Jan Tojnar 6ecc641d08
doc: prepare for commonmark
We are still using Pandoc’s Markdown parser, which differs from CommonMark spec slightly.

- Line breaks in lists behave differently.
- Admonitions do not support the simpler syntax
- The auto_identifiers uses a different algorithm – I made the previous ones explicit.
- Languages (classes) of code blocks cannot contain whitespace so we have to use “pycon” alias instead of Python “console” as GitHub’s linguist

While at it, I also fixed the following issues:
- ShellSesssion was used
- Removed some pointless docbook tags.
2021-06-07 06:34:59 +02:00

2.3 KiB


Build wrapped Firefox with extensions and policies

The wrapFirefox function allows to pass policies, preferences and extension that are available to firefox. With the help of fetchFirefoxAddon this allows build a firefox version that already comes with addons pre-installed:

  myFirefox = wrapFirefox firefox-unwrapped {
    nixExtensions = [
      (fetchFirefoxAddon {
        name = "ublock"; # Has to be unique!
        url = "";
        sha256 = "1h768ljlh3pi23l27qp961v1hd0nbj2vasgy11bmcrlqp40zgvnr";

    extraPolicies = {
      CaptivePortal = false;
      DisableFirefoxStudies = true;
      DisablePocket = true;
      DisableTelemetry = true;
      DisableFirefoxAccounts = true;
      FirefoxHome = {
        Pocket = false;
        Snippets = false;
       UserMessaging = {
         ExtensionRecommendations = false;
         SkipOnboarding = true;

    extraPrefs = ''
      // Show more ssl cert infos
      lockPref("security.identityblock.show_extended_validation", true);

If nixExtensions != null then all manually installed addons will be uninstalled from your browser profile. To view available enterprise policies visit enterprise policies or type into the Firefox url bar: about:policies#documentation. Nix installed addons do not have a valid signature, which is why signature verification is disabled. This does not compromise security because downloaded addons are checksumed and manual addons can't be installed. Also make sure that the name field of fetchFirefoxAddon is unique. If you remove an addon from the nixExtensions array, rebuild and start Firefox the removed addon will be completly removed with all of its settings.


If addons do not appear installed although they have been defined in your nix configuration file reset the local addon state of your Firefox profile by clicking help -> restart with addons disabled -> restart -> refresh firefox. This can happen if you switch from manual addon mode to nix addon mode and then back to manual mode and then again to nix addon mode.