broadphase saves a bit of the day

This commit is contained in:
nek0 2021-03-04 01:56:42 +01:00
parent c7f4f00a2f
commit 7799387cf2
2 changed files with 97 additions and 85 deletions

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@ -87,58 +87,68 @@ class (Show c, Mass c) => Collidible c where
b21@(V2 b2minx b2miny) = fst b2
b22@(V2 b2maxx b2maxy) = snd b2
in2 =
(b1minx > b2minx && b1minx < b2maxx && b1miny > b2miny && b1miny < b2maxy) ||
(b1maxx > b2minx && b1maxx < b2maxx && b1miny > b2miny && b1miny < b2maxy) ||
(b1minx > b2minx && b1minx < b2maxx && b1maxy > b2miny && b1maxy < b2maxy) ||
(b1maxx > b2minx && b1maxx < b2maxx && b1maxy > b2miny && b1maxy < b2maxy)
(b1minx > b2minx && b1minx < b2maxx &&
b1miny > b2miny && b1miny < b2maxy) ||
(b1maxx > b2minx && b1maxx < b2maxx &&
b1miny > b2miny && b1miny < b2maxy) ||
(b1minx > b2minx && b1minx < b2maxx &&
b1maxy > b2miny && b1maxy < b2maxy) ||
(b1maxx > b2minx && b1maxx < b2maxx &&
b1maxy > b2miny && b1maxy < b2maxy)
in1 =
(b2minx > b1minx && b2minx < b1maxx && b2miny > b1miny && b2miny < b1maxy) ||
(b2maxx > b1minx && b2maxx < b1maxx && b2miny > b1miny && b2miny < b1maxy) ||
(b2minx > b1minx && b2minx < b1maxx && b2maxy > b1miny && b2maxy < b1maxy) ||
(b2maxx > b1minx && b2maxx < b1maxx && b2maxy > b1miny && b2maxy < b1maxy)
(b2minx > b1minx && b2minx < b1maxx &&
b2miny > b1miny && b2miny < b1maxy) ||
(b2maxx > b1minx && b2maxx < b1maxx &&
b2miny > b1miny && b2miny < b1maxy) ||
(b2minx > b1minx && b2minx < b1maxx &&
b2maxy > b1miny && b2maxy < b1maxy) ||
(b2maxx > b1minx && b2maxx < b1maxx &&
b2maxy > b1miny && b2maxy < b1maxy)
in2 || in1
tx =
let p1x = (\(V2 x _) -> x) (if d1x < 0 then m1p1 else m1p3)
p2x = (\(V2 x _) -> x) (if d1x < 0 then m2p3 else m2p1)
let p1x = (\(V2 x _) -> x) (if d1x < 0 then m1p1 else m1p4)
p2x = (\(V2 x _) -> x) (if d1x < 0 then m2p4 else m2p1)
(p1x - p2x) / (d2x - d1x)
if d2x - d1x == 0 then dt else (p1x - p2x) / (d2x - d1x)
ty =
let p1y = (\(V2 _ y) -> y) (if d1y < 0 then m1p1 else m1p3)
p2y = (\(V2 _ y) -> y) (if d1y < 0 then m2p3 else m2p1)
let p1y = (\(V2 _ y) -> y) (if d1y < 0 then m1p1 else m1p2)
p2y = (\(V2 _ y) -> y) (if d1y < 0 then m2p2 else m2p1)
(p1y - p2y) / (d2y - d1y)
if d2y - d1y == 0 then dt else (p1y - p2y) / (d2y - d1y)
if broadphaseOverlap
if tx < ty
if tx < dt
if d1x < 0
let g1s = m1p1 + ((tx *) <$> d1)
g1e = m1p2 + ((tx *) <$> d1)
g2s = m2p3 + ((tx *) <$> d2)
g2e = m2p4 + ((tx *) <$> d2)
let (V2 _ g1s) = m1p1 + ((tx *) <$> d1)
(V2 _ g1e) = m1p2 + ((tx *) <$> d1)
(V2 _ g2s) = m2p4 + ((tx *) <$> d2)
(V2 _ g2e) = m2p3 + ((tx *) <$> d2)
s11 = (g1s - g2s) / (g2e - g2s)
s12 = (g1e - g2s) / (g2e - g2s)
s21 = (g2s - g1s) / (g1e - g1s)
s22 = (g2e - g1s) / (g1e - g1s)
if any (\x -> x > 0 && x < 1) [s11, s12, s21 ,s22]
then Collision tx (V2 (floor $ signum (-d1x)) 0)
then Collision tx (V2 (floor $ signum d1x) 0)
else NoCollision
let g1s = m1p3 + ((tx *) <$> d1)
g1e = m1p4 + ((tx *) <$> d1)
g2s = m2p1 + ((tx *) <$> d2)
g2e = m2p2 + ((tx *) <$> d2)
let (V2 _ g1s) = m1p4 + ((tx *) <$> d1)
(V2 _ g1e) = m1p3 + ((tx *) <$> d1)
(V2 _ g2s) = m2p1 + ((tx *) <$> d2)
(V2 _ g2e) = m2p2 + ((tx *) <$> d2)
s11 = (g1s - g2s) / (g2e - g2s)
s12 = (g1e - g2s) / (g2e - g2s)
s21 = (g2s - g1s) / (g1e - g1s)
s22 = (g2e - g1s) / (g1e - g1s)
if any (\x -> x > 0 && x < 1) [s11, s12, s21 ,s22]
then Collision tx (V2 (floor $ signum (-d1x)) 0)
if any (\x -> x > 0 && x < 1) ((\s ->A.log A.Debug ("s: " <> fromString (show s)) s) [s11, s12, s21 ,s22])
then Collision tx (V2 (floor $ signum d1x) 0)
else NoCollision
@ -147,33 +157,35 @@ class (Show c, Mass c) => Collidible c where
if d1y < 0
let g1s = m1p2 + ((ty *) <$> d1)
g1e = m1p3 + ((ty *) <$> d1)
g2s = m2p4 + ((ty *) <$> d2)
g2e = m2p1 + ((ty *) <$> d2)
let (V2 g1s _) = m1p2 + ((ty *) <$> d1)
(V2 g1e _) = m1p3 + ((ty *) <$> d1)
(V2 g2s _) = m2p1 + ((ty *) <$> d2)
(V2 g2e _) = m2p4 + ((ty *) <$> d2)
s11 = (g1s - g2s) / (g2e - g2s)
s12 = (g1e - g2s) / (g2e - g2s)
s21 = (g2s - g1s) / (g1e - g1s)
s22 = (g2e - g1s) / (g1e - g1s)
if any (\x -> x > 0 && x < 1) [s11, s12, s21 ,s22]
then Collision ty (V2 0 (floor $ signum (-d1y)))
then Collision ty (V2 0 (floor $ signum d1y))
else NoCollision
let g1s = m1p4 + ((ty *) <$> d1)
g1e = m1p1 + ((ty *) <$> d1)
g2s = m2p2 + ((ty *) <$> d2)
g2e = m2p3 + ((ty *) <$> d2)
let (V2 g1s _) = m1p1 + ((ty *) <$> d1)
(V2 g1e _) = m1p4 + ((ty *) <$> d1)
(V2 g2s _) = m2p2 + ((ty *) <$> d2)
(V2 g2e _) = m2p3 + ((ty *) <$> d2)
s11 = (g1s - g2s) / (g2e - g2s)
s12 = (g1e - g2s) / (g2e - g2s)
s21 = (g2s - g1s) / (g1e - g1s)
s22 = (g2e - g1s) / (g1e - g1s)
if any (\x -> x > 0 && x < 1) [s11, s12, s21 ,s22]
then Collision ty (V2 0 (floor $ signum (-d1y)))
then Collision ty (V2 0 (floor $ signum d1y))
else NoCollision
-- | This Function is called for every collision on both colliding objects.
@ -252,16 +264,16 @@ elasticCollision damping mo1 mo2 (Collision ddt (V2 dirx diry)) =
((positionUpdater mo1)
(p1 +
if ddt == 0
if abs bx < abs by
V2 bx 0
V2 0 by
V2 0 0
(p1 + ((ddt *) <$> v1)
-- if ddt == 0
-- then
-- if abs bx < abs by
-- then
-- V2 bx 0
-- else
-- V2 0 by
-- else
-- V2 0 0
) nvel

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@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ instance Collidible Pituicat where
nvel@(V2 dx dy) = velocity ncat
grounded =
(dy * ddt) >= 0 &&
(dy * ddt) < 2 && diry == -1
(dy * ddt) < 5 && diry == -1