
This commit is contained in:
nek0 2017-12-12 13:12:47 +01:00
parent aa7be84883
commit 64537fe1c7
4 changed files with 64 additions and 66 deletions

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@ -4,3 +4,4 @@ module Affection.MessageBus.Message
import Affection.MessageBus.Message.Class as M
import Affection.MessageBus.Message.WindowMessage as M
import Affection.MessageBus.Message.KeyboardMessage as M

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@ -11,79 +11,79 @@ import qualified SDL
import Linear (V2(..))
data WindowMessage
= MsgEngineReady Word32
| MsgWindowShown
-- = MsgEngineReady Word32
= MsgWindowShow
{ msgWSWhen :: Word32
, msgWSWindow :: SDL.Window
| MsgWindowHidden
| MsgWindowHide
{ msgWHWhen :: Word32
, msgWHWindow :: SDL.Window
| MsgWindowExposed
| MsgWindowExpose
{ msgWEWhen :: Word32
, msgWEWindow :: SDL.Window
| MsgWindowMoved
| MsgWindowMove
{ msgWMWhen :: Word32
, msgWMWindow :: SDL.Window
, msgWMNewPos :: V2 Int32
| MsgWindowResized
| MsgWindowResize
{ msgWRWhen :: Word32
, msgWRWindow :: SDL.Window
, msgWRNewSize :: V2 Int32
| MsgWindowSizeChanged
| MsgWindowSizeChange
{ msgWSCWhen :: Word32
, msgWSCWindow :: SDL.Window
| MsgWindowMinimized
| MsgWindowMinimize
{ msgWMinWhen :: Word32
, msgWMinWindow :: SDL.Window
| MsgWindowMaximized
| MsgWindowMaximize
{ msgWMaxWhen :: Word32
, msgWMaxWindow :: SDL.Window
| MsgWindowRestored
| MsgWindowRestore
{ msgWRestWhen :: Word32
, msgWRestWindow :: SDL.Window
| MsgWindowGainedMouseFocus
| MsgWindowGainMouseFocus
{ msgWGMFWhen :: Word32
, msgWGMFWindow :: SDL.Window
| MsgWindowLostMouseFocus
| MsgWindowLoseMouseFocus
{ msgWLMFWhen :: Word32
, msgWLMFWindow :: SDL.Window
| MsgWindowGainedKeyboardFocus
| MsgWindowGainKeyboardFocus
{ msgWGKFWhen :: Word32
, msgWGKFWindow :: SDL.Window
| MsgWindowLostKeyboardFocus
| MsgWindowLoseKeyboardFocus
{ msgWLKFWhen :: Word32
, msgWLKFWindow :: SDL.Window
| MsgWindowClosed
| MsgWindowClose
{ msgWCWhen :: Word32
, msgWCWindow :: SDL.Window
instance Message WindowMessage where
msgTime (MsgEngineReady t) = t
msgTime (MsgWindowShown t _) = t
msgTime (MsgWindowHidden t _) = t
msgTime (MsgWindowExposed t _) = t
msgTime (MsgWindowMoved t _ _) = t
msgTime (MsgWindowResized t _ _) = t
msgTime (MsgWindowSizeChanged t _) = t
msgTime (MsgWindowMinimized t _) = t
msgTime (MsgWindowMaximized t _) = t
msgTime (MsgWindowRestored t _) = t
msgTime (MsgWindowGainedMouseFocus t _) = t
msgTime (MsgWindowLostMouseFocus t _) = t
msgTime (MsgWindowGainedKeyboardFocus t _) = t
msgTime (MsgWindowLostKeyboardFocus t _) = t
msgTime (MsgWindowClosed t _) = t
-- msgTime (MsgEngineReady t) = t
msgTime (MsgWindowShow t _) = t
msgTime (MsgWindowHide t _) = t
msgTime (MsgWindowExpose t _) = t
msgTime (MsgWindowMove t _ _) = t
msgTime (MsgWindowResize t _ _) = t
msgTime (MsgWindowSizeChange t _) = t
msgTime (MsgWindowMinimize t _) = t
msgTime (MsgWindowMaximize t _) = t
msgTime (MsgWindowRestore t _) = t
msgTime (MsgWindowGainMouseFocus t _) = t
msgTime (MsgWindowLoseMouseFocus t _) = t
msgTime (MsgWindowGainKeyboardFocus t _) = t
msgTime (MsgWindowLoseKeyboardFocus t _) = t
msgTime (MsgWindowClose t _) = t

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@ -1,84 +1,80 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
module Affection.Subsystems.AffectionWindow where
import Affection.MessageBus
import Affection.Subsystems.Class
import Affection.Types
import Control.Monad.State.Class (gets)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import qualified SDL
data AffectionWindow m = AffectionWindow
{ windowChannel :: Channel m
data AffectionWindow = AffectionWindow
{ windowInChannel :: Channel WindowMessage
, windowOutChannel :: Channel WindowMessage
instance (Message m) => Participant (AffectionWindow m) m where
partChannel = windowChannel
instance Participant AffectionWindow WindowMessage where
partChannel = windowOutChannel
partInit = do
chan <- gets messageChannel :: Affection sd m (Channel m)
nchan <- liftIO $ dupChannel $ chan
partInit ichan = do
ochan <- liftIO $ newBroadcastChannel
return $ AffectionWindow
{ windowChannel = nchan
{ windowOutChannel = ochan
, windowInChannel = ichan
partListen p = do
let chan = partChannel p
mmsg <- tryPeekChannel chan
return mmsg
partListen p =
liftIO $ tryPeekChannel (windowInChannel p)
partEmit p message = do
let chan = partChannel p
writeChannel chan message
partEmit p message =
liftIO $ writeChannel (windowOutChannel p) message
instance Subsystem (AffectionWindow SystemMessage) SystemMessage where
consumeEvents aw evs = doConsume evs
instance SDLSubsystem AffectionWindow WindowMessage where
consumeSDLEvents aw evs = doConsume evs
doConsume [] = return []
doConsume (e:es) = case SDL.eventPayload e of
SDL.WindowShownEvent (SDL.WindowShownEventData window) -> do
partEmit aw (MsgWindowShown (SDL.eventTimestamp e) window)
partEmit aw (MsgWindowShow (SDL.eventTimestamp e) window)
doConsume es
SDL.WindowHiddenEvent (SDL.WindowHiddenEventData window) -> do
partEmit aw (MsgWindowHidden (SDL.eventTimestamp e) window)
partEmit aw (MsgWindowHide (SDL.eventTimestamp e) window)
doConsume es
SDL.WindowExposedEvent (SDL.WindowExposedEventData window) -> do
partEmit aw (MsgWindowExposed (SDL.eventTimestamp e) window)
partEmit aw (MsgWindowExpose (SDL.eventTimestamp e) window)
doConsume es
SDL.WindowMovedEvent (SDL.WindowMovedEventData window (SDL.P newPos)) -> do
partEmit aw (MsgWindowMoved (SDL.eventTimestamp e) window newPos)
partEmit aw (MsgWindowMove (SDL.eventTimestamp e) window newPos)
doConsume es
SDL.WindowResizedEvent (SDL.WindowResizedEventData window newSize) -> do
partEmit aw (MsgWindowResized (SDL.eventTimestamp e) window newSize)
partEmit aw (MsgWindowResize (SDL.eventTimestamp e) window newSize)
doConsume es
SDL.WindowSizeChangedEvent (SDL.WindowSizeChangedEventData window) -> do
partEmit aw (MsgWindowSizeChanged (SDL.eventTimestamp e) window)
partEmit aw (MsgWindowSizeChange (SDL.eventTimestamp e) window)
doConsume es
SDL.WindowMinimizedEvent (SDL.WindowMinimizedEventData window) -> do
partEmit aw (MsgWindowMinimized (SDL.eventTimestamp e) window)
partEmit aw (MsgWindowMinimize (SDL.eventTimestamp e) window)
doConsume es
SDL.WindowMaximizedEvent (SDL.WindowMaximizedEventData window) -> do
partEmit aw (MsgWindowMaximized (SDL.eventTimestamp e) window)
partEmit aw (MsgWindowMaximize (SDL.eventTimestamp e) window)
doConsume es
SDL.WindowRestoredEvent (SDL.WindowRestoredEventData window) -> do
partEmit aw (MsgWindowRestored (SDL.eventTimestamp e) window)
partEmit aw (MsgWindowRestore (SDL.eventTimestamp e) window)
doConsume es
SDL.WindowGainedMouseFocusEvent (SDL.WindowGainedMouseFocusEventData window) -> do
partEmit aw (MsgWindowGainedMouseFocus (SDL.eventTimestamp e) window)
partEmit aw (MsgWindowGainMouseFocus (SDL.eventTimestamp e) window)
doConsume es
SDL.WindowLostMouseFocusEvent (SDL.WindowLostMouseFocusEventData window) -> do
partEmit aw (MsgWindowLostMouseFocus (SDL.eventTimestamp e) window)
partEmit aw (MsgWindowLoseMouseFocus (SDL.eventTimestamp e) window)
doConsume es
SDL.WindowGainedKeyboardFocusEvent (SDL.WindowGainedKeyboardFocusEventData window) -> do
partEmit aw (MsgWindowGainedKeyboardFocus (SDL.eventTimestamp e) window)
partEmit aw (MsgWindowGainKeyboardFocus (SDL.eventTimestamp e) window)
doConsume es
SDL.WindowLostKeyboardFocusEvent (SDL.WindowLostKeyboardFocusEventData window) -> do
partEmit aw (MsgWindowLostKeyboardFocus (SDL.eventTimestamp e) window)
partEmit aw (MsgWindowLoseKeyboardFocus (SDL.eventTimestamp e) window)
doConsume es
SDL.WindowClosedEvent (SDL.WindowClosedEventData window) -> do
partEmit aw (MsgWindowClosed (SDL.eventTimestamp e) window)
partEmit aw (MsgWindowClose (SDL.eventTimestamp e) window)
doConsume es
_ -> fmap (e :) (doConsume es)

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@ -2,9 +2,10 @@
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
module Affection.Subsystems.Class where
import Affection.Types
import Affection.MessageBus
import qualified SDL
class (Message m, Participant s m) => Subsystem s m where
consumeEvents :: s -> [SDL.Event] -> IO [SDL.Event]
class (Message m, Participant s m) => SDLSubsystem s m where
consumeSDLEvents :: s -> [SDL.Event] -> Affection sd [SDL.Event]