2017-12-16 11:57:58 +01:00

134 lines
3.7 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
import Affection
import qualified SDL
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
newtype StateData = StateData
{ sdSubs :: Subsystems
data Subsystems = Subsystems
{ subWindow :: Window
, subMouse :: Mouse
, subKeyboard :: Keyboard
newtype Window = Window (TVar [(UUID, WindowMessage -> Affection StateData ())])
newtype Mouse = Mouse (TVar [(UUID, MouseMessage -> Affection StateData ())])
newtype Keyboard = Keyboard (TVar [(UUID, KeyboardMessage -> Affection StateData ())])
instance Participant Window WindowMessage StateData where
partSubscribers (Window t) = do
subTups <- liftIO $ readTVarIO t
return $ map snd subTups
partSubscribe (Window t) = generalSubscribe t
partUnSubscribe (Window t) uuid =
liftIO $ atomically $ modifyTVar' t (filter (\(u, _) -> u /= uuid))
instance SDLSubsystem Window StateData where
consumeSDLEvents = consumeSDLWindowEvents
instance Participant Mouse MouseMessage StateData where
partSubscribers (Mouse t) = do
subTups <- liftIO $ readTVarIO t
return $ map snd subTups
partSubscribe (Mouse t) = generalSubscribe t
partUnSubscribe (Mouse t) uuid =
liftIO $ atomically $ modifyTVar' t (filter (\(u, _) -> u /= uuid))
instance SDLSubsystem Mouse StateData where
consumeSDLEvents = consumeSDLMouseEvents
instance Participant Keyboard KeyboardMessage StateData where
partSubscribers (Keyboard t) = do
subTups <- liftIO $ readTVarIO t
return $ map snd subTups
partSubscribe (Keyboard t) = generalSubscribe t
partUnSubscribe (Keyboard t) uuid =
liftIO $ atomically $ modifyTVar' t (filter (\(u, _) -> u /= uuid))
instance SDLSubsystem Keyboard StateData where
consumeSDLEvents = consumeSDLKeyboardEvents
generalSubscribe t funct = do
uuid <- genUUID
liftIO $ atomically $ modifyTVar' t ((uuid, funct) :)
return uuid
main :: IO ()
main = do
logIO Debug "Starting"
let conf = AffectionConfig
{ initComponents = All
, windowTitle = "affection: example00"
, windowConfig = SDL.defaultWindow
{ SDL.windowOpenGL = Just SDL.defaultOpenGL
{ SDL.glProfile = SDL.Core SDL.Normal 3 3
, initScreenMode = SDL.Windowed
, canvasSize = Nothing
, loadState = load
, preLoop = pre
, eventLoop = handle
, updateLoop = update
, drawLoop = draw
, cleanUp = clean
withAffection conf
load :: IO StateData
load = do
empty1 <- newTVarIO [] -- ([] :: [(UUID, WindowMessage -> Affection StateData ())])
empty2 <- newTVarIO [] -- ([] :: [(UUID, MouseMessage -> Affection StateData ())])
empty3 <- newTVarIO [] -- ([] :: [(UUID, KeyboardMessage -> Affection StateData ())])
return $ StateData $ Subsystems
(Window empty1)
(Mouse empty2)
(Keyboard empty3)
pre :: Affection StateData ()
pre = do
sd <- getAffection
_ <- partSubscribe (subKeyboard $ sdSubs sd) exitOnQ
_ <- partSubscribe (subWindow $ sdSubs sd) exitOnWindowClose
return ()
exitOnQ :: KeyboardMessage -> Affection StateData ()
exitOnQ (MsgKeyboardEvent _ _ _ _ sym) =
case SDL.keysymKeycode sym of
SDL.KeycodeQ -> do
liftIO $ logIO Debug "Yo dog I heard..."
_ -> return ()
exitOnWindowClose :: WindowMessage -> Affection StateData ()
exitOnWindowClose wm =
case wm of
MsgWindowClose _ _ -> do
liftIO $ logIO Debug "I heard another one..."
_ -> return ()
handle :: [SDL.EventPayload] -> Affection StateData ()
handle es = do
(Subsystems a b c) <- sdSubs <$> getAffection
_ <- consumeSDLEvents a es
_ <- consumeSDLEvents b es
_ <- consumeSDLEvents c es
return ()
update _ = return ()
draw = return ()
clean _ = return ()