else addErrorContext "while evaluating ${path}:" (notHandle opts);
# Merge option sets and produce a set of values which is the merging of
# all options declare and defined. If no values are defined for an
# option, then the default value is used otherwise it use the merge
# function of each option to get the result.
mergeOptionSets = noOption: newMergeOptionSets; # ignore argument
newMergeOptionSets =
handleOptionSets {
export = opt: values:
opt.apply (
if values == [] then
if opt ? default then opt.default
else throw "Not defined."
else opt.merge values
notHandle = opts: throw "Used without option declaration.";
# Keep all option declarations.
filterOptionSets =
handleOptionSets {
export = opt: values: opt;
notHandle = opts: {};
# Evaluate a list of option sets that would be merged with the
# function "merge" which expects two arguments. The attribute named
# "require" is used to imports option declarations and bindings.
# * cfg[0-9]: configuration
# * cfgSet[0-9]: configuration set
# merge: the function used to merge options sets.
# pkgs: is the set of packages available. (nixpkgs)
# opts: list of option sets or option set functions.
# config: result of this evaluation.
fixOptionSetsFun = merge: pkgs: opts: config:
# remove possible mkIf to access the require attribute.
noImportConditions = cfgSet0:
let cfgSet1 = delayIf cfgSet0; in
if cfgSet1 ? require then
cfgSet1 // { require = rmIf cfgSet1.require; }
# call configuration "files" with one of the existing convention.
argumentHandler = cfg:
# {..}
cfg0 = cfg;
# {pkgs, config, ...}: {..}
cfg1 = cfg { inherit pkgs config merge; };
# pkgs: config: {..}
cfg2 = cfg {} {};
if __isFunction cfg0 then
if builtins.isAttrs cfg1 then cfg1
else builtins.trace "Use '{pkgs, config, ...}:'." cfg2
else cfg0;
preprocess = cfg0:
let cfg1 = argumentHandler cfg0;
cfg2 = noImportConditions cfg1;
in cfg2;
getRequire = x: toList (getAttr ["require"] [] (preprocess x));
rmRequire = x: removeAttrs (preprocess x) ["require"];
merge "" (
map rmRequire (
uniqFlatten getRequire [] [] (toList opts)
fixOptionSets = merge: pkgs: opts:
fix (fixOptionSetsFun merge pkgs opts);
optionAttrSetToDocList = (l: attrs:
(if (getAttr ["_type"] "" attrs) == "option" then
#inherit (attrs) description;
description = if attrs ? description then attrs.description else
throw ("No description ${toString l} : ${whatis attrs}");
//(if attrs ? example then {inherit(attrs) example;} else {} )
//(if attrs ? default then {inherit(attrs) default;} else {} )
//{name = l;}
else (concatLists (map (s: (optionAttrSetToDocList
(l + (if l=="" then "" else ".") + s) (builtins.getAttr s attrs)))
(builtins.attrNames attrs)))));
innerModifySumArgs = f: x: a: b: if b == null then (f a b) // x else
innerModifySumArgs f x (a // b);
modifySumArgs = f: x: innerModifySumArgs f x {};
# Wrapper aroung addErrorContext. The builtin should not be used
# directly.
addErrorContext =
if builtins ? addErrorContext
then builtins.addErrorContext
else msg: val: val;
debugVal = if builtins ? trace then x: (builtins.trace x x) else x: x;
debugXMLVal = if builtins ? trace then x: (builtins.trace (builtins.toXML x) x) else x: x;
# this can help debug your code as well - designed to not produce thousands of lines
traceWhatis = x : __trace (whatis x) x;
traceMarked = str: x: __trace (str + (whatis x)) x;
attrNamesToStr = a : concatStringsSep "; " (map (x : "${x}=") (__attrNames a));
whatis = x :
if (__isAttrs x) then
if (x ? outPath) then "x is a derivation, name ${if x ? name then x.name else "<no name>"}, { ${attrNamesToStr x} }"
else "x is attr set { ${attrNamesToStr x} }"
else if (__isFunction x) then "x is a function"
else if (x == []) then "x is an empty list"
else if (__isList x) then "x is a list, first item is : ${whatis (__head x)}"
else if (x == true) then "x is boolean true"
else if (x == false) then "x is boolean false"
else if (x == null) then "x is null"
else "x is probably a string starting, starting characters: ${__substring 0 50 x}..";
# trace the arguments passed to function and its result
traceCall = n : f : a : let t = n2 : x : traceMarked "${n} ${n2}:" x; in t "result" (f (t "arg 1" a));
traceCall2 = n : f : a : b : let t = n2 : x : traceMarked "${n} ${n2}:" x; in t "result" (f (t "arg 1" a) (t "arg 2" b));
traceCall3 = n : f : a : b : c : let t = n2 : x : traceMarked "${n} ${n2}:" x; in t "result" (f (t "arg 1" a) (t "arg 2" b) (t "arg 3" c));
innerClosePropagation = ready: list: if list == [] then ready else
if (head list) ? propagatedBuildInputs then
innerClosePropagation (ready ++ [(head list)])
((head list).propagatedBuildInputs ++ (tail list)) else
innerClosePropagation (ready ++ [(head list)]) (tail list);
closePropagation = list: (uniqList {inputList = (innerClosePropagation [] list);});
stringToCharacters = s : let l = __stringLength s; in
if (__lessThan l 1) then [""] else [(__substring 0 1 s)] ++ stringToCharacters (__substring 1 (__sub l 1) s);
# should this be implemented as primop ? Yes it should..
escapeShellArg = s :
let escapeChar = x : if ( x == "'" ) then "'\"'\"'" else x;
in "'" + concatStrings (map escapeChar (stringToCharacters s) ) +"'";
defineShList = name : list : "\n${name}=(${concatStringsSep " " (map escapeShellArg list)})\n";
# this as well :-) arg: http://foo/bar/bz.ext returns bz.ext
dropPath = s :
if s == "" then "" else
let takeTillSlash = left : c : s :
if left == 0 then s
else if (__substring left 1 s == "/") then
(__substring (__add left 1) (__sub c 1) s)
else takeTillSlash (__sub left 1) (__add c 1) s; in
takeTillSlash (__sub (__stringLength s) 1) 1 s;
# calls a function (f attr value ) for each record item. returns a list
# should be renamed to mapAttrsFlatten
mapRecordFlatten = f : r : map (attr: f attr (builtins.getAttr attr r) ) (attrNames r);
# maps a function on each attr value
# f = attr : value : ..
mapAttrs = f : r : listToAttrs ( mapRecordFlatten (a : v : nv a ( f a v ) ) r);
# to be used with listToAttrs (_a_ttribute _v_alue)
nv = name : value : { inherit name value; };
# attribute set containing one attribute
nvs = name : value : listToAttrs [ (nv name value) ];
# adds / replaces an attribute of an attribute set
setAttr = set : name : v : set // (nvs name v);
# setAttrMerge (similar to mergeAttrsWithFunc but only merges the values of a particular name)
# setAttrMerge "a" [] { a = [2];} (x : x ++ [3]) -> { a = [2 3]; }
# setAttrMerge "a" [] { } (x : x ++ [3]) -> { a = [ 3]; }
setAttrMerge = name : default : attrs : f :
setAttr attrs name (f (maybeAttr name default attrs));
# iterates over a list of attributes collecting the attribute attr if it exists
catAttrs = attr : l : fold ( s : l : if (hasAttr attr s) then [(builtins.getAttr attr s)] ++ l else l) [] l;
mergeAttr = x : y : x // y;
mergeAttrs = fold mergeAttr {};
attrVals = nameList : attrSet :
map (x: builtins.getAttr x attrSet) nameList;
# Using f = a : b = b the result is similar to //
# merge attributes with custom function handling the case that the attribute
# exists in both sets
mergeAttrsWithFunc = f : set1 : set2 :
fold (n: set : if (__hasAttr n set)
then setAttr set n (f (__getAttr n set) (__getAttr n set2))
else set )
set1 (__attrNames set2);
# merging two attribute set concatenating the values of same attribute names
# eg { a = 7; } { a = [ 2 3 ]; } becomes { a = [ 7 2 3 ]; }
mergeAttrsConcatenateValues = mergeAttrsWithFunc ( a : b : (toList a) ++ (toList b) );
# merges attributes using //, if a name exisits in both attributes
# an error will be triggered unless its listed in mergeLists
# so you can mergeAttrsNoOverride { buildInputs = [a]; } { buildInputs = [a]; } {} to get
# { buildInputs = [a b]; }
# merging buildPhase does'nt really make sense. The cases will be rare where appending /prefixing will fit your needs?
# in these cases the first buildPhase will override the second one
# ! depreceated, use mergeAttrByFunc instead
mergeAttrsNoOverride = { mergeLists ? ["buildInputs" "propagatedBuildInputs"],
overrideSnd ? [ "buildPhase" ]
} : attrs1 : attrs2 :
fold (n: set :
setAttr set n ( if (__hasAttr n set)
then # merge
if elem n mergeLists # attribute contains list, merge them by concatenating
then (__getAttr n attrs2) ++ (__getAttr n attrs1)
else if elem n overrideSnd
then __getAttr n attrs1
else throw "error mergeAttrsNoOverride, attribute ${n} given in both attributes - no merge func defined"
else __getAttr n attrs2 # add attribute not existing in attr1
)) attrs1 (__attrNames attrs2);
# example usage:
# mergeAttrByFunc {
# inherit mergeAttrBy; # defined below
# buildInputs = [ a b ];
# } {
# buildInputs = [ c d ];
# };
# will result in
# { mergeAttrsBy = [...]; buildInputs = [ a b c d ]; }
# is used by prepareDerivationArgs and can be used when composing using
# foldArgs, composedArgsAndFun or applyAndFun. Example: composableDerivation in all-packages.nix
mergeAttrByFunc = x : y :
mergeAttrBy2 = { mergeAttrBy=mergeAttr; }
// (maybeAttr "mergeAttrBy" {} x)
// (maybeAttr "mergeAttrBy" {} y); in
mergeAttrs [
x y
(mapAttrs ( a : v : # merge special names using given functions
if (__hasAttr a x)
then if (__hasAttr a y)
then v (__getAttr a x) (__getAttr a y) # both have attr, use merge func
else (__getAttr a x) # only x has attr
else (__getAttr a y) # only y has attr)
) (removeAttrs mergeAttrBy2
# don't merge attrs which are neither in x nor y
(filter (a : (! __hasAttr a x) && (! __hasAttr a y) )
(__attrNames mergeAttrBy2))
mergeAttrsByFuncDefaults = foldl mergeAttrByFunc { inherit mergeAttrBy; };
# sane defaults (same name as attr name so that inherit can be used)
mergeAttrBy = # { buildInputs = concatList; [...]; passthru = mergeAttr; [..]; }
listToAttrs (map (n : nv n concatList) [ "buildInputs" "propagatedBuildInputs" "configureFlags" "prePhases" "postAll" ])
// listToAttrs (map (n : nv n mergeAttr) [ "passthru" "meta" "cfg" "flags" ]);
# returns atribute values as a list
flattenAttrs = set : map ( attr : builtins.getAttr attr set) (attrNames set);
mapIf = cond : f : fold ( x : l : if (cond x) then [(f x)] ++ l else l) [];
# pick attrs subset_attr_names and apply f
subsetmap = f : attrs : subset_attr_names :
listToAttrs (fold ( attr : r : if __hasAttr attr attrs
then r ++ [ ( nv attr ( f (__getAttr attr attrs) ) ) ] else r ) []
subset_attr_names );
# prepareDerivationArgs tries to make writing configurable derivations easier
# example:
# prepareDerivationArgs {
# mergeAttrBy = {
# myScript = x : y : x ++ "\n" ++ y;
# };
# cfg = {
# readlineSupport = true;
# };
# flags = {
# readline = {
# set = {
# configureFlags = [ "--with-compiler=${compiler}" ];
# buildInputs = [ compiler ];
# pass = { inherit compiler; READLINE=1; };
# assertion = compiler.dllSupport;
# myScript = "foo";
# };
# unset = { configureFlags = ["--without-compiler"]; };
# };
# };
# src = ...
# buildPhase = '' ... '';
# name = ...
# myScript = "bar";
# };
# if you don't have need for unset you can omit the surrounding set = { .. } attr
# all attrs except flags cfg and mergeAttrBy will be merged with the
# additional data from flags depending on config settings
# It's used in composableDerivation in all-packages.nix. It's also used
# heavily in the new python and libs implementation
# should we check for misspelled cfg options?
prepareDerivationArgs = args:
let args2 = { cfg = {}; flags = {}; } // args;
flagName = name : "${name}Support";
cfgWithDefaults = (listToAttrs (map (n : nv (flagName n) false) (attrNames args2.flags)))
// args2.cfg;
opts = flattenAttrs (mapAttrs (a : v :
let v2 = if (v ? set || v ? unset) then v else { set = v; };
n = if (__getAttr (flagName a) cfgWithDefaults) then "set" else "unset";
attr = maybeAttr n {} v2; in
if (maybeAttr "assertion" true attr)
then attr
else throw "assertion of flag ${a} of derivation ${args.name} failed"
) args2.flags );
in removeAttrs
(mergeAttrsByFuncDefaults ([args] ++ opts ++ [{ passthru = cfgWithDefaults; }]))
["flags" "cfg" "mergeAttrBy" "fixed" ]; # fixed may be passed as fix argument or such

pkgs/lib/lists.nix Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
# General list operations.
rec {
inherit (builtins) head tail isList;
# "Fold" a binary function `op' between successive elements of
# `list' with `nul' as the starting value, i.e., `fold op nul [x_1
# x_2 ... x_n] == op x_1 (op x_2 ... (op x_n nul))'. (This is
# Haskell's foldr).
fold = op: nul: list:
if list == []
then nul
else op (head list) (fold op nul (tail list));
# Left fold: `fold op nul [x_1 x_2 ... x_n] == op (... (op (op nul
# x_1) x_2) ... x_n)'.
foldl = op: nul: list:
if list == []
then nul
else foldl op (op nul (head list)) (tail list);
# Concatenate a list of lists.
concatLists = fold (x: y: x ++ y) [];
# Map and concatenate the result.
concatMap = f: list: concatLists (map f list);
# Flatten the argument into a single list; that is, nested lists are
# spliced into the top-level lists. E.g., `flatten [1 [2 [3] 4] 5]
# == [1 2 3 4 5]' and `flatten 1 == [1]'.
flatten = x:
if isList x
then fold (x: y: (flatten x) ++ y) [] x
else [x];
# Filter a list using a predicate; that is, return a list containing
# every element from `list' for which `pred' returns true.
filter = pred: list:
fold (x: y: if pred x then [x] ++ y else y) [] list;
# Return true if `list' has an element `x':
elem = x: list: fold (a: bs: x == a || bs) false list;
# Find the sole element in the list matching the specified
# predicate, returns `default' if no such element exists, or
# `multiple' if there are multiple matching elements.
findSingle = pred: default: multiple: list:
let found = filter pred list;
in if found == [] then default
else if tail found != [] then multiple
else head found;
# Return true iff function `pred' returns true for at least element
# of `list'.
any = pred: list:
if list == [] then false
else if pred (head list) then true
else any pred (tail list);
# Return true iff function `pred' returns true for all elements of
# `list'.
all = pred: list:
if list == [] then true
else if pred (head list) then all pred (tail list)
else false;
# Return true if each element of a list is equal, false otherwise.
eqLists = xs: ys:
if xs == [] && ys == [] then true
else if xs == [] || ys == [] then false
else head xs == head ys && eqLists (tail xs) (tail ys);
# Return a singleton list or an empty list, depending on a boolean
# value. Useful when building lists with optional elements
# (e.g. `++ optional (system == "i686-linux") flashplayer').
optional = cond: elem: if cond then [elem] else [];
# Return a list or an empty list, dependening on a boolean value.
optionals = cond: elems: if cond then elems else [];
# If argument is a list, return it; else, wrap it in a singleton
# list. If you're using this, you should almost certainly
# reconsider if there isn't a more "well-typed" approach.
toList = x: if builtins.isList x then x else [x];
# Return a list of integers from `first' up to and including `last'.
range = first: last:
if builtins.lessThan last first
then []
else [first] ++ range (builtins.add first 1) last;
# Partition the elements of a list in two lists, `right' and
# `wrong', depending on the evaluation of a predicate.
partition = pred:
fold (h: t:
if pred h
then { right = [h] ++ t.right; wrong = t.wrong; }
else { right = t.right; wrong = [h] ++ t.wrong; }
) { right = []; wrong = []; };

pkgs/lib/misc.nix Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,385 @@
let lib = import ./default.nix; in
with import ./lists.nix;
with import ./attrsets.nix;
with import ./strings.nix;
rec {
# accumulates / merges all attr sets until null is fed.
# example: sumArgs id { a = 'a'; x = 'x'; } { y = 'y'; x = 'X'; } null
# result : { a = 'a'; x = 'X'; y = 'Y'; }
innerSumArgs = f : x : y : (if y == null then (f x)
else (innerSumArgs f (x // y)));
sumArgs = f : innerSumArgs f {};
# Advanced sumArgs version. Hm, twice as slow, I'm afraid.
# composedArgs id (x:x//{a="b";}) (x:x//{b=x.a + "c";}) null;
# {a="b" ; b="bc";};
innerComposedArgs = f : x : y : (if y==null then (f x)
else (if (builtins.isAttrs y) then
(innerComposedArgs f (x//y))
else (innerComposedArgs f (y x))));
composedArgs = f: innerComposedArgs f {};
defaultMergeArg = x : y: if builtins.isAttrs y then
(y x);
defaultMerge = x: y: x // (defaultMergeArg x y);
sumTwoArgs = f: x: y:
f (defaultMerge x y);
foldArgs = merger: f: init: x:
let arg=(merger init (defaultMergeArg init x)); in
# now add the function with composed args already applied to the final attrs
setAttrMerge "passthru" {} (f arg) ( x : x // { function = foldArgs merger f arg; } );
# returns f x // { passthru.fun = y : f (merge x y); } while preserving other passthru names.
# example: let ex = applyAndFun (x : removeAttrs x ["fixed"]) (mergeOrApply mergeAttr) {name = 6;};
# usage1 = ex.passthru.fun { name = 7; }; # result: { name = 7;}
# usage2 = ex.passthru.fun (a: a // {name = __add a.name 1; }); # result: { a = 7; }
# fix usage:
# usage3a = ex.passthru.fun (a: a // {name2 = a.fixed.toBePassed; }); # usage3a will fail because toBePassed is not yet given
# usage3b usage3a.passthru.fun { toBePassed = "foo";}; # result { name = 7; name2 = "foo"; toBePassed = "foo"; fixed = <this attrs>; }
applyAndFun = f : merge : x : assert (__isAttrs x || __isFunction x);
let takeFix = if (__isFunction x) then x else (attr: merge attr x); in
setAttrMerge "passthru" {} (lib.fix (fixed : f (takeFix {inherit fixed;})))
( y : y //
fun = z : applyAndFun f merge (fixed: merge (takeFix fixed) z);
funMerge = z : applyAndFun f merge (fixed: let e = takeFix fixed; in merge e (merge e z));
} );
mergeOrApply = merge : x : y : if (__isFunction y) then y x else merge x y;
# rec { # an example of how composedArgsAndFun can be used
# a = composedArgsAndFun (x : x) { a = ["2"]; meta = { d = "bar";}; };
# # meta.d will be lost ! It's your task to preserve it (eg using a merge function)
# b = a.passthru.function { a = [ "3" ]; meta = { d2 = "bar2";}; };
# # instead of passing/ overriding values you can use a merge function:
# c = b.passthru.function ( x: { a = x.a ++ ["4"]; }); # consider using (maybeAttr "a" [] x)
# }
# result:
# {
# a = { a = ["2"]; meta = { d = "bar"; }; passthru = { function = .. }; };
# b = { a = ["3"]; meta = { d2 = "bar2"; }; passthru = { function = .. }; };
# c = { a = ["3" "4"]; meta = { d2 = "bar2"; }; passthru = { function = .. }; };
# # c2 is equal to c
# }
composedArgsAndFun = f: foldArgs defaultMerge f {};
# example a = pairMap (x : y : x + y) ["a" "b" "c" "d"];
# result: ["ab" "cd"]
innerPairMap = acc: f: l:
if l == [] then acc else
innerPairMap (acc ++ [(f (head l)(head (tail l)))])
f (tail (tail l));
pairMap = innerPairMap [];
# shortcut for getAttr ["name"] default attrs
maybeAttr = name: default: attrs:
if (__hasAttr name attrs) then (__getAttr name attrs) else default;
# Return the second argument if the first one is true or the empty version
# of the second argument.
ifEnable = cond: val:
if cond then val
else if builtins.isList val then []
else if builtins.isAttrs val then {}
# else if builtins.isString val then ""
else if (val == true || val == false) then false
else null;
# Return true only if there is an attribute and it is true.
checkFlag = attrSet: name:
if (name == "true") then true else
if (name == "false") then false else
if (elem name (getAttr ["flags"] [] attrSet)) then true else
getAttr [name] false attrSet ;
# Input : attrSet, [ [name default] ... ], name
# Output : its value or default.
getValue = attrSet: argList: name:
( getAttr [name] (if checkFlag attrSet name then true else
if argList == [] then null else
let x = builtins.head argList; in
if (head x) == name then
(head (tail x))
else (getValue attrSet
(tail argList) name)) attrSet );
# Input : attrSet, [[name default] ...], [ [flagname reqs..] ... ]
# Output : are reqs satisfied? It's asserted.
checkReqs = attrSet : argList : condList :
fold lib.and true
(map (x: let name = (head x) ; in
((checkFlag attrSet name) ->
(fold lib.and true
(map (y: let val=(getValue attrSet argList y); in
(val!=null) && (val!=false))
(tail x))))) condList)) ;
uniqList = {inputList, outputList ? []}:
if (inputList == []) then outputList else
let x=head inputList;
newOutputList = outputList ++
(if elem x outputList then [] else [x]);
in uniqList {outputList=newOutputList;
inputList = (tail inputList);};
uniqListExt = {inputList, outputList ? [],
getter ? (x : x), compare ? (x: y: x==y)}:
if (inputList == []) then outputList else
let x=head inputList;
isX = y: (compare (getter y) (getter x));
newOutputList = outputList ++
(if any isX outputList then [] else [x]);
in uniqListExt {outputList=newOutputList;
inputList = (tail inputList);
inherit getter compare;
condConcat = name: list: checker:
if list == [] then name else
if checker (head list) then
(name + (head (tail list)))
(tail (tail list))
else condConcat
name (tail (tail list)) checker;
# Merge sets of attributes and use the function f to merge
# attributes values.
zip = f: sets:
builtins.listToAttrs (map (name: {
inherit name;
value =
f name
(map (__getAttr name)
(filter (__hasAttr name) sets));
}) (concatMap builtins.attrNames sets));
# flatten a list of elements by following the properties of the elements.
# next : return the list of following elements.
# seen : lists of elements already visited.
# default: result if 'x' is empty.
# x : list of values that have to be processed.
uniqFlatten = next: seen: default: x:
if x == []
then default
let h = head x; t = tail x; n = next h; in
if elem h seen
then uniqFlatten next seen default t
else uniqFlatten next (seen ++ [h]) (default ++ [h]) (n ++ t)
innerModifySumArgs = f: x: a: b: if b == null then (f a b) // x else
innerModifySumArgs f x (a // b);
modifySumArgs = f: x: innerModifySumArgs f x {};
debugVal = if builtins ? trace then x: (builtins.trace x x) else x: x;
debugXMLVal = if builtins ? trace then x: (builtins.trace (builtins.toXML x) x) else x: x;
# this can help debug your code as well - designed to not produce thousands of lines
traceWhatis = x : __trace (whatis x) x;
traceMarked = str: x: __trace (str + (whatis x)) x;
attrNamesToStr = a : concatStringsSep "; " (map (x : "${x}=") (__attrNames a));
whatis = x :
if (__isAttrs x) then
if (x ? outPath) then "x is a derivation, name ${if x ? name then x.name else "<no name>"}, { ${attrNamesToStr x} }"
else "x is attr set { ${attrNamesToStr x} }"
else if (__isFunction x) then "x is a function"
else if (x == []) then "x is an empty list"
else if (__isList x) then "x is a list, first item is : ${whatis (__head x)}"
else if (x == true) then "x is boolean true"
else if (x == false) then "x is boolean false"
else if (x == null) then "x is null"
else "x is probably a string starting, starting characters: ${__substring 0 50 x}..";
# trace the arguments passed to function and its result
traceCall = n : f : a : let t = n2 : x : traceMarked "${n} ${n2}:" x; in t "result" (f (t "arg 1" a));
traceCall2 = n : f : a : b : let t = n2 : x : traceMarked "${n} ${n2}:" x; in t "result" (f (t "arg 1" a) (t "arg 2" b));
traceCall3 = n : f : a : b : c : let t = n2 : x : traceMarked "${n} ${n2}:" x; in t "result" (f (t "arg 1" a) (t "arg 2" b) (t "arg 3" c));
innerClosePropagation = ready: list: if list == [] then ready else
if (head list) ? propagatedBuildInputs then
innerClosePropagation (ready ++ [(head list)])
((head list).propagatedBuildInputs ++ (tail list)) else
innerClosePropagation (ready ++ [(head list)]) (tail list);
closePropagation = list: (uniqList {inputList = (innerClosePropagation [] list);});
# calls a function (f attr value ) for each record item. returns a list
# should be renamed to mapAttrsFlatten
mapRecordFlatten = f : r : map (attr: f attr (builtins.getAttr attr r) ) (attrNames r);
# maps a function on each attr value
# f = attr : value : ..
mapAttrs = f : r : listToAttrs ( mapRecordFlatten (a : v : nv a ( f a v ) ) r);
# to be used with listToAttrs (_a_ttribute _v_alue)
nv = name : value : { inherit name value; };
# attribute set containing one attribute
nvs = name : value : listToAttrs [ (nv name value) ];
# adds / replaces an attribute of an attribute set
setAttr = set : name : v : set // (nvs name v);
# setAttrMerge (similar to mergeAttrsWithFunc but only merges the values of a particular name)
# setAttrMerge "a" [] { a = [2];} (x : x ++ [3]) -> { a = [2 3]; }
# setAttrMerge "a" [] { } (x : x ++ [3]) -> { a = [ 3]; }
setAttrMerge = name : default : attrs : f :
setAttr attrs name (f (maybeAttr name default attrs));
# iterates over a list of attributes collecting the attribute attr if it exists
catAttrs = attr : l : fold ( s : l : if (hasAttr attr s) then [(builtins.getAttr attr s)] ++ l else l) [] l;
attrVals = nameList : attrSet :
map (x: builtins.getAttr x attrSet) nameList;
# Using f = a : b = b the result is similar to //
# merge attributes with custom function handling the case that the attribute
# exists in both sets
mergeAttrsWithFunc = f : set1 : set2 :
fold (n: set : if (__hasAttr n set)
then setAttr set n (f (__getAttr n set) (__getAttr n set2))
else set )
set1 (__attrNames set2);
# merging two attribute set concatenating the values of same attribute names
# eg { a = 7; } { a = [ 2 3 ]; } becomes { a = [ 7 2 3 ]; }
mergeAttrsConcatenateValues = mergeAttrsWithFunc ( a : b : (toList a) ++ (toList b) );
# merges attributes using //, if a name exisits in both attributes
# an error will be triggered unless its listed in mergeLists
# so you can mergeAttrsNoOverride { buildInputs = [a]; } { buildInputs = [a]; } {} to get
# { buildInputs = [a b]; }
# merging buildPhase does'nt really make sense. The cases will be rare where appending /prefixing will fit your needs?
# in these cases the first buildPhase will override the second one
# ! depreceated, use mergeAttrByFunc instead
mergeAttrsNoOverride = { mergeLists ? ["buildInputs" "propagatedBuildInputs"],
overrideSnd ? [ "buildPhase" ]
} : attrs1 : attrs2 :
fold (n: set :
setAttr set n ( if (__hasAttr n set)
then # merge
if elem n mergeLists # attribute contains list, merge them by concatenating
then (__getAttr n attrs2) ++ (__getAttr n attrs1)
else if elem n overrideSnd
then __getAttr n attrs1
else throw "error mergeAttrsNoOverride, attribute ${n} given in both attributes - no merge func defined"
else __getAttr n attrs2 # add attribute not existing in attr1
)) attrs1 (__attrNames attrs2);
# example usage:
# mergeAttrByFunc {
# inherit mergeAttrBy; # defined below
# buildInputs = [ a b ];
# } {
# buildInputs = [ c d ];
# };
# will result in
# { mergeAttrsBy = [...]; buildInputs = [ a b c d ]; }
# is used by prepareDerivationArgs and can be used when composing using
# foldArgs, composedArgsAndFun or applyAndFun. Example: composableDerivation in all-packages.nix
mergeAttrByFunc = x : y :
mergeAttrBy2 = { mergeAttrBy=lib.mergeAttrs; }
// (maybeAttr "mergeAttrBy" {} x)
// (maybeAttr "mergeAttrBy" {} y); in
fold lib.mergeAttrs {} [
x y
(mapAttrs ( a : v : # merge special names using given functions
if (__hasAttr a x)
then if (__hasAttr a y)
then v (__getAttr a x) (__getAttr a y) # both have attr, use merge func
else (__getAttr a x) # only x has attr
else (__getAttr a y) # only y has attr)
) (removeAttrs mergeAttrBy2
# don't merge attrs which are neither in x nor y
(filter (a : (! __hasAttr a x) && (! __hasAttr a y) )
(__attrNames mergeAttrBy2))
mergeAttrsByFuncDefaults = foldl mergeAttrByFunc { inherit mergeAttrBy; };
# sane defaults (same name as attr name so that inherit can be used)
mergeAttrBy = # { buildInputs = concatList; [...]; passthru = mergeAttr; [..]; }
listToAttrs (map (n : nv n lib.concat) [ "buildInputs" "propagatedBuildInputs" "configureFlags" "prePhases" "postAll" ])
// listToAttrs (map (n : nv n lib.mergeAttrs) [ "passthru" "meta" "cfg" "flags" ]);
# returns atribute values as a list
flattenAttrs = set : map ( attr : builtins.getAttr attr set) (attrNames set);
mapIf = cond : f : fold ( x : l : if (cond x) then [(f x)] ++ l else l) [];
# pick attrs subset_attr_names and apply f
subsetmap = f : attrs : subset_attr_names :
listToAttrs (fold ( attr : r : if __hasAttr attr attrs
then r ++ [ ( nv attr ( f (__getAttr attr attrs) ) ) ] else r ) []
subset_attr_names );
# prepareDerivationArgs tries to make writing configurable derivations easier
# example:
# prepareDerivationArgs {
# mergeAttrBy = {
# myScript = x : y : x ++ "\n" ++ y;
# };
# cfg = {
# readlineSupport = true;
# };
# flags = {
# readline = {
# set = {
# configureFlags = [ "--with-compiler=${compiler}" ];
# buildInputs = [ compiler ];
# pass = { inherit compiler; READLINE=1; };
# assertion = compiler.dllSupport;
# myScript = "foo";
# };
# unset = { configureFlags = ["--without-compiler"]; };
# };
# };
# src = ...
# buildPhase = '' ... '';
# name = ...
# myScript = "bar";
# };
# if you don't have need for unset you can omit the surrounding set = { .. } attr
# all attrs except flags cfg and mergeAttrBy will be merged with the
# additional data from flags depending on config settings
# It's used in composableDerivation in all-packages.nix. It's also used
# heavily in the new python and libs implementation
# should we check for misspelled cfg options?
prepareDerivationArgs = args:
let args2 = { cfg = {}; flags = {}; } // args;
flagName = name : "${name}Support";
cfgWithDefaults = (listToAttrs (map (n : nv (flagName n) false) (attrNames args2.flags)))
// args2.cfg;
opts = flattenAttrs (mapAttrs (a : v :
let v2 = if (v ? set || v ? unset) then v else { set = v; };
n = if (__getAttr (flagName a) cfgWithDefaults) then "set" else "unset";
attr = maybeAttr n {} v2; in
if (maybeAttr "assertion" true attr)
then attr
else throw "assertion of flag ${a} of derivation ${args.name} failed"
) args2.flags );
in removeAttrs
(mergeAttrsByFuncDefaults ([args] ++ opts ++ [{ passthru = cfgWithDefaults; }]))
["flags" "cfg" "mergeAttrBy" "fixed" ]; # fixed may be passed as fix argument or such

pkgs/lib/options.nix Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
# Nixpkgs/NixOS option handling.
let lib = import ./default.nix; in
with { inherit (builtins) head tail; };
with import ./lists.nix;
with import ./attrsets.nix;
rec {
mkOption = attrs: attrs // {_type = "option";};
typeOf = x: if (__isAttrs x && x ? _type) then x._type else "";
isOption = attrs: (typeOf attrs) == "option";
addDefaultOptionValues = defs: opts: opts //
builtins.listToAttrs (map (defName:
{ name = defName;
value =
defValue = builtins.getAttr defName defs;
optValue = builtins.getAttr defName opts;
if typeOf defValue == "option"
# `defValue' is an option.
if builtins.hasAttr defName opts
then builtins.getAttr defName opts
else defValue.default
# `defValue' is an attribute set containing options.
# So recurse.
if builtins.hasAttr defName opts && builtins.isAttrs optValue
then addDefaultOptionValues defValue optValue
else addDefaultOptionValues defValue {};
) (builtins.attrNames defs));
mergeDefaultOption = list:
if list != [] && tail list == [] then head list
else if all __isFunction list then x: mergeDefaultOption (map (f: f x) list)
else if all __isList list then concatLists list
else if all __isAttrs list then fold lib.mergeAttrs {} list
else if all (x: true == x || false == x) list then fold lib.or false list
else if all (x: x == toString x) list then lib.concatStrings list
else throw "Cannot merge values.";
mergeTypedOption = typeName: predicate: merge: list:
if all predicate list then merge list
else throw "Expect a ${typeName}.";
mergeEnableOption = mergeTypedOption "boolean"
(x: true == x || false == x) (fold lib.or false);
mergeListOption = mergeTypedOption "list"
__isList concatLists;
mergeStringOption = mergeTypedOption "string"
(x: if builtins ? isString then builtins.isString x else x + "")
mergeOneOption = list:
if list == [] then abort "This case should never happens."
else if tail list != [] then throw "Multiple definitions. Only one is allowed for this option."
else head list;
# Handle the traversal of option sets. All sets inside 'opts' are zipped
# and options declaration and definition are separated. If no option are
# declared at a specific depth, then the function recurse into the values.
# Other cases are handled by the optionHandler which contains two
# functions that are used to defined your goal.
# - export is a function which takes two arguments which are the option
# and the list of values.
# - notHandle is a function which takes the list of values are not handle
# by this function.
handleOptionSets = optionHandler@{export, notHandle, ...}: path: opts:
if all __isAttrs opts then
lib.zip (attr: opts:
# Compute the path to reach the attribute.
name = if path == "" then attr else path + "." + attr;
# Divide the definitions of the attribute "attr" between
# declaration (isOption) and definitions (!isOption).
test = partition isOption opts;
decls = test.right; defs = test.wrong;
# Return the option declaration and add missing default
# attributes.
opt = {
inherit name;
merge = mergeDefaultOption;
apply = lib.id;
} // (head decls);
# Return the list of option sets.
optAttrs = map delayIf defs;
# return the list of option values.
# Remove undefined values that are coming from evalIf.
optValues = filter (x: !isNotdef x) (map evalIf defs);
if decls == [] then handleOptionSets optionHandler name optAttrs
else lib.addErrorContext "while evaluating the option ${name}:" (
if tail decls != [] then throw "Multiple options."
else export opt optValues
) opts
else lib.addErrorContext "while evaluating ${path}:" (notHandle opts);
# Merge option sets and produce a set of values which is the merging of
# all options declare and defined. If no values are defined for an
# option, then the default value is used otherwise it use the merge
# function of each option to get the result.
mergeOptionSets = noOption: newMergeOptionSets; # ignore argument
newMergeOptionSets =
handleOptionSets {
export = opt: values:
opt.apply (
if values == [] then
if opt ? default then opt.default
else throw "Not defined."
else opt.merge values
notHandle = opts: throw "Used without option declaration.";
# Keep all option declarations.
filterOptionSets =
handleOptionSets {
export = opt: values: opt;
notHandle = opts: {};
# Evaluate a list of option sets that would be merged with the
# function "merge" which expects two arguments. The attribute named
# "require" is used to imports option declarations and bindings.
# * cfg[0-9]: configuration
# * cfgSet[0-9]: configuration set
# merge: the function used to merge options sets.
# pkgs: is the set of packages available. (nixpkgs)
# opts: list of option sets or option set functions.
# config: result of this evaluation.
fixOptionSetsFun = merge: pkgs: opts: config:
# remove possible mkIf to access the require attribute.
noImportConditions = cfgSet0:
let cfgSet1 = delayIf cfgSet0; in
if cfgSet1 ? require then
cfgSet1 // { require = rmIf cfgSet1.require; }
# call configuration "files" with one of the existing convention.
argumentHandler = cfg:
# {..}
cfg0 = cfg;
# {pkgs, config, ...}: {..}
cfg1 = cfg { inherit pkgs config merge; };
# pkgs: config: {..}
cfg2 = cfg {} {};
if __isFunction cfg0 then
if builtins.isAttrs cfg1 then cfg1
else builtins.trace "Use '{pkgs, config, ...}:'." cfg2
else cfg0;
preprocess = cfg0:
let cfg1 = argumentHandler cfg0;
cfg2 = noImportConditions cfg1;
in cfg2;
getRequire = x: toList (getAttr ["require"] [] (preprocess x));
rmRequire = x: removeAttrs (preprocess x) ["require"];
merge "" (
map rmRequire (
lib.uniqFlatten getRequire [] [] (toList opts)
fixOptionSets = merge: pkgs: opts:
lib.fix (fixOptionSetsFun merge pkgs opts);
optionAttrSetToDocList = l: attrs:
if (getAttr ["_type"] "" attrs) == "option" then
#inherit (attrs) description;
description = if attrs ? description then attrs.description else
throw ("No description ${toString l} : ${lib.whatis attrs}");
// (if attrs ? example then {inherit(attrs) example;} else {} )
// (if attrs ? default then {inherit(attrs) default;} else {} )
// {name = l;}
else (concatLists (map (s: (optionAttrSetToDocList
(l + (if l=="" then "" else ".") + s) (builtins.getAttr s attrs)))
(builtins.attrNames attrs)));
/* If. ThenElse. Always. */
# !!! cleanup needed
# create "if" statement that can be dealyed on sets until a "then-else" or
# "always" set is reached. When an always set is reached the condition
# is ignore.
isIf = attrs: (typeOf attrs) == "if";
mkIf = condition: thenelse:
if isIf thenelse then
mkIf (condition && thenelse.condition) thenelse.thenelse
else {
_type = "if";
inherit condition thenelse;
isNotdef = attrs: (typeOf attrs) == "notdef";
mkNotdef = {_type = "notdef";};
isThenElse = attrs: (typeOf attrs) == "then-else";
mkThenElse = attrs:
assert attrs ? thenPart && attrs ? elsePart;
attrs // { _type = "then-else"; };
isAlways = attrs: (typeOf attrs) == "always";
mkAlways = value: { inherit value; _type = "always"; };
pushIf = f: attrs:
if isIf attrs then pushIf f (
let val = attrs.thenelse; in
# evaluate the condition.
if isThenElse val then
if attrs.condition then
# ignore the condition.
else if isAlways val then
# otherwise
f attrs.condition val)
# take care otherwise you will have to handle this by hand.
rmIf = pushIf (condition: val: val);
evalIf = pushIf (condition: val:
if condition then val else mkNotdef
delayIf = pushIf (condition: val:
# rewrite the condition on sub-attributes.
lib.mapAttrs (name: mkIf condition) val

pkgs/lib/sources.nix Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
# Functions for copying sources to the Nix store.
let lib = import ./default.nix; in
rec {
# Bring in a path as a source, filtering out all Subversion and CVS
# directories, as well as backup files (*~).
cleanSource =
let filter = name: type: let baseName = baseNameOf (toString name); in ! (
# Filter out Subversion and CVS directories.
(type == "directory" && (baseName == ".svn" || baseName == "CVS")) ||
# Filter out backup files.
(lib.hasSuffix "~" baseName)
in src: builtins.filterSource filter src;
# Get all files ending with the specified suffices from the given
# directory. E.g. `sourceFilesBySuffices ./dir [".xml" ".c"]'.
sourceFilesBySuffices = path: exts:
let filter = name: type:
let base = baseNameOf (toString name);
in type != "directory" && lib.any (ext: lib.hasSuffix ext base) exts;
in builtins.filterSource filter path;

pkgs/lib/strings.nix Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
/* String manipulation functions. */
let lib = import ./default.nix; in
rec {
inherit (builtins) stringLength substring head tail lessThan sub;
# Concatenate a list of strings.
concatStrings = lib.fold (x: y: x + y) "";
# Map a function over a list and concatenate the resulting strings.
concatMapStrings = f: list: concatStrings (map f list);
# Place an element between each element of a list, e.g.,
# `intersperse "," ["a" "b" "c"]' returns ["a" "," "b" "," "c"].
intersperse = separator: list:
if list == [] || tail list == []
then list
else [(head list) separator]
++ (intersperse separator (tail list));
# Concatenate a list of strings with a separator between each element, e.g.
# concatStringsSep " " ["foo" "bar" "xyzzy"] == "foo bar xyzzy"
concatStringsSep = separator: list:
concatStrings (intersperse separator list);
# Construct an RPATH containing the libraries for a set of packages,
# e.g. "${pkg1}/lib:${pkg2}/lib:...".
makeLibraryPath = paths: concatStringsSep ":" (map (path: path + "/lib") paths);
# Dependening on the boolean `cond', return either the given string
# or the empty string.
optionalString = cond: string: if cond then string else "";
# Determine whether a filename ends in the given suffix.
hasSuffix = ext: fileName:
let lenFileName = stringLength fileName;
lenExt = stringLength ext;
in !(lessThan lenFileName lenExt) &&
substring (sub lenFileName lenExt) lenFileName fileName == ext;
# Convert a string to a list of characters (i.e. singleton strings).
# For instance, "abc" becomes ["a" "b" "c"]. This allows you to,
# e.g., map a function over each character. However, note that this
# will likely be horribly inefficient; Nix is not a general purpose
# programming language. Complex string manipulations should, if
# appropriate, be done in a derivation.
stringToCharacters = s: let l = stringLength s; in
if l == 0
then []
else [(substring 0 1 s)] ++ stringToCharacters (substring 1 (builtins.sub l 1) s);
# !!! this function seems broken - it doesn't escape all special
# characters, and in any case this should be done in a builder.
escapeShellArg = s:
let escapeChar = x: if x == "'" then "'\"'\"'" else x;
in "'" + concatStrings (map escapeChar (stringToCharacters s)) + "'";
# !!! what is this for?
defineShList = name: list: "\n${name}=(${concatStringsSep " " (map escapeShellArg list)})\n";
# arg: http://foo/bar/bz.ext returns bz.ext
# !!! isn't this what the `baseNameOf' primop does?
dropPath = s :
if s == "" then "" else
let takeTillSlash = left : c : s :
if left == 0 then s
else if (__substring left 1 s == "/") then
(__substring (__add left 1) (__sub c 1) s)
else takeTillSlash (__sub left 1) (__add c 1) s; in
takeTillSlash (__sub (__stringLength s) 1) 1 s;

pkgs/lib/trivial.nix Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
rec {
# Identity function.
id = x: x;
# Constant function.
const = x: y: x;
# Named versions corresponding to some builtin operators.
concat = x: y: x ++ y;
or = x: y: x || y;
and = x: y: x && y;
mergeAttrs = x : y : x // y;
# Take a function and evaluate it with its own returned value.
fix = f: let result = f result; in result;

View file

@ -5303,7 +5303,7 @@ let
}; };
perlTaskCatalystTutorial = buildPerlPackage { perlTaskCatalystTutorial = buildPerlPackage {
name = "Task-Catalyst-Tutorial"; name = "Task-Catalyst-Tutorial-0.03";
src = fetchurl { src = fetchurl {
url = mirror://cpan/authors/id/J/JR/JROCKWAY/Task-Catalyst-Tutorial-0.03.tar.gz; url = mirror://cpan/authors/id/J/JR/JROCKWAY/Task-Catalyst-Tutorial-0.03.tar.gz;
sha256 = "1f9nqg8h455s8dah482hf78i3h2bilji26i5m3lzr2cxws98lsak"; sha256 = "1f9nqg8h455s8dah482hf78i3h2bilji26i5m3lzr2cxws98lsak";
@ -7480,12 +7480,10 @@ let
firefox3Wrapper = wrapFirefox firefox3 "firefox" ""; firefox3Wrapper = wrapFirefox firefox3 "firefox" "";
firefox3b1BinWrapper = lowPrio (wrapFirefox firefox3b1Bin "firefox" ""); firefox3b1BinWrapper = lowPrio (wrapFirefox firefox3b1Bin "firefox" "");
flacAlts = import ../applications/audio/flac { flac = import ../applications/audio/flac {
inherit fetchurl stdenv libogg; inherit fetchurl stdenv libogg;
}; };
flac = getVersion "flac" flacAlts;
flashplayer = flashplayer10; flashplayer = flashplayer10;
flashplayer9 = import ../applications/networking/browsers/mozilla-plugins/flashplayer-9 { flashplayer9 = import ../applications/networking/browsers/mozilla-plugins/flashplayer-9 {
@ -8618,7 +8616,6 @@ let
saneBackends chmlib python libzip gmp sqlite libidn runCommand lib saneBackends chmlib python libzip gmp sqlite libidn runCommand lib
openbabel ocaml facile stdenv jasper fam indilib libnova openbabel ocaml facile stdenv jasper fam indilib libnova
libarchive dbus bison; libarchive dbus bison;
#flac = builtins.getAttr "1.1.2" flacAlts;
cdparanoia = cdparanoiaIII; cdparanoia = cdparanoiaIII;
inherit (xlibs) inherit (xlibs)
inputproto kbproto scrnsaverproto xextproto xf86miscproto inputproto kbproto scrnsaverproto xextproto xf86miscproto

View file

@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ args: with args; with stringsWithDeps; with lib;
(optional (getAttr ["forceCopyDoc"] true args) "doc"); (optional (getAttr ["forceCopyDoc"] true args) "doc");
hasSuffixHack = a: b: hasSuffix (a+(substring 0 0 b)) ((substring 0 0 a)+b);
archiveType = s: archiveType = s:
(if hasSuffixHack ".tar" s then "tar" (if hasSuffixHack ".tar" s then "tar"
else if (hasSuffixHack ".tar.gz" s) || (hasSuffixHack ".tgz" s) then "tgz" else if (hasSuffixHack ".tar.gz" s) || (hasSuffixHack ".tgz" s) then "tgz"