2020-09-20 19:05:26 +02:00

482 lines
18 KiB

\author{Amedeo Molnár}
\title{Pituicat -- Beat Chart}
\section{The Sewer}
\textbf{Level: The Sewer 1} &
\textbf{Level: The Sewer 2} &
\textbf{Level: The Sewer 3} &
\textbf{Level: The Sewer 4} \\
\textbf{Name: The Sewer -- This is (not) the end} &
\textbf{Name: The Sewer -- Fish and Chips} &
\textbf{Name: The Sewer -- Ratty business} &
\textbf{Name: The Sewer -- Facing the King} \\
\textbf{Story:} Pituicat awakens in a dark corner
of the sewers. &
\textbf{Story:} Pituicat crosses the sewer, encounters
first rat scouts. &
\textbf{Story:} Pituicat has to fights his way through
the sewer. &
\textbf{Story:} King Rat is furious about Pituicat
entering his domain and fights. \\
\textbf{Progression:} Player taught basic movement,
combat and collecting powerups &
\textbf{Progression:} Player crosses first level and
collects first powerups and solves first puzzles &
\textbf{Progression:} Player solves more complex
and encounters lots of rats &
\textbf{Progression:} Player fights
\enquote{King Rat} \\
\textbf{Est. play time:} 15 min. &
\textbf{Est. play time:} 15 min. &
\textbf{Est. play time:} 15 min. &
\textbf{Est. play time:} 5 min. \\
\textbf{Color map:} brownish tones (eww!), red
(bricks, pipes), yellow (lights), blue (pipes) &
\textbf{Color map:} brownish tones (eww!), red
(bricks, pipes), yellow (lights), blue (pipes),
yellowish blue (water?) &
\textbf{Color map:} brownish tones (eww!), red
(bricks, pipes), yellow (lights), blue (pipes),
yellowish blue (water?) &
\textbf{Color map:} brownish tones (eww!, Wood), red
(bricks, pipes), yellow (lights), blue (pipes),
yellowish blue (water?) \\
\textbf{Enemies}: Woodlice, Goldfish &
\textbf{Enemies}: Woodlice, Goldfish, Rat scout &
\textbf{Enemies}: Woodlice, Goldfish, Rat scout, Rat,
Big Rat &
\textbf{Enemies}: \enquote{King Rat} \\
\textbf{Mechanics:} Wall jump &
\textbf{Mechanics:} Wall jump &
\textbf{Mechanics:} Wall jump &
\textbf{Mechanics:} Wall jump \\
\textbf{Hazards:} Cracky platform, Sewage &
\textbf{Hazards:} Cracky platform, Sewage, Sewage Drops &
\textbf{Hazards:} Cracky platform, Sewage, Sewage Drops,
Slippery ground &
\textbf{Hazards:} None \\
\textbf{Power-ups:} Peptide, Oily Emulsion &
\textbf{Power-ups:} Peptide, Oily Emulsion &
\textbf{Power-ups:} Peptide, Oily Emulsion &
\textbf{Power-ups:} Peptide, Oily Emulsion \\
\textbf{Economy:} None &
\textbf{Economy:} DNA-Fragment &
\textbf{Economy:} None &
\textbf{Economy:} DNA-Fragment \\
\textbf{Puzzles:} Light switch &
\textbf{Puzzles:} Timed pump activation run &
\textbf{Puzzles:} Slime ground maze &
\textbf{Puzzles:} None \\
\textbf{Music track:} TBD &
\textbf{Music track:} TBD &
\textbf{Music track:} TBD &
\textbf{Music track:} TBD \\
\section{Back Alley}
\textbf{Level: Back Alley 1} &
\textbf{Level: Back Alley 2} &
\textbf{Level: Back Alley 3} &
\textbf{Level: Back Alley 4} \\
\textbf{Name: Back Alley -- Under pressure} &
\textbf{Name: Back Alley -- Light of day} &
\textbf{Name: Back Alley -- Up the Pipe} &
\textbf{Name: Back Alley -- Shadow in the sky} \\
\textbf{Story:} Pituicat first reaches the world above
ground since transformation and is greeted by a
garbage compressor. &
\textbf{Story:} After getting out of the garbage
Compressor the back alley is open for exploration. &
\textbf{Story:} To get out of the alley to the lab
Pituicat has to get higher up. &
\textbf{Story:} The roof is reached, but guarded by a
raven. \\
\textbf{Progression:} Player reaches new stage and is
introduced to new Powerup &
\textbf{Progression:} Player has to traverse a mostly
vertical level to get above the garbage containers &
\textbf{Progression:} Player climbs through garbage
chutes and over fire excape ladders to get to the roof
\textbf{Progression:} Player fights
\enquote{The Raven} \\
\textbf{Est. play time:} 15 min. &
\textbf{Est. play time:} 15 min. &
\textbf{Est. play time:} 15 min. &
\textbf{Est. play time:} 5 min. \\
\textbf{Color map:} red (bricks), blueish grey
(steel), grey (asphalt, concrete) &
\textbf{Color map:} red (bricks), blueish grey
(steel), grey (asphalt, concrete) &
\textbf{Color map:} red (bricks), blueish grey
(steel), grey (asphalt, concrete),
blue/black (glass panes) &
\textbf{Color map:} grey (roof), white (air chutes),
red (brick), blue (glass panes) \\
\textbf{Enemies}: Rat, Spider, Big Spider &
\textbf{Enemies}: Rat, Spider, Big Spider, Cleaner Bot
\textbf{Enemies}: Spider, Big Spider, Sparrow &
\textbf{Enemies}: \enquote{The Raven} \\
\textbf{Mechanics:} Wall Jump &
\textbf{Mechanics:} Wall Jump &
\textbf{Mechanics:} Wall Jump &
\textbf{Mechanics:} Wall Jump \\
\textbf{Hazards:} Glass shard pit, Battery acid,
conveyor belt, cardboard platform (breaks) &
\textbf{Hazards:} Glass shard pit, Battery acid,
conveyor belt, cardboard platform (breaks),
dripping bleh &
\textbf{Hazards:} conveyor belt,
cardboard platform (breaks),
dripping bleh &
\textbf{Hazards:} None \\
\textbf{Power-ups:} Peptide, Oily Emulsion, Latex &
\textbf{Power-ups:} Peptide, Oily Emulsion, Latex &
\textbf{Power-ups:} Peptide, Oily Emulsion, Latex &
\textbf{Power-ups:} Peptide, Oily Emulsion, Latex \\
\textbf{Economy:} None &
\textbf{Economy:} DNA-Fragment &
\textbf{Economy:} None &
\textbf{Economy:} DNA-Fragment \\
\textbf{Puzzles:} Disable garbage compressor &
\textbf{Puzzles:} Find and shutt off breakers for bad
wiring &
\textbf{Puzzles:} trick a flock of birds into going
somewhere else &
\textbf{Puzzles:} None \\
\textbf{Music track:} TBD &
\textbf{Music track:} TBD &
\textbf{Music track:} TBD &
\textbf{Music track:} TBD \\
\section{Abandoned Lab}
\textbf{Level: Abandoned Lab 1} &
\textbf{Level: Abandoned Lab 2} &
\textbf{Level: Abandoned Lab 3} &
\textbf{Level: Abandoned Lab 4} \\
\textbf{Name: Abandoned Lab -- Knock Knock} &
\textbf{Name: Abandoned Lab -- Downwards} &
\textbf{Name: Abandoned Lab -- Back home?} &
\textbf{Name: Abandoned Lab -- The Experiment} \\
\textbf{Story:} Pituicat enters its former home through a ventilation chute on the
roof. &
\textbf{Story:} Pituicat has to find a way through the ventilation system. &
\textbf{Story:} Pituicat finds its old now mostly empty home and looks for his
owner, but someone seems to have claimed the lab in the meantime. &
\textbf{Story:} Pituicat fights the claimer of the lab. \\
\textbf{Progression:} Player is introduced to new stage and new powerup &
\textbf{Progression:} Player has to traverse a labyrinthine level &
\textbf{Progression:} Player crosses tha lab and fights through hordes of
enemies &
\textbf{Progression:} Player faces and fights \enquote{CyberPsy} \\
\textbf{Est. play time:} 15 min. &
\textbf{Est. play time:} 15 min. &
\textbf{Est. play time:} 15 min. &
\textbf{Est. play time:} 5 min. \\
\textbf{Color map:} greyish blue (steel), red (rust), brown (wood) &
\textbf{Color map:} greyish blue (steel), red (rust), brown (wood) &
\textbf{Color map:} grey-white (walls), brown (wood, furniture) &
\textbf{Color map:} grey-white (walls), brown (wood, furniture) \\
\textbf{Enemies}: Crazy Hamster, CyberSpider &
\textbf{Enemies}: Crazy Hamster, CyberSpider, CyberHamster &
\textbf{Enemies}: Crazy Hamster, CyberSpider, CyberHamster, PsyHamster &
\textbf{Enemies}: \enquote{CyberPsy} \\
\textbf{Mechanics:} Wall Jump &
\textbf{Mechanics:} Wall Jump &
\textbf{Mechanics:} Wall Jump &
\textbf{Mechanics:} Wall Jump \\
\textbf{Hazards:} Ventilator, UV-Sterilizer &
\textbf{Hazards:} Ventilator, UV-Sterilizer, Laser Trap &
\textbf{Hazards:} Robotic Limbs, Acid Puddle, Laser Trap, Explosive Bottles &
\textbf{Hazards:} None \\
\textbf{Power-ups:} Peptide, Oily Emulsion, Latex, Organic lead &
\textbf{Power-ups:} Peptide, Oily Emulsion, Latex, Organic lead &
\textbf{Power-ups:} Peptide, Oily Emulsion, Latex, Organic lead &
\textbf{Power-ups:} Peptide, Oily Emulsion, Latex, Organic lead \\
\textbf{Economy:} None &
\textbf{Economy:} DNA-Fragment &
\textbf{Economy:} None &
\textbf{Economy:} DNA-Fragment \\
\textbf{Puzzles:} Cross UV-Sterilizer &
\textbf{Puzzles:} Get to the bottom of the main shaft &
\textbf{Puzzles:} Deactivate shields guarding the new master of the lab &
\textbf{Puzzles:} None \\
\textbf{Music track:} TBD &
\textbf{Music track:} TBD &
\textbf{Music track:} TBD &
\textbf{Music track:} TBD \\
\section{The Highway}
\textbf{Level: The Highway 1} &
\textbf{Level: The Highway 2} &
\textbf{Level: The Highway 3} &
\textbf{Level: The Highway 4} \\
\textbf{Name: The Highway -- On the Road} &
\textbf{Name: The Highway -- Searing Sun} &
\textbf{Name: The Highway -- Snake Country} &
\textbf{Name: The Highway -- Serpent Dream} \\
\textbf{Story:} After defeating \enquote{CyberPsy} Pituicat makes his way to the
Highway. &
\textbf{Story:} Pituicat is on the Road to the Military-Industrial Complex. &
\textbf{Story:} Pituicat follows the Highway and enters Rattlesnake infested
areas. &
\textbf{Story:} Pituicat faces \enquote{Mother Snake}. \\
\textbf{Progression:} Player is introduced to new stage and powerup &
\textbf{Progression:} Player crosses a rather long level with scarce resources &
\textbf{Progression:} Player enters a rattlesnake infested area of the Highway &
\textbf{Progression:} Player faces \enquote{Mother Snake}, the Boss of this
Area \\
\textbf{Est. play time:} 15 min. &
\textbf{Est. play time:} 15 min. &
\textbf{Est. play time:} 15 min. &
\textbf{Est. play time:} 5 min. \\
\textbf{Color map:} grey (concrete), black (asphalt), yellowish brown (sand),
light blue (sky) &
\textbf{Color map:} grey (concrete), black (asphalt), yellowish brown (sand),
light blue (sky), brown (dirt) &
\textbf{Color map:} grey (concrete), black (asphalt), yellowish brown (sand),
light blue (sky), brown (dirt) &
\textbf{Color map:} yellowish brown (sand), brown (dirt) \\
\textbf{Enemies}: Small Yellow Lizard, Small green Lizard &
\textbf{Enemies}: Small Lizards (green and yellow),
Big Lizard (yellow and green), Tarantulas &
\textbf{Enemies}: Big Lizard (yellow and green), Snakeling, Rattlesnake &
\textbf{Enemies}: \enquote{Mother Snake}, Snakeling, Rattlesnake \\
\textbf{Mechanics:} Wall Jump &
\textbf{Mechanics:} Wall Jump &
\textbf{Mechanics:} Wall Jump &
\textbf{Mechanics:} Wall Jump \\
\textbf{Hazards:} Hot Asphalt &
\textbf{Hazards:} Hot Asphalt, Poison bait &
\textbf{Hazards:} Hot Asphalt, Poison bait, Snake nest &
\textbf{Hazards:} None \\
\textbf{Power-ups:} Peptide, Oily Emulsion, Latex, Organic lead, Antidote &
\textbf{Power-ups:} Peptide, Oily Emulsion, Latex, Organic lead, Antidote &
\textbf{Power-ups:} Peptide, Oily Emulsion, Latex, Organic lead, Antidote &
\textbf{Power-ups:} Peptide, Oily Emulsion, Latex, Organic lead, Antidote \\
\textbf{Economy:} None &
\textbf{Economy:} DNA-Fragment &
\textbf{Economy:} None &
\textbf{Economy:} DNA-Fragment \\
\textbf{Puzzles:} Avoid Lizard Traps &
\textbf{Puzzles:} Avoid long stretches of hot asphalt &
\textbf{Puzzles:} Avoid long stretches of hot asphalt and snake nests &
\textbf{Puzzles:} None \\
\textbf{Music track:} TBD &
\textbf{Music track:} TBD &
\textbf{Music track:} TBD &
\textbf{Music track:} TBD \\
\section{Military-Industrial Complex}
\textbf{Level: Military-Industrial Complex 1} &
\textbf{Level: Military-Industrial Complex 2} &
\textbf{Level: Military-Industrial Complex 3} &
\textbf{Level: Military-Industrial Complex 4} \\
\textbf{Name: Military-Industrial Complex -- Outer Ring} &
\textbf{Name: Military-Industrial Complex -- Death Zone} &
\textbf{Name: Military-Industrial Complex -- At the Gates} &
\textbf{Name: Military-Industrial Complex -- Nice Kitty?} \\
\textbf{Story:} Pituicat reaches the Military-Industrial Complex and needs to
find a way to get past the first security ring. &
\textbf{Story:} Pituicat has to cross the death zone between the outer ring and
the entrance to the Base. &
\textbf{Story:} Pituicat enters the Military-Industrial Complex and works his way
to the base. &
\textbf{Story:} Pituicat faces \enquote{M30w} guarding the base. \\
\textbf{Progression:} Introduction to new stage and powerup &
\textbf{Progression:} Crossing of a vast, open and dangerous terrain &
\textbf{Progression:} Crossing a branched Level with lots of obstacles &
\textbf{Progression:} Fight the stage boss \\
\textbf{Est. play time:} 15 min. &
\textbf{Est. play time:} 15 min. &
\textbf{Est. play time:} 15 min. &
\textbf{Est. play time:} 5 min. \\
\textbf{Color map:} black (asphalt), dark green (grasy groud), purple (sky),
dark gray (concrete, steel) &
\textbf{Color map:} black (asphalt), dark green (grasy groud), purple (sky),
dark gray (concrete, steel) &
\textbf{Color map:} black (asphalt), purple (sky), dark gray (concrete, steel) &
\textbf{Color map:} black (asphalt), purple (sky), dark gray (concrete, steel) \\
\textbf{Enemies}: Guard Dog, TaserTurret, CyberEagle, Doubleheaded Cobra &
\textbf{Enemies}: Guard Dog, CyberDog, LaserTurret, CyberEagle,
Doubleheaded Cobra, ManHack &
\textbf{Enemies}: Guard Dog, CyberDog, LaserTurret, CyberEagle,
Doubleheaded Cobra, ManHack, Armed Skimmer &
\textbf{Enemies}: \enquote{M30w} \\
\textbf{Mechanics:} Wall Jump &
\textbf{Mechanics:} Wall Jump &
\textbf{Mechanics:} Wall Jump &
\textbf{Mechanics:} Wall Jump \\
\textbf{Hazards:} Electric Fence, Ground Spikes &
\textbf{Hazards:} Electric Fence, Electrified Ground Spikes, Mines &
\textbf{Hazards:} Electric Fence, Electrified Ground Spikes, Mines,
Conveyor Belt, Industrial Press &
\textbf{Hazards:} None \\
\textbf{Power-ups:} Peptide, Oily Emulsion, Latex, Organic lead, Antidote,
Purified Caffeine &
\textbf{Power-ups:} Peptide, Oily Emulsion, Latex, Organic lead, Antidote,
Purified Caffeine &
\textbf{Power-ups:} Peptide, Oily Emulsion, Latex, Organic lead, Antidote,
Purified Caffeine &
\textbf{Power-ups:} Peptide, Oily Emulsion, Latex, Organic lead, Antidote,
Purified Caffeine \\
\textbf{Economy:} None &
\textbf{Economy:} DNA-Fragment &
\textbf{Economy:} None &
\textbf{Economy:} DNA-Fragment \\
\textbf{Puzzles:} Get over electric Fence, Turret Area, Deactivate Ground Spikes &
\textbf{Puzzles:} Deactivate electrified Ground spikes &
\textbf{Puzzles:} Deactivate the industrial machines to reach the base entrance &
\textbf{Puzzles:} None \\
\textbf{Music track:} TBD &
\textbf{Music track:} TBD &
\textbf{Music track:} TBD &
\textbf{Music track:} TBD \\
\section{Secret Base}
\textbf{Level: Secret Base 1} &
\textbf{Level: Secret Base 2} &
\textbf{Level: Secret Base 3} &
\textbf{Level: Secret Base 4} \\
\textbf{Name: Secret Base -- Into Darkness} &
\textbf{Name: Secret Base -- Elevator music} &
\textbf{Name: Secret Base -- Where the Strange Things are} &
\textbf{Name: Secret Base -- Friend or Foe?} \\
\textbf{Story:} Pituicat enters the secret base, where his owner is kept. &
\textbf{Story:} Pituicat is inside the base and has to reach the bottom most
level. &
\textbf{Story:} Pituicat reaches the bottom most level of the base and proceeds
to The Core. &
\textbf{Story:} Pituicat faces \enquote{Node Kroenen}, hos former owner. \\
\textbf{Progression:} Introduction to new stage and powerup &
\textbf{Progression:} traverse an inveresely vertical level &
\textbf{Progression:} Traverse a branched, non-linear level full of enemies &
\textbf{Progression:} The Final boss of the game \\
\textbf{Est. play time:} 15 min. &
\textbf{Est. play time:} 15 min. &
\textbf{Est. play time:} 15 min. &
\textbf{Est. play time:} 5 min. \\
\textbf{Color map:} black (ground, ceiling), blue-grey (steel),
dark grey (concrete), blue-gray (wall paint) &
\textbf{Color map:} black (ground, ceiling), blue-grey (steel),
dark grey (concrete), green-gray (wall paint) &
\textbf{Color map:} black (ground, ceiling), blue-grey (steel),
dark grey (concrete), yellow-gray (wall paint) &
\textbf{Color map:} black (ground, ceiling), blue-grey (steel),
dark grey (concrete), red-gray (wall paint) \\
\textbf{Enemies}: Armed Guard, RoboGuard, Operative &
\textbf{Enemies}: Armed Guard, RoboGuard, RoboSamurai, Operative &
\textbf{Enemies}: RoboSamurai, Operative, BrainSpider, ExploFly &
\textbf{Enemies}: \enquote{Node Kroenen} \\
\textbf{Mechanics:} Wall Jump &
\textbf{Mechanics:} Wall Jump &
\textbf{Mechanics:} Wall Jump &
\textbf{Mechanics:} Wall Jump \\
\textbf{Hazards:} Turret, Plasma Burners, Laser Barrier,
Charged MicroFilament Fence &
\textbf{Hazards:} Elevator, Electric Trap, Laser Barrier, Charged Microfilament Fence &
\textbf{Hazards:} PulsarTurret, LaserBarrier, PlasmaFilament Cutter, Enzyme Pit &
\textbf{Hazards:} None \\
\textbf{Power-ups:} Peptide, Oily Emulsion, Latex, Organic lead, Antidote,
Purified Caffeine, Agent X &
\textbf{Power-ups:} Peptide, Oily Emulsion, Latex, Organic lead, Antidote,
Purified Caffeine, Agent X &
\textbf{Power-ups:} Peptide, Oily Emulsion, Latex, Organic lead, Antidote,
Purified Caffeine, Agent X &
\textbf{Power-ups:} Peptide, Oily Emulsion, Latex, Organic lead, Antidote,
Purified Caffeine, Agent X \\
\textbf{Economy:} None &
\textbf{Economy:} DNA-Fragment &
\textbf{Economy:} None &
\textbf{Economy:} None \\
\textbf{Puzzles:} Work your way into the base &
\textbf{Puzzles:} Use elevators to pass barriers inside elevator shafts &
\textbf{Puzzles:} Deactivate various defence mechanisms &
\textbf{Puzzles:} None \\
\textbf{Music track:} TBD &
\textbf{Music track:} TBD &
\textbf{Music track:} TBD &
\textbf{Music track:} TBD \\